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Use the DigitalIn interface to read the value of a digital input pin. The logic level is either 1 or 0.

You can use any of the numbered Arm Mbed pins as a DigitalIn.

DigitalIn class reference

Public Member Functions
 DigitalIn (PinName pin)
 Create a DigitalIn connected to the specified pin. More...
 DigitalIn (PinName pin, PinMode mode)
 Create a DigitalIn connected to the specified pin. More...
 ~DigitalIn ()
 Class destructor, deinitialize the pin. More...
int read ()
 Read the input, represented as 0 or 1 (int) More...
void mode (PinMode pull)
 Set the input pin mode. More...
int is_connected ()
 Return the output setting, represented as 0 or 1 (int) More...
 operator int ()
 An operator shorthand for read() More...

DigitalIn hello, world

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalIn  mypin(SW2); // change this to the button on your board
DigitalOut myled(LED1);

int main()
    // check mypin object is initialized and connected to a pin
    if (mypin.is_connected()) {
        printf("mypin is connected and initialized! \n\r");

    // Optional: set mode as PullUp/PullDown/PullNone/OpenDrain

    // press the button and see the console / led change
    while (1) {
        printf("mypin has value : %d \n\r", mypin.read());
        myled = mypin; // toggle led based on value of button

DigitalIn example

To handle an interrupt, see InterruptIn.

Examples of logical functions - boolean logic NOT, AND, OR, XOR:

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalIn a(D0);
DigitalIn b(D1);
DigitalOut z_not(LED1);
DigitalOut z_and(LED2);
DigitalOut z_or(LED3);
DigitalOut z_xor(LED_RED);

int main()
    while (1) {
        z_not = !a;
        z_and = a && b;
        z_or = a || b;
        z_xor = a ^ b;

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