Button initiated config service

Dependencies:   BLE_API_EddystoneConfigService_2 mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeaconConfigService_3 by URIBeacon

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jul 24 02:06:57 2015 +0000
Commit message:
[[Debug]] added function to take all parameters for eddystone beacon, thus bypassing the need for config. Will get this working then go back to get config working.

Changed in this revision

EddystoneConfigService.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/EddystoneConfigService.h	Thu Jul 23 20:38:20 2015 +0000
+++ b/EddystoneConfigService.h	Fri Jul 24 02:06:57 2015 +0000
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 * @class EddystoneConfigService
 * @brief Eddystone Configuration Service. Can be used to set URL, adjust power levels, and set flags.
-* See http://uribeacon.org
+* See https://github.com/google/eddystone
 class EddystoneConfigService
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
         uint8_t       tlmVersion;     // version of TLM packet
         UIDNamespaceID_t uidNamespaceID; // UUID type, Namespace ID, 10B
         UIDInstanceID_t  uidInstanceID;  // UUID type, Instance ID,  6B
+        int(*tlmGetBatt(void)); // Function Pointers for user provided functions that return the Temp and Battery Voltage data for the TLM field.
+        int(*tlmGetTemp(void)); // ^^
@@ -296,7 +299,7 @@
     int constructURLFrame(uint8_t * Data, uint8_t maxSize) {
         int index = 0;
         Data[index++] = FRAME_TYPE_URL;                     // 1B  Type
-        Data[index++] = params.txPowerMode;                    // 1B  TX Power
+        Data[index++] = defaultUrlPower;                    // 1B  TX Power
         for(int x = 0; x < defaultUriDataLength; x++) {     // 18B of URL Prefix + encoded URL
             Data[index++] = defaultUriData[x];
@@ -427,37 +430,42 @@
         serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[0];
         serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[1];
+        // if certain frames are not enabled, then skip them. Worst case TLM is always enabled
         switch(frameIndex) {
-            case 0:
-            // TLM frame
+            case 1:
+                // URL Frame
+                if(urlIsSet) {
+                    serviceDataLen += constructURLFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,20);
+                    DBG("\t Swapping in URL Frame: len=%d ",serviceDataLen);
+                    updateAdvPacket(serviceData,serviceDataLen);
+                    switchFlag = false;
+                    frameIndex++;
+                    break;
+                }
+            case 2:
+                // UID Frame
+                if(uidIsSet) {
+                    serviceDataLen += constructUIDFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,20);
+                    DBG("\t Swapping in UID Frame: len=%d",serviceDataLen);
+                    updateAdvPacket(serviceData,serviceDataLen);
+                    switchFlag = false;
+                    frameIndex++;
+                    break;
+                }
+            default:
+                // TLM frame
                 serviceDataLen += constructTLMFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,20);
                 DBG("\t Swapping in TLM Frame: len=%d",serviceDataLen);
-            case 1:
-                // URL Frame
-                serviceDataLen += constructURLFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,20);
-                DBG("\t Swapping in URL Frame: len=%d ",serviceDataLen);
-                updateAdvPacket(serviceData,serviceDataLen);
-                switchFlag = false;
-                frameIndex++;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                // UID Frame
-                serviceDataLen += constructUIDFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,20);
-                DBG("\t Swapping in UID Frame: len=%d",serviceDataLen);
-                updateAdvPacket(serviceData,serviceDataLen);
-                switchFlag = false;
-                frameIndex++;
-                break;
     *  Callback from onRadioNotification(), used to update the PDUCounter and process next state.
     void radioNotificationCallback(bool radioActive) {
         //DBG("RadioNotificationCallback : %d, %d, %d, %d",radioActive,frameIndex,TlmPduCount,TlmTimeSinceBoot);
         // Update PDUCount
@@ -471,11 +479,11 @@
         } else {
             // state machine to control which packet is being sent
             switch(frameIndex) {
-                case 0:
+                case 0: // TLM Frame
                     switchFrame.attach_us(this, &EddystoneConfigService::swapOutFrames, EDDYSTONE_SWAPFRAME_DELAYMS);
                     switchFlag = true;
-                case 1:
+                case 1: // URL Frame
                     // switch out packets
                     if(switchFlag) {
                         switchFrame.attach_us(this, &EddystoneConfigService::swapOutFrames, EDDYSTONE_SWAPFRAME_DELAYMS);
@@ -486,9 +494,9 @@
-                case 2:
+                case 2: // UIDFrame
                     // switch out packets
-                    if(switchFlag) {
+                    if(switchFlag ) {
                         switchFrame.attach_us(this, &EddystoneConfigService::swapOutFrames, EDDYSTONE_SWAPFRAME_DELAYMS);
                         switchFlag = false;
                     } else {
@@ -503,20 +511,90 @@
-    /* Helper function to switch to the non-connectible normal mode for Eddystone. This gets called after a timeout. */
+    /*
+    *   This function explicityly sets the parameters used by the Eddystone beacon.
+    *   this function should be used in leu of the config service.
+    *
+    *   @param bleIn ble object used to broadcast eddystone information
+    *   @oaram beaconPeriodus is how often ble broadcasts are mde, in mili seconds
+    *   @param txPowerLevel sets the broadcasting power level.
+    *   @param uidNamespaceID 10Byte Namespace UUID
+    *   @param uidInstanceID  6Byte  Instance UUID
+    *   @param url shortened URL to broadcast (pass in as a string)
+    *   @param urlLen length of shortened url
+    *   @param tlmVersion version of telemetry data field to use (default to 0x00)
+    *
+    */
+    void setupEddystoneAdvertisements(  BLEDevice       &bleIn,
+                                        uint16_t        beaconPeriodus,
+                                        uint8_t         txPowerLevel,
+                                        uint8_t *       uidNamespaceID = NULL,
+                                        uint8_t *       uidInstanceID = NULL,
+                                        const char *    url = NULL,
+                                        uint8_t         urlLen = 0,
+                                        uint8_t         tlmVersion = 0x00) :
+                                         ble(bleIn)
+     {
+        uint8_t serviceData[SERVICE_DATA_MAX];
+        unsigned serviceDataLen = 0;
+        ERR("This function is not fully implemented yet, dont use it!!");
+        // Check optional frames, set their 'isSet' flags appropriately
+        if((uidNamespaceID != NULL) & (uidInstanceID != NULL)) {
+            uidIsSet = true;
+            setUIDFrameData(txPowerLevel,uidNamespaceID, uidInstanceID);
+        } else {
+            uidIsSet = false;
+        }
+        if(url != NULL) {
+            urlIsSet = true;
+            setURLFrameData(txPowerLevel,url);
+        } else {
+            uidIsSet = false;
+        }
+        // Default TLM frame to version 0x00, start all values at zero to be spec compliant.
+        setTLMFrameData(tlmVersion, 0x00,0x00);
+        // Initialize Frame transition
+        frameIndex = 0;
+        uidRFU = 0;
+        switchFlag = true;
+        /* Reinitialize the BLE stack. This will clear away the existing services and advertising state. */
+        ble.shutdown();
+        ble.init();
+        ble.setTxPower(txPowerLevel);
+        ble.setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
+        ble.setAdvertisingInterval(beaconPeriodus);
+        // Make double sure the PDUCount and TimeSinceBoot fields are set to zero at reset
+        updateTlmPduCount(0);
+        updateTlmTimeSinceBoot(0);
+        // Construct TLM Frame in initial advertising.
+        serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[0];
+        serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[1];
+        serviceDataLen += constructTLMFrame(serviceData+serviceDataLen,SERVICE_DATA_MAX);
+        updateAdvPacket(serviceData, serviceDataLen);
+        ble.gap().startAdvertising();
+        ble.gap().onRadioNotification(this,&EddystoneConfigService::radioNotificationCallback);
+        timeSinceBootTick.attach(this,&EddystoneConfigService::tsbCallback,0.1); // incriment the TimeSinceBoot ticker every 0.1s
+    }
+    /*
+    *   This function actually impliments the Eddystone Beacon service. It can be called with the help of the wrapper function
+    *   to load saved config params, or it can be called explicitly to reset the eddystone beacon to hardcoded values on each reset.
+    *
+    */
     void setupEddystoneAdvertisements() {
         DBG("Switching Config -> adv");
         uint8_t serviceData[SERVICE_DATA_MAX];
         unsigned serviceDataLen = 0;
         unsigned beaconPeriod                                 = params.beaconPeriod;
-        unsigned txPowerMode                                  = params.txPowerMode;
-        unsigned uriDataLength                                = params.uriDataLength;
-        EddystoneConfigService::UriData_t &uriData            = params.uriData;
-        EddystoneConfigService::PowerLevels_t &advPowerLevels = params.advPowerLevels;
         // Initialize Frame transition
-        frameIndex = 2;
+        frameIndex = 0;
         uidRFU = 0;
         switchFlag = true;
@@ -701,7 +779,6 @@
     BLEDevice           &ble;
     Params_t            &params;
-    Ticker              callbackTick;
     Ticker              timeSinceBootTick;
     Timeout             switchFrame;
 // Default value that is restored on reset
@@ -712,6 +789,8 @@
     int8_t              defaultUidPower;
     int8_t              defaultUrlPower;
     uint16_t            uidRFU;
+    bool                uidIsSet;
+    bool                urlIsSet;
 // Default value that is restored on reset
     PowerLevels_t       &defaultAdvPowerLevels;
     uint8_t             lockedState;