Arduino board run on Mbed-os6.8.1 (only test purpose not official). Need Mbed Studio(1.3.1) not online compiler. If you compile on the online compiler, you can get a hex file but it does NOT work!!!

Dependencies:   APDS_9960 LPS22HB LSM9DS1 HTS221

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
check_revision.h [code]
common.h [code]
main0.cpp [code]
main1.cpp [code]
main2.cpp [code]
main3.cpp [code]
main4.cpp [code]
main5.cpp [code]
main6.cpp [code]
nano33blesense_iodef.h [code]
select_example.h [code]
usb_serial_as_stdio.h [code]