
Dependents of ServoOut

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Test Program for the ES20X mbed board ES201, ES20X, Servo, ServoOut, thread
Template for ES456 MadPulse Control Lab
Code to run automated boat
Fork of Emaxx Navigation code with dynamic vehicle model and HIL support. Strange bugs with mbed locking up upon receiving certain messages.
Push for Students
Emaxx Navigation code ported for MBED
Program for testing the ES20X board (version 2.0/2.1) I/O servo ports, motor driver ports, analog inputs, RS232 serial, digital port p5,p6,p7,p8,p11 as digital outputs ES20X
Madpulse ROS Code
USNA-UMBC-Project Receiver - Add noise to CAN-bus received data and Implement Kalman Filter
USNA-UMBC Project Data (Yaw) Generator / Transmitter