TFT LCD with HX8347
The 3.2” inch TFT LCD module integrated a Himax HX8347-A TFT LCD controller.
#include "mbed.h" #include "LCDTFT.h" BusOut MyBus(p13,p14,p15,p16,p17,p18,p19,p20,p30,p29,p28,p27,p26,p25,p24,p23); LCDTFT MyLCD(p5,p6,p7,p22,p21,&MyBus); int main(){ MyLCD.vLCDTFTInit(); MyLCD.vLCDTFTFillScreen(ColorWhite); MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(10,20,10,229,2,0x0000); MyLCD.printf("Hola mbed!!!"); wait_ms(2000); MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(0,0,239,319,1,0x0000); MyLCD.vLCDTFTCircle(120,160,110,0,0xFFFF); MyLCD.vDrawImageBMP24Bits("IMG0.BMP"); while(1){ } }
Import programLCDTFT_Library
Example of using library LCDTFT
- FillScreen
- Point
- Line
- Rectangle Filled/No Filled
- Circle Filled/No Filled
- Text, font 5x7 and scale (1,2,3)
- Printf
- Draw Image BMP24-bits
Import libraryLCDTFT