Dependents of TCS3472_I2C
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

The MBED firmware used on the Chipin sorter, developed over 12 weeks for a 3rd year university systems project. Chipin is a token sorter, it sorts tokens by colours and …
token sorter

Tests our color sensor - needs to be added

preliminary code



Our final project code


Autonomous Vehicle Project Upload

Final Project

Final Project

Autonomous Vehicle Project Re-Upload: Revisions made to comments to better clarify what is being executed and clear up any inconsistencies, which can be discussed in person.

test code for the i2c multiplexer

3rd year group project. Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Heriot-Watt University. This is the code for the mbed for the Automatic Little Object Organiser (ALOO).

First try of code involving all subsystems


MBED file for Heriot-Watt Malaysia System Project 2016

working example of final project code (in development)

first try. Connection works but not getting any change in values

not sure on the if statement at the bottom

not sure on the if statement at the bottom


Initial attempt at the final chalenge

fina mbed source

this color recognition code works 10/10 times

Colors without Hall

Hall 0900

