This page has been moved to the Components section of the website. Please see .
You can get this camera from SparkFun.
The document is not so good. There are so many bugs in it. So please check the camera protocols with my library sources.
Here is the connection of the sample program.
You can change the PinName at the constructor.
- mbed to LS-Y201
- p13(TX) to RxD
- p14(RX) to TxD
There are two versions of the camera.
The one of the model is RS-232C interface.
The other is TTL interface model.
Please do NOT connect RS-232C interface model directly.
You can connect TTL interface model only.
Test program¶
#include "mbed.h" #include "Camera_LS_Y201.h" #include "SDFileSystem.h" #define DEBMSG printf #define NEWLINE() printf("\r\n") #define USE_SDCARD 0 #if USE_SDCARD #define FILENAME "/sd/IMG_%04d.jpg" SDFileSystem fs(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); #else #define FILENAME "/local/IMG_%04d.jpg" LocalFileSystem fs("local"); #endif Camera_LS_Y201 cam1(p13, p14); typedef struct work { FILE *fp; } work_t; work_t work; /** * Callback function for readJpegFileContent. * * @param buf A pointer to a buffer. * @param siz A size of the buffer. */ void callback_func(int done, int total, uint8_t *buf, size_t siz) { fwrite(buf, siz, 1, work.fp); static int n = 0; int tmp = done * 100 / total; if (n != tmp) { n = tmp; DEBMSG("Writing...: %3d%%", n); NEWLINE(); } } /** * Capture. * * @param cam A pointer to a camera object. * @param filename The file name. * * @return Return 0 if it succeed. */ int capture(Camera_LS_Y201 *cam, char *filename) { /* * Take a picture. */ if (cam->takePicture() != 0) { return -1; } DEBMSG("Captured."); NEWLINE(); /* * Open file. */ work.fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (work.fp == NULL) { return -2; } /* * Read the content. */ DEBMSG("%s", filename); NEWLINE(); if (cam->readJpegFileContent(callback_func) != 0) { fclose(work.fp); return -3; } fclose(work.fp); /* * Stop taking pictures. */ cam->stopTakingPictures(); return 0; } /** * Entry point. */ int main(void) { DEBMSG("Camera module"); NEWLINE(); DEBMSG("Resetting..."); NEWLINE(); wait(1); if (cam1.reset() == 0) { DEBMSG("Reset OK."); NEWLINE(); } else { DEBMSG("Reset fail."); NEWLINE(); error("Reset fail."); } wait(1); int cnt = 0; while (1) { char fname[64]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname) - 1, FILENAME, cnt); int r = capture(&cam1, fname); if (r == 0) { DEBMSG("[%04d]:OK.", cnt); NEWLINE(); } else { DEBMSG("[%04d]:NG. (code=%d)", cnt, r); NEWLINE(); error("Failure."); } cnt++; } }
The output¶