Button initiated config service

Dependencies:   BLE_API_EddystoneConfigService_2 mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeaconConfigService_3 by URIBeacon

Revisions of EddystoneConfigService.h

Revision Date Message Actions
46:46bb40f60816 2015-09-11 It works now, i think. File  Diff  Annotate
45:1827e4f496a7 2015-09-11 modified eddystone config to clear the uri, also removed redundant functionality. File  Diff  Annotate
44:0e27ee7800b8 2015-09-11 Modified API to be modular. This will make adding extra frame types in the future easier. Currently works, but has issues with persistent params. File  Diff  Annotate
43:e4a4f9a8766f 2015-09-10 things compile! yay! Need to update eddystoneConfigService.h to be programatically modifiable, currently its monolithic File  Diff  Annotate
40:6f39aee31205 2015-09-10 added tlm configuration parameter File  Diff  Annotate
39:2c73bc1ff4f5 2015-09-10 Added parameter types to check for frame types being enabled and for eddystone config data being configured. File  Diff  Annotate
38:8fdb16f67e7c 2015-09-09 1) Updated characteristic values after internal params have been set - and now passes lock tests.; 2) Removed unused code associated with the previous zero lock representing the unlock state File  Diff  Annotate
37:22175faa76be 2015-09-03 changed thing to make UID's work correctly; File  Diff  Annotate
36:ccb188bcfef1 2015-09-02 eddystone config service working with passthrough to eddystone service File  Diff  Annotate
35:314f2152506f 2015-09-02 changed eddystone config service to be wrapper around eddystone service File  Diff  Annotate
34:5876fbb1aa62 2015-09-02 Updated Eddystone Config Service File  Diff  Annotate
33:8c65879e7d52 2015-07-27 [[Working]] code is working, have to run validators multiple times to get all frames. File  Diff  Annotate
32:985642364cf5 2015-07-27 Things are working, just not correctly. Passing all but the last few validation tests. Seems that the URI being passed, flags and a couple other things are not propagating properly. File  Diff  Annotate
31:11e7a505a4be 2015-07-27 [[Branch]] Updating ConfigService to run with UID and TLM data. File  Diff  Annotate
25:e20bed9e466f 2015-07-24 [[Debug]] added function to take all parameters for eddystone beacon, thus bypassing the need for config. Will get this working then go back to get config working. File  Diff  Annotate
23:05e9bb3b13af 2015-07-23 Renamed ZipBeacon->Eddystone, everything compiles and continues to work just fine. File  Diff  Annotate