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OnboardCellularInterface Class Reference

OnboardCellularInterface Class Reference

OnboardCellularInterface class. More...

#include <OnboardCellularInterface.h>

Inherits UARTCellularInterface.

Public Member Functions

 OnboardCellularInterface (bool debug=false)
 OnboardCellularInterface is an on-board specific implementation.
virtual void set_credentials (const char *apn, const char *uname=0, const char *pwd=0)
 Set the Cellular network credentials.
virtual void set_sim_pin (const char *sim_pin)
 Set the pin code for SIM card.
virtual nsapi_error_t connect (const char *sim_pin, const char *apn=0, const char *uname=0, const char *pwd=0)
 Start the interface.
virtual nsapi_error_t connect ()
 Attempt to connect to the Cellular network.
virtual nsapi_error_t disconnect ()
 Attempt to disconnect from the network.
void set_sim_pin_check (bool set)
 Adds or removes a SIM facility lock.
void set_new_sim_pin (const char *new_pin)
 Change the pin for the SIM card.
virtual bool is_connected ()
 Check if the connection is currently established or not.
virtual const char * get_ip_address ()
 Get the local IP address.
virtual const char * get_netmask ()
 Get the local network mask.
virtual const char * get_gateway ()
 Get the local gateways.
void connection_status_cb (Callback< void(nsapi_error_t)> cb)
 Get notified if the connection gets lost.
void modem_debug_on (bool on)
 Turn modem debug traces on.
virtual const char * get_mac_address ()
 Get the local MAC address.
virtual nsapi_error_t set_network (const char *ip_address, const char *netmask, const char *gateway)
 Set a static IP address.
virtual nsapi_error_t set_dhcp (bool dhcp)
 Enable or disable DHCP on the network.
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname (const char *host, SocketAddress *address, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC)
 Translates a hostname to an IP address with specific version.
virtual nsapi_error_t add_dns_server (const SocketAddress &address)
 Add a domain name server to list of servers to query.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void modem_init ()
 Sets the modem up for powering on.
virtual void modem_deinit ()
 Sets the modem in unplugged state.
virtual void modem_power_up ()
 Powers up the modem.
virtual void modem_power_down ()
 Powers down the modem.
virtual void enable_hup (bool enable)
 Enable or disable hang-up detection.
virtual NetworkStack * get_stack ()
 Provide access to the underlying stack.
bool nwk_registration (uint8_t nwk_type=PACKET_SWITCHED)
 Starts network registration process.


class Socket
class UDPSocket
class TCPSocket

Detailed Description

OnboardCellularInterface class.

This interface serves as the controller/driver for an onboard modem implementing onboard_modem_api.h.

Depending on the type of on-board modem, OnboardCellularInterface could be derived from different implementation classes. Portable applications should only rely on it being a CellularBase.

Definition at line 32 of file OnboardCellularInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OnboardCellularInterface ( bool  debug = false )

OnboardCellularInterface is an on-board specific implementation.

Definition at line 24 of file OnboardCellularInterface.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

nsapi_error_t add_dns_server ( const SocketAddress &  address ) [virtual, inherited]

Add a domain name server to list of servers to query.

addressDestination for the host address
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 63 of file NetworkInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t connect (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Attempt to connect to the Cellular network.

Brings up the network interface. Connects to the Cellular Radio network and then brings up the underlying network stack to be used by the cellular modem over PPP interface.

If the SIM requires a PIN, and it is not set/invalid, NSAPI_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR is returned. For APN setup, default behaviour is to use 'internet' as APN string and assuming no authentication is required, i.e., username and password are not set. Optionally, a database lookup can be requested by turning on the APN database lookup feature. In order to do so, add 'MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_APN_LOOKUP' in your mbed_app.json. APN database is by no means exhaustive. It contains a short list of some public APNs with publicly available usernames and passwords (if required) in some particular countries only. Lookup is done using IMSI (International mobile subscriber identifier). Please note that even if 'MBED_CONF_PPP_CELL_IFACE_APN_LOOKUP' config option is set, 'set_credentials()' api still gets the precedence. If the aforementioned API is not used and the config option is set but no match is found in the lookup table then the driver tries to resort to default APN settings.

Preferred method is to setup APN using 'set_credentials()' API.

0 on success, negative error code on failure

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 556 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t connect ( const char *  sim_pin,
const char *  apn = 0,
const char *  uname = 0,
const char *  pwd = 0 
) [virtual, inherited]

Start the interface.

Attempts to connect to a Cellular network. This driver is written mainly for data network connections as CellularInterface is NetworkInterface. That's why connect() call internally calls nwk_registration() method with parameter PACKET_SWITCHED network. Circuit switched hook and registration process is implemented and left in the driver for future extension/subclass support,e.g., an SMS or GPS extension.

sim_pinPIN for the SIM card
apnoptionally, access point name
unameoptionally, Username
pwdoptionally, password
NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success, or negative error code on failure

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 533 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void connection_status_cb ( Callback< void(nsapi_error_t)>  cb ) [inherited]

Get notified if the connection gets lost.

cbuser defined callback

Definition at line 307 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t disconnect (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Attempt to disconnect from the network.

User initiated disconnect.

Brings down the network interface. Shuts down the PPP interface of the underlying network stack. Does not bring down the Radio network

0 on success, negative error code on failure

Disconnects from PPP connection only and brings down the underlying network interface

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 700 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void enable_hup ( bool  enable ) [protected, virtual, inherited]

Enable or disable hang-up detection.

When in PPP data pump mode, it is helpful if the FileHandle will signal hang-up via POLLHUP, e.g., if the DCD line is deasserted on a UART. During command mode, this signaling is not desired. enable_hup() controls whether this function should be active.

Reimplemented from PPPCellularInterface.

Definition at line 33 of file UARTCellularInterface.cpp.

const char * get_gateway (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Get the local gateways.

Null-terminated representation of the local gateway or null if no network mask has been recieved

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 721 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

const char * get_ip_address (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Get the local IP address.

Null-terminated representation of the local IP address or null if no IP address has been recieved

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 711 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

const char * get_mac_address (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Get the local MAC address.

Provided MAC address is intended for info or debug purposes and may not be provided if the underlying network interface does not provide a MAC address

Null-terminated representation of the local MAC address or null if no MAC address is available

Definition at line 23 of file NetworkInterface.cpp.

const char * get_netmask (  ) [virtual, inherited]

Get the local network mask.

Null-terminated representation of the local network mask or null if no network mask has been recieved

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 716 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

NetworkStack * get_stack ( void   ) [protected, virtual, inherited]

Provide access to the underlying stack.

Get a pointer to the underlying network stack.

The underlying network stack

Definition at line 795 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t gethostbyname ( const char *  host,
SocketAddress *  address,
nsapi_version_t  version = NSAPI_UNSPEC 
) [virtual, inherited]

Translates a hostname to an IP address with specific version.

The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.

If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack.

addressDestination for the host SocketAddress
hostHostname to resolve
versionIP version of address to resolve, NSAPI_UNSPEC indicates version is chosen by the stack (defaults to NSAPI_UNSPEC)
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 58 of file NetworkInterface.cpp.

bool is_connected ( void   ) [virtual, inherited]

Check if the connection is currently established or not.

true/false If the cellular module have successfully acquired a carrier and is connected to an external packet data network using PPP, isConnected() API returns true and false otherwise.

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 399 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void modem_debug_on ( bool  on ) [inherited]

Turn modem debug traces on.

onset true to enable debug traces

Definition at line 302 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void modem_deinit (  ) [protected, virtual]

Sets the modem in unplugged state.

modem_deinit() will be equivalent to pulling the plug off of the device, i.e., detaching power and serial port. This puts the modem in lowest power state. Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.

Reimplemented from PPPCellularInterface.

Definition at line 40 of file OnboardCellularInterface.cpp.

void modem_init (  ) [protected, virtual]

Sets the modem up for powering on.

modem_init() is equivalent to plugging in the device, e.g., attaching power and serial port. Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.

Reimplemented from PPPCellularInterface.

Definition at line 35 of file OnboardCellularInterface.cpp.

void modem_power_down (  ) [protected, virtual]

Powers down the modem.

modem_power_down() is equivalent to turning off the modem by button press. Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.

Reimplemented from PPPCellularInterface.

Definition at line 50 of file OnboardCellularInterface.cpp.

void modem_power_up (  ) [protected, virtual]

Powers up the modem.

modem_power_up() is equivalent to pressing the soft power button. The driver may repeat this if the modem is not responsive to AT commands. Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.

Reimplemented from PPPCellularInterface.

Definition at line 45 of file OnboardCellularInterface.cpp.

bool nwk_registration ( uint8_t  nwk_type = PACKET_SWITCHED ) [protected, inherited]

Starts network registration process.

Potential users could be subclasses who are not network interface but would like to use CellularInterface infrastructure to register with a cellular network, e.g., an SMS extension to CellularInterface.

nwk_typetype of network to connect, defaults to packet switched network
true if registration is successful

Definition at line 330 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void set_credentials ( const char *  apn,
const char *  uname = 0,
const char *  pwd = 0 
) [virtual, inherited]

Set the Cellular network credentials.

Please check documentation of connect() for default behaviour of APN settings.

apnAccess point name
unameoptionally, Username
pwdoptionally, password

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 496 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t set_dhcp ( bool  dhcp ) [virtual, inherited]

Enable or disable DHCP on the network.

Enables DHCP on connecting the network. Defaults to enabled unless a static IP address has been assigned. Requires that the network is disconnected.

dhcpTrue to enable DHCP
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 48 of file NetworkInterface.cpp.

nsapi_error_t set_network ( const char *  ip_address,
const char *  netmask,
const char *  gateway 
) [virtual, inherited]

Set a static IP address.

Configures this network interface to use a static IP address. Implicitly disables DHCP, which can be enabled in set_dhcp. Requires that the network is disconnected.

ip_addressNull-terminated representation of the local IP address
netmaskNull-terminated representation of the local network mask
gatewayNull-terminated representation of the local gateway
0 on success, negative error code on failure

Definition at line 43 of file NetworkInterface.cpp.

void set_new_sim_pin ( const char *  new_pin ) [inherited]

Change the pin for the SIM card.

Public API.

Provide the new pin for your SIM card with this API. Old pin code will be assumed to be set using set_SIM_pin() API. This API have no immediate effect. While establishing connection, driver will change the SIM pin for the next boot.

new_pinnew pin to be used in string format

Sets up the flag for the driver to change pin code for SIM card

Definition at line 324 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void set_sim_pin ( const char *  sim_pin ) [virtual, inherited]

Set the pin code for SIM card.

sim_pinPIN for the SIM card

Implements CellularBase.

Definition at line 442 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.

void set_sim_pin_check ( bool  check ) [inherited]

Adds or removes a SIM facility lock.

Public API.

Can be used to enable or disable SIM pin check at device startup. This API sets up flags for the driver which would either enable or disable SIM pin checking depending upon the user provided argument while establishing connection. It doesn't do anything immediately other than setting up flags.

setcan be set to true if the SIM pin check is supposed to be enabled and vice versa.

Sets up the flag for the driver to enable or disable SIM pin check at the next boot.

Definition at line 316 of file PPPCellularInterface.cpp.