Updated for more display types. Fixed memoryaddress confusion in address() method. Added new getAddress() method. Added support for UDCs, Backlight control and other features such as control through I2C and SPI port expanders and controllers with native I2C and SPI interfaces. Refactored to fix issue with pins that are default declared as NC.

Dependents:   GPSDevice TestTextLCD SD to Flash Data Transfer DrumMachine ... more

Fork of TextLCD by Simon Ford


Hello World! for the TextLCD

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TextLCD.h"
// Host PC Communication channels
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
// I2C Communication
I2C i2c_lcd(p28,p27); // SDA, SCL
// SPI Communication
SPI spi_lcd(p5, NC, p7); // MOSI, MISO, SCLK

//TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);                // RS, E, D4-D7, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, E2=NC, LCDTCtrl=HD44780
//TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);   // SPI bus, 74595 expander, CS pin, LCD Type  
TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4);  // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
//TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::WS0010); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type, Device Type
//TextLCD_SPI_N lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, p9);               // SPI bus, CS pin, RS pin, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3   
//TextLCD_I2C_N lcd(&i2c_lcd, ST7032_SA, TextLCD::LCD16x2, NC, TextLCD::ST7032_3V3); // I2C bus, Slaveaddress, LCD Type, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3  

int main() {
    pc.printf("LCD Test. Columns=%d, Rows=%d\n\r", lcd.columns(), lcd.rows());
    for (int row=0; row<lcd.rows(); row++) {
      int col=0;
      pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row));      
//      lcd.putc('-');
      lcd.putc('0' + row);      
      for (col=1; col<lcd.columns()-1; col++) {    
      pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row));      
// Show cursor as blinking character
// Set and show user defined characters. A maximum of 8 UDCs are supported by the HD44780.
// They are defined by a 5x7 bitpattern. 
    lcd.setUDC(0, (char *) udc_0);  // Show |>
    lcd.setUDC(1, (char *) udc_1);  // Show <|


Handbook page

More info is here

diff -r cbe275b0b647 -r e9c2319de9c5 TextLCD.cpp
--- a/TextLCD.cpp	Sat Apr 18 11:33:02 2015 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.cpp	Tue May 19 18:13:00 2015 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
  *               2015, v17: WH, Clean up low-level _writeCommand() and _writeData(), Added support for alternative fonttables (eg PCF21XX), Added ST7066_ACM controller for ACM1602 module 
  *               2015, v18: WH, Performance improvement I2C portexpander
  *               2015, v19: WH, Fixed Adafruit I2C/SPI portexpander pinmappings, fixed SYDZ Backlight 
+ *               2015, v20: WH, Fixed occasional Init fail caused by insufficient wait time after ReturnHome command (0x02), Added defines to reduce memory footprint (eg LCD_ICON),
+ *                              Fixed and Added more fonttable support for PCF2119K, Added HD66712 controller.
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@
   _addr_mode = _type & LCD_T_ADR_MSK;
   // Font table, encoded in LCDCtrl  
-  _font = _type & LCD_C_FNT_MSK;
+  _font = _ctrl & LCD_C_FNT_MSK;
 /**  Init the LCD Controller(s)
@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@
     else {
       // Reset in 8 bit mode, final Function set will follow 
       _writeCommand(0x30); // Function set 0 0 1 DL=1 N F x x       
+      wait_ms(1);          // most instructions take 40us      
     // Device specific initialisations: DC/DC converter to generate VLCD or VLED, number of lines etc
@@ -601,6 +604,8 @@
                                     //    NW=1 3-Line LCD (N=0)
+//            case LCD10x2D:          // Special mode for SSD1803, 4-line mode but switch to double height font
+            case LCD10x4D:          // Special mode for SSD1803
             case LCD20x4D:          // Special mode for SSD1803
               _function = 0x08;     //  Set function 0 0 1 DL N DH RE(0) IS 
                                     //  Saved to allow switch between Instruction sets at later time
@@ -874,6 +879,7 @@
           break; // case PCF2116_5V Controller
       case PCF2119_3V3:
+      case PCF2119R_3V3:
           // PCF2119 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3. VA and VB control contrast.
           // Note1: See datasheet, the PCF2119 supports icons and provides separate constrast control for Icons and characters.
           // Note2: Vgen is switched off when the contrast voltage VA or VB is set to 0x00.
@@ -912,7 +918,11 @@
           // Init special features 
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);           // Set function, Select Instruction Set = 1              
-          _writeCommand(0x04);    // DISP CONF SET (Instr. Set 1)   0000, 0, 1, P=0, Q=0 
+//          _writeCommand(0x04);    // DISP CONF SET (Instr. Set 1)   0000, 0, 1, P=0, Q=0 (IC at Bottom)
+//          _writeCommand(0x05);    // Display Conf Set               0000, 0, 1, P=0, Q=1
+//          _writeCommand(0x06);    // Display Conf Set               0000, 0, 1, P=1, Q=0
+          _writeCommand(0x07);    // Display Conf Set               0000, 0, 1, P=1, Q=1    (IC at Top)
           _writeCommand(0x10);    // TEMP CTRL SET (Instr. Set 1)   0001, 0, 0, TC1=0, TC2=0
 //          _writeCommand(0x42);    // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100, 0, 0, S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
           _writeCommand(0x40 | (LCD_PCF2_S12 & 0x03));      // HV GEN (Instr. Set 1)          0100, 0, 0, S1=1, S2=0 (2x multiplier)
@@ -1204,6 +1214,115 @@
           _contrast = LCD_PT63_CONTRAST;
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | ((~_contrast) >> 4));        // Invert and shift to use 2 MSBs     
           break; // case PT6314 Controller (VFD)
+      case HD66712:
+          // Initialise Display configuration
+          switch (_type) {
+            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
+            case LCD12x1:                                
+            case LCD16x1:                                            
+            case LCD20x1:
+            case LCD24x1:
+//            case LCD32x1:        // EXT pin is High, extension driver needed
+              _function  = 0x02;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1-line mode, N=1 2-line mode)
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0073)
+              _function_1 = 0x04;   // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE LP (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1-line mode, N=1 2-line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                    //   LP=0  (LP=1 Low power mode, LP=0 Normal)
+              _function_x = 0x00;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //    NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0073)                                
+              break;                                
+//            case LCD12x3D:         // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+//            case LCD12x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078 and PCF21XX            
+            case LCD12x4D:         // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078, PCF21XX and HD66712
+//            case LCD16x3D:         // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078             
+//            case LCD16x4D:         // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078            
+            case LCD20x4D:         // Special mode for KS0073, KS0078 and HD66712            
+              _function  = 0x02;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (dont care for 4 line mode)              
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0073)
+              _function_1 = 0x04;   // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE LP (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=0  (1-line mode), N=1 (2-line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                    //   LP=0  (LP=1 Low power mode, LP=0 Normal)                                    
+              _function_x = 0x01;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //    NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0073)                                
+              break;                                
+            case LCD16x3G:            // Special mode for ST7036                        
+//            case LCD24x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078
+//            case LCD24x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078
+            case LCD24x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078
+              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
+              break;  
+            default:
+              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)            
+              _function  = 0x0A;    // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=1  (2-line mode), N=0 (1-line mode)
+                                    //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                    //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0073)
+              _function_1 = 0x0C;   // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE LP (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
+                                    //    N=1  (2 line mode), N=0 (1-line mode)
+                                    //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                    //   BE=0  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0073)                   
+                                    //   LP=0  (LP=1 Low power mode, LP=0 Normal)                                                                                     
+              _function_x = 0x00;   // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                    //   NW=0  (1,2 line), NW=1 (4 Line, special mode for KS0073)                                
+              break;
+          } // switch type
+          // init special features
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function_1);// Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE LP (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   DL=0 (4 bits bus), DL=1 (8 bits mode)            
+                                           //    N=0 (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                           //   RE=1 (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                           //   BE=0 (Blink Enable/Disable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                           //   LP=0  (LP=1 Low power mode, LP=0 Normal)                                                                                                                                
+          _writeCommand(0x08 | _function_x); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0073)
+                                           //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0073)
+                                           //   NW=0  (1,2 Line), NW=1 (4 line, special mode for KS0073)                                
+          _writeCommand(0x10);             // Scroll/Shift set 0001 DS/HS4 DS/HS3 DS/HS2 DS/HS1 (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   Dotscroll/Display shift enable (Special mode for KS0073)
+          _writeCommand(0x80);             // Scroll Quantity set 1 0 SQ5 SQ4 SQ3 SQ2 SQ1 SQ0 (Ext Regs)
+                                           //   Scroll quantity (Special mode for KS0073)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV (Std Regs)
+                                           //   DL=0  (4 bits bus), DL=1 (8 bits mode)             
+                                           //    N=0  (1 line mode), N=1 (2 line mode)
+                                           //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0073)
+                                           //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable/disable, special mode for KS0073)                                
+                                           //   REV=0 (Reverse/Normal, special mode for KS0073)
+          break; // case HD66712 Controller
         case ST7066_ACM:                                                // ST7066 4/8 bit, I2C on ACM1602 using a PIC        
@@ -1252,12 +1371,13 @@
     } // switch Controller specific initialisations    
     // Controller general initialisations                                          
-//    _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
+//    _writeCommand(0x01); // Clear Display and set cursor to 0
 //    wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
 //                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  
-    _writeCommand(0x02); // Return Home 
-                         //   Cursor Home, DDRAM Address to Origin
+    _writeCommand(0x02); // Cursor Home, DDRAM Address to Origin
+    wait_ms(10);         // The Return Home command takes 1.64 ms.
+                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms      
     _writeCommand(0x06); // Entry Mode 0000 0 1 I/D S 
                          //   Cursor Direction and Display Shift
@@ -1272,12 +1392,15 @@
 //    _writeCommand(0x0C); // Display Ctrl 0000 1 D C B
 //                         //   Display On, Cursor Off, Blink Off   
-    setCursor(CurOff_BlkOff);     
+//    setCursor(CurOff_BlkOff);     
+    setCursor(CurOn_BlkOff);        
 /** Clear the screen, Cursor home. 
+  * Note: The whole display is initialised to charcode 0x20, which may not be a 'space' on some controllers with a
+  *       different fontset such as the PCF2116C or PCF2119R. In this case you should fill the display with 'spaces'.
 void TextLCD_Base::cls() {
@@ -1290,7 +1413,7 @@
     // Second LCD controller Clearscreen
     _writeCommand(0x01);  // cls, and set cursor to 0    
-    wait_ms(10);          // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+    wait_ms(20);          // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                           // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
     _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0; // Select primary controller
@@ -1298,7 +1421,7 @@
   // Primary LCD controller Clearscreen
   _writeCommand(0x01);    // cls, and set cursor to 0
-  wait_ms(10);            // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
+  wait_ms(20);            // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                           // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
   // Restore cursormode on primary LCD controller when needed
@@ -1383,10 +1506,11 @@
     if (_font == LCD_C_FT0) return c;
 //LCD_C_FT1 for PCF21XXC series    
-//Used code from Suga koubou library for PCF2119
+//LCD_C_FT2 for PCF21XXR series    
+//Used code from Suga koubou library for PCF2119K and PCF2119R
     if (((c >= ' ') && (c <= '?')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))) {
         c |= 0x80;
-    } else if (c >= 0xf0 && c <= 0xff) {
+    } else if (c >= 0xF0 && c <= 0xFF) {
         c &= 0x0f;
     return c;
@@ -1510,8 +1634,8 @@
             case 3:
               return 0x40 + _nr_cols + column;
             // Should never get here.
-            default:            
-              return 0x00;                    
+//            default:            
+//              return 0x00;                    
         case LCD_T_B:
@@ -1557,8 +1681,8 @@
             case 3:
               return 0x60 + column;
             // Should never get here.
-            default:            
-              return 0x00;                    
+//            default:            
+//              return 0x00;                    
         case LCD_T_D1:
@@ -1573,8 +1697,8 @@
             case 2:
               return 0x60 + column;
             // Should never get here.
-            default:            
-              return 0x00;                    
+//            default:            
+//              return 0x00;                    
         case LCD_T_E:                
@@ -1627,8 +1751,8 @@
                 return (0x40 + _nr_cols + (column - (_nr_cols >> 1)));                        
             // Should never get here.
-            default:            
-              return 0x00;                    
+//            default:            
+//              return 0x00;                    
         case LCD_T_G:
@@ -1641,8 +1765,8 @@
             case 2:
               return 0x20 + column;
             // Should never get here.
-            default:            
-              return 0x00;                    
+//            default:            
+//              return 0x00;                    
         // Should never get here.
@@ -1880,6 +2004,7 @@
   _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);  
+#if(LCD_BLINK == 1)
 /** Set UDC Blink and Icon blink
   * setUDCBlink method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803) 
@@ -1932,6 +2057,7 @@
         case PCF2103_3V3 :  
         case PCF2113_3V3 :  
         case PCF2119_3V3 :                  
+        case PCF2119R_3V3 :                          
           // Enable Icon Blink
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);   // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
           _writeCommand(0x08 | 0x02);               // ICON Conf 0000 1, IM=0 (Char mode), IB=1 (Icon blink), 0 (Instr. Set 1) 
@@ -1968,8 +2094,9 @@
           break; // case SSD1803, US2066          
         case PCF2103_3V3 :
-        case PCF2113_3V3 :  
-        case PCF2119_3V3 :       
+        case PCF2113_3V3 : 
+        case PCF2119_3V3 :
+        case PCF2119R_3V3 :        
           // Disable Icon Blink
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);   // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
           _writeCommand(0x08);                      // ICON Conf 0000 1, IM=0 (Char mode), IB=1 (Icon blink), 0 (Instr. Set 1) 
@@ -1989,7 +2116,7 @@
   } // blinkMode
 } // setUDCBlink()
 /** Set Contrast
   * setContrast method is supported by some compatible devices (eg ST7032i) that have onboard LCD voltage generation
@@ -2008,7 +2135,8 @@
   switch (_ctrl) {   
     case PCF2113_3V3 :  
-    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+    case PCF2119_3V3 :
+    case PCF2119R_3V3 :    
        if (_contrast <  5) _contrast = 0;  // See datasheet. Sanity check for PCF2113/PCF2119
        if (_contrast > 55) _contrast = 55;
@@ -2060,7 +2188,7 @@
   } // end switch     
 } // end setContrast()
+#if(LCD_POWER == 1)
 /** Set Power
   * setPower method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803) that have power down modes
@@ -2078,7 +2206,8 @@
     switch (_ctrl) {
 //    case PCF2113_3V3 :  
-//    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+//    case PCF2119_3V3 : 
+//    case PCF2119R_3V3 :     
 //    case ST7032_3V3 :  
 //    enable Booster Bon
@@ -2110,7 +2239,8 @@
     switch (_ctrl) {
 //    case PCF2113_3V3 :  
-//    case PCF2119_3V3 :  
+//    case PCF2119_3V3 : 
+//    case PCF2119R_3V3 :     
 //    case ST7032_3V3 :  
 //    disable Booster Bon
@@ -2134,8 +2264,9 @@
     } // end switch  
 } // end setPower()
+#if(LCD_ORIENT == 1)
 /** Set Orient
   * setOrient method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803, US2066) that have top/bottom view modes
@@ -2151,11 +2282,17 @@
         case PCF2103_3V3:              
         case PCF2116_3V3:        
         case PCF2116_5V:                
-        case PCF2119_3V3:                
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);          // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
           _writeCommand(0x05);                             // Display Conf Set         0000 0, 1, P=0, Q=1               (Instr. Set 1)
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                 // Set function, Select Instr Set = 0             
+        case PCF2119_3V3:   
+        case PCF2119R_3V3:                         
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);          // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
+          _writeCommand(0x07);                             // Display Conf Set         0000 0, 1, P=1, Q=1               (Instr. Set 1)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                 // Set function, Select Instr Set = 0             
+          break;
         case SSD1803_3V3 :      
 //      case SSD1803_5V :
@@ -2193,11 +2330,17 @@
         case PCF2103_3V3:              
         case PCF2116_3V3:        
         case PCF2116_5V:                
-        case PCF2119_3V3:                       
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);          // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
           _writeCommand(0x06);                             // Display Conf Set         0000 0, 1, P=1, Q=0               (Instr. Set 1)
           _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                 // Set function, Select Instr Set = 0             
+        case PCF2119_3V3:
+        case PCF2119R_3V3 :                                 
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function | 0x01);          // Set function, Select Instr Set = 1              
+          _writeCommand(0x04);                             // Display Conf Set         0000 0, 1, P=0, Q=0               (Instr. Set 1)
+          _writeCommand(0x20 | _function);                 // Set function, Select Instr Set = 0             
+          break;
         case SSD1803_3V3 :      
 //      case SSD1803_5V :
@@ -2237,7 +2380,9 @@
       break; // end Bottom
   } // end switch orient
 } // end setOrient()
+#if(LCD_BIGFONT == 1)
 /** Set Big Font
   * setBigFont method is supported by some compatible devices (eg SSD1803, US2066) 
@@ -2353,8 +2498,9 @@
   } // end switch lines
 } // end setBigFont()
 /** Set Icons
   * @param unsigned char idx   The Index of the icon pattern (0..15) for KS0073 and similar controllers
@@ -2433,7 +2579,8 @@
     case PCF2103_3V3:
     case PCF2113_3V3:    
-    case PCF2119_3V3:        
+    case PCF2119_3V3:
+    case PCF2119R_3V3:                
        // Store UDC/Icon pattern for PCF2103 and PCF2113: 
        //   3 x 8 rows x 5 bits = 120 bits for Normal pattern (UDC 0..2) and
        //   3 x 8 rows x 5 bits = 120 bits for Blink pattern (UDC 4..6) 
@@ -2554,7 +2701,8 @@
        break; // case PCF2103_3V3 Controller
-     case PCF2119_3V3:              
+     case PCF2119_3V3:  
+     case PCF2119R_3V3:
        // PCF2119 uses part of the UDC RAM to control Icons   
        // Select CG RAM
@@ -2582,8 +2730,9 @@
   int addr = getAddress(_column, _row);
   _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);
 } //end clrIcon()
+#if(LCD_INVERT == 1)
 /** Set Invert
   * setInvert method is supported by some compatible devices (eg KS0073) to swap between black and white 
@@ -2641,6 +2790,7 @@
     } // end switch  
 } // end setInvert()
 //--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------
@@ -2936,8 +3086,9 @@
   // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins 
   _lcd_bus |= _LCD_DATA_BITS[value & 0x0F];
 //orig v017
 // Test faster _writeByte 0.11s vs 0.27s for a 20x4 fillscreen (PCF8574)
 // Place the 4bit data in the databus shadowvalue
@@ -2975,6 +3126,34 @@
+//orig v017, with optimised codesize
+// Test faster _writeByte 0.11s vs 0.27s for a 20x4 fillscreen (PCF8574)
+// Place the 4bit data in the databus shadowvalue
+// Used for mbed I2C bus expander
+void TextLCD_I2C::_setDataBits(int value) {
+  //Clear all databits
+  _lcd_bus &= ~LCD_BUS_I2C_MSK;
+  // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins 
+  if (value & 0x01){
+    _lcd_bus |= LCD_BUS_I2C_D4;   // Set Databit 
+  }  
+  if (value & 0x02){
+    _lcd_bus |= LCD_BUS_I2C_D5;   // Set Databit 
+  }  
+  if (value & 0x04) {
+    _lcd_bus |= LCD_BUS_I2C_D6;   // Set Databit 
+  }  
+  if (value & 0x08) {
+    _lcd_bus |= LCD_BUS_I2C_D7;   // Set Databit 
+  }  
 // Place the 4bit data on the databus
 // Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shifregister