just a test

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of scoreLight_Advanced by Alvaro Cassinelli

Revisions of classLaserSensingTrajectory.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
42:c4e9c1116af4 2014-03-28 Added functionality for two rotary encoders to control the additional mirror delay and the fixed threshold (instead of a potentiometer), and discarded the use of interrupt based switches to change the threshold mode (instead I use a two-state switch) File  Diff  Annotate
37:fa6b1f15819f 2013-03-13 good version, but THE POTENTIOMETER READOUT IS NOT WORKING (using the adc library - not sure how to go from burst mode to normal mode and viscversa). File  Diff  Annotate
36:233b12d0b1f0 2013-03-13 modified the way the "is touched" mode works File  Diff  Annotate
34:1244fa3f2559 2012-11-07 added hardware button & potentiometer to select the thresholding mode and parameters. Problems with the ADC conversion though... File  Diff  Annotate
33:43e8bc451ef0 2012-11-05 added resizing functions, as well as better control on the thresholding modes File  Diff  Annotate
32:52273c3291fe 2012-10-29 code for Tokyo design week (starting with two colored following spots, and NO standby mode) File  Diff  Annotate
30:d8af03f01cd4 2012-09-21 first commit. Not yet functional. Added ghost and pacman game modes, but the behaviour of these "rigid spots" is not implemented yet File  Diff  Annotate
24:4e52031a495b 2012-06-18 Various modifications for show at TV Asahi File  Diff  Annotate
11:62f7183a03e7 2012-04-12 It seems to work (but not tested on real hardware). ; NEEDS TO DO: ; 1) DOUBLE BUFFERING; 2) template class for vector2D, so as to use unsigned short for the rigid scafold instead of float...; File  Diff  Annotate
10:6f8e48dca1bd 2012-04-11 a tester avec le vrai hardware!! (plein de modif sur l'acquisition de l'intensite... unsigned short instead of float) File  Diff  Annotate
7:0df17f3078bc 2012-04-07 working contour following and bouncing. The blob mode is not so nice now, but this is because the UPDATE TIME should be a funciton of the number of points and the complexity of update (very simple in case of bouncing/contour following for rigid loops, ... File  Diff  Annotate
6:444859c27e78 2012-04-05 solved one problem related to the initialization of the positions, so now the "relax contract central blob" works as before.; - strange first point; - still did not try the strange problem with the variable on the class laser sensing trajectory (required... File  Diff  Annotate
5:73cd58b58f95 2012-04-05 Something very strange happens in the class laserSensingTrajectory: adding a:; float lightRatio; as member variable makes the blob dissapear... File  Diff  Annotate
4:f9d364f10335 2012-04-04 - the new optimized laser output buffer has not been tested, but it compiles; - I am commiting here, because I am planning to change the structure of the classes: soundSpot will not contain an object of type classLaserSensingTrajectory, but be a CHILD o... File  Diff  Annotate
3:b44ff6de81bd 2012-04-02 working but needs a lot of calibration and optimization. In particular the laser renderer - I am going to modify it, that's why I commit now. File  Diff  Annotate
0:345b3bc7a0ea 2012-03-28 This version (using rigid frame, base and child classes, etc) works, but the blob is strangely smaller. Need to check this. File  Diff  Annotate