
Forks of m3pi

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

mbed library and test Hello World program
Library for the m3pi robot. This works with a Pololu 3pi robot with the Serial Slave firmware, and exposes and API. m3pi, robot
m3pi library
function correction on motor control adding get individual sensor function M2PI, paris, polytech, pour, sud
Added a custom wait function to enable interrupts
added buzzer function m3pi
Modified library for the m3pi robot with individual calibrated sensor measurement functionality. This works with a Pololu 3pi robot with the Serial Slave firmware. m3pi, robot
Standard m3pi with one extra method.
Library for the m3pi robot. This works with a Pololu 3pi robot with the Serial Slave firmware, and exposes and API. This is a fork of cstyles m3pi library. m3pi, robot
Library for the m3pi robot. This works with a Pololu 3pi robot with the Serial Slave firmware, and exposes and API. Added a read sensors function II, m3pi, pololu, pops, PPS, robot
corrected error assignation of motors in methods right and left. now it work fun. Added function to read calibrated sensors data.
Added individual sensors reading to the original m3pi lib from Chris Style. m3pi, robot, sensors
m3pi publish
This adds to the existing m3pi mbed library to add driving commands with speeds as integers ranging from -255 for 255, as does the serial slave program for the m3pi. … m3pi, robot
Library for the m3pi robot. This works with a Pololu 3pi robot with the Serial Slave firmware, and exposes and API. m3pi, robot