David Grayson
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David’s public repositories
Mbed 2 deprecated
David's dead reckoning code for the LVBots competition on March 6th. Uses the mbed LPC1768, DRV8835, QTR-3RC, and two DC motors with encoders.
robotLast updated: 13 Aug 2019 49 66 -
A library for debouncing any type of signal. This library does not really have documentation yet and is not really intended for public use.
Last updated: 05 Mar 2014 1 3 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This is an example program for the PololuLedStrip library. It generates a simple moving gradient pattern.
led, led stripLast updated: 01 Nov 2017 17 561 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
This is an example program for the PololuLedStrip library. It generates a simple moving rainbow pattern.
led, led stripLast updated: 01 Nov 2017 8 591 -
Last updated: 21 Apr 2015 58 21
Library to help schedule events to run regularly in the main loop. This library does not have much documentation and is not really intended for public use yet.
Last updated: 05 Mar 2014 2 2 -
Library for decoding quadrature encoders. Uses a ring buffer so you can be sure to process every tick in the order that it happened. This library is not really intended …
Last updated: 05 Mar 2014 4 27 -
This library lets you control the addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu Robotics & Electronics.
led, led stripLast updated: 01 Nov 2017 27 483