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Deprecated List
This enumeration value is not relevant anymore. Advertising reporting and the connection procedure should rely on RANDOM instead. Use Gap::getRandomAddressType to retrieve the type of the random address.
This enumeration value is not relevant anymore. Advertising reporting and the connection procedure should rely on RANDOM instead. Use Gap::getRandomAddressType to retrieve the type of the random address.
Global AddressType::RANDOM_STATIC
This enumeration value is not relevant anymore. Advertising reporting and the connection procedure should rely on RANDOM instead. Use Gap::getRandomAddressType to retrieve the type of the random address.
Global ATCmdParser::debugOn (uint8_t on)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with debug_on for consistency.
Global ATCmdParser::setDelimiter (const char *output_delimiter)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with set_delimiter for consistency.
Global ATCmdParser::setTimeout (int timeout)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with set_timeout for consistency.
Global BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (uint8_t flags)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(uint8_t). A former call to ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(flags) should be replaced with ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(flags).
Global BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (GapAdvertisingData::Appearance app)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance). A former call to ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(appearance) should be replaced with ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(appearance).
Global BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::DataType, const uint8_t, uint8_t). A former call to ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(...).
Global BLE::accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower (int8_t power)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower(). A former call to ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower(txPower) should be replaced with ble.gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower(txPower).
Global BLE::accumulateScanResponse (GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::accumulateScanResponse(). A former call to ble.accumulateScanResponse(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().accumulateScanResponse(...).
Global BLE::addService (GattService &service)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly, refer to GattServer::addService(). A former call to ble.addService() should be replaced with ble.gattServer().addService().
Global BLE::BLE (InstanceID_t instanceID=DEFAULT_INSTANCE)
Use the Instance() function instead of the constructor.
Global BLE::clearAdvertisingPayload (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::clearAdvertisingPayload(). A former call to ble.clearAdvertisingPayload(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().clearAdvertisingPayload(...).
Global BLE::clearScanResponse (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::clearScanResponse(). A former call to ble.clearScanResponse(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().clearScanResponse(...).
Global BLE::connect (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType=BLEProtocol::AddressType::RANDOM_STATIC, const Gap::ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams=NULL, const GapScanningParams *scanParams=NULL)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::connect(). A former call to ble.connect(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().connect(...).
Global BLE::disconnect (Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, Gap::DisconnectionReason_t reason)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to GAP::disconnect(). A former call to ble.disconnect(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().disconnect(...).
Global BLE::disconnect (Gap::DisconnectionReason_t reason)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::disconnect(). A former call to ble.disconnect(reason) should be replaced with ble.gap().disconnect(reason).
Global BLE::getAddress (BLEProtocol::AddressType_t *typeP, BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::getAddress(). A former call to ble.getAddress(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getAddress(...).
Global BLE::getAdvertisingData (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::getAdvertisingData(). A former call to ble.getAdvertisingData(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getAdvertisingPayload()(...).
Global BLE::getAdvertisingParams (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::getAdvertisingParams(). A former call to ble.getAdvertisingParams(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getAdvertisingParams(...).
Global BLE::getAppearance (GapAdvertisingData::Appearance *appearanceP)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::getAppearance(). A former call to ble.getAppearance() should be replaced with ble.gap().getAppearance().
Global BLE::getDeviceName (uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::getDeviceName(). A former call to ble.getDeviceName() should be replaced with ble.gap().getDeviceName().
Global BLE::getGapState (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::getState(). A former call to ble.getGapState() should be replaced with ble.gap().getState().
Global BLE::getLinkSecurity (Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, SecurityManager::LinkSecurityStatus_t *securityStatusP)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly, refer to SecurityManager::getLinkSecurity(). A former call to ble.getLinkSecurity(...) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().getLinkSecurity(...).
Global BLE::getMaxAdvertisingInterval (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::getMaxAdvertisingInterval(). A former call to ble.getMaxAdvertisingInterval(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getMaxAdvertisingInterval(...).
Global BLE::getMinAdvertisingInterval (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::getMinAdvertisingInterval(). A former call to ble.getMinAdvertisingInterval(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getMinAdvertisingInterval(...).
Global BLE::getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval (void) const
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::MinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(). A former call to ble.getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(...).
Global BLE::getPermittedTxPowerValues (const int8_t **valueArrayPP, size_t *countP)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::getPermittedTxPowerValues(). A former call to ble.getPermittedTxPowerValues() should be replaced with ble.gap().getPermittedTxPowerValues().
Global BLE::getPreferredConnectionParams (Gap::ConnectionParams_t *params)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::getPreferredConnectionParams(). A former call to ble.getPreferredConnectionParams() should be replaced with ble.gap().getPreferredConnectionParams().
Global BLE::initializeSecurity (bool enableBonding=true, bool requireMITM=true, SecurityManager::SecurityIOCapabilities_t iocaps=SecurityManager::IO_CAPS_NONE, const SecurityManager::Passkey_t passkey=NULL)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly, refer to SecurityManager.init(). A former call to ble.initializeSecurity(...) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().init(...).
Global BLE::onConfirmationReceived (GattServer::EventCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onConfirmationReceived(). A former call to ble.onConfirmationReceived(callback) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onConfirmationReceived(callback).
Global BLE::onConnection (Gap::ConnectionEventCallback_t connectionCallback)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::onConnection(). A former call to ble.onConnection(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().onConnection(callback).
Global BLE::onDataRead (void(*callback)(const GattReadCallbackParams *eventDataP))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onDataRead(). A former call to ble.onDataRead(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataRead(...).
Global BLE::onDataRead (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattReadCallbackParams *context))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onDataRead(). A former call to ble.onDataRead(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataRead(...).
Global BLE::onDataSent (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(unsigned count))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onDataSent(). A former call to ble.onDataSent(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataSent(...).
Global BLE::onDataSent (void(*callback)(unsigned count))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onDataSent(). A former call to ble.onDataSent(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataSent(...).
Global BLE::onDataWritten (void(*callback)(const GattWriteCallbackParams *eventDataP))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onDataWritten(). A former call to ble.onDataWritten(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...).
Global BLE::onDataWritten (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattWriteCallbackParams *context))
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly, refer to GattServer::onDataWritten(). A former call to ble.onDataWritten(...) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(...).
Global BLE::onDisconnection (Gap::DisconnectionEventCallback_t disconnectionCallback)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::onDisconnection(). A former call to ble.onDisconnection(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().onDisconnection(callback).
Global BLE::onDisconnection (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *))
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::onDisconnection(). A former call to ble.onDisconnection(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().onDisconnection(callback).
Global BLE::onLinkSecured (SecurityManager::LinkSecuredCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::onLinkSecured(). A former call to ble.onLinkSecured(callback) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().onLinkSecured(callback).
Global BLE::onPasskeyDisplay (SecurityManager::PasskeyDisplayCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::onPasskeyDisplay(). A former call to ble.onPasskeyDisplay(callback) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().onPasskeyDisplay(callback).
Global BLE::onRadioNotification (void(*callback)(bool))
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::onRadioNotification(). A former call to ble.onRadioNotification(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().onRadioNotification(...).
Global BLE::onSecurityContextStored (SecurityManager::HandleSpecificEvent_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::onSecurityContextStored(). A former call to ble.onSecurityContextStored(callback) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().onSecurityContextStored(callback).
Global BLE::onSecuritySetupCompleted (SecurityManager::SecuritySetupCompletedCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::onSecuritySetupCompleted(). A former call to ble.onSecuritySetupCompleted(callback) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().onSecuritySetupCompleted(callback).
Global BLE::onSecuritySetupInitiated (SecurityManager::SecuritySetupInitiatedCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::onSecuritySetupInitiated(). A former call to ble.onSecuritySetupInitiated(callback) should be replaced with ble.securityManager().onSecuritySetupInitiated(callback).
Global BLE::onTimeout (Gap::TimeoutEventCallback_t timeoutCallback)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::onTimeout(). A former call to ble.onTimeout(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().onTimeout(callback).
Global BLE::onUpdatesDisabled (GattServer::EventCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onUpdatesDisabled(). A former call to ble.onUpdatesDisabled(callback) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onUpdatesDisabled(callback).
Global BLE::onUpdatesEnabled (GattServer::EventCallback_t callback)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::onUpdatesEnabled(). A former call to ble.onUpdatesEnabled(callback) should be replaced with ble.gattServer().onUpdatesEnabled(callback).
Global BLE::purgeAllBondingState (void)
You should use the parallel API from SecurityManager directly and refer to SecurityManager::purgeAllBondingState(). A former call to ble.purgeAllBondingState() should be replaced with ble.securityManager().purgeAllBondingState().
Global BLE::readCharacteristicValue (GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t *lengthP)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly, GattServer::read(GattAttribute::Handle_t,uint8_t,uint16_t). A former call to ble.readCharacteristicValue() should be replaced with ble.gattServer().read().
Global BLE::readCharacteristicValue (Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t *lengthP)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly, refer to GattServer::read(Gap::Handle_t,GattAttribute::Handle_t,uint8_t,uint16_t). A former call to ble.readCharacteristicValue() should be replaced with ble.gattServer().read().
Global BLE::setActiveScan (bool activeScanning)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::setActiveScan(). A former call to ble.setActiveScan(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setActiveScanning(...).
Global BLE::setAddress (BLEProtocol::AddressType_t type, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::setAddress(). A former call to ble.setAddress(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAddress(...).
Global BLE::setAdvertisingData (const GapAdvertisingData &advData)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::setAdvertisingData(). A former call to ble.setAdvertisingData(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAdvertisingPayload(...).
Global BLE::setAdvertisingInterval (uint16_t interval)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setAdvertisingInterval(). A former call to ble.setAdvertisingInterval(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAdvertisingInterval(...).
Global BLE::setAdvertisingParams (const GapAdvertisingParams &advParams)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setAdvertisingParams(). A former call to ble.setAdvertisingParams(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAdvertisingParams(...).
Global BLE::setAdvertisingPayload (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::setAdvertisingPayload().
Global BLE::setAdvertisingTimeout (uint16_t timeout)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setAdvertisingTimeout(). A former call to ble.setAdvertisingTimeout(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAdvertisingTimeout(...).
Global BLE::setAdvertisingType (GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType advType)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setAdvertisingType(). A former call to ble.setAdvertisingType(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setAdvertisingType(...).
Global BLE::setAppearance (GapAdvertisingData::Appearance appearance)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setAppearance(). A former call to ble.setAppearance() should be replaced with ble.gap().setAppearance().
Global BLE::setDeviceName (const uint8_t *deviceName)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setDeviceName(). A former call to ble.setDeviceName() should be replaced with ble.gap().setDeviceName().
Global BLE::setPreferredConnectionParams (const Gap::ConnectionParams_t *params)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setPreferredConnectionParams(). A former call to ble.setPreferredConnectionParams() should be replaced with ble.gap().setPreferredConnectionParams().
Global BLE::setScanInterval (uint16_t interval)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setScanInterval(). A former call to ble.setScanInterval(interval) should be replaced with ble.gap().setScanInterval(interval).
Global BLE::setScanParams (uint16_t interval=GapScanningParams::SCAN_INTERVAL_MAX, uint16_t window=GapScanningParams::SCAN_WINDOW_MAX, uint16_t timeout=0, bool activeScanning=false)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setScanParams(). A former call to ble.setScanParams(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setScanParams(...).
Global BLE::setScanTimeout (uint16_t timeout)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setScanTimeout(). A former call to ble.setScanTimeout(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().setScanTimeout(...).
Global BLE::setScanWindow (uint16_t window)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setScanWindow(). A former call to ble.setScanWindow(window) should be replaced with ble.gap().setScanWindow(window).
Global BLE::setTxPower (int8_t txPower)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::setTxPower(). A former call to ble.setTxPower() should be replaced with ble.gap().setTxPower().
Global BLE::startAdvertising (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::startAdvertising(). A former call to ble.startAdvertising(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().startAdvertising(...).
Global BLE::startScan (void(*callback)(const Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params))
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::startScan(). A former call to ble.startScan(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().startScan(callback).
Global BLE::startScan (T *object, void(T::*memberCallback)(const Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params))
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly, refer to Gap::startScan(). A former call to ble.startScan(callback) should be replaced with ble.gap().startScan(object, callback).
Global BLE::stopAdvertising (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::stopAdvertising(). A former call to ble.stopAdvertising(...) should be replaced with ble.gap().stopAdvertising(...).
Global BLE::stopScan (void)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::stopScan(). A former call to ble.stopScan() should be replaced with ble.gap().stopScan().
Global BLE::updateCharacteristicValue (GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t *value, uint16_t size, bool localOnly=false)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::write(GattAttribute::Handle_t,const uint8_t,uint16_t,bool). A former call to ble.updateCharacteristicValue() should be replaced with ble.gattServer().write().
Global BLE::updateCharacteristicValue (Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t *value, uint16_t size, bool localOnly=false)
You should use the parallel API from GattServer directly and refer to GattServer::write(Gap::Handle_t,GattAttribute::Handle_t,const uint8_t,uint16_t,bool). A former call to ble.updateCharacteristicValue() should be replaced with ble.gattServer().write().
Global BLE::updateConnectionParams (Gap::Handle_t handle, const Gap::ConnectionParams_t *params)
You should use the parallel API from Gap directly and refer to Gap::updateConnectionParams(). A former call to ble.updateConnectionParams() should be replaced with ble.gap().updateConnectionParams().
Global BLE::waitForEvent (void)
This function blocks the CPU. Use the pair onEventsToProcess() and processEvents().
Global BLEDevice
This type alias is retained for the sake of compatibility with older code.
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (R(*func)(ArgTs...))
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const Callback< R(ArgTs...)> &func)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (U *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...))
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const U *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const volatile U *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (R(*func)(T *, ArgTs...), U *arg)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (R(*func)(const T *, ArgTs...), const U *arg)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (R(*func)(volatile T *, ArgTs...), volatile U *arg)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (R(*func)(const volatile T *, ArgTs...), const volatile U *arg)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (F f,)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const F f,)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (volatile F f,)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const volatile F f,)
Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (U *obj, R(*func)(T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const U *obj, R(*func)(const T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (volatile U *obj, R(*func)(volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::attach (const volatile U *obj, R(*func)(const volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::Callback (U *obj, R(*func)(T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::Callback (const U *obj, R(*func)(const T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::Callback (volatile U *obj, R(*func)(volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
Global Callback< R(ArgTs...)>::Callback (const volatile U *obj, R(*func)(const volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
Class CallChain
Do not use this class. This class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::add (Callback< void()> func)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::add (T *obj, M method)
The add function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by add(callback(obj, method)).
Global CallChain::add_front (Callback< void()> func)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::add_front (T *obj, M method)
The add_front function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by add_front(callback(obj, method)).
Global CallChain::call ()
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::CallChain (int size=4)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::clear ()
Do not use this function. This class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::find (pFunctionPointer_t f) const
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::get (int i) const
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::operator() (void)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::operator[] (int i) const
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::remove (pFunctionPointer_t f)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::size () const
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CallChain::~CallChain ()
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global CAN::attach (T *obj, void(T::*method)(), IrqType type=RxIrq)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method), type).
Global CAN::attach (T *obj, void(*method)(T *), IrqType type=RxIrq)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method), type).
Global CellularBase
Migrated to CellularInterface
Global CriticalSectionLock::lock ()
This function is inconsistent with RAII and is being removed in the future.
Global CriticalSectionLock::unlock ()
This function is inconsistent with RAII and is being removed in the future.
Global deepsleep (void)
Do not use this function. Applications should use sleep() API which puts the system in deepsleep mode if supported.
Global DirHandle::closedir ()
Replaced by `int DirHandle::close()'
Global DirHandle::readdir ()
Replaced by `ssize_t DirHandle::read(struct dirent *ent)
Global DirHandle::rewinddir ()
Replaced by `void DirHandle::rewind()'
Global DirHandle::seekdir (off_t location)
Replaced by `void DirHandle::seek(off_t offset)'
Global DirHandle::telldir ()
Replaced by `off_t DirHandle::tell()'
Class Ethernet
EthInterface is now the preferred way to get an Ethernet object. Alternatively, use NetworkInterface to get an instance of an appropriate network interface (WiFi or Ethernet).
Global Ethernet::address (char *mac)
Gives the ethernet address of the mbed.
Global Ethernet::Ethernet ()
Initialize the ethernet interface.
Global Ethernet::link ()
Returns if an ethernet link is present or not.
Global Ethernet::read (char *data, int size)
Read from an received ethernet packet.
Global Ethernet::receive ()
Receives an arrived ethernet packet.
Global Ethernet::send ()
Send an outgoing ethernet packet.
Global Ethernet::set_link (Mode mode)
Sets the speed and duplex parameters of an ethernet link
Global Ethernet::write (const char *data, int size)
Writes into an outgoing ethernet packet.
Global Ethernet::~Ethernet ()
Powers the hardware down.
Global FileHandle::flen ()
Replaced by `off_t FileHandle::size()'
Global FileHandle::fsync ()
Replaced by `int FileHandle::sync()'
Global FileHandle::lseek (off_t offset, int whence)
Replaced by `off_t FileHandle::seek(off_t offset, int whence = SEEK_SET)'
Global FileSystemLike::open (const char *path, int flags)
Replaced by int open(FileHandle **, ...) for propagating error codes
Global FileSystemLike::opendir (const char *path)
Replaced by int open(DirHandle **, ...) for propagating error codes
Global Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (uint8_t flags)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder.
Global Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (GapAdvertisingData::Appearance app)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder instead.
Global Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayload (GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder instead.
Global Gap::accumulateAdvertisingPayloadTxPower (int8_t power)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder instead.
Global Gap::accumulateScanResponse (GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use createAdvertisingSet().
Global Gap::addr_type_t
Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead.
Global Gap::Address_t
Use BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t instead.
Global Gap::address_t
Use BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t instead.
Global Gap::AddressType_t
Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead.
Global Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t::addressType
AddressType_t do not carry enough information to be used when privacy is enabled. Use peerAddressType instead.
Global Gap::clearAdvertisingPayload (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setAdvertisingPayload(ble::advertising_handle_t, Span<uint8_t>, bool).
Global Gap::clearScanResponse (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setAdvertisingScanResponse().
Global Gap::connect (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, PeerAddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use connect(target_peer_address_type_t, address_t, ConnectionParameters).
Global Gap::connect (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams)
BLEProtocol::AddressType_t is not able to to carry accurate meaning when privacy is in use. Please Uses the connect overload that accept a PeerAddressType_t as the peer address type.
Global Gap::connect (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, DeprecatedAddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams)
This funtion overloads Gap::connect( const BLEProtocol::Address_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const GapScanningParams *scanParams ) to maintain backward compatibility for changes from Gap::AddressType_t to BLEProtocol::AddressType_t.
Global Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t::ConnectionCallbackParams_t (Handle_t handleIn, Role_t roleIn, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrTypeIn, const uint8_t *peerAddrIn, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrTypeIn, const uint8_t *ownAddrIn, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParamsIn, const uint8_t *peerResolvableAddrIn=NULL, const uint8_t *localResolvableAddrIn=NULL)
The type BLEProtocol::AddressType_t is not suitable when privacy is enabled. Use the constructor that accepts a PeerAddressType_t instead.
Global Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t::ownAddr
The local address used for the connection may not be known, Therefore this field is not reliable.
Global Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t::peerAddrType
The type BLEProtocol::AddressType_t is not suitable when privacy is enabled. Use peerAddressType instead.
Global Gap::DeprecatedAddressType_t
Use BLEProtocol::AddressType_t instead. The following constants have been left in their deprecated state to transparently support existing applications that may have used Gap::ADDR_TYPE_*.
Global Gap::disconnect (Handle_t connectionHandle, DisconnectionReason_t reason)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use disconnect(connection_handle_t, local_disconnection_reason_t) instead.
Global Gap::disconnect (DisconnectionReason_t reason)
This version of disconnect() doesn't take a connection handle. It works reliably only for stacks that are limited to a single connection. Use Gap::disconnect(Handle_t connectionHandle, DisconnectionReason_t reason) instead.
Global Gap::getAdvertisingParams (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getAdvertisingParams (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getAdvertisingPayload (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getAdvertisingPolicyMode (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getInitiatorPolicyMode (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getPermittedTxPowerValues (const int8_t **valueArrayPP, size_t *countP)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getScanningPolicyMode (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::getState (void) const
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This is not meaningful when you use extended advertising; Please replace getState().advertising with isAdvertisingActive(), and replace getState().connected with your own record and update during callbacks.
Global Gap::initRadioNotification (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::onConnection (ConnectionEventCallback_t callback)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onConnection (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(const ConnectionCallbackParams_t *))
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onConnection ()
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onDisconnection ()
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onDisconnection (DisconnectionEventCallback_t callback)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onDisconnection (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(const DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *))
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onRadioNotification (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(bool))
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onRadioNotification (void(*callback)(bool param))
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support.
Global Gap::onTimeout (TimeoutEventCallback_t callback)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::onTimeout ()
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setEventHandler() instead.
Global Gap::processAdvertisementReport (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, int8_t rssi, bool isScanResponse, GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t type, uint8_t advertisingDataLen, const uint8_t *advertisingData, PeerAddressType_t addressType)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use EventHandler::onAdvertisingReport() instead.
Global Gap::processAdvertisementReport (const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, int8_t rssi, bool isScanResponse, GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t type, uint8_t advertisingDataLen, const uint8_t *advertisingData, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t addressType=BLEProtocol::AddressType::RANDOM_STATIC)
The type BLEProtocol::AddressType_t is not suitable when privacy is enabled. Use the overload that accepts a PeerAddressType_t instead.
Global Gap::processConnectionEvent (Handle_t handle, Role_t role, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t peerAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t ownAddr, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const uint8_t *peerResolvableAddr=NULL, const uint8_t *localResolvableAddr=NULL)
The type BLEProtocol::AddressType_t is not suitable when privacy is enabled. Use the overload that accepts a PeerAddressType_t instead.
Global Gap::processConnectionEvent (Handle_t handle, Role_t role, PeerAddressType_t peerAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t peerAddr, BLEProtocol::AddressType_t ownAddrType, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t ownAddr, const ConnectionParams_t *connectionParams, const uint8_t *peerResolvableAddr=NULL, const uint8_t *localResolvableAddr=NULL)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use EventHandler::onConnectionComplete() instead.
Global Gap::processDisconnectionEvent (Handle_t handle, DisconnectionReason_t reason)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use EventHandler::onDisconnection() instead.
Global Gap::processTimeoutEvent (TimeoutSource_t source)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use EventHandler instead.
Global Gap::setActiveScanning (bool activeScanning)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setAddress (BLEProtocol::AddressType_t type, const BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t address)
Starting with mbed-os-5.9.0 this function is deprecated and address management is delegated to implementation. Implementations may or may not continue to support this function. Compliance with the Bluetooth specification and unification of behaviour between implementations are the key reasons behind this change:
  • Many implementations do not allow changing of the public address. Therefore programs relying on this function are not portable across BLE implementations.
  • The Bluetooth specification forbid replacement of the random static address; this address can be set once and only once: at startup. Depending on the underlying implementation the random address may or may not have been set automatically at startup; therefore update of the Random Static address after ble initialisation may be a fault. As a result calls to this function were not portable. Furthermore replacement of the random static address silently invalidates the bond stored in the secure database.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingInterval (uint16_t interval)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This option is now part of ble::AdvertisingParameters.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingParams (const GapAdvertisingParams &newParams)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setAdvertisingParameters() instead.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingPayload (const GapAdvertisingData &payload)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder instead.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingPolicyMode (AdvertisingPolicyMode_t mode)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This setting is now part of ble::AdvertisingParameters.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingTimeout (uint16_t timeout)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This option is now part of ble::AdvertisingParameters.
Global Gap::setAdvertisingType (GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t advType)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This option is now part of ble::AdvertisingParameters.
Global Gap::setInitiatorPolicyMode (InitiatorPolicyMode_t mode)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This setting is now part of ble::ConnectionParameters.
Global Gap::setScanInterval (uint16_t interval)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setScanningPolicyMode (ScanningPolicyMode_t mode)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. This setting is now part of ble::ScanParameters.
Global Gap::setScanParams (const GapScanningParams &scanningParams)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setScanParams (uint16_t interval=GapScanningParams::SCAN_INTERVAL_MAX, uint16_t window=GapScanningParams::SCAN_WINDOW_MAX, uint16_t timeout=0, bool activeScanning=false)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setScanTimeout (uint16_t timeout)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setScanWindow (uint16_t window)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use setScanParameters(const ScanParameters &) instead.
Global Gap::setTxPower (int8_t txPower)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. See ble::AdvertisingParameters and setAdvertisingParameters.
Global Gap::startAdvertising (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use startAdvertising(advertising_handle_t, adv_duration_t, uint8_t) instead.
Global Gap::startRadioScan (const GapScanningParams &scanningParams)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Vendors should use the Cordio HCI interface or the ble::pal or implement startScan(duplicates_filter_t, scan_duration_t, period)
Global Gap::startScan (void(*callback)(const AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params))
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use startScan(duplicates_filter_t, scan_duration_t, scan_period_t) instead.
Global Gap::startScan (T *object, void(T::*callbackMember)(const AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params))

Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use createAdvertisingSet().

Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use startScan(duplicates_filter_t, scan_duration_t, scan_period_t) instead.

Global Gap::stopAdvertising (void)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use stopAdvertising(advertising_handle_t).
Global Gap::updateAdvertisingPayload (GapAdvertisingData::DataType type, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder instead.
Global Gap::updateConnectionParams (Handle_t handle, const ConnectionParams_t *params)
Deprecated since addition of extended advertising support. Use updateConnectionParameters(connection_handle_t, conn_interval_t, conn_interval_t, slave_latency_t, supervision_timeout_t, conn_event_length_t, conn_event_length_t) instead.
Class GapAdvertisingData
Use AdvertisingData instead. This version provides the buffer backing for the advertising data but it's only big enough for legacy advertising.
Global GapAdvertisingData::Appearance
Future releases will drop this type alias.
Global GapAdvertisingData::DataType
Future releases will drop this type alias.
Global GapAdvertisingData::Flags
Future releases will drop this type alias.
Global GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType
Future releases will drop this type alias.
Global GattCharacteristic::getRequiredSecurity () const
Fine grained security check has been added to with mbed OS 5.9. It is possible to set independently security requirements for read, write and update operations. In the meantime SecurityManager::SecurityMode_t is not used anymore to represent security requirements as it maps incorrectly the Bluetooth standard.
Global GattCharacteristic::requireSecurity (SecurityManager::SecurityMode_t securityMode)
Fine grained security check has been added to with mbed OS 5.9. It is possible to set independently security requirements for read, write and update operations. In the meantime SecurityManager::SecurityMode_t is not used anymore to represent security requirements as it maps incorrectly the Bluetooth standard.
Global GattClient::onDataWrite (WriteCallback_t callback)
Use GattServer::onDataWritten().
Global InternetSocket::attach (T *obj, M method)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method)).
Global InternetSocket::attach (mbed::Callback< void()> func)
The behavior of Socket::attach differs from other attach functions in Mbed OS and has been known to cause confusion. Replaced by Socket::sigio.
Global InterruptIn::fall (T *obj, M method)
The rise function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by rise(callback(obj, method)).
Global InterruptIn::rise (T *obj, M method)
The rise function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by rise(callback(obj, method)).
Class InterruptManager
Do not use this class. This class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::add_handler (void(*function)(void), IRQn_Type irq)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::add_handler (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), IRQn_Type irq)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::add_handler_front (void(*function)(void), IRQn_Type irq)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::add_handler_front (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), IRQn_Type irq)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::destroy ()
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::get ()
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global InterruptManager::remove_handler (pFunctionPointer_t handler, IRQn_Type irq)
Do not use this function, this class is not part of the public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.
Global mbed::callback (const U *obj, R(*func)(const T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
Global mbed::callback (const volatile U *obj, R(*func)(const volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
Global mbed::callback (volatile U *obj, R(*func)(volatile T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
Global mbed::callback (U *obj, R(*func)(T *, ArgTs...))
Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
Global mbed_error_vfprintf (const char *format, va_list arg) MBED_PRINTF(1
Renamed to mbed_error_vprintf to match functionality
Global Mutex::lock (uint32_t millisec)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with lock(), trylock() and trylock_for() functions.
Global NetworkInterface::cellularBase ()
CellularBase migrated to CellularInterface - use cellularInterface()
Global radio_fsk_settings::iq_inverted
Does not apply to FSK.
Class RtosTimer
The RtosTimer has been superseded by the EventQueue. The RtosTimer and EventQueue duplicate the functionality of timing events outside of interrupt context, however the EventQueue has additional features to handle deferring other events to multiple contexts.
Global RtosTimer::RtosTimer (mbed::Callback< void()> func, os_timer_type type=osTimerPeriodic)
The RtosTimer has been superseded by the EventQueue. See RtosTimer.h for more details
Global RtosTimer::RtosTimer (T *obj, M method, os_timer_type type=osTimerPeriodic)

The RtosTimer constructor does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by RtosTimer(callback(obj, method), os_timer_type).

The RtosTimer has been superseded by the EventQueue. See RtosTimer.h for more details

Global RtosTimer::RtosTimer (void(*func)(void const *argument), os_timer_type type=osTimerPeriodic, void *argument=nullptr)

Replaced with RtosTimer(Callback<void()>, os_timer_type)

The RtosTimer has been superseded by the EventQueue. See RtosTimer.h for more details

Global SecurityManager::getAddressesFromBondTable (Gap::Whitelist_t &addresses) const
use generateWhitelistFromBondTable instead
Global SecurityManager::getLinkSecurity (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, LinkSecurityStatus_t *securityStatus)
Global SecurityManager::onLinkSecured (LinkSecuredCallback_t callback)
Global SecurityManager::onPasskeyDisplay (PasskeyDisplayCallback_t callback)
Global SecurityManager::onSecurityContextStored (HandleSpecificEvent_t callback)
Global SecurityManager::onSecuritySetupCompleted (SecuritySetupCompletedCallback_t callback)
Global SecurityManager::onSecuritySetupInitiated (SecuritySetupInitiatedCallback_t callback)
Global SecurityManager::processLinkSecuredEvent (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, SecurityMode_t securityMode)
Global SecurityManager::processPasskeyDisplayEvent (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, const Passkey_t passkey)
Global SecurityManager::processSecurityContextStoredEvent (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle)
Global SecurityManager::processSecuritySetupCompletedEvent (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, SecurityCompletionStatus_t status)
Global SecurityManager::processSecuritySetupInitiatedEvent (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, bool allowBonding, bool requireMITM, SecurityIOCapabilities_t iocaps)
Global Semaphore::wait (uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with acquire(), try_acquire() and try_acquire_for() functions.
Global Semaphore::wait_until (uint64_t millisec)
Do not use this function. This function has been replaced with try_acquire_until().
Global SerialBase::attach (T *obj, void(*method)(T *), IrqType type=RxIrq)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method), type).
Global SerialBase::attach (T *obj, void(T::*method)(), IrqType type=RxIrq)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method), type).
Global SocketAddress::SocketAddress (S *stack, const char *host, uint16_t port=0)
Constructors hide possible errors. Replaced by NetworkInterface::gethostbyname.
Global TCPSocket::TCPSocket (S *stack)
since mbed-os-5.11
Global Thread::attach_idle_hook (void(*fptr)(void))
Static methods affecting system cause confusion. Replaced by Kernel::attach_idle_hook.
Global Thread::attach_terminate_hook (void(*fptr)(osThreadId id))
Static methods affecting system cause confusion. Replaced by Kernel::attach_thread_terminate_hook.
Global Thread::gettid ()
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread.
Global Thread::signal_clr (int32_t signals)
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::flags_clear.
Global Thread::signal_set (int32_t signals)
Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided.
Global Thread::signal_wait (int32_t signals, uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever)
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::flags_wait_all, ThisThread::flags_wait_all_for, ThisThread::flags_wait_any and ThisThread:wait_any_for.
Global Thread::start (T *obj, M method)
The start function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by start(callback(obj, method)).
Global Thread::Thread (T *argument, void(T::*task)(), osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal, uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE, unsigned char *stack_mem=nullptr)
Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).
Global Thread::Thread (T *argument, void(*task)(T *), osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal, uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE, unsigned char *stack_mem=nullptr)
Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).
Global Thread::Thread (void(*task)(void const *argument), void *argument=nullptr, osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal, uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE, unsigned char *stack_mem=nullptr)
Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).
Global Thread::Thread (mbed::Callback< void()> task, osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal, uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE, unsigned char *stack_mem=nullptr)
Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(task).
Global Thread::wait (uint32_t millisec)
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for.
Global Thread::wait_until (uint64_t millisec)
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_until.
Global Thread::yield ()
Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_until.
Global Ticker::attach (T *obj, M method, float t)
The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach(callback(obj, method), t).
Global Ticker::attach_us (T *obj, M method, us_timestamp_t t)
The attach_us function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by attach_us(callback(obj, method), t).
Class UARTService
This service is deprecated, and no replacement is currently available.
Global UDPSocket::UDPSocket (S *stack)
since mbed-os-5.11
Class URIBeaconConfigService
This service is deprecated, and no replacement is currently available.
Global URIBeaconConfigService::URIBeaconConfigService (BLE &bleIn, Params_t &paramsIn, bool resetToDefaultsFlag, const char *defaultURIDataIn, PowerLevels_t &defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn)
This service is deprecated, and no replacement is currently available.
Global wait (float s)
'wait' is deprecated in favor of explicit sleep functions. To sleep, 'wait' should be replaced by 'ThisThread::sleep_for' (C++) or 'thread_sleep_for' (C). If you wish to wait (without sleeping), call 'wait_us'. 'wait_us' is safe to call from ISR context.
Global wait_ms (int ms)
'wait_ms' is deprecated in favor of explicit sleep functions. To sleep, 'wait_ms' should be replaced by 'ThisThread::sleep_for' (C++) or 'thread_sleep_for' (C). If you wish to wait (without sleeping), call 'wait_us'. 'wait_us' is safe to call from ISR context.
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