
Dependents of kalman

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Program for testing the Kalman Filter. Receives input from gyro and accelerometer and oututs PITCH and ROLL. filter, kalman
Hybrid sEMG + IMU activated controller for Galileo Bionic Hand Prosthesis
Roll & Pitch Angles (Kalman Filter) Hoverboard, IMU, PID, Swagway
Wireless auto note device drum, Note, WAND
Versione funzionante che utilizza giroscopio ed accelerometro per calcolare roll e pitch
Versione funzionante che utilizza giroscopio ed accelerometro per calcolare roll e pitch. Resta da implementare yaw angle.
Radio controlled Quadcopter, FRDM K64f, ZIgbee Radio Modules, ESCs
Pike Bots for everyone! Uses a MAX32630 as the core. Incorporates Impedance control and SD card libaries for writing data. Reading from current sensor is not perfect due to limited … Bioinspired, Dan, flippingbot, Friends, Grace, Ken
Retrieves data from LSM6DSL sensors, filters and send to ROS IKS01A2, IMU, LSM6DSL, Nucleo, ROS