Forks of TextLCD

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

/ 17A
Life style of motor
software about measure for robotic
this is 2/2 of the progect this is the master board which has a wifi module ESP8266, an RF transiever nrf module , and an LCD screen with an I2C …
Trying i2c LCD using TextLCD library
Programa que muestra el mensaje Hello World en una LCD utilizando la libreria TextLCD en una tarjeta Nucleo F302 F302, mbed, Nucleo
Display LCD
Setup da Placa LCD Gian - Leite
LCD Text
Addition Support for Arduino I2C based on PCF8574A
text lcd
Change config file suit LCD used
menu com botoes
Add module fc113 (PCF8574t) Fc113, HD44780, I2C, LCD, PCF8574t
fixed compiler warnings
TextLCD con soporte para el Módulo Arduino I2C basado en el PCF8574AT y para el SPI utilizando el SN74595
made some changes in config header file to make this library work with 1602A display and PCF8574AT I2C-bus interface
Version 6 of dooropener
add UTF-8 recode support, Cyrilic rus/ukr tables
user config
In TextLCD_I2C_N Class, added void setContrast(unsigned char c) function as temporary. This is for ST7032i non-volume type contrast control.
Project with LCD and DS1820. DS1820, lcd1602
Librería para LCD
Initial commit
A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs.
C.Dupaty 03-2018 test on NUCLEO STM32-F411RE LCD 2x16, I2C interface Chinese model, adress I2C=0x4E (search on AliExpress for IIC/I2C 1602 Module) Important ! configure in TextLCD_Config.h : Valid only one …
just a fork with another display choosen. LCD at D1 ROBOT shield seems to in YWROBOT configuration.