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CommaInitializer< XprType > Class Template Reference

CommaInitializer< XprType > Class Template Reference
[Core module]

Helper class used by the comma initializer operator. More...

#include <CommaInitializer.h>

Public Member Functions

XprType & finished ()

Detailed Description

template<typename XprType>
class Eigen::CommaInitializer< XprType >

Helper class used by the comma initializer operator.

This class is internally used to implement the comma initializer feature. It is the return type of MatrixBase::operator<<, and most of the time this is the only way it is used.

See also:
MatrixBase::operator<<, CommaInitializer::finished()

Definition at line 28 of file CommaInitializer.h.

Member Function Documentation

XprType& finished (  )
the built matrix once all its coefficients have been set. Calling finished is 100% optional. Its purpose is to write expressions like this:
 quaternion.fromRotationMatrix((Matrix3f() << axis0, axis1, axis2).finished ());

Definition at line 116 of file CommaInitializer.h.