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FileSystem Class Reference

A filesystem object provides filesystem operations and file operations for the File and Dir classes on a block device. More...

#include <FileSystem.h>

Inherits mbed::FileSystemLike.

Inherited by FATFileSystem.

Public Member Functions

 FileSystem (const char *name=NULL)
 FileSystem lifetime.
virtual int mount (BlockDevice *bd)=0
 Mounts a filesystem to a block device.
virtual int unmount ()=0
 Unmounts a filesystem from the underlying block device.
virtual int reformat (BlockDevice *bd=NULL)
 Reformats a filesystem, results in an empty and mounted filesystem.
virtual int remove (const char *path)
 Remove a file from the filesystem.
virtual int rename (const char *path, const char *newpath)
 Rename a file in the filesystem.
virtual int stat (const char *path, struct stat *st)
 Store information about the file in a stat structure.
virtual int mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode)
 Create a directory in the filesystem.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.5","Replaced by `int open(FileHandle **, ...)` for propagating error codes") FileHandle *open(const char *path
 Open a file on the filesystem.

Protected Member Functions

virtual int file_open (fs_file_t *file, const char *path, int flags)=0
 Open a file on the filesystem.
virtual int file_close (fs_file_t file)=0
 Close a file.
virtual ssize_t file_read (fs_file_t file, void *buffer, size_t size)=0
 Read the contents of a file into a buffer.
virtual ssize_t file_write (fs_file_t file, const void *buffer, size_t size)=0
 Write the contents of a buffer to a file.
virtual int file_sync (fs_file_t file)
 Flush any buffers associated with the file.
virtual int file_isatty (fs_file_t file)
 Check if the file in an interactive terminal device If so, line buffered behaviour is used by default.
virtual off_t file_seek (fs_file_t file, off_t offset, int whence)=0
 Move the file position to a given offset from from a given location.
virtual off_t file_tell (fs_file_t file)
 Get the file position of the file.
virtual void file_rewind (fs_file_t file)
 Rewind the file position to the beginning of the file.
virtual off_t file_size (fs_file_t file)
 Get the size of the file.
virtual int dir_open (fs_dir_t *dir, const char *path)
 Open a directory on the filesystem.
virtual int dir_close (fs_dir_t dir)
 Close a directory.
virtual ssize_t dir_read (fs_dir_t dir, struct dirent *ent)
 Read the next directory entry.
virtual void dir_seek (fs_dir_t dir, off_t offset)
 Set the current position of the directory.
virtual off_t dir_tell (fs_dir_t dir)
 Get the current position of the directory.
virtual void dir_rewind (fs_dir_t dir)
 Rewind the current position to the beginning of the directory.
virtual size_t dir_size (fs_dir_t dir)
 Get the sizeof the directory.
virtual int open (FileHandle **file, const char *path, int flags)
 Open a file on the filesystem.
virtual int open (DirHandle **dir, const char *path)
 Open a directory on the filesystem.
 MBED_DEPRECATED ("Invalid copy construction of a NonCopyable resource.") NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)
 NonCopyable copy constructor.
 MBED_DEPRECATED ("Invalid copy assignment of a NonCopyable resource.") NonCopyable &operator
 NonCopyable copy assignment operator.

Detailed Description

A filesystem object provides filesystem operations and file operations for the File and Dir classes on a block device.

Implementations must provide at minimum file operations and mount operations for block devices.

Synchronization level: Set by subclass

Definition at line 49 of file FileSystem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FileSystem ( const char *  name = NULL )

FileSystem lifetime.

nameName to add filesystem to tree as

Member Function Documentation

virtual int dir_close ( fs_dir_t  dir ) [protected, virtual]

Close a directory.

dirDir handle
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int dir_open ( fs_dir_t *  dir,
const char *  path 
) [protected, virtual]

Open a directory on the filesystem.

dirDestination for the handle to the directory
pathName of the directory to open
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual ssize_t dir_read ( fs_dir_t  dir,
struct dirent *  ent 
) [protected, virtual]

Read the next directory entry.

dirDir handle
entThe directory entry to fill out
1 on reading a filename, 0 at end of directory, negative error on failure

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual void dir_rewind ( fs_dir_t  dir ) [protected, virtual]

Rewind the current position to the beginning of the directory.

dirDir handle

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual void dir_seek ( fs_dir_t  dir,
off_t  offset 
) [protected, virtual]

Set the current position of the directory.

dirDir handle
offsetOffset of the location to seek to, must be a value returned from dir_tell

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual size_t dir_size ( fs_dir_t  dir ) [protected, virtual]

Get the sizeof the directory.

dirDir handle
Number of files in the directory
virtual off_t dir_tell ( fs_dir_t  dir ) [protected, virtual]

Get the current position of the directory.

dirDir handle
Position of the directory that can be passed to dir_rewind

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int file_close ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, pure virtual]

Close a file.

fileFile handle
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int file_isatty ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, virtual]

Check if the file in an interactive terminal device If so, line buffered behaviour is used by default.

fileFile handle
True if the file is a terminal
virtual int file_open ( fs_file_t *  file,
const char *  path,
int  flags 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Open a file on the filesystem.

fileDestination for the handle to a newly created file
pathThe name of the file to open
flagsThe flags to open the file in, one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, bitwise or'd with one of O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual ssize_t file_read ( fs_file_t  file,
void *  buffer,
size_t  size 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Read the contents of a file into a buffer.

fileFile handle
bufferThe buffer to read in to
sizeThe number of bytes to read
The number of bytes read, 0 at end of file, negative error on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual void file_rewind ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, virtual]

Rewind the file position to the beginning of the file.

fileFile handle
This is equivalent to file_seek(file, 0, FS_SEEK_SET)
virtual off_t file_seek ( fs_file_t  file,
off_t  offset,
int  whence 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Move the file position to a given offset from from a given location.

fileFile handle
offsetThe offset from whence to move to
whenceThe start of where to seek SEEK_SET to start from beginning of file, SEEK_CUR to start from current position in file, SEEK_END to start from end of file
The new offset of the file

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual off_t file_size ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, virtual]

Get the size of the file.

fileFile handle
Size of the file in bytes

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int file_sync ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, virtual]

Flush any buffers associated with the file.

fileFile handle
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual off_t file_tell ( fs_file_t  file ) [protected, virtual]

Get the file position of the file.

fileFile handle
The current offset in the file

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual ssize_t file_write ( fs_file_t  file,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  size 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Write the contents of a buffer to a file.

fileFile handle
bufferThe buffer to write from
sizeThe number of bytes to write
The number of bytes written, negative error on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

MBED_DEPRECATED ( "Invalid copy assignment of a NonCopyable< FileBase > resource."   ) [protected, inherited]

NonCopyable copy assignment operator.

A compile time warning is issued when this function is used and a runtime warning is printed when the copy construction of the non copyable happens.

If you see this warning, your code is probably doing something unspecified. Copy of non copyable resources can lead to resource leak and random error.

MBED_DEPRECATED ( "Invalid copy construction of a NonCopyable< FileBase > resource."   ) const [protected, inherited]

NonCopyable copy constructor.

A compile time warning is issued when this function is used and a runtime warning is printed when the copy construction of the non copyable happens.

If you see this warning, your code is probably doing something unspecified. Copy of non copyable resources can lead to resource leak and random error.

Definition at line 171 of file NonCopyable.h.

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.5"  ,
"Replaced by `int open(FileHandle **, ...)` for propagating error codes"   
) const [inherited]

Open a file on the filesystem.

pathThe name of the file to open
flagsThe flags to open the file in, one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, bitwise or'd with one of O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND
A file handle on success, NULL on failure
virtual int mkdir ( const char *  path,
mode_t  mode 
) [virtual]

Create a directory in the filesystem.

pathThe name of the directory to create.
modeThe permissions with which to create the directory
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented from FileSystemHandle.

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int mount ( BlockDevice bd ) [pure virtual]

Mounts a filesystem to a block device.

bdBlockDevice to mount to
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int open ( DirHandle **  dir,
const char *  path 
) [protected, virtual]

Open a directory on the filesystem.

dirDestination for the handle to the directory
pathName of the directory to open
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented from FileSystemHandle.

virtual int open ( FileHandle **  file,
const char *  filename,
int  flags 
) [protected, virtual]

Open a file on the filesystem.

fileDestination for the handle to a newly created file
filenameThe name of the file to open
flagsThe flags to open the file in, one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, bitwise or'd with one of O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implements FileSystemHandle.

virtual int reformat ( BlockDevice bd = NULL ) [virtual]

Reformats a filesystem, results in an empty and mounted filesystem.

bdBlockDevice to reformat and mount. If NULL, the mounted block device will be used. Note: if mount fails, bd must be provided. Default: NULL
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int remove ( const char *  path ) [virtual]

Remove a file from the filesystem.

pathThe name of the file to remove.
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented from FileSystemHandle.

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int rename ( const char *  path,
const char *  newpath 
) [virtual]

Rename a file in the filesystem.

pathThe name of the file to rename.
newpathThe name to rename it to
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented from FileSystemHandle.

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int stat ( const char *  path,
struct stat *  st 
) [virtual]

Store information about the file in a stat structure.

pathThe name of the file to find information about
stThe stat buffer to write to
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Reimplemented from FileSystemHandle.

Reimplemented in FATFileSystem.

virtual int unmount (  ) [pure virtual]

Unmounts a filesystem from the underlying block device.

0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implemented in FATFileSystem.