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Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
Commit message:
start of rome2 p5;

Changed in this revision

Controller.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Controller.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EncoderCounter.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EncoderCounter.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IMU.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IMU.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IRSensor.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IRSensor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LIDAR.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LIDAR.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LowpassFilter.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LowpassFilter.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Motion.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Motion.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SerialServer.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SerialServer.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
StateMachine.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
StateMachine.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Task.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Task.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskMove.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskMove.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskMoveTo.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskMoveTo.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskWait.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TaskWait.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Controller.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Controller.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Controller.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "Controller.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float Controller::PERIOD = 0.001f;                    // period of control task, given in [s]
+const float Controller::PI = 3.14159265f;                   // the constant PI
+const float Controller::WHEEL_DISTANCE = 0.170f;            // distance between wheels, given in [m]
+const float Controller::WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.0375f;             // radius of wheels, given in [m]
+const float Controller::COUNTS_PER_TURN = 1200.0f;          // resolution of encoder counter
+const float Controller::LOWPASS_FILTER_FREQUENCY = 300.0f;  // frequency of lowpass filter for actual speed values, given in [rad/s]
+const float Controller::KN = 40.0f;                         // speed constant of motor, given in [rpm/V]
+const float Controller::KP = 0.2f;                          // speed controller gain, given in [V/rpm]
+const float Controller::MAX_VOLTAGE = 12.0f;                // supply voltage for power stage in [V]
+const float Controller::MIN_DUTY_CYCLE = 0.02f;             // minimum allowed value for duty cycle (2%)
+const float Controller::MAX_DUTY_CYCLE = 0.98f;             // maximum allowed value for duty cycle (98%)
+ * Creates and initializes a Controller object.
+ * @param pwmLeft a pwm output object to set the duty cycle for the left motor.
+ * @param pwmRight a pwm output object to set the duty cycle for the right motor.
+ * @param counterLeft an encoder counter object to read the position of the left motor.
+ * @param counterRight an encoder counter object to read the position of the right motor.
+ */
+Controller::Controller(PwmOut& pwmLeft, PwmOut& pwmRight, EncoderCounter& counterLeft, EncoderCounter& counterRight) : pwmLeft(pwmLeft), pwmRight(pwmRight), counterLeft(counterLeft), counterRight(counterRight) {
+    // initialize periphery drivers
+    pwmLeft.period(0.00005f);
+    pwmLeft.write(0.5f);
+    pwmRight.period(0.00005f);
+    pwmRight.write(0.5f);
+    // initialize local variables
+    translationalMotion.setProfileVelocity(1.5f);
+    translationalMotion.setProfileAcceleration(1.5f);
+    translationalMotion.setProfileDeceleration(3.0f);
+    rotationalMotion.setProfileVelocity(3.0f);
+    rotationalMotion.setProfileAcceleration(15.0f);
+    rotationalMotion.setProfileDeceleration(15.0f);
+    translationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    rotationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    actualTranslationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    actualRotationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    previousValueCounterLeft =;
+    previousValueCounterRight =;
+    speedLeftFilter.setPeriod(PERIOD);
+    speedLeftFilter.setFrequency(LOWPASS_FILTER_FREQUENCY);
+    speedRightFilter.setPeriod(PERIOD);
+    speedRightFilter.setFrequency(LOWPASS_FILTER_FREQUENCY);
+    desiredSpeedLeft = 0.0f;
+    desiredSpeedRight = 0.0f;
+    actualSpeedLeft = 0.0f;
+    actualSpeedRight = 0.0f;
+    x = 0.0f;
+    y = 0.0f;
+    alpha = 0.0f;
+    // start periodic task
+    ticker.attach(callback(this, &Controller::run), PERIOD);
+ * Deletes the Controller object and releases all allocated resources.
+ */
+Controller::~Controller() {
+    ticker.detach();
+ * Sets the desired translational velocity of the robot.
+ * @param velocity the desired translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ */
+void Controller::setTranslationalVelocity(float velocity) {
+    this->translationalVelocity = velocity;
+ * Sets the desired rotational velocity of the robot.
+ * @param velocity the desired rotational velocity, given in [rad/s].
+ */
+void Controller::setRotationalVelocity(float velocity) {
+    this->rotationalVelocity = velocity;
+ * Gets the actual translational velocity of the robot.
+ * @return the actual translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ */
+float Controller::getActualTranslationalVelocity() {
+    return actualTranslationalVelocity;
+ * Gets the actual rotational velocity of the robot.
+ * @return the actual rotational velocity, given in [rad/s].
+ */
+float Controller::getActualRotationalVelocity() {
+    return actualRotationalVelocity;
+ * Sets the actual x coordinate of the robots position.
+ * @param x the x coordinate of the position, given in [m].
+ */
+void Controller::setX(float x) {
+    this->x = x;
+ * Gets the actual x coordinate of the robots position.
+ * @return the x coordinate of the position, given in [m].
+ */
+float Controller::getX() {
+    return x;
+ * Sets the actual y coordinate of the robots position.
+ * @param y the y coordinate of the position, given in [m].
+ */
+void Controller::setY(float y) {
+    this->y = y;
+ * Gets the actual y coordinate of the robots position.
+ * @return the y coordinate of the position, given in [m].
+ */
+float Controller::getY() {
+    return y;
+ * Sets the actual orientation of the robot.
+ * @param alpha the orientation, given in [rad].
+ */
+void Controller::setAlpha(float alpha) {
+    this->alpha = alpha;
+ * Gets the actual orientation of the robot.
+ * @return the orientation, given in [rad].
+ */
+float Controller::getAlpha() {
+    return alpha;
+ * This method is called periodically by the ticker object and contains the
+ * algorithm of the speed controller.
+ */
+void Controller::run() {
+    // calculate the planned velocities using the motion planner
+    translationalMotion.incrementToVelocity(translationalVelocity, PERIOD);
+    rotationalMotion.incrementToVelocity(rotationalVelocity, PERIOD);
+    // calculate the values 'desiredSpeedLeft' and 'desiredSpeedRight' using the kinematic model
+    desiredSpeedLeft = (translationalMotion.velocity-WHEEL_DISTANCE/2.0f*rotationalMotion.velocity)/WHEEL_RADIUS*60.0f/2.0f/PI;
+    desiredSpeedRight = -(translationalMotion.velocity+WHEEL_DISTANCE/2.0f*rotationalMotion.velocity)/WHEEL_RADIUS*60.0f/2.0f/PI;
+    // calculate actual speed of motors in [rpm]
+    short valueCounterLeft =;
+    short valueCounterRight =;
+    short countsInPastPeriodLeft = valueCounterLeft-previousValueCounterLeft;
+    short countsInPastPeriodRight = valueCounterRight-previousValueCounterRight;
+    previousValueCounterLeft = valueCounterLeft;
+    previousValueCounterRight = valueCounterRight;
+    actualSpeedLeft = speedLeftFilter.filter((float)countsInPastPeriodLeft/COUNTS_PER_TURN/PERIOD*60.0f);
+    actualSpeedRight = speedRightFilter.filter((float)countsInPastPeriodRight/COUNTS_PER_TURN/PERIOD*60.0f);
+    // calculate motor phase voltages
+    float voltageLeft = KP*(desiredSpeedLeft-actualSpeedLeft)+desiredSpeedLeft/KN;
+    float voltageRight = KP*(desiredSpeedRight-actualSpeedRight)+desiredSpeedRight/KN;
+    // calculate, limit and set duty cycles
+    float dutyCycleLeft = 0.5f+0.5f*voltageLeft/MAX_VOLTAGE;
+    if (dutyCycleLeft < MIN_DUTY_CYCLE) dutyCycleLeft = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
+    else if (dutyCycleLeft > MAX_DUTY_CYCLE) dutyCycleLeft = MAX_DUTY_CYCLE;
+    pwmLeft.write(dutyCycleLeft);
+    float dutyCycleRight = 0.5f+0.5f*voltageRight/MAX_VOLTAGE;
+    if (dutyCycleRight < MIN_DUTY_CYCLE) dutyCycleRight = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
+    else if (dutyCycleRight > MAX_DUTY_CYCLE) dutyCycleRight = MAX_DUTY_CYCLE;
+    pwmRight.write(dutyCycleRight);
+    // calculate the values 'actualTranslationalVelocity' and 'actualRotationalVelocity' using the kinematic model
+    actualTranslationalVelocity = (actualSpeedLeft-actualSpeedRight)*2.0f*PI/60.0f*WHEEL_RADIUS/2.0f;
+    actualRotationalVelocity = (-actualSpeedRight-actualSpeedLeft)*2.0f*PI/60.0f*WHEEL_RADIUS/WHEEL_DISTANCE;
+    // calculate the actual robot pose
+    float deltaTranslation = actualTranslationalVelocity*PERIOD;
+    float deltaOrientation = actualRotationalVelocity*PERIOD;
+    x += cos(alpha+deltaOrientation)*deltaTranslation;
+    y += sin(alpha+deltaOrientation)*deltaTranslation;
+    float alpha = this->alpha+deltaOrientation;
+    while (alpha > PI) alpha -= 2.0f*PI;
+    while (alpha < -PI) alpha += 2.0f*PI;
+    this->alpha = alpha;
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Controller.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Controller.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Controller.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef CONTROLLER_H_
+#define CONTROLLER_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "EncoderCounter.h"
+#include "Motion.h"
+#include "LowpassFilter.h"
+ * This class implements the coordinate transformation, speed control and
+ * the position estimation of a mobile robot with differential drive.
+ */
+class Controller {
+    public:
+                    Controller(PwmOut& pwmLeft, PwmOut& pwmRight, EncoderCounter& counterLeft, EncoderCounter& counterRight);
+        virtual     ~Controller();
+        void        setTranslationalVelocity(float velocity);
+        void        setRotationalVelocity(float velocity);
+        float       getActualTranslationalVelocity();
+        float       getActualRotationalVelocity();
+        void        setX(float x);
+        float       getX();
+        void        setY(float y);
+        float       getY();
+        void        setAlpha(float alpha);
+        float       getAlpha();
+    private:
+        static const float  PERIOD;
+        static const float  PI;
+        static const float  WHEEL_DISTANCE;
+        static const float  WHEEL_RADIUS;
+        static const float  COUNTS_PER_TURN;
+        static const float  LOWPASS_FILTER_FREQUENCY;
+        static const float  KN;
+        static const float  KP;
+        static const float  MAX_VOLTAGE;
+        static const float  MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
+        static const float  MAX_DUTY_CYCLE;
+        PwmOut&             pwmLeft;
+        PwmOut&             pwmRight;
+        EncoderCounter&     counterLeft;
+        EncoderCounter&     counterRight;
+        Motion              translationalMotion;
+        Motion              rotationalMotion;
+        float               translationalVelocity;
+        float               rotationalVelocity;
+        float               actualTranslationalVelocity;
+        float               actualRotationalVelocity;
+        short               previousValueCounterLeft;
+        short               previousValueCounterRight;
+        LowpassFilter       speedLeftFilter;
+        LowpassFilter       speedRightFilter;
+        float               desiredSpeedLeft;
+        float               desiredSpeedRight;
+        float               actualSpeedLeft;
+        float               actualSpeedRight;
+        float               x;
+        float               y;
+        float               alpha;
+        Ticker              ticker;
+        void                run();
+#endif /* CONTROLLER_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 EncoderCounter.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EncoderCounter.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ * EncoderCounter.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "EncoderCounter.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates and initializes the driver to read the quadrature
+ * encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller.
+ * @param a the input pin for the channel A.
+ * @param b the input pin for the channel B.
+ */
+EncoderCounter::EncoderCounter(PinName a, PinName b) {
+    // check pins
+    if ((a == PA_0) && (b == PA_1)) {
+        // pinmap OK for TIM2 CH1 and CH2
+        TIM = TIM2;
+        // configure general purpose I/O registers
+        GPIOA->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER0;     // reset port A0
+        GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER0_1;    // set alternate mode of port A0
+        GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR0;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port A0
+        GPIOA->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR0_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] &= ~(0xF << 4*0);         // reset alternate function of port A0
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 1 << 4*0;              // set alternate funtion 1 of port A0
+        GPIOA->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER1;     // reset port A1
+        GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER1_1;    // set alternate mode of port A1
+        GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR1;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port A1
+        GPIOA->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR1_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] &= ~(0xF << 4*1);         // reset alternate function of port A1
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 1 << 4*1;              // set alternate funtion 1 of port A1
+        // configure reset and clock control registers
+        RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM2RST;  //reset TIM2 controller
+        RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN;     // TIM2 clock enable
+    } else if ((a == PA_6) && (b == PC_7)) {
+        // pinmap OK for TIM3 CH1 and CH2
+        TIM = TIM3;
+        // configure reset and clock control registers
+        RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOCEN;    // manually enable port C (port A enabled by mbed library)
+        // configure general purpose I/O registers
+        GPIOA->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER6;     // reset port A6
+        GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER6_1;    // set alternate mode of port A6
+        GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR6;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port A6
+        GPIOA->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR6_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] &= ~(0xF << 4*6);         // reset alternate function of port A6
+        GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 2 << 4*6;              // set alternate funtion 2 of port A6
+        GPIOC->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER7;     // reset port C7
+        GPIOC->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER7_1;    // set alternate mode of port C7
+        GPIOC->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR7;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port C7
+        GPIOC->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR7_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOC->AFR[0] &= ~0xF0000000;           // reset alternate function of port C7
+        GPIOC->AFR[0] |= 2 << 4*7;              // set alternate funtion 2 of port C7
+        // configure reset and clock control registers
+        RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM3RST;  //reset TIM3 controller
+        RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN;     // TIM3 clock enable
+    } else if ((a == PB_6) && (b == PB_7)) {
+        // pinmap OK for TIM4 CH1 and CH2
+        TIM = TIM4;
+        // configure reset and clock control registers
+        RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOBEN;    // manually enable port B (port A enabled by mbed library)
+        // configure general purpose I/O registers
+        GPIOB->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER6;     // reset port B6
+        GPIOB->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER6_1;    // set alternate mode of port B6
+        GPIOB->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR6;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port B6
+        GPIOB->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR6_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOB->AFR[0] &= ~(0xF << 4*6);         // reset alternate function of port B6
+        GPIOB->AFR[0] |= 2 << 4*6;              // set alternate funtion 2 of port B6
+        GPIOB->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODER7;     // reset port B7
+        GPIOB->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER7_1;    // set alternate mode of port B7
+        GPIOB->PUPDR &= ~GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR7;     // reset pull-up/pull-down on port B7
+        GPIOB->PUPDR |= GPIO_PUPDR_PUPDR7_1;    // set input as pull-down
+        GPIOB->AFR[0] &= ~0xF0000000;           // reset alternate function of port B7
+        GPIOB->AFR[0] |= 2 << 4*7;              // set alternate funtion 2 of port B7
+        // configure reset and clock control registers
+        RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1RSTR_TIM4RST;  //reset TIM4 controller
+        RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM4EN;     // TIM4 clock enable
+    } else {
+        printf("pinmap not found for peripheral\n");
+    }
+    // configure general purpose timer 3 or 4
+    TIM->CR1 = 0x0000;          // counter disable
+    TIM->CR2 = 0x0000;          // reset master mode selection
+    TIM->SMCR = TIM_SMCR_SMS_1 | TIM_SMCR_SMS_0; // counting on both TI1 & TI2 edges
+    TIM->CCMR1 = TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0 | TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0;
+    TIM->CCMR2 = 0x0000;        // reset capture mode register 2
+    TIM->CNT = 0x0000;          // reset counter value
+    TIM->ARR = 0xFFFF;          // auto reload register
+    TIM->CR1 = TIM_CR1_CEN;     // counter enable
+EncoderCounter::~EncoderCounter() {}
+ * Resets the counter value to zero.
+ */
+void EncoderCounter::reset() {
+    TIM->CNT = 0x0000;
+ * Resets the counter value to a given offset value.
+ * @param offset the offset value to reset the counter to.
+ */
+void EncoderCounter::reset(short offset) {
+    TIM->CNT = -offset;
+ * Reads the quadrature encoder counter value.
+ * @return the quadrature encoder counter as a signed 16-bit integer value.
+ */
+short EncoderCounter::read() {
+    return (short)(-TIM->CNT);
+ * The empty operator is a shorthand notation of the <code>read()</code> method.
+ */
+EncoderCounter::operator short() {
+    return read();
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 EncoderCounter.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EncoderCounter.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * EncoderCounter.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+ * This class implements a driver to read the quadrature
+ * encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller.
+ */
+class EncoderCounter {
+    public:
+                    EncoderCounter(PinName a, PinName b);
+        virtual     ~EncoderCounter();
+        void        reset();
+        void        reset(short offset);
+        short       read();
+                    operator short();
+    private:
+        TIM_TypeDef*    TIM;
+#endif /* ENCODER_COUNTER_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 IMU.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMU.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * IMU.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "IMU.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float IMU::PI = 3.14159265f;                  // the constant PI
+ * Creates an IMU object.
+ * @param spi a reference to an spi controller to use.
+ * @param csG the chip select output for the gyro sensor.
+ * @param csXM the chip select output for the accelerometer and the magnetometer.
+ */
+IMU::IMU(SPI& spi, DigitalOut& csG, DigitalOut& csXM) : spi(spi), csG(csG), csXM(csXM) {
+    // initialize SPI interface
+    spi.format(8, 3);
+    spi.frequency(1000000);
+    // reset chip select lines to logical high
+    csG = 1;
+    csXM = 1;
+    // initialize gyro
+    writeRegister(csG, CTRL_REG1_G, 0x0F);  // enable gyro in all 3 axis
+    // initialize accelerometer
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG0_XM, 0x00);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG1_XM, 0x5F);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG2_XM, 0x00);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG3_XM, 0x04);
+    // initialize magnetometer
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG5_XM, 0x94);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG6_XM, 0x00);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG7_XM, 0x00);
+    writeRegister(csXM, CTRL_REG4_XM, 0x04);
+    writeRegister(csXM, INT_CTRL_REG_M, 0x09);
+ * Deletes the IMU object.
+ */
+IMU::~IMU() {}
+ * This private method allows to write a register value.
+ * @param cs the chip select output to use, either csG or csXM.
+ * @param address the 7 bit address of the register.
+ * @param value the value to write into the register.
+ */
+void IMU::writeRegister(DigitalOut& cs, char address, char value) {
+    cs = 0;
+    spi.write(0x7F & address);
+    spi.write(value & 0xFF);
+    cs = 1;
+ * This private method allows to read a register value.
+ * @param cs the chip select output to use, either csG or csXM.
+ * @param address the 7 bit address of the register.
+ * @return the value read from the register.
+ */
+char IMU::readRegister(DigitalOut& cs, char address) {
+    cs = 0;
+    spi.write(0x80 | address);
+    int value = spi.write(0xFF);
+    cs = 1;
+    return (char)(value & 0xFF);
+ * Reads the gyroscope about the x-axis.
+ * @return the rotational speed about the x-axis given in [rad/s].
+ */
+float IMU::readGyroX() {
+    char low = readRegister(csG, OUT_X_L_G);
+    char high = readRegister(csG, OUT_X_H_G);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*245.0f*PI/180.0f;
+ * Reads the gyroscope about the y-axis.
+ * @return the rotational speed about the y-axis given in [rad/s].
+ */
+float IMU::readGyroY() {
+    char low = readRegister(csG, OUT_Y_L_G);
+    char high = readRegister(csG, OUT_Y_H_G);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*245.0f*PI/180.0f;
+ * Reads the gyroscope about the z-axis.
+ * @return the rotational speed about the z-axis given in [rad/s].
+ */
+float IMU::readGyroZ() {
+    char low = readRegister(csG, OUT_Z_L_G);
+    char high = readRegister(csG, OUT_Z_H_G);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*245.0f*PI/180.0f;
+ * Reads the acceleration in x-direction.
+ * @return the acceleration in x-direction, given in [m/s2].
+ */
+float IMU::readAccelerationX() {
+    char low = readRegister(csXM, OUT_X_L_A);
+    char high = readRegister(csXM, OUT_X_H_A);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*2.0f*9.81f;
+ * Reads the acceleration in y-direction.
+ * @return the acceleration in y-direction, given in [m/s2].
+ */
+float IMU::readAccelerationY() {
+    char low = readRegister(csXM, OUT_Y_L_A);
+    char high = readRegister(csXM, OUT_Y_H_A);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*2.0f*9.81f;
+ * Reads the acceleration in z-direction.
+ * @return the acceleration in z-direction, given in [m/s2].
+ */
+float IMU::readAccelerationZ() {
+    char low = readRegister(csXM, OUT_Z_L_A);
+    char high = readRegister(csXM, OUT_Z_H_A);
+    short value = (short)(((unsigned short)high << 8) | (unsigned short)low);
+    return (float)value/32768.0f*2.0f*9.81f;
+ * Reads the magnetic field in x-direction.
+ * @return the magnetic field in x-direction, given in [Gauss].
+ */
+float IMU::readMagnetometerX() {
+    // bitte implementieren!
+    return 0.0f;
+ * Reads the magnetic field in x-direction.
+ * @return the magnetic field in x-direction, given in [Gauss].
+ */
+float IMU::readMagnetometerY() {
+    // bitte implementieren!
+    return 0.0f;
+ * Reads the magnetic field in x-direction.
+ * @return the magnetic field in x-direction, given in [Gauss].
+ */
+float IMU::readMagnetometerZ() {
+    // bitte implementieren!
+    return 0.0f;
+ * Reads the compass heading about the z-axis.
+ * @return the compass heading in the range -PI to +PI, given in [rad].
+ */
+float IMU::readHeading() {
+    // bitte implementieren!
+    return 0.0f;
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 IMU.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMU.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * IMU.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef IMU_H_
+#define IMU_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+ * This is a device driver class for the ST LSM9DS0 inertial measurement unit.
+ */
+class IMU {
+    public:
+                    IMU(SPI& spi, DigitalOut& csG, DigitalOut& csXM);
+        virtual     ~IMU();
+        float       readGyroX();
+        float       readGyroY();
+        float       readGyroZ();
+        float       readAccelerationX();
+        float       readAccelerationY();
+        float       readAccelerationZ();
+        float       readMagnetometerX();
+        float       readMagnetometerY();
+        float       readMagnetometerZ();
+        float       readHeading();
+    private:
+        static const char   WHO_AM_I_G = 0x0F;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG1_G = 0x20;
+        static const char   OUT_X_L_G = 0x28;
+        static const char   OUT_X_H_G = 0x29;
+        static const char   OUT_Y_L_G = 0x2A;
+        static const char   OUT_Y_H_G = 0x2B;
+        static const char   OUT_Z_L_G = 0x2C;
+        static const char   OUT_Z_H_G = 0x2D;
+        static const char   WHO_AM_I_XM = 0x0F;
+        static const char   INT_CTRL_REG_M = 0x12;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG0_XM = 0x1F;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG1_XM = 0x20;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG2_XM = 0x21;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG3_XM = 0x22;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG4_XM = 0x23;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG5_XM = 0x24;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG6_XM = 0x25;
+        static const char   CTRL_REG7_XM = 0x26;
+        static const char   OUT_X_L_A = 0x28;
+        static const char   OUT_X_H_A = 0x29;
+        static const char   OUT_Y_L_A = 0x2A;
+        static const char   OUT_Y_H_A = 0x2B;
+        static const char   OUT_Z_L_A = 0x2C;
+        static const char   OUT_Z_H_A = 0x2D;
+        static const float  PI;
+        SPI&            spi;
+        DigitalOut&     csG;
+        DigitalOut&     csXM;
+        void            writeRegister(DigitalOut& cs, char address, char value);
+        char            readRegister(DigitalOut& cs, char address);
+#endif /* IMU_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 IRSensor.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IRSensor.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * IRSensor.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "IRSensor.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates an IRSensor object.
+ * @param distance an analog input object to read the voltage of the sensor.
+ * @param bit0 a digital output to set the first bit of the multiplexer.
+ * @param bit1 a digital output to set the second bit of the multiplexer.
+ * @param bit2 a digital output to set the third bit of the multiplexer.
+ * @param number the number of the sensor, either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
+ */
+IRSensor::IRSensor(AnalogIn& distance, DigitalOut& bit0, DigitalOut& bit1, DigitalOut& bit2, int number) : distance(distance), bit0(bit0), bit1(bit1), bit2(bit2) {
+    // set local references to objects
+    this->number = number;
+ * Deletes the IRSensor object.
+ */
+IRSensor::~IRSensor() {}
+ * Gets the distance measured with the IR sensor in [m].
+ * @return the distance, given in [m].
+ */
+float IRSensor::read() {
+    bit0 = (number >> 0) & 1;
+    bit1 = (number >> 1) & 1;
+    bit2 = (number >> 2) & 1;
+    float d = -0.58f*sqrt(distance)+0.58f;  // calculate the distance in [m]
+    return d;
+ * The empty operator is a shorthand notation of the <code>read()</code> method.
+ */
+IRSensor::operator float() {
+    return read();
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 IRSensor.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IRSensor.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * IRSensor.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef IR_SENSOR_H_
+#define IR_SENSOR_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+ * This is a device driver class to read the distance measured with a Sharp IR sensor.
+ */
+class IRSensor {
+    public:
+                    IRSensor(AnalogIn& distance, DigitalOut& bit0, DigitalOut& bit1, DigitalOut& bit2, int number);
+        virtual     ~IRSensor();
+        float       read();
+                    operator float();
+    private:
+        AnalogIn&       distance;
+        DigitalOut&     bit0;
+        DigitalOut&     bit1;
+        DigitalOut&     bit2;
+        int             number;
+#endif /* IR_SENSOR_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 LIDAR.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LIDAR.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * LIDAR.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "LIDAR.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates a LIDAR object.
+ * @param serial a reference to a serial interface to communicate with the laser scanner.
+ */
+LIDAR::LIDAR(RawSerial& serial) : serial(serial) {
+    // initialize serial interface
+    serial.baud(115200);
+    serial.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
+    // initialize local values
+    headerCounter = 0;
+    dataCounter = 0;
+    for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 360; i++) distances[i] = DEFAULT_DISTANCE;
+    distanceOfBeacon = 0;
+    angleOfBeacon = 0;
+    // start serial interrupt
+    serial.attach(callback(this, &LIDAR::receive), RawSerial::RxIrq);
+    // start the continuous operation of the LIDAR
+    serial.putc(START_FLAG);
+    serial.putc(SCAN);
+ * Stops the lidar and deletes this object.
+ */
+    // stop the LIDAR
+    serial.putc(START_FLAG);
+    serial.putc(STOP);
+ * Returns the distance measurement of the lidar at a given angle.
+ * @param angle the angle, given in [deg] in the range 0..359.
+ * @return the measured distance, given in [mm].
+ */
+short LIDAR::getDistance(short angle) {
+    while (angle < 0) angle += 360;
+    while (angle >= 360) angle -= 360;
+    return distances[angle];
+ * Returns the distance to a detected beacon.
+ * @return the distance to the beacon, given in [mm], or zero, if no beacon was found.
+ */
+short LIDAR::getDistanceOfBeacon() {
+    return distanceOfBeacon;
+ * Returns the angle of a detected beacon.
+ * @return the angle of the beacon, given in [deg] in the range 0..359.
+ */
+short LIDAR::getAngleOfBeacon() {
+    return angleOfBeacon;
+ * This method implements an algorithm that looks for the position of a beacon.
+ * It should be called periodically by a low-priority background task.
+ */
+void LIDAR::lookForBeacon() {
+    // copy distances to internal array
+    short copy_distances[360];
+    for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 360; i++){
+            copy_distances[i] = this->distances[i];
+    }
+    distanceOfBeacon = 0;
+    angleOfBeacon = 0;
+    // bitte implementieren!
+ * This method is called by the serial interrupt service routine.
+ * It handles the reception of measurements from the LIDAR.
+ */
+void LIDAR::receive() {
+    // read received characters while input buffer is full
+    if (serial.readable()) {
+        // read single character from serial interface
+        char c = serial.getc();
+        // add this character to the header or to the data buffer
+        if (headerCounter < HEADER_SIZE) {
+            headerCounter++;
+        } else {
+            if (dataCounter < DATA_SIZE) {
+                data[dataCounter] = c;
+                dataCounter++;
+            }
+            if (dataCounter >= DATA_SIZE) {
+                // data buffer is full, process measurement
+                char quality = data[0] >> 2;
+                short angle = 360-(((unsigned short)data[1] | ((unsigned short)data[2] << 8)) >> 1)/64;
+                int16_t distance = ((unsigned short)data[3] | ((unsigned short)data[4] << 8))/4;
+                if ((quality < QUALITY_THRESHOLD) || (distance < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)) distance = DEFAULT_DISTANCE;
+                // store distance in [mm] into array of full scan
+                while (angle < 0) angle += 360;
+                while (angle >= 360) angle -= 360;
+                distances[angle] = distance;
+                // reset data counter
+                dataCounter = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 LIDAR.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LIDAR.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * LIDAR.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef LIDAR_H_
+#define LIDAR_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+ * This is a device driver class for the Slamtec RP LIDAR A1.
+ */
+class LIDAR {
+    public:
+                    LIDAR(RawSerial& serial);
+        virtual     ~LIDAR();
+        short       getDistance(short angle);
+        short       getDistanceOfBeacon();
+        short       getAngleOfBeacon();
+        void        lookForBeacon();
+    private:
+        static const unsigned short HEADER_SIZE = 7;
+        static const unsigned short DATA_SIZE = 5;
+        static const char   START_FLAG = 0xA5;
+        static const char   SCAN = 0x20;
+        static const char   STOP = 0x25;
+        static const char   RESET = 0x40;
+        static const char   QUALITY_THRESHOLD = 10;
+        static const short  DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 10;
+        static const short  DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 10000;
+        static const short  MIN_DISTANCE = 500;
+        static const short  MAX_DISTANCE = 2000;
+        static const short  THRESHOLD = 500;
+        static const short  WINDOW = 75;
+        static const short  MIN_SIZE = 2;
+        static const short  MAX_SIZE = 9;
+        RawSerial&  serial;             // reference to serial interface for communication
+        char        headerCounter;
+        char        dataCounter;
+        char        data[DATA_SIZE];
+        short       distances[360];     // measured distance for every angle value, given in [mm]
+        short       distanceOfBeacon;   // distance of detected beacon, given in [mm]
+        short       angleOfBeacon;      // angle of detected beacon, given in [degrees]
+        void        receive();
+#endif /* LIDAR_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 LowpassFilter.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LowpassFilter.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * LowpassFilter.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "LowpassFilter.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates a LowpassFilter object with a default cutoff frequency of 1000 [rad/s].
+ */
+LowpassFilter::LowpassFilter() {
+    period = 1.0f;
+    frequency = 1000.0f;
+    a11 = (1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a12 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a21 = -frequency*frequency*period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a22 = (1.0f-frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    b1 = (1.0f-(1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period))/frequency/frequency;
+    b2 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    x1 = 0.0f;
+    x2 = 0.0f;
+ * Deletes the LowpassFilter object.
+ */
+LowpassFilter::~LowpassFilter() {}
+ * Resets the filtered value to zero.
+ */
+void LowpassFilter::reset() {
+    x1 = 0.0f;
+    x2 = 0.0f;
+ * Resets the filtered value to a given value.
+ * @param value the value to reset the filter to.
+ */
+void LowpassFilter::reset(float value) {
+    x1 = value/frequency/frequency;
+    x2 = (x1-a11*x1-b1*value)/a12;
+ * Sets the sampling period of the filter.
+ * This is typically the sampling period of the periodic task of a controller that uses this filter.
+ * @param the sampling period, given in [s].
+ */
+void LowpassFilter::setPeriod(float period) {
+    this->period = period;
+    a11 = (1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a12 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a21 = -frequency*frequency*period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a22 = (1.0f-frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    b1 = (1.0f-(1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period))/frequency/frequency;
+    b2 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+ * Sets the cutoff frequency of this filter.
+ * @param frequency the cutoff frequency of the filter in [rad/s].
+ */
+void LowpassFilter::setFrequency(float frequency) {
+    this->frequency = frequency;
+    a11 = (1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a12 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a21 = -frequency*frequency*period*exp(-frequency*period);
+    a22 = (1.0f-frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period);
+    b1 = (1.0f-(1.0f+frequency*period)*exp(-frequency*period))/frequency/frequency;
+    b2 = period*exp(-frequency*period);
+ * Gets the current cutoff frequency of this filter.
+ * @return the current cutoff frequency in [rad/s].
+ */
+float LowpassFilter::getFrequency() {
+    return frequency;
+ * Filters a value.
+ * @param value the original unfiltered value.
+ * @return the filtered value.
+ */
+float LowpassFilter::filter(float value) {
+    float x1old = x1;
+    float x2old = x2;
+    x1 = a11*x1old+a12*x2old+b1*value;
+    x2 = a21*x1old+a22*x2old+b2*value;
+    return frequency*frequency*x1;
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 LowpassFilter.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LowpassFilter.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * LowpassFilter.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+ * This class implements a time-discrete 2nd order lowpass filter for a series of data values.
+ * This filter can typically be used within a periodic task that takes measurements that need
+ * to be filtered, like speed or position values.
+ */
+class LowpassFilter {
+    public:
+                LowpassFilter();
+        virtual ~LowpassFilter();
+        void    reset();
+        void    reset(float value);
+        void    setPeriod(float period);
+        void    setFrequency(float frequency);
+        float   getFrequency();
+        float   filter(float value);
+    private:
+        float   period;
+        float   frequency;
+        float   a11, a12, a21, a22, b1, b2;
+        float   x1, x2;
+#endif /* LOWPASS_FILTER_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Main.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Main.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "EncoderCounter.h"
+#include "IRSensor.h"
+#include "IMU.h"
+#include "LIDAR.h"
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "StateMachine.h"
+#include "SerialServer.h"
+int main() {
+    // create miscellaneous periphery objects
+    DigitalOut led(LED1);
+    DigitalIn button(USER_BUTTON);
+    DigitalOut led0(PC_8);
+    DigitalOut led1(PC_6);
+    DigitalOut led2(PB_12);
+    DigitalOut led3(PA_7);
+    DigitalOut led4(PC_0);
+    DigitalOut led5(PC_9);
+    // create motor control objects
+    DigitalOut enableMotorDriver(PB_2);
+    DigitalIn motorDriverFault(PB_14);
+    DigitalIn motorDriverWarning(PB_15);
+    PwmOut pwmLeft(PA_8);
+    PwmOut pwmRight(PA_9);
+    EncoderCounter counterLeft(PB_6, PB_7);
+    EncoderCounter counterRight(PA_6, PC_7);
+    // create distance sensor objects
+    DigitalOut enableIRSensors(PC_1);
+    enableIRSensors = 1;
+    AnalogIn distance(PB_1);
+    DigitalOut bit0(PH_1);
+    DigitalOut bit1(PC_2);
+    DigitalOut bit2(PC_3);
+    IRSensor irSensor0(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 0);
+    IRSensor irSensor1(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 1);
+    IRSensor irSensor2(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 2);
+    IRSensor irSensor3(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 3);
+    IRSensor irSensor4(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 4);
+    IRSensor irSensor5(distance, bit0, bit1, bit2, 5);
+    // create LIDAR object
+    PwmOut pwm(PA_10);
+    pwm.period(0.00005f);
+    pwm.write(0.5f);      // 50% duty-cycle
+    RawSerial uart(PA_0, PA_1);
+    LIDAR lidar(uart);
+    // create robot controller objects
+    Controller controller(pwmLeft, pwmRight, counterLeft, counterRight);
+    StateMachine stateMachine(controller, enableMotorDriver, led0, led1, led2, led3, led4, led5, button, irSensor0, irSensor1, irSensor2, irSensor3, irSensor4, irSensor5);
+    // create serial server object
+    RawSerial serial(PB_10, PC_5);
+    serial.baud(9600);
+    serial.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
+    DigitalOut reset(PB_3);
+    DigitalOut modes1(PB_4);
+    modes1 = 0;
+    reset = 1; wait(0.1f);
+    reset = 0; wait(0.1f);
+    reset = 1; wait(0.1f);
+    SerialServer serialServer(serial, lidar, controller);
+    while (true) {
+        led = !led; // toggle led
+        wait(0.2f); // wait for 200 ms
+        lidar.lookForBeacon();
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Motion.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Motion.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+ * Motion.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "Motion.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float Motion::DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1.0f;       // default value for limits
+const float Motion::MINIMUM_LIMIT = 1.0e-9f;    // smallest value allowed for limits
+ * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object.
+ * The values for position, velocity and acceleration are set to 0.
+ */
+Motion::Motion() {
+    position = 0.0;
+    velocity = 0.0f;
+    profileVelocity = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+    profileAcceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+    profileDeceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+ * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object with given values for position and velocity.
+ * @param position the initial position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
+ * @param velocity the initial velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
+ */
+Motion::Motion(double position, float velocity) {
+    this->position = position;
+    this->velocity = velocity;
+    profileVelocity = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+    profileAcceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+    profileDeceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+ * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object with given values for position and velocity.
+ * @param motion another <code>Motion</code> object to copy the values from.
+ */
+Motion::Motion(const Motion& motion) {
+    position = motion.position;
+    velocity = motion.velocity;
+    profileVelocity = motion.profileVelocity;
+    profileAcceleration = motion.profileAcceleration;
+    profileDeceleration = motion.profileDeceleration;
+ * Deletes the Motion object.
+ */
+Motion::~Motion() {}
+ * Sets the values for position and velocity.
+ * @param position the desired position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
+ * @param velocity the desired velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
+ */
+void Motion::set(double position, float velocity) {
+    this->position = position;
+    this->velocity = velocity;
+ * Sets the values for position and velocity.
+ * @param motion another <code>Motion</code> object to copy the values from.
+ */
+void Motion::set(const Motion& motion) {
+    position = motion.position;
+    velocity = motion.velocity;
+ * Sets the position value.
+ * @param position the desired position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
+ */
+void Motion::setPosition(double position) {
+    this->position = position;
+ * Gets the position value.
+ * @return the position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
+ */
+double Motion::getPosition() {
+    return position;
+ * Sets the velocity value.
+ * @param velocity the desired velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
+ */
+void Motion::setVelocity(float velocity) {
+    this->velocity = velocity;
+ * Gets the velocity value.
+ * @return the velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
+ */
+float Motion::getVelocity() {
+    return velocity;
+ * Sets the limit for the velocity value.
+ * @param profileVelocity the limit of the velocity.
+ */
+void Motion::setProfileVelocity(float profileVelocity) {
+    if (profileVelocity > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileVelocity = profileVelocity; else this->profileVelocity = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+ * Sets the limit for the acceleration value.
+ * @param profileAcceleration the limit of the acceleration.
+ */
+void Motion::setProfileAcceleration(float profileAcceleration) {
+    if (profileAcceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileAcceleration = profileAcceleration; else this->profileAcceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+ * Sets the limit for the deceleration value.
+ * @param profileDeceleration the limit of the deceleration.
+ */
+void Motion::setProfileDeceleration(float profileDeceleration) {
+    if (profileDeceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileDeceleration = profileDeceleration; else this->profileDeceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+ * Sets the limits for velocity, acceleration and deceleration values.
+ * @param profileVelocity the limit of the velocity.
+ * @param profileAcceleration the limit of the acceleration.
+ * @param profileDeceleration the limit of the deceleration.
+ */
+void Motion::setLimits(float profileVelocity, float profileAcceleration, float profileDeceleration) {
+    if (profileVelocity > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileVelocity = profileVelocity; else this->profileVelocity = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+    if (profileAcceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileAcceleration = profileAcceleration; else this->profileAcceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+    if (profileDeceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileDeceleration = profileDeceleration; else this->profileDeceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
+ * Gets the time needed to move to a given target position.
+ * @param targetPosition the desired target position given in [m] or [rad].
+ * @return the time to move to the target position, given in [s].
+ */
+float Motion::getTimeToPosition(double targetPosition) {
+    // calculate position, when velocity is reduced to zero
+    double stopPosition = (velocity > 0.0f) ? position+(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f) : position-(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f);
+    if (targetPosition > stopPosition) { // positive velocity required
+        if (velocity > profileVelocity) { // slow down to profile velocity first
+            float t1 = (velocity-profileVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = (float)(targetPosition-stopPosition)/profileVelocity;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            return t1+t2+t3;
+        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to profile velocity
+            float t1 = (profileVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-(velocity+profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
+            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
+                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t1 = (maxVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
+                t2 = 0.0f;
+                t3 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            return t1+t2+t3;
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to profile velocity
+            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t3 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
+            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
+                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t2 = maxVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+                t3 = 0.0f;
+                t4 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            return t1+t2+t3+t4;
+        }
+    } else { // negative velocity required
+        if (velocity < -profileVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) profile velocity first
+            float t1 = (-profileVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = (float)(stopPosition-targetPosition)/profileVelocity;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            return t1+t2+t3;
+        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) profile velocity
+            float t1 = (velocity+profileVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = ((float)(position-targetPosition)+(velocity-profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
+            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
+                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t1 = (velocity-minVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
+                t2 = 0.0f;
+                t3 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            return t1+t2+t3;
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) profile velocity
+            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t3 = (-(float)(targetPosition-position)+velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
+            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
+                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t2 = -minVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+                t3 = 0.0f;
+                t4 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            return t1+t2+t3+t4;
+        }
+    }
+ * Increments the current motion towards a given target velocity.
+ * @param targetVelocity the desired target velocity given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
+ * @param period the time period to increment the motion values for, given in [s].
+ */
+void Motion::incrementToVelocity(float targetVelocity, float period) {
+    if (targetVelocity < -profileVelocity) targetVelocity = -profileVelocity;
+    else if (targetVelocity > profileVelocity) targetVelocity = profileVelocity;
+    if (targetVelocity > 0.0f) {
+        if (velocity > targetVelocity) { // slow down to target velocity
+            float t1 = (velocity-targetVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            }
+        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to target velocity
+            float t1 = (targetVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*period;
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            }
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to target velocity
+            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = targetVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (velocity < targetVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) target velocity
+            float t1 = (targetVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            }
+        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) target velocity
+            float t1 = (velocity-targetVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*period;
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            }
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) target velocity
+            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = -targetVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Increments the current motion towards a given target position.
+ * @param targetPosition the desired target position given in [m] or [rad].
+ * @param period the time period to increment the motion values for, given in [s].
+ */
+void Motion::incrementToPosition(double targetPosition, float period) {
+    // calculate position, when velocity is reduced to zero
+    double stopPosition = (velocity > 0.0f) ? position+(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f) : position-(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f);
+    if (targetPosition > stopPosition) { // positive velocity required
+        if (velocity > profileVelocity) { // slow down to profile velocity first
+            float t1 = (velocity-profileVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = (float)(targetPosition-stopPosition)/profileVelocity;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t3;
+            }
+        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to profile velocity
+            float t1 = (profileVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-(velocity+profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
+            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
+                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t1 = (maxVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
+                t2 = 0.0f;
+                t3 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t3;
+            }
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to profile velocity
+            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t3 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
+            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
+                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t2 = maxVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+                t3 = 0.0f;
+                t4 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3+t4 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2-t3))*(period-t1-t2-t3));
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2-t3);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t4)*t4);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t4;
+            }
+        }
+    } else { // negative velocity required
+        if (velocity < -profileVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) profile velocity first
+            float t1 = (-profileVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = (float)(stopPosition-targetPosition)/profileVelocity;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t3;
+            }
+        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) profile velocity
+            float t1 = (velocity+profileVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
+            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = ((float)(position-targetPosition)+(velocity-profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
+            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
+                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t1 = (velocity-minVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
+                t2 = 0.0f;
+                t3 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t3;
+            }
+        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) profile velocity
+            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            float t3 = (-(float)(targetPosition-position)+velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
+            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
+                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
+                t2 = -minVelocity/profileAcceleration;
+                t3 = 0.0f;
+                t4 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
+            }
+            if (t1 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
+            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
+            } else if (t1+t2+t3+t4 > period) {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2-t3))*(period-t1-t2-t3));
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2-t3);
+            } else {
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
+                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
+                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
+                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
+                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
+                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t4)*t4);
+                velocity += profileDeceleration*t4;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Motion.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Motion.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Motion.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef MOTION_H_
+#define MOTION_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+ * This class keeps the motion values <code>position</code> and <code>velocity</code>, and
+ * offers methods to increment these values towards a desired target position or velocity.
+ * <br/>
+ * To increment the current motion values, this class uses a simple 2nd order motion planner.
+ * This planner calculates the motion to the target position or velocity with the various motion
+ * phases, based on given limits for the profile velocity, acceleration and deceleration.
+ * <br/>
+ * Note that the trajectory is calculated every time the motion state is incremented.
+ * This allows to change the target position or velocity, as well as the limits for profile
+ * velocity, acceleration and deceleration at any time.
+ */
+class Motion {
+    public:
+        double      position;       /**< The position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad]. */
+        float       velocity;       /**< The velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s]. */
+                    Motion();
+                    Motion(double position, float velocity);
+                    Motion(const Motion& motion);
+        virtual     ~Motion();
+        void        set(double position, float velocity);
+        void        set(const Motion& motion);
+        void        setPosition(double position);
+        double      getPosition();
+        void        setVelocity(float velocity);
+        float       getVelocity();
+        void        setProfileVelocity(float profileVelocity);
+        void        setProfileAcceleration(float profileAcceleration);
+        void        setProfileDeceleration(float profileDeceleration);
+        void        setLimits(float profileVelocity, float profileAcceleration, float profileDeceleration);
+        float       getTimeToPosition(double targetPosition);
+        void        incrementToVelocity(float targetVelocity, float period);
+        void        incrementToPosition(double targetPosition, float period);
+    private:
+        static const float  DEFAULT_LIMIT;  // default value for limits
+        static const float  MINIMUM_LIMIT;  // smallest value allowed for limits
+        float       profileVelocity;
+        float       profileAcceleration;
+        float       profileDeceleration;
+#endif /* MOTION_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 SerialServer.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SerialServer.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * SerialServer.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "SerialServer.h"
+using namespace std;
+inline string float2string(float f) {
+    char buffer[32];
+    sprintf(buffer, "%.3f", f);
+    return string(buffer);
+inline string int2string(int i) {
+    char buffer[32];
+    sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
+    return string(buffer);
+const float SerialServer::PERIOD = 0.001f; // period of transmit task, given in [s]
+const char SerialServer::INT_TO_CHAR[] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46};
+ * Creates a serial server object.
+ */
+SerialServer::SerialServer(RawSerial& serial, LIDAR& lidar, Controller& controller) : serial(serial), lidar(lidar), controller(controller) {
+    input.clear();
+    output.clear();
+    serial.attach(callback(this, &SerialServer::receive), Serial::RxIrq);
+    //serial.attach(callback(this, &SerialServer::transmit), Serial::TxIrq);
+    ticker.attach(callback(this, &SerialServer::transmit), PERIOD);
+ * Deletes the serial server object.
+ */
+SerialServer::~SerialServer() {}
+ * Callback method of serial interface.
+ */
+void SerialServer::receive() {
+    // read received characters while input buffer is full
+    while (serial.readable()) {
+        int c = serial.getc();
+        if (input.size() < BUFFER_SIZE) input += (char)c;
+    }
+    // check if input is complete (terminated with CR & LF)
+    if (input.find("\r\n") != string::npos) {
+        // parse request
+        string request = input.substr(0, input.find("\r\n"));
+        string name;
+        vector<string> values;
+        if (request.find(' ') != string::npos) {
+            name = request.substr(0, request.find(' '));
+            request = request.substr(request.find(' ')+1);
+            while (request.find(' ') != string::npos) {
+                values.push_back(request.substr(0, request.find(' ')));
+                request = request.substr(request.find(' ')+1);
+            }
+            values.push_back(request);
+        } else {
+            name = request;
+        }
+        input.clear();
+        // process request
+        if ("getDistance") == 0) {
+            short angle = atoi(values[0].c_str());
+            short distance = lidar.getDistance(angle);
+            output = "distance ";
+            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) output += INT_TO_CHAR[(distance >> (4*(3-i))) & 0x0F];
+            output += "\r\n";
+        } else if ("getBeacon") == 0) {
+            short angle = lidar.getAngleOfBeacon();
+            short distance = lidar.getDistanceOfBeacon();
+            output = "beacon ";
+            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) output += INT_TO_CHAR[(angle >> (4*(3-i))) & 0x0F];
+            output += " ";
+            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) output += INT_TO_CHAR[(distance >> (4*(3-i))) & 0x0F];
+            output += "\r\n";
+        } else if ("getRobotPose") == 0) {
+            float x = controller.getX();
+            float y = controller.getY();
+            float alpha = controller.getAlpha();
+            output = "pose "+float2string(x)+" "+float2string(y)+" "+float2string(alpha)+"\r\n";
+        } else if ("getOrientation") == 0) {
+            float alpha = controller.getAlpha();
+            output = "orientation "+float2string(alpha)+"\r\n";
+        } else {
+            output = "request unknown\r\n";
+        }
+        // transmit first byte of output buffer
+        if (serial.writeable() && (output.size() > 0)) {
+            serial.putc(output[0]);
+            output.erase(0, 1);
+        }
+    } else if (input.size() >= BUFFER_SIZE) {
+        input.clear();
+    }
+ * Callback method of serial interface.
+ */
+void SerialServer::transmit() {
+    // transmit output
+    while (serial.writeable() && (output.size() > 0)) {
+        serial.putc(output[0]);
+        output.erase(0, 1);
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 SerialServer.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SerialServer.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * SerialServer.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "LIDAR.h"
+#include "Controller.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * This class implements a communication server using a serial interface.
+ */
+class SerialServer {
+    public:
+                        SerialServer(RawSerial& serial, LIDAR& lidar, Controller& controller);
+        virtual         ~SerialServer();
+    private:
+        static const float  PERIOD;
+        static const char   INT_TO_CHAR[];
+        static const int    BUFFER_SIZE = 64;
+        RawSerial&      serial;
+        LIDAR&          lidar;
+        Controller&     controller;
+        string          input;
+        string          output;
+        Ticker          ticker;
+        void            receive();
+        void            transmit();
+#endif /* SERIAL_SERVER_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 StateMachine.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StateMachine.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * StateMachine.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "StateMachine.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float StateMachine::PERIOD = 0.01f;                   // period of task in [s]
+const float StateMachine::DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 0.2f;        // minimum allowed distance to obstacle in [m]
+const float StateMachine::TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY = 0.3f;    // translational velocity in [m/s]
+const float StateMachine::ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY = 1.0f;       // rotational velocity in [rad/s]
+ * Creates and initializes a state machine object.
+ */
+StateMachine::StateMachine(Controller& controller, DigitalOut& enableMotorDriver, DigitalOut& led0, DigitalOut& led1, DigitalOut& led2, DigitalOut& led3, DigitalOut& led4, DigitalOut& led5, DigitalIn& button, IRSensor& irSensor0, IRSensor& irSensor1, IRSensor& irSensor2, IRSensor& irSensor3, IRSensor& irSensor4, IRSensor& irSensor5) : controller(controller), enableMotorDriver(enableMotorDriver), led0(led0), led1(led1), led2(led2), led3(led3), led4(led4), led5(led5), button(button), irSensor0(irSensor0), irSensor1(irSensor1), irSensor2(irSensor2), irSensor3(irSensor3), irSensor4(irSensor4), irSensor5(irSensor5) {
+    enableMotorDriver = 0;
+    state = ROBOT_OFF;
+    buttonNow = button;
+    buttonBefore = buttonNow;
+    taskList.clear();
+    ticker.attach(callback(this, &StateMachine::run), PERIOD);
+ * Deletes the state machine object and releases all allocated resources.
+ */
+StateMachine::~StateMachine() {
+    ticker.detach();
+ * Gets the actual state of this state machine.
+ * @return the actual state as an int constant.
+ */
+int StateMachine::getState() {
+    return state;
+ * This method is called periodically by the ticker object and implements the
+ * logic of the state machine.
+ */
+void StateMachine::run() {
+    // set the leds based on distance measurements
+    /*
+    led0 = irSensor0 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    led1 = irSensor1 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    led2 = irSensor2 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    led3 = irSensor3 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    led4 = irSensor4 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    led5 = irSensor5 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
+    */
+    // implementation of the state machine
+    switch (state) {
+        case ROBOT_OFF:
+            buttonNow = button;
+            if (buttonNow && !buttonBefore) {   // detect button rising edge
+                enableMotorDriver = 1;
+                taskList.push_back(new TaskWait(controller, 0.5f));
+                taskList.push_back(new TaskMove(controller, 0.1f, 0.0f));
+                state = PROCESSING_TASKS;
+            }
+            buttonBefore = buttonNow;
+            break;
+        case PROCESSING_TASKS:
+            buttonNow = button;
+            if (buttonNow && !buttonBefore) {   // detect button rising edge
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                state = SLOWING_DOWN;
+            } else if ((irSensor0 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) || (irSensor1 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)) {
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY);
+                state = TURN_LEFT;
+            } else if (irSensor5 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(-ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY);
+                state = TURN_RIGHT;
+            } else if (taskList.size() > 0) {
+                Task* task = taskList.front();
+                int result = task->run(PERIOD);
+                if (result == Task::DONE) {
+                    taskList.pop_front();
+                    delete task;
+                }
+            } else {
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                state = SLOWING_DOWN;
+            }
+            buttonBefore = buttonNow;
+            break;
+        case TURN_LEFT:
+            buttonNow = button;
+            if (buttonNow && !buttonBefore) {   // detect button rising edge
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                state = SLOWING_DOWN;
+            } else if ((irSensor0 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor1 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor5 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)) {
+                state = PROCESSING_TASKS;
+            }
+            buttonBefore = buttonNow;
+            break;
+        case TURN_RIGHT:
+            buttonNow = button;
+            if (buttonNow && !buttonBefore) {   // detect button rising edge
+                controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+                state = SLOWING_DOWN;
+            } else if ((irSensor0 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor1 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor5 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)) {
+                state = PROCESSING_TASKS;
+            }
+            buttonBefore = buttonNow;
+            break;
+        case SLOWING_DOWN:
+            if ((fabs(controller.getActualTranslationalVelocity()) < 0.01f) && (fabs(controller.getActualRotationalVelocity()) < 0.01f)) {
+                enableMotorDriver = 0;
+                while (taskList.size() > 0) {
+                    delete taskList.front();
+                    taskList.pop_front();
+                }
+                state = ROBOT_OFF;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            state = ROBOT_OFF;
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 StateMachine.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StateMachine.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * StateMachine.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <deque>
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "IRSensor.h"
+#include "Task.h"
+#include "TaskWait.h"
+#include "TaskMove.h"
+#include "TaskMoveTo.h"
+ * This class implements a simple state machine for a mobile robot.
+ * It allows to move the robot forward, and to turn left or right,
+ * depending on distance measurements, to avoid collisions with
+ * obstacles.
+ */
+class StateMachine {
+    public:
+        static const int    ROBOT_OFF = 0;          // discrete states of this state machine
+        static const int    PROCESSING_TASKS = 1;
+        static const int    TURN_LEFT = 2;
+        static const int    TURN_RIGHT = 3;
+        static const int    SLOWING_DOWN = 4;
+                    StateMachine(Controller& controller, DigitalOut& enableMotorDriver, DigitalOut& led0, DigitalOut& led1, DigitalOut& led2, DigitalOut& led3, DigitalOut& led4, DigitalOut& led5, DigitalIn& button, IRSensor& irSensor0, IRSensor& irSensor1, IRSensor& irSensor2, IRSensor& irSensor3, IRSensor& irSensor4, IRSensor& irSensor5);
+        virtual     ~StateMachine();
+        int         getState();
+    private:
+        static const float  PERIOD;                 // period of task in [s]
+        static const float  DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;     // minimum allowed distance to obstacle in [m]
+        static const float  TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY; // translational velocity in [m/s]
+        static const float  ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY;    // rotational velocity in [rad/s]
+        Controller&     controller;
+        DigitalOut&     enableMotorDriver;
+        DigitalOut&     led0;
+        DigitalOut&     led1;
+        DigitalOut&     led2;
+        DigitalOut&     led3;
+        DigitalOut&     led4;
+        DigitalOut&     led5;
+        DigitalIn&      button;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor0;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor1;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor2;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor3;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor4;
+        IRSensor&       irSensor5;
+        int             state;
+        int             buttonNow;
+        int             buttonBefore;
+        deque<Task*>    taskList;
+        Ticker          ticker;
+        void            run();
+#endif /* STATE_MACHINE_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Task.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Task.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Task.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "Task.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates an abstract task object.
+ */
+Task::Task() {}
+ * Deletes the task object.
+ */
+Task::~Task() {}
+ * This method is called periodically by a task sequencer.
+ * It contains the code this task has to work on.
+ * @param period the period of the task sequencer, given in [s].
+ * @return the status of this task, i.e. RUNNING or DONE.
+ */
+int Task::run(float period) {
+    return DONE;
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 Task.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Task.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Task.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TASK_H_
+#define TASK_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+ * This is an abstract task class with a method that
+ * is called periodically by a task sequencer.
+ */
+class Task {
+    public:
+        static const int    FAULT = -1;     /**< Task return value. */
+        static const int    RUNNING = 0;    /**< Task return value. */
+        static const int    DONE = 1;       /**< Task return value. */
+                        Task();
+        virtual         ~Task();
+        virtual int     run(float period);
+#endif /* TASK_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskMove.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskMove.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * TaskMove.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "TaskMove.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float TaskMove::DEFAULT_DURATION = 3600.0f;
+ * Creates a task object that moves the robot with given velocities.
+ * @param conroller a reference to the controller object of the robot.
+ * @param translationalVelocity the translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ * @param rotationalVelocity the rotational velocity, given in [rad/s].
+ */
+TaskMove::TaskMove(Controller& controller, float translationalVelocity, float rotationalVelocity) : controller(controller) {
+    this->translationalVelocity = translationalVelocity;
+    this->rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity;
+    this->duration = DEFAULT_DURATION;
+    time = 0.0f;
+ * Creates a task object that moves the robot with given velocities.
+ * @param conroller a reference to the controller object of the robot.
+ * @param translationalVelocity the translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ * @param rotationalVelocity the rotational velocity, given in [rad/s].
+ * @param duration the duration to move the robot, given in [s].
+ */
+TaskMove::TaskMove(Controller& controller, float translationalVelocity, float rotationalVelocity, float duration) : controller(controller) {
+    this->translationalVelocity = translationalVelocity;
+    this->rotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity;
+    this->duration = duration;
+    time = 0.0f;
+ * Deletes the task object.
+ */
+TaskMove::~TaskMove() {}
+ * This method is called periodically by a task sequencer.
+ * @param period the period of the task sequencer, given in [s].
+ * @return the status of this task, i.e. RUNNING or DONE.
+ */
+int TaskMove::run(float period) {
+    time += period;
+    if (time < duration) {
+        controller.setTranslationalVelocity(translationalVelocity);
+        controller.setRotationalVelocity(rotationalVelocity);
+        return RUNNING;
+    } else {
+        controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+        controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+        return DONE;
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskMove.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskMove.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * TaskMove.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TASK_MOVE_H_
+#define TASK_MOVE_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "Task.h"
+ * This is a specific implementation of a task class that moves the robot with given velocities.
+ */
+class TaskMove : public Task {
+    public:
+        static const float  DEFAULT_DURATION;   /**< Default duration, given in [s]. */
+                    TaskMove(Controller& controller, float translationalVelocity, float rotationalVelocity);
+                    TaskMove(Controller& controller, float translationalVelocity, float rotationalVelocity, float duration);
+        virtual     ~TaskMove();
+        virtual int run(float period);
+    private:
+        Controller& controller;             // reference to controller object to use
+        float       translationalVelocity;  // translational velocity, given in [m/s]
+        float       rotationalVelocity;     // rotational velocity, given in [rad/s]
+        float       duration;               // duration to move the robot, given in [s]
+        float       time;                   // current time, given in [s]
+#endif /* TASK_MOVE_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskMoveTo.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskMoveTo.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * TaskMoveTo.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include "TaskMoveTo.h"
+using namespace std;
+const float TaskMoveTo::DEFAULT_VELOCITY = 0.2f;    // default velocity value, given in [m/s]
+const float TaskMoveTo::DEFAULT_ZONE = 0.01f;       // default zone value, given in [m]
+const float TaskMoveTo::PI = 3.14159265f;           // the constant PI
+const float TaskMoveTo::K1 = 2.0f;                  // position controller gain parameter
+const float TaskMoveTo::K2 = 0.5f;                  // position controller gain parameter
+const float TaskMoveTo::K3 = 0.5f;                  // position controller gain parameter
+ * Creates a task object that moves the robot to a given pose.
+ * @param conroller a reference to the controller object of the robot.
+ * @param x the x coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param y the y coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param alpha the target orientation, given in [rad].
+ */
+TaskMoveTo::TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha) : controller(controller) {
+    this->x = x;
+    this->y = y;
+    this->alpha = alpha;
+    this->velocity = DEFAULT_VELOCITY;
+    this->zone = DEFAULT_ZONE;
+ * Creates a task object that moves the robot to a given pose.
+ * @param conroller a reference to the controller object of the robot.
+ * @param x the x coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param y the y coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param alpha the target orientation, given in [rad].
+ * @param velocity the maximum translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ */
+TaskMoveTo::TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha, float velocity) : controller(controller) {
+    this->x = x;
+    this->y = y;
+    this->alpha = alpha;
+    this->velocity = velocity;
+    this->zone = DEFAULT_ZONE;
+ * Creates a task object that moves the robot to a given pose.
+ * @param conroller a reference to the controller object of the robot.
+ * @param x the x coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param y the y coordinate of the target position, given in [m].
+ * @param alpha the target orientation, given in [rad].
+ * @param velocity the maximum translational velocity, given in [m/s].
+ * @param zone the zone threshold around the target position, given in [m].
+ */
+TaskMoveTo::TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha, float velocity, float zone) : controller(controller) {
+    this->x = x;
+    this->y = y;
+    this->alpha = alpha;
+    this->velocity = velocity;
+    this->zone = zone;
+ * Deletes the task object.
+ */
+TaskMoveTo::~TaskMoveTo() {}
+ * This method is called periodically by a task sequencer.
+ * @param period the period of the task sequencer, given in [s].
+ * @return the status of this task, i.e. RUNNING or DONE.
+ */
+int TaskMoveTo::run(float period) {
+    float translationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    float rotationalVelocity = 0.0f;
+    float x = controller.getX();
+    float y = controller.getY();
+    float alpha = controller.getAlpha();
+    float rho = sqrt((this->x-x)*(this->x-x)+(this->y-y)*(this->y-y));
+    if (rho > 0.001f) {
+        float gamma = atan2(this->y-y, this->x-x)-alpha;
+        while (gamma < -PI) gamma += 2.0f*PI;
+        while (gamma > PI) gamma -= 2.0f*PI;
+        float delta = gamma+alpha-this->alpha;
+        while (delta < -PI) delta += 2.0f*PI;
+        while (delta > PI) delta -= 2.0f*PI;
+        translationalVelocity = K1*rho*cos(gamma);
+        translationalVelocity = (translationalVelocity > velocity) ? velocity : (translationalVelocity < -velocity) ? -velocity : translationalVelocity;
+        rotationalVelocity = (fabs(gamma) > 0.001f) ? K2*gamma+K1*sin(gamma)*cos(gamma)*(gamma+K3*delta)/gamma : 0.0f;
+    }
+    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(translationalVelocity);
+    controller.setRotationalVelocity(rotationalVelocity);
+    return (rho < zone) ? DONE : RUNNING;
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskMoveTo.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskMoveTo.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * TaskMoveTo.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TASK_MOVE_TO_H_
+#define TASK_MOVE_TO_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "Task.h"
+ * This is a specific implementation of a task class that moves the robot to a given pose.
+ */
+class TaskMoveTo : public Task {
+    public:
+        static const float  DEFAULT_VELOCITY;   /**< Default velocity value, given in [m/s]. */
+        static const float  DEFAULT_ZONE;       /**< Default zone value, given in [m]. */
+                    TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha);
+                    TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha, float velocity);
+                    TaskMoveTo(Controller& controller, float x, float y, float alpha, float velocity, float zone);
+        virtual     ~TaskMoveTo();
+        virtual int run(float period);
+    private:
+        static const float  PI;
+        static const float  K1;
+        static const float  K2;
+        static const float  K3;
+        Controller& controller; // reference to the controller object to use
+        float       x;          // x coordinate of target position, given in [m]
+        float       y;          // y coordinate of target position, given in [m]
+        float       alpha;      // target orientation, given in [rad]
+        float       velocity;   // maximum translational velocity, given in [m/s]
+        float       zone;       // zone threshold around target position, given in [m]
+#endif /* TASK_MOVE_TO_H_ */
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskWait.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskWait.cpp	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * TaskWait.cpp
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "TaskWait.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Creates a task object that waits for a given duration.
+ */
+TaskWait::TaskWait(Controller& controller, float duration) : controller(controller) {
+    this->duration = duration;
+    time = 0.0f;
+ * Deletes the task object.
+ */
+TaskWait::~TaskWait() {}
+ * This method is called periodically by a task sequencer.
+ * @param period the period of the task sequencer, given in [s].
+ * @return the status of this task, i.e. RUNNING or DONE.
+ */
+int TaskWait::run(float period) {
+    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0.0f);
+    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
+    time += period;
+    if (time < duration) {
+        return RUNNING;
+    } else {
+        return DONE;
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r da791f233257 TaskWait.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TaskWait.h	Fri May 11 12:21:19 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * TaskWait.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, ZHAW
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TASK_WAIT_H_
+#define TASK_WAIT_H_
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "Task.h"
+ * This is a specific implementation of a task class that waits for a given duration.
+ */
+class TaskWait : public Task {
+    public:
+                    TaskWait(Controller& controller, float duration);
+        virtual     ~TaskWait();
+        virtual int run(float period);
+    private:
+        Controller& controller;
+        float       duration;
+        float       time;
+#endif /* TASK_WAIT_H_ */