fix for mbed lib issue 3 (i2c problem) see also affected implementations: LPC812, LPC11U24, LPC1768, LPC2368, LPC4088

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MKL25Z4.h File Reference

MKL25Z4.h File Reference

CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKL25Z4. More...

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Data Structures

struct  ADC_Type
 ADC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  CMP_Type
 CMP - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  DAC_Type
 DAC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  DMA_Type
 DMA - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  DMAMUX_Type
 DMAMUX - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  FGPIO_Type
 FGPIO - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  FTFA_Type
 FTFA - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  GPIO_Type
 GPIO - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  I2C_Type
 I2C - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  LLWU_Type
 LLWU - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  LPTMR_Type
 LPTMR - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  MCG_Type
 MCG - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  MCM_Type
 MCM - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  MTB_Type
 MTB - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  MTBDWT_Type
 MTBDWT - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  NV_Type
 NV - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  OSC_Type
 OSC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  PIT_Type
 PIT - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  PMC_Type
 PMC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  PORT_Type
 PORT - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  RCM_Type
 RCM - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  ROM_Type
 ROM - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  RTC_Type
 RTC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  SIM_Type
 SIM - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  SMC_Type
 SMC - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  SPI_Type
 SPI - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  TPM_Type
 TPM - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  TSI_Type
 TSI - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  UART_Type
 UART - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  UARTLP_Type
 UARTLP - Register Layout Typedef. More...
struct  USB_Type
 USB - Register Layout Typedef. More...


typedef enum IRQn IRQn_Type
 Interrupt Number Definitions.


enum  IRQn {
  NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, HardFault_IRQn = -13, SVCall_IRQn = -5, PendSV_IRQn = -2,
  SysTick_IRQn = -1, DMA0_IRQn = 0, DMA1_IRQn = 1, DMA2_IRQn = 2,
  DMA3_IRQn = 3, Reserved20_IRQn = 4, FTFA_IRQn = 5, LVD_LVW_IRQn = 6,
  LLW_IRQn = 7, I2C0_IRQn = 8, I2C1_IRQn = 9, SPI0_IRQn = 10,
  SPI1_IRQn = 11, UART0_IRQn = 12, UART1_IRQn = 13, UART2_IRQn = 14,
  ADC0_IRQn = 15, CMP0_IRQn = 16, TPM0_IRQn = 17, TPM1_IRQn = 18,
  TPM2_IRQn = 19, RTC_IRQn = 20, RTC_Seconds_IRQn = 21, PIT_IRQn = 22,
  Reserved39_IRQn = 23, USB0_IRQn = 24, DAC0_IRQn = 25, TSI0_IRQn = 26,
  MCG_IRQn = 27, LPTimer_IRQn = 28, Reserved45_IRQn = 29, PORTA_IRQn = 30,
  PORTD_IRQn = 31, NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, BusFault_IRQn = -11,
  UsageFault_IRQn = -10, SVCall_IRQn = -5, DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, PendSV_IRQn = -2,
  SysTick_IRQn = -1, WDT_IRQn = 0, TIMER0_IRQn = 1, TIMER1_IRQn = 2,
  TIMER2_IRQn = 3, TIMER3_IRQn = 4, UART0_IRQn = 5, UART1_IRQn = 6,
  UART2_IRQn = 7, UART3_IRQn = 8, PWM1_IRQn = 9, I2C0_IRQn = 10,
  I2C1_IRQn = 11, I2C2_IRQn = 12, SPI_IRQn = 13, SSP0_IRQn = 14,
  SSP1_IRQn = 15, PLL0_IRQn = 16, RTC_IRQn = 17, EINT0_IRQn = 18,
  EINT1_IRQn = 19, EINT2_IRQn = 20, EINT3_IRQn = 21, ADC_IRQn = 22,
  BOD_IRQn = 23, USB_IRQn = 24, CAN_IRQn = 25, DMA_IRQn = 26,
  I2S_IRQn = 27, ENET_IRQn = 28, RIT_IRQn = 29, MCPWM_IRQn = 30,
  QEI_IRQn = 31, PLL1_IRQn = 32 , WDT_IRQn = 0, TIMER0_IRQn = 4,
  TIMER1_IRQn = 5, UART0_IRQn = 6, UART1_IRQn = 7, PWM1_IRQn = 8,
  I2C0_IRQn = 9, SPI_IRQn = 10, SSP0_IRQn = 10, SSP1_IRQn = 11,
  PLL0_IRQn = 12, RTC_IRQn = 13, EINT0_IRQn = 14, EINT1_IRQn = 15,
  EINT2_IRQn = 16, EINT3_IRQn = 17, ADC_IRQn = 18, I2C1_IRQn = 19,
  BOD_IRQn = 20, ENET_IRQn = 21, USB_IRQn = 22, CAN_IRQn = 23,
  MIC_IRQn = 24, DMA_IRQn = 25, TIMER2_IRQn = 26, TIMER3_IRQn = 27,
  UART2_IRQn = 28, UART3_IRQn = 29, I2C2_IRQn = 30, I2S_IRQn = 31,
  Reset_IRQn = -15, NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, HardFault_IRQn = -13, MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12,
  BusFault_IRQn = -11, UsageFault_IRQn = -10, SVCall_IRQn = -5, DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4,
  PendSV_IRQn = -2, SysTick_IRQn = -1, WDT_IRQn = 0, TIMER0_IRQn = 1,
  TIMER1_IRQn = 2, TIMER2_IRQn = 3, TIMER3_IRQn = 4, UART0_IRQn = 5,
  UART1_IRQn = 6, UART2_IRQn = 7, UART3_IRQn = 8, PWM1_IRQn = 9,
  I2C0_IRQn = 10, I2C1_IRQn = 11, I2C2_IRQn = 12, Reserved0_IRQn = 13,
  SSP0_IRQn = 14, SSP1_IRQn = 15, PLL0_IRQn = 16, RTC_IRQn = 17,
  EINT0_IRQn = 18, EINT1_IRQn = 19, EINT2_IRQn = 20, EINT3_IRQn = 21,
  ADC_IRQn = 22, BOD_IRQn = 23, USB_IRQn = 24, CAN_IRQn = 25,
  DMA_IRQn = 26, I2S_IRQn = 27, ENET_IRQn = 28, MCI_IRQn = 29,
  MCPWM_IRQn = 30, QEI_IRQn = 31, PLL1_IRQn = 32, USBActivity_IRQn = 33,
  CANActivity_IRQn = 34, UART4_IRQn = 35, SSP2_IRQn = 36, LCD_IRQn = 37,
  GPIO_IRQn = 38, PWM0_IRQn = 39, EEPROM_IRQn = 40, CMP0_IRQn = 41,
  CMP1_IRQn = 42

Interrupt Number Definitions.


Detailed Description

CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKL25Z4.

2012-06-21 CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKL25Z4

Definition in file MKL25Z4.h.