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BandMatrix< _Scalar, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options > Class Template Reference

BandMatrix< _Scalar, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options > Class Template Reference
[Core module]

Represents a rectangular matrix with a banded storage. More...

#include <BandMatrix.h>

Inherits Eigen::internal::BandMatrixBase< BandMatrix< _Scalar, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options > >.

Public Member Functions

Index rows () const
Index cols () const
Index supers () const
Index subs () const
Block< CoefficientsType,
Dynamic, 1 > 
col (Index i)
Block< CoefficientsType,
1, SizeAtCompileTime > 
diagonal ()
const Block< const
1, SizeAtCompileTime > 
diagonal () const
template<int N>
DiagonalIntReturnType< N >::Type diagonal ()
template<int N>
const DiagonalIntReturnType< N >
diagonal () const
Block< CoefficientsType,
1, Dynamic
diagonal (Index i)
const Block< const
CoefficientsType, 1, Dynamic
diagonal (Index i) const
Derived & derived ()
const Derived & derived () const
Index size () const

Detailed Description

template<typename _Scalar, int Rows, int Cols, int Supers, int Subs, int Options>
class Eigen::internal::BandMatrix< _Scalar, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options >

Represents a rectangular matrix with a banded storage.

_ScalarNumeric type, i.e. float, double, int
RowsNumber of rows, or Dynamic
ColsNumber of columns, or Dynamic
SupersNumber of super diagonal
SubsNumber of sub diagonal
_OptionsA combination of either RowMajor or ColMajor, and of SelfAdjoint The former controls storage order, and defaults to column-major. The latter controls whether the matrix represents a selfadjoint matrix in which case either Supers of Subs have to be null.
See also:
class TridiagonalMatrix

Definition at line 199 of file BandMatrix.h.

Member Function Documentation

Block<CoefficientsType,Dynamic,1> col ( Index  i ) [inherited]
a vector expression of the i -th column, only the meaningful part is returned.
the internal storage must be column major.

Definition at line 68 of file BandMatrix.h.

Index cols (  ) const
the number of rows

Reimplemented from EigenBase< Derived >.

Definition at line 217 of file BandMatrix.h.

Derived& derived (  ) [inherited]
a reference to the derived object

Definition at line 34 of file EigenBase.h.

const Derived& derived (  ) const [inherited]
a const reference to the derived object

Definition at line 36 of file EigenBase.h.

Block<CoefficientsType,1,SizeAtCompileTime> diagonal (  ) [inherited]
a vector expression of the main diagonal

Definition at line 84 of file BandMatrix.h.

const Block<const CoefficientsType,1,SizeAtCompileTime> diagonal (  ) const [inherited]
a vector expression of the main diagonal (const version)

Definition at line 88 of file BandMatrix.h.

DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::Type diagonal (  ) [inherited]
a vector expression of the N -th sub or super diagonal

Definition at line 109 of file BandMatrix.h.

const DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::Type diagonal (  ) const [inherited]
a vector expression of the N -th sub or super diagonal

Definition at line 115 of file BandMatrix.h.

Block<CoefficientsType,1,Dynamic> diagonal ( Index  i ) [inherited]
a vector expression of the i -th sub or super diagonal

Definition at line 121 of file BandMatrix.h.

const Block<const CoefficientsType,1,Dynamic> diagonal ( Index  i ) const [inherited]
a vector expression of the i -th sub or super diagonal

Definition at line 128 of file BandMatrix.h.

Index rows (  ) const
the number of columns

Reimplemented from EigenBase< Derived >.

Definition at line 214 of file BandMatrix.h.

Index subs (  ) const
the number of sub diagonals

Definition at line 223 of file BandMatrix.h.

Index supers (  ) const
the number of super diagonals

Definition at line 220 of file BandMatrix.h.