INSAT Mini Project


Fork of X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 by ST

Tue Jun 07 14:56:36 2016 +0200
Fixed I2C address in component descriptor to default val after component PowerOn/Off.
Overridden singleton obj fake copy constructor and (=) assignement operator to avoid multiple singleton instances.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 1 /**
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 2 ******************************************************************************
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 3 * @file vl6180x_class.cpp
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 4 * @author AST / EST
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 5 * @version V0.0.1
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 6 * @date 14-April-2015
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 7 * @brief Implementation file for the HTS221 driver class
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 8 ******************************************************************************
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 9 * @attention
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 10 *
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 11 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 12 *
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 13 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 14 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 15 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 16 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 17 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 18 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 19 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 20 * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 21 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 22 * without specific prior written permission.
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 23 *
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 34 *
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 35 ******************************************************************************
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 36 */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 37
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 38 /* Includes */
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 39 #include "vl6180x_class.h" 8:f943a1fca15f 40
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 41 8:f943a1fca15f 42 #ifndef VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING 8:f943a1fca15f 43 #warning "VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING not defined ?" 8:f943a1fca15f 44 /* TODO you may remove or comment these #warning and keep the default below to keep compatibility 8:f943a1fca15f 45 or update your vl6180x_platform.h file */ 8:f943a1fca15f 46 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 47 * force VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING to not supported when not part of any cfg file 8:f943a1fca15f 48 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 49 #define VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING 0 8:f943a1fca15f 50 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 51 8:f943a1fca15f 52 #ifndef VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER 8:f943a1fca15f 53 #warning "VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER not defined, likely old vl6180x_cfg.h file ?" 8:f943a1fca15f 54 /* TODO you may remove or comment these #warning and keep the default below to keep compatibility 8:f943a1fca15f 55 or update your vl6180x_platform.h file */ 8:f943a1fca15f 56 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 57 * force VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER to off when not in cfg file 8:f943a1fca15f 58 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 59 #define VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER 0 /* off by default as in api 2.0 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 60 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 61 8:f943a1fca15f 62 #ifndef VL6180X_LOG_ENABLE 8:f943a1fca15f 63 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 64 * Force VL6180X_LOG_ENABLE to none as default 8:f943a1fca15f 65 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 66 #define VL6180X_LOG_ENABLE 0 8:f943a1fca15f 67 #endif
gallonm 20:dd8390d615bf 68
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 69 #ifdef MY_LOG
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 70 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 71 #endif
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 72 8:f943a1fca15f 73 #if VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING 8:f943a1fca15f 74 /**@def VL6180x_HAVE_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING 8:f943a1fca15f 75 * @brief is defined when @a #VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING is enable 8:f943a1fca15f 76 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 77 #define VL6180x_HAVE_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING 8:f943a1fca15f 78 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 79
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 80 8:f943a1fca15f 81 /** @brief Get API version as "hex integer" 0xMMnnss 8:f943a1fca15f 82 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 83 #define VL6180x_ApiRevInt ((VL6180x_API_REV_MAJOR<<24)+(VL6180x_API_REV_MINOR<<16)+VL6180x_API_REV_SUB)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 84 8:f943a1fca15f 85 /** Get API version as string for exe "2.1.12" " 8:f943a1fca15f 86 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 87 #define VL6180x_ApiRevStr VL6180X_STR(VL6180x_API_REV_MAJOR) "." VL6180X_STR(VL6180x_API_REV_MINOR) "." VL6180X_STR(VL6180x_API_REV_SUB)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 88 8:f943a1fca15f 89 /** @defgroup api_init Init functions 8:f943a1fca15f 90 * @brief API init functions 8:f943a1fca15f 91 * @ingroup api_hl 8:f943a1fca15f 92 * @{ 8:f943a1fca15f 93 */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 94
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 95
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 96 /****************** define for i2c configuration *******************************/
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 97
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 98 #define TEMP_BUF_SIZE 32
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 99
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 100 #define IsValidGPIOFunction(x) ((x)==GPIOx_SELECT_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT || (x)==GPIOx_SELECT_OFF) 8:f943a1fca15f 101 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 102 * @brief Clear All interrupt causes (als+range+error) 8:f943a1fca15f 103 * 8:f943a1fca15f 104 * @param dev The device 8:f943a1fca15f 105 * @return 0 On success 8:f943a1fca15f 106 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 107 #define VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(dev) VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(dev, INTERRUPT_CLEAR_ERROR|INTERRUPT_CLEAR_RANGING|INTERRUPT_CLEAR_ALS) 8:f943a1fca15f 108 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 109 * @brief Clear ALS interrupt 8:f943a1fca15f 110 * 8:f943a1fca15f 111 * @param dev The device 8:f943a1fca15f 112 * @return 0 On success 8:f943a1fca15f 113 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 114 #define VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(dev) VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(dev, INTERRUPT_CLEAR_ALS) 8:f943a1fca15f 115 /** 8:f943a1fca15f 116 * @brief Clear range interrupt 8:f943a1fca15f 117 * 8:f943a1fca15f 118 * @param dev The device 8:f943a1fca15f 119 * @return 0 On success 8:f943a1fca15f 120 */ 8:f943a1fca15f 121 #define VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(dev) VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(dev, INTERRUPT_CLEAR_RANGING)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 122
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 123 /******************************************************************************/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 124 /******************************* file api.c ***********************************/
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 125
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 126 #define VL6180x_9to7Conv(x) (x)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 127
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 128 /* TODO when set all "cached" value with "default init" are updated after init from register read back */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 129 #define REFRESH_CACHED_DATA_AFTER_INIT 1
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 130
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 131
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 132 #define IsValidGPIOFunction(x) ((x)==GPIOx_SELECT_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT || (x)==GPIOx_SELECT_OFF)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 133
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 134
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 135 /** default value ECE factor Molecular */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 136 #define DEF_ECE_FACTOR_M 85
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 137 /** default value ECE factor Denominator */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 138 #define DEF_ECE_FACTOR_D 100
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 139 /** default value ALS integration time */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 140 #define DEF_INT_PEFRIOD 100
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 141 /** default value ALS gain */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 142 #define DEF_ALS_GAIN 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 143 /** default value ALS scaler */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 144 #define DEF_ALS_SCALER 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 145 /** default value for DMAX Enbale */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 146 #define DEF_DMAX_ENABLE 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 147 /** default ambient tuning factor %x1000 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 148 #define DEF_AMBIENT_TUNING 80
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 149
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 150 #if VL6180x_SINGLE_DEVICE_DRIVER
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 151 extern struct VL6180xDevData_t SingleVL6180xDevData;
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 152 #define VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, field) (SingleVL6180xDevData.field)
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 153 #define VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, field, data) SingleVL6180xDevData.field=(data)
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 154 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 155
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 156 #define LUXRES_FIX_PREC 8
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 157 #define GAIN_FIX_PREC 8 /* ! if not sme as LUX_PREC then :( adjust GetLux */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 158 #define AN_GAIN_MULT (1<<GAIN_FIX_PREC)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 159
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 160
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 161 //int32_t _GetAveTotalTime(VL6180xDev_t dev);
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 162 //int VL6180x_RangeSetEarlyConvergenceEestimateThreshold(VL6180xDev_t dev);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 163
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 164 /**
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 165 * ScalerLookUP scaling factor-1 to register #RANGE_SCALER lookup
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 166 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 167 static const uint16_t ScalerLookUP[] ROMABLE_DATA ={ 253, 127, 84}; /* lookup table for scaling->scalar 1x2x 3x */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 168 /**
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 169 * scaling factor to Upper limit look up
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 170 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 171 static const uint16_t UpperLimitLookUP[] ROMABLE_DATA ={ 185, 370, 580}; /* lookup table for scaling->limit 1x2x3x */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 172 /**
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 173 * Als Code gain to fix point gain lookup
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 174 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 175 static const uint16_t AlsGainLookUp[8] ROMABLE_DATA = {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 176 (uint16_t)(20.0f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 177 (uint16_t)(10.0f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 178 (uint16_t)(5.0f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 179 (uint16_t)(2.5f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 180 (uint16_t)(1.67f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 181 (uint16_t)(1.25f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 182 (uint16_t)(1.0f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 183 (uint16_t)(40.0f * AN_GAIN_MULT),
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 184 };
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 185
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 186
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 187 #if VL6180x_RANGE_STATUS_ERRSTRING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 188 const char * ROMABLE_DATA VL6180x_RangeStatusErrString[]={
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 189 "No Error",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 190 "VCSEL Continuity Test",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 191 "VCSEL Watchdog Test",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 192 "VCSEL Watchdog",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 193 "PLL1 Lock",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 194 "PLL2 Lock",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 195 "Early Convergence Estimate",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 196 "Max Convergence",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 197 "No Target Ignore",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 198 "Not used 9",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 199 "Not used 10",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 200 "Max Signal To Noise Ratio",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 201 "Raw Ranging Algo Underflow",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 202 "Raw Ranging Algo Overflow",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 203 "Ranging Algo Underflow",
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 204 "Ranging Algo Overflow",
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 205
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 206 "Filtered by post processing"
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 207 };
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 208
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 209 const char * VL6180x_RangeGetStatusErrString(uint8_t RangeErrCode){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 210 if( RangeErrCode > sizeof(VL6180x_RangeStatusErrString)/sizeof(VL6180x_RangeStatusErrString[0]) )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 211 return NULL;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 212 return VL6180x_RangeStatusErrString[RangeErrCode];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 213 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 214 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 215
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 216 #if VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT == 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 217 #define _GetUpscale(dev, ... ) 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 218 #define _SetUpscale(...) -1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 219 #define DEF_UPSCALE 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 220 #elif VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT == 2
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 221 #define _GetUpscale(dev, ... ) 2
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 222 #define _SetUpscale(...)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 223 #define DEF_UPSCALE 2
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 224 #elif VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT == 3
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 225 #define _GetUpscale(dev, ... ) 3
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 226 #define _SetUpscale(...)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 227 #define DEF_UPSCALE 3
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 228 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 229 #define DEF_UPSCALE (-(VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT))
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 230 #define _GetUpscale(dev, ... ) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, UpscaleFactor)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 231 #define _SetUpscale(dev, Scaling ) VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, UpscaleFactor, Scaling)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 232 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 233
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 234
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 235 #if VL6180x_SINGLE_DEVICE_DRIVER
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 236 /**
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 237 * the unique driver data When single device driver is active
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 238 */
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 239 struct VL6180xDevData_t VL6180x_DEV_DATA_ATTR SingleVL6180xDevData={
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 240 .EceFactorM = DEF_ECE_FACTOR_M,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 241 .EceFactorD = DEF_ECE_FACTOR_D,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 242 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_UPSCALE_DATA
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 243 .UpscaleFactor = DEF_UPSCALE,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 244 #endif
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 245 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_ALS_DATA
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 246 .IntegrationPeriod = DEF_INT_PEFRIOD,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 247 .AlsGainCode = DEF_ALS_GAIN,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 248 .AlsScaler = DEF_ALS_SCALER,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 249 #endif
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 250 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 251 .DMaxEnable = DEF_DMAX_ENABLE,
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 252 #endif
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 253 };
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 254 #endif /* VL6180x_SINGLE_DEVICE_DRIVER */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 255
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 256 #define Fix7_2_KCPs(x) ((((uint32_t)(x))*1000)>>7)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 257
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 258 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 259 static int _filter_Init(VL6180xDev_t dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 260 #define _IsWrapArroundActive(dev) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev,WrapAroundFilterActive)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 261 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 262 #define _IsWrapArroundActive(dev) 0
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 263 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 264
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 265
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 266 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 267 void _DMax_OneTimeInit(VL6180xDev_t dev);
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 268 // static int _DMax_InitData(VL6180xDev_t dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 269 static int _DMax_Compute(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRange);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 270 #define _IsDMaxActive(dev) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev,DMaxEnable)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 271 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 272 #define _DMax_InitData(...) 0 /* success */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 273 #define _DMax_OneTimeInit(...) (void)0
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 274 #define _IsDMaxActive(...) 0
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 275 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 276
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 277 //static int VL6180x_RangeStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev);
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 278 //static int VL6180x_UpscaleStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 279
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 280 int VL6180X::VL6180x_WaitDeviceBooted(VL6180xDev_t dev){ 48:e799ad44dab7 281 uint8_t FreshOutReset=0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 282 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 283 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 284 do{
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 285 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev,SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET, &FreshOutReset);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 286 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 287 while( FreshOutReset!=1 && status==0);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 288 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 289 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 290 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 291
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 292 int VL6180X::VL6180x_InitData(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 293 int status, dmax_status ;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 294 int8_t offset;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 295 uint8_t FreshOutReset;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 296 uint32_t CalValue;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 297 uint16_t u16;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 298 uint32_t XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 299
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 300 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 301
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 302 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, EceFactorM , DEF_ECE_FACTOR_M);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 303 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, EceFactorD , DEF_ECE_FACTOR_D);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 304
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 305 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_UPSCALE_DATA
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 306 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, UpscaleFactor , DEF_UPSCALE);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 307 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 308
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 309 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_ALS_DATA
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 310 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, IntegrationPeriod, DEF_INT_PEFRIOD);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 311 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, AlsGainCode, DEF_ALS_GAIN);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 312 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, AlsScaler, DEF_ALS_SCALER);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 313 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 314
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 315 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_WRAP_AROUND_DATA
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 316 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, WrapAroundFilterActive, (VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT >0));
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 317 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, DMaxEnable, DEF_DMAX_ENABLE);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 318 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 319
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 320 _DMax_OneTimeInit(dev);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 321 do{
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 322
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 323 /* backup offset initial value from nvm these must be done prior any over call that use offset */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 324 status = VL6180X::VL6180x_RdByte(dev,SYSRANGE_PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET, (uint8_t*)&offset);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 325 if( status ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 326 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET rd fail");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 327 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 328 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 329 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, Part2PartOffsetNVM, offset);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 330
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 331 status=VL6180x_RdDWord( dev, SYSRANGE_RANGE_IGNORE_THRESHOLD, &CalValue);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 332 if( status ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 333 VL6180x_ErrLog("Part2PartAmbNVM rd fail");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 334 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 335 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 336 if( (CalValue&0xFFFF0000) == 0 ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 337 CalValue=0x00CE03F8;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 338 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 339 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, Part2PartAmbNVM, CalValue);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 340
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 341 status = VL6180x_RdWord(dev, SYSRANGE_CROSSTALK_COMPENSATION_RATE ,&u16);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 342 if( status){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 343 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_CROSSTALK_COMPENSATION_RATE rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 344 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 345 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 346 XTalkCompRate_KCps = Fix7_2_KCPs(u16);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 347 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, XTalkCompRate_KCps , XTalkCompRate_KCps );
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 348
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 349 dmax_status = _DMax_InitData(dev);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 350 if( dmax_status < 0 ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 351 VL6180x_ErrLog("DMax init failure");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 352 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 353 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 354
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 355 /* Read or wait for fresh out of reset */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 356 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev,SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET, &FreshOutReset);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 357 if( status ) {
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 358 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET rd fail");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 359 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 360 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 361 if( FreshOutReset!= 1 || dmax_status )
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 362 status = CALIBRATION_WARNING;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 363
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 364 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 365 while(0);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 366
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 367 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 368 return status;
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 369 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 370
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 371 int8_t VL6180X::VL6180x_GetOffsetCalibrationData(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 372 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 373 int8_t offset;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 374 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 375 offset = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, Part2PartOffsetNVM);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 376 LOG_FUNCTION_END( offset );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 377 return offset;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 378 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 379
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 380 void VL6180X::VL6180x_SetOffsetCalibrationData(VL6180xDev_t dev, int8_t offset)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 381 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 382 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", offset);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 383 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, Part2PartOffsetNVM, offset);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 384 LOG_FUNCTION_END(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 385 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 386
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 387 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetXTalkCompensationRate(VL6180xDev_t dev, FixPoint97_t Rate)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 388 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 389 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 390 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", Rate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 391 status = VL6180x_WrWord(dev, SYSRANGE_CROSSTALK_COMPENSATION_RATE, Rate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 392 if( status ==0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 393 uint32_t XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 394 XTalkCompRate_KCps = Fix7_2_KCPs(Rate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 395 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, XTalkCompRate_KCps , XTalkCompRate_KCps );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 396 /* update dmax whenever xtalk rate changes */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 397 status = _DMax_InitData(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 398 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 399 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 400 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 401 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 402
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 403 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetI2CAddress(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t NewAddress){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 404 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 405 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 406 8:f943a1fca15f 407 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS, NewAddress);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 408 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 409 VL6180x_ErrLog("new i2c addr Wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 410 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 411 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 412 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 413 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 414
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 415
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 416 uint16_t VL6180X::VL6180x_GetUpperLimit(VL6180xDev_t dev) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 417 uint16_t limit;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 418 int scaling;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 419
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 420 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 421
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 422 scaling = _GetUpscale(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 423 /* FIXME we do assume here _GetUpscale is valid if user call us prior to init we may overflow the LUT mem area */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 424 limit = UpperLimitLookUP[scaling - 1];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 425
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 426 LOG_FUNCTION_END((int )limit);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 427 return limit;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 428 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 429
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 430
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 431
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 432 int VL6180X::VL6180x_StaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 433 int status=0, init_status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 434 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 435
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 436 /* TODO doc When using configurable scaling but using 1x as start condition
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 437 * load tunning upscale or not ??? */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 438 if( _GetUpscale(dev) == 1 && !(VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT<0))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 439 init_status=VL6180x_RangeStaticInit(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 440 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 441 init_status=VL6180x_UpscaleStaticInit(dev);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 442
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 443 if( init_status <0 ){
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 444 VL6180x_ErrLog("StaticInit fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 445 goto error;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 446 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 447 else if(init_status > 0){
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 448 VL6180x_ErrLog("StaticInit warning");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 449 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 450
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 451 #if REFRESH_CACHED_DATA_AFTER_INIT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 452 /* update cached value after tuning applied */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 453 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 454 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_ALS_DATA
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 455 uint8_t data;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 456 status= VL6180x_RdByte(dev, FW_ALS_RESULT_SCALER, &data);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 457 if( status ) break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 458 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, AlsScaler, data);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 459
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 460 status= VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, &data);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 461 if( status ) break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 462 VL6180x_AlsSetAnalogueGain(dev, data);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 463 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 464 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 465 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 466 #endif /* REFRESH_CACHED_DATA_AFTER_INIT */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 467 if( status < 0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 468 VL6180x_ErrLog("StaticInit fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 469 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 470 if( !status && init_status){
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 471 status = init_status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 472 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 473 error:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 474 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 475 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 476 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 477
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 478
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 479 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetGroupParamHold(VL6180xDev_t dev, int Hold)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 480 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 481 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 482 uint8_t value;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 483
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 484 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", Hold);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 485 if( Hold )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 486 value = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 487 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 488 value = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 489 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSTEM_GROUPED_PARAMETER_HOLD, value);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 490
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 491 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 492 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 493
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 494 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 495
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 496 int VL6180X::VL6180x_Prepare(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 497 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 498 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 499 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 500
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 501 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 502 status=VL6180x_StaticInit(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 503 if( status<0) break;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 504
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 505 /* set range InterruptMode to new sample */
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 506 status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(dev, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 507 if( status)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 508 break;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 509
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 510 /* set default threshold */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 511 status=VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(dev, 10, 200);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 512 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 513 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 514 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 515 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 516 #if VL6180x_ALS_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 517 status =VL6180x_AlsSetIntegrationPeriod(dev, 100);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 518 if( status ) break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 519 status = VL6180x_AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(dev, 200);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 520 if( status ) break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 521 status = VL6180x_AlsSetAnalogueGain(dev, 0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 522 if( status ) break;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 523 status = VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(dev, 0, 0xFFFF);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 524 if( status ) break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 525 /* set Als InterruptMode to new sample */
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 526 status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(dev, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 527 if( status ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 528 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 529 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 530 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 531 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 532 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 533 _filter_Init(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 534 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 535 /* make sure to reset any left previous condition that can hangs first poll */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 536 status=VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 537 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 538 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 539 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 540
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 541 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 542 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 543
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 544 #if VL6180x_ALS_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 545 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsGetLux(VL6180xDev_t dev, lux_t *pLux)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 546 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 547 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 548 uint16_t RawAls;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 549 uint32_t luxValue = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 550 uint32_t IntPeriod;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 551 uint32_t AlsAnGain;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 552 uint32_t GainFix;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 553 uint32_t AlsScaler;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 554
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 555 #if LUXRES_FIX_PREC != GAIN_FIX_PREC
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 556 #error "LUXRES_FIX_PREC != GAIN_FIX_PREC review these code to be correct"
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 557 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 558 const uint32_t LuxResxIntIme =(uint32_t)(0.56f* DEF_INT_PEFRIOD *(1<<LUXRES_FIX_PREC));
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 559
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 560 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", pLux);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 561
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 562 status = VL6180x_RdWord( dev, RESULT_ALS_VAL, &RawAls);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 563 if( !status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 564 /* wer are yet here at no fix point */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 565 IntPeriod=VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, IntegrationPeriod);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 566 AlsScaler=VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, AlsScaler);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 567 IntPeriod++; /* what stored is real time ms -1 and it can be 0 for or 0 or 1ms */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 568 luxValue = (uint32_t)RawAls * LuxResxIntIme; /* max # 16+8bits + 6bit (0.56*100) */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 569 luxValue /= IntPeriod; /* max # 16+8bits + 6bit 16+8+1 to 9 bit */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 570 /* between 29 - 21 bit */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 571 AlsAnGain = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, AlsGainCode);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 572 GainFix = AlsGainLookUp[AlsAnGain];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 573 luxValue = luxValue / (AlsScaler * GainFix);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 574 *pLux=luxValue;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 575 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 576
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 577 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%x",(int)*pLux);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 578 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 579 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 580
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 581 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 582 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 583 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 584 uint8_t ErrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 585
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 586 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", pAlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 587
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 588 status = VL6180x_AlsGetLux(dev, &pAlsData->lux);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 589 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 590 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_ALS_STATUS, & ErrStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 591 pAlsData->errorStatus = ErrStatus>>4;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 592 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 593 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status,"%d %d", (int)pAlsData->lux, (int)pAlsData->errorStatus);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 594
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 595 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 596 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 597
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 598
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 599 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsPollMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 600 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 601 int ClrStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 602 uint8_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 603
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 604 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", pAlsData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 605 #if VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 606 /* if device get stopped with left interrupt uncleared , it is required to clear them now or poll for new condition will never occur*/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 607 status=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 608 if(status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 609 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 610 goto over;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 611 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 612 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 613
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 614 status=VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(dev, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 615 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 616 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 617 goto over;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 618 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 619
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 620 /* poll for new sample ready */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 621 while (1 ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 622 status = VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(dev, &IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 623 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 624 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 625 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 626 if (IntStatus == RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 627 break; /* break on new data (status is 0) */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 628 }
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 629 wait_ms(10);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 630 };
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 631
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 632 if (!status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 633 status = VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(dev, pAlsData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 634 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 635
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 636 ClrStatus = VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 637 if (ClrStatus) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 638 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 639 if (!status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 640 status = ClrStatus; /* leave previous if already on error */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 641 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 642 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 643 over:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 644 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 645
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 646 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 647 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 648
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 649 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *pIntStatus) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 650 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 651 uint8_t IntStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 652 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", pIntStatus);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 653
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 654 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO, &IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 655 *pIntStatus= (IntStatus>>3)&0x07;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 656
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 657 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int)*pIntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 658 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 659 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 660
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 661 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsWaitDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int MaxLoop ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 662 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 663 int n;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 664 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 665 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)MaxLoop);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 666 if( MaxLoop<1){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 667 status=INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 668 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 669 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 670 for( n=0; n < MaxLoop ; n++){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 671 status=VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_ALS_STATUS, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 672 if( status)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 673 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 674 u8 = u8 & ALS_DEVICE_READY_MASK;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 675 if( u8 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 676 break;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 677
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 678 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 679 if( !status && !u8 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 680 status = TIME_OUT;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 681 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 682 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 683 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 684 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 685 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 686
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 687 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t mode)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 688 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 689 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 690 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)mode);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 691 /* FIXME if we are called back to back real fast we are not checking
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 692 * if previous mode "set" got absorbed => bit 0 must be 0 so that wr 1 work */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 693 if( mode <= 3){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 694 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSALS_START, mode);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 695 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 696 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 697 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 698 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 699 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 700 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 701 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 702
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 703 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t ConfigGpioInt)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 704 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 705 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 706
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 707 if( ConfigGpioInt<= CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 708 status = VL6180x_UpdateByte(dev, SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, (uint8_t)(~CONFIG_GPIO_ALS_MASK), (ConfigGpioInt<<3));
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 709 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 710 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 711 VL6180x_ErrLog("Invalid config mode param %d", (int)ConfigGpioInt);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 712 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 713 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 714 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 715 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 716 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 717
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 718
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 719
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 720 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t low, uint16_t high) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 721 int status;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 722
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 723 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d", (int )low, (int)high);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 724
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 725 status = VL6180x_WrWord(dev, SYSALS_THRESH_LOW, low);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 726 if(!status ){
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 727 status = VL6180x_WrWord(dev, SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH, high);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 728 }
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 729
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 730 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status) ;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 731 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 732 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 733
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 734
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 735 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsSetAnalogueGain(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t gain) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 736 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 737 uint8_t GainTotal;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 738
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 739 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int )gain);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 740 gain&=~0x40;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 741 if (gain > 7) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 742 gain = 7;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 743 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 744 GainTotal = gain|0x40;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 745
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 746 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, GainTotal);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 747 if( !status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 748 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, AlsGainCode, gain);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 749 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 750
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 751 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d %d", (int ) gain, (int )GainTotal);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 752 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 753 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 754
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 755 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t intermeasurement_period_ms)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 756 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 757 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 758
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 759 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d",(int)intermeasurement_period_ms);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 760 /* clipping: range is 0-2550ms */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 761 if (intermeasurement_period_ms >= 255 *10)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 762 intermeasurement_period_ms = 255 *10;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 763 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, (uint8_t)(intermeasurement_period_ms/10));
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 764
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 765 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int) intermeasurement_period_ms);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 766 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 767 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 768
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 769
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 770 int VL6180X::VL6180x_AlsSetIntegrationPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t period_ms)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 771 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 772 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 773 uint16_t SetIntegrationPeriod;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 774
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 775 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)period_ms);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 776
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 777 if( period_ms>=1 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 778 SetIntegrationPeriod = period_ms - 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 779 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 780 SetIntegrationPeriod = period_ms;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 781
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 782 if (SetIntegrationPeriod > 464) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 783 SetIntegrationPeriod = 464;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 784 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 785 else if (SetIntegrationPeriod == 255) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 786 SetIntegrationPeriod++; /* can't write 255 since this causes the device to lock out.*/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 787 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 788
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 789 status =VL6180x_WrWord(dev, SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, SetIntegrationPeriod);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 790 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 791 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, IntegrationPeriod, SetIntegrationPeriod) ;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 792 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 793 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int)SetIntegrationPeriod);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 794 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 795 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 796
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 797 #endif /* HAVE_ALS_SUPPORT */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 798
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 799
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 800 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangePollMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 801 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 802 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 803 int ClrStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 804 IntrStatus_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 805
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 806 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 807 /* start single range measurement */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 808
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 809
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 810 #if VL6180X_SAFE_POLLING_ENTER
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 811 /* if device get stopped with left interrupt uncleared , it is required to clear them now or poll for new condition will never occur*/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 812 status=VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 813 if(status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 814 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 815 goto done;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 816 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 817 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 818 /* //![single_shot_snipet] */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 819 status=VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(dev, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 820 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 821 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 822 goto done;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 823 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 824
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 825 /* poll for new sample ready */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 826 while(1 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 827 status=VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(dev, &IntStatus.val);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 828 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 829 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 830 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 831 if( IntStatus.status.Error !=0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 832 VL6180x_ErrLog("GPIO int Error report %d",(int)IntStatus.val);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 833 status = RANGE_ERROR;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 834 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 835 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 836 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 837 if( IntStatus.status.Range == RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 838 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 839 }
mapellil 19:39ea6bab0e5b 840 wait_ms(10);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 841 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 842 /* //![single_shot_snipet] */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 843
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 844 if ( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 845 status = VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(dev, pRangeData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 846 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 847
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 848 /* clear range interrupt source */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 849 ClrStatus = VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 850 if( ClrStatus ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 851 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 852 /* leave initial status if already in error */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 853 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 854 status=ClrStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 855 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 856 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 857 done:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 858 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 859 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 860 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 861
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 862
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 863
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 864 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 865 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 866 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 867 uint16_t RawRate;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 868 uint8_t RawStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 869
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 870 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 871
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 872 status = VL6180x_RangeGetResult(dev, &pRangeData->range_mm);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 873 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 874 status = VL6180x_RdWord(dev,RESULT_RANGE_SIGNAL_RATE, &RawRate );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 875 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 876 pRangeData->signalRate_mcps = VL6180x_9to7Conv(RawRate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 877 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_RANGE_STATUS, &RawStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 878 if( !status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 879 pRangeData->errorStatus = RawStatus >>4;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 880 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 881 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 882 VL6180x_ErrLog("Rd RESULT_RANGE_STATUS fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 883 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 884 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT || VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 885 status = _GetRateResult(dev, pRangeData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 886 if( status )
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 887 goto error;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 888 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 889 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 890 /* if enabled run filter */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 891 if( _IsWrapArroundActive(dev) ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 892 status=_filter_GetResult(dev, pRangeData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 893 if( !status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 894 /* patch the range status and measure if it is filtered */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 895 if( pRangeData->range_mm != pRangeData->FilteredData.range_mm) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 896 pRangeData->errorStatus=RangingFiltered;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 897 pRangeData->range_mm = pRangeData->FilteredData.range_mm;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 898 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 899 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 900 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 901 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 902
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 903 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 904 if(_IsDMaxActive(dev) ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 905 _DMax_Compute(dev, pRangeData);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 906 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 907 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 908 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 909 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 910 VL6180x_ErrLog("Rd RESULT_RANGE_SIGNAL_RATE fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 911 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 912 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 913 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 914 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_GetRangeResult fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 915 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 916 error:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 917 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d %d %d", (int)pRangeData->range_mm, (int)pRangeData->signalRate_mcps, (int)pRangeData->errorStatus) ;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 918 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 919 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 920
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 921
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 922 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurementIfReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 923 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 924 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 925 IntrStatus_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 926
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 927 LOG_FUNCTION_START();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 928
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 929 status = VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(dev, &IntStatus.val);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 930 if( status ==0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 931 if( IntStatus.status.Error !=0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 932 VL6180x_ErrLog("GPIO int Error report %d",(int)IntStatus.val);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 933 status = RANGE_ERROR;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 934 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 935 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 936 if( IntStatus.status.Range == RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 937 status = VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(dev,pRangeData );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 938 if( status == 0){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 939 /* clear range interrupt source */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 940 status = VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 941 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 942 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 943 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 944 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 945 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 946 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 947 status = NOT_READY;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 948 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 949 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 950 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 951 VL6180x_ErrLog("fail to get interrupt status");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 952 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 953 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status) ;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 954 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 955 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 956
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 957 int VL6180X::VL6180x_FilterSetState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int state){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 958 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 959 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", state);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 960 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 961 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev,WrapAroundFilterActive, state);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 962 status = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 963 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 964 status = NOT_SUPPORTED;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 965 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 966 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 967 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 968 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 969
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 970 int VL6180X::VL6180x_FilterGetState(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 971 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 972 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 973 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 974 status = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev,WrapAroundFilterActive);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 975 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 976 status = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 977 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 978 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 979 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 980 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 981
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 982 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, int32_t *pRange_mm) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 983 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 984 uint8_t RawRange;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 985 int32_t Upscale;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 986
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 987 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p",pRange_mm);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 988
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 989 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_RANGE_VAL, &RawRange);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 990 if( !status ){
gallonm 10:4954b09b72d8 991 Upscale = _GetUpscale(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 992 *pRange_mm= Upscale*(int32_t)RawRange;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 993 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 994 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int)*pRange_mm);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 995 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 996 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 997
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 998 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t low, uint8_t high)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 999 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1000 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1001 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d", (int) low, (int)high);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1002 /* TODO we can optimize here grouping high/low in a word but that's cpu endianness dependent */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1003 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH,high);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1004 if( !status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1005 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW, low);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1006 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1007
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1008 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1009 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1010 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1011
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1012 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t low, uint16_t high, int UseSafeParamHold)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1013 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1014 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1015 int scale;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1016 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d", (int) low, (int)high);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1017 scale=_GetUpscale(dev,UpscaleFactor);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1018 if( low>scale*255 || high >scale*255){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1019 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1020 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1021 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1022 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1023 if( UseSafeParamHold ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1024 status=VL6180x_SetGroupParamHold(dev, 1);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1025 if( status )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1026 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1027 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1028 status=VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(dev, (uint8_t)(low/scale), (uint8_t)(high/scale));
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1029 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1030 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1031 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1032 if( UseSafeParamHold ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1033 int HoldStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1034 /* tryt to unset param hold vene if previous fail */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1035 HoldStatus=VL6180x_SetGroupParamHold(dev, 0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1036 if( !status)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1037 status=HoldStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1038 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1039 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1040 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1041 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1042
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1043 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1044 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1045 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1046
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1047
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1048 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t *low, uint16_t *high)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1049 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1050 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1051 uint8_t RawLow, RawHigh;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1052 int scale;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1053
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1054 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p %p", low , high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1055
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1056 scale=_GetUpscale(dev,UpscaleFactor);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1057 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1058 if( high != NULL ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1059 status=VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH,&RawHigh);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1060 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1061 VL6180x_ErrLog("rd SYSRANGE_THRESH_HIGH fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1062 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1063 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1064 *high=(uint16_t)RawHigh*scale;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1065 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1066 if( low != NULL ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1067 status=VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW, &RawLow);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1068 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1069 VL6180x_ErrLog("rd SYSRANGE_THRESH_LOW fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1070 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1071 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1072 *low=(uint16_t)RawLow*scale;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1073 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1074 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1075 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1076 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d %d",(int)*low ,(int)*high);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1077 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1078 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1079
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1080
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1081 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *pIntStatus) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1082 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1083 uint8_t IntStatus;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1084 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", pIntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1085 /* FIXME we are grouping "error" with over status the user must check implicitly for it
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1086 * not just new sample or over status , that will nevr show up in case of error*/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1087 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO, &IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1088 *pIntStatus= IntStatus&0xC7;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1089
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1090 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int)*pIntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1091 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1092 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1093
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1094
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1095 int VL6180X::VL6180x_GetInterruptStatus(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t *IntStatus)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1096 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1097 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1098 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p" , IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1099 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO, IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1100 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status, "%d", (int)*IntStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1101 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1102 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1103
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1104 int VL6180X::VL6180x_ClearInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t IntClear )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1105 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1106 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1107 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d" ,(int)IntClear);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1108 if( IntClear <= 7 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1109 status=VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR, IntClear);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1110 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1111 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1112 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1113 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1114 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1115 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1116 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1117
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1118
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1119 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1120 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1121 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1122 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1123
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1124 /* REGISTER_TUNING_SR03_270514_CustomerView.txt */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1125 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0207, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1126 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0208, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1127 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0096, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1128 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0097, 0xfd);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1129 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e3, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1130 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e4, 0x04);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1131 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e5, 0x02);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1132 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e6, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1133 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e7, 0x03);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1134 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00f5, 0x02);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1135 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00d9, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1136 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00db, 0xce);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1137 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00dc, 0x03);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1138 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00dd, 0xf8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1139 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x009f, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1140 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00a3, 0x3c);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1141 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00b7, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1142 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00bb, 0x3c);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1143 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00b2, 0x09);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1144 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00ca, 0x09);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1145 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0198, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1146 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01b0, 0x17);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1147 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01ad, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1148 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00ff, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1149 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0100, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1150 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0199, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1151 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01a6, 0x1b);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1152 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01ac, 0x3e);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1153 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01a7, 0x1f);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1154 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0030, 0x00);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1155
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1156 /* Recommended : Public registers - See data sheet for more detail */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1157 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1, 0x10); /* Enables polling for New Sample ready when measurement completes */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1158 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD, 0x30); /* Set the averaging sample period (compromise between lower noise and increased execution time) */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1159 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, 0x46); /* Sets the light and dark gain (upper nibble). Dark gain should not be changed.*/
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1160 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE, 0xFF); /* sets the # of range measurements after which auto calibration of system is performed */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1161 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 0x63); /* Set ALS integration time to 100ms */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1162 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE, 0x01); /* perform a single temperature calibration of the ranging sensor */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1163
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1164 /* Optional: Public registers - See data sheet for more detail */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1165 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x09); /* Set default ranging inter-measurement period to 100ms */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1166 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x31); /* Set default ALS inter-measurement period to 500ms */
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1167 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, 0x24); /* Configures interrupt on New sample ready */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1168
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1169
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1170 status=VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(dev, 50); /* Calculate ece value on initialization (use max conv) */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1171 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1172
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1173 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1174 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1175
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1176 #if VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT != 1
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1177
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1178 int VL6180X::_UpscaleInitPatch0(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1179 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1180 uint32_t CalValue=0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1181 CalValue= VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, Part2PartAmbNVM);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1182 status=VL6180x_WrDWord( dev, 0xDA, CalValue);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1183 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1184 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1185
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1186 /* only include up-scaling register setting when up-scale support is configured in */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1187 int VL6180X::VL6180x_UpscaleRegInit(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1188 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1189 /* apply REGISTER_TUNING_ER02_100614_CustomerView.txt */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1190 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0207, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1191 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0208, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1192 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0096, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1193 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0097, 0x54);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1194 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e3, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1195 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e4, 0x04);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1196 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e5, 0x02);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1197 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e6, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1198 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00e7, 0x03);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1199 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00f5, 0x02);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1200 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00d9, 0x05);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1201
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1202 _UpscaleInitPatch0(dev);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1203
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1204 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x009f, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1205 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00a3, 0x28);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1206 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00b7, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1207 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00bb, 0x28);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1208 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00b2, 0x09);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1209 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00ca, 0x09);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1210 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0198, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1211 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01b0, 0x17);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1212 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01ad, 0x00);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1213 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x00ff, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1214 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0100, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1215 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0199, 0x05);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1216 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01a6, 0x1b);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1217 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01ac, 0x3e);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1218 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x01a7, 0x1f);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1219 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, 0x0030, 0x00);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1220 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1, 0x10);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1221 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD, 0x30);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1222 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, 0x46);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1223 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE, 0xFF);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1224 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 0x63);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1225 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE, 0x01);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1226 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_AMBIENT_LEVEL_MULT, 0xff);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1227 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x09);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1228 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x31);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 1229 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, 0x24);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1230 #if VL6180x_EXTENDED_RANGE
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1231 VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(dev, 63);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1232 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1233 VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(dev, 50);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1234 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1235 return 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1236 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1237 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1238 #define VL6180x_UpscaleRegInit(...) -1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1239 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1240
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1241 int VL6180X::VL6180x_UpscaleSetScaling(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t scaling)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1242 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1243 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1244 uint16_t Scaler;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1245 int8_t Offset;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1246
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1247 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d",(int) scaling);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1248
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1249 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_UPSCALE_DATA
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1250 #define min_scaling 1
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1251 #define max_scaling sizeof(ScalerLookUP)/sizeof(ScalerLookUP[0])
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1252 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1253 /* we are in fixed config so only allow configured factor */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1254 #define min_scaling VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1255 #define max_scaling VL6180x_UPSCALE_SUPPORT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1256 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1257
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1258 if( scaling>=min_scaling && scaling<= max_scaling ){
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1259
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1260 Scaler = ScalerLookUP[scaling-1];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1261 status = VL6180x_WrWord(dev, RANGE_SCALER, Scaler);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1262 _SetUpscale(dev, scaling );
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1263
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1264 /* Apply scaling on part-2-part offset */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1265 Offset = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, Part2PartOffsetNVM)/scaling;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1266 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET, Offset);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1267 #if ! VL6180x_EXTENDED_RANGE
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1268 if( status ==0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1269 status = VL6180x_RangeSetEceState(dev, scaling == 1); /* enable ece only at 1x scaling */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1270 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1271 if( status == 0 && !VL6180x_EXTENDED_RANGE && scaling!=1 ){
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1272 status = NOT_GUARANTEED ;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1273 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1274 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1275 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1276 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1277 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1278 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1279 #undef min_scaling
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1280 #undef max_scaling
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1281 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1282 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1283 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1284
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1285
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1286 int VL6180X::VL6180x_UpscaleGetScaling(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1287 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1288 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1289 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1290 status=_GetUpscale(dev );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1291 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1292
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1293 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1294 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1295
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1296
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1297 int VL6180X::VL6180x_UpscaleStaticInit(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1298 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1299 /* todo make these a fail macro in case only 1x is suppoted */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1300 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1301
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1302 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1303 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1304 status=VL6180x_UpscaleRegInit(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1305 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1306 VL6180x_ErrLog("regInit fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1307 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1308 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1309 #if VL6180x_EXTENDED_RANGE
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1310 status = VL6180x_RangeSetEceState(dev, 0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1311 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1312 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeSetEceState fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1313 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1314 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1315 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1316 } while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1317 if( !status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1318 /* must write the scaler at least once to the device to ensure the scaler is in a known state. */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1319 status=VL6180x_UpscaleSetScaling(dev, _GetUpscale(dev));
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 1320 VL6180x_WrByte( dev, SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET, 0x00); /* change fresh out of set status to 0 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1321 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1322 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1323 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1324 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1325
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1326
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1327 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetGPIOxPolarity(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, int active_high)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1328 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1329 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1330 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d",(int) pin, (int)active_high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1331
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1332 if( pin ==0 || pin ==1 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1333 uint16_t RegIndex;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1334 uint8_t DataSet;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1335 if( pin==0 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1336 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1337 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1338 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1339
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1340 if (active_high )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1341 DataSet = GPIOx_POLARITY_SELECT_MASK;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1342 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1343 DataSet = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1344
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1345 status = VL6180x_UpdateByte(dev, RegIndex, (uint8_t)~GPIOx_POLARITY_SELECT_MASK, DataSet);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1346 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1347 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1348 VL6180x_ErrLog("Invalid pin param %d", (int)pin);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1349 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1350 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1351
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1352 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1353
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1354 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1355 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1356
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1357 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetGPIOxFunctionality(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, uint8_t functionality)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1358 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1359 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1360
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1361 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d",(int) pin, (int)functionality);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1362
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1363 if( ((pin ==0) || (pin ==1)) && IsValidGPIOFunction(functionality) ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1364 uint16_t RegIndex;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1365
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1366 if( pin==0 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1367 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1368 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1369 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1370
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1371 status = VL6180x_UpdateByte(dev, RegIndex, (uint8_t)~GPIOx_FUNCTIONALITY_SELECT_MASK, functionality<<GPIOx_FUNCTIONALITY_SELECT_SHIFT);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1372 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1373 VL6180x_ErrLog("Update SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO%d fail", (int)pin);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1374 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1375 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1376 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1377 VL6180x_ErrLog("Invalid pin %d or function %d", (int)pin, (int) functionality);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1378 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1379 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1380
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1381 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1382 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1383 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1384
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1385
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1386 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetupGPIOx(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1387 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1388 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1389
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1390 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d",(int) pin, (int)IntFunction);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1391
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1392 if( ((pin ==0) || (pin ==1)) && IsValidGPIOFunction(IntFunction) ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1393 uint16_t RegIndex;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1394 uint8_t value=0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1395
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1396 if( pin==0 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1397 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1398 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1399 RegIndex= SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1400
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1401 if( ActiveHigh )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1402 value|=GPIOx_POLARITY_SELECT_MASK;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1403
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1404 value |= IntFunction<<GPIOx_FUNCTIONALITY_SELECT_SHIFT;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1405 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, RegIndex, value);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1406 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1407 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO%d wr fail", (int)pin-SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1408 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1409 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1410 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1411 VL6180x_ErrLog("Invalid pin %d or function %d", (int)pin, (int) IntFunction);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1412 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1413 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1414
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1415 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1416 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1417 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1418
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1419
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1420 int VL6180X::VL6180x_DisableGPIOxOut(VL6180xDev_t dev, int pin) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1421 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1422
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1423 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d",(int)pin);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1424
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1425 status=VL6180x_SetGPIOxFunctionality(dev, pin, GPIOx_SELECT_OFF);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1426
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1427 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1428 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1429 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1430
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1431
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1432 int VL6180X::VL6180x_SetupGPIO1(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1433 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1434 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1435 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d",(int)IntFunction, (int)ActiveHigh );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1436 status=VL6180x_SetupGPIOx(dev, 1 , IntFunction, ActiveHigh);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1437 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1438 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1439 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1440
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1441 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t ConfigGpioInt)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1442 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1443 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1444
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1445 if( ConfigGpioInt<= CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1446 status = VL6180x_UpdateByte(dev, SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, (uint8_t)(~CONFIG_GPIO_RANGE_MASK), ConfigGpioInt);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1447 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1448 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1449 VL6180x_ErrLog("Invalid config mode param %d", (int)ConfigGpioInt);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1450 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1451 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1452 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1453 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1454 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1455
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1456
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1457 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetEceFactor(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t FactorM, uint16_t FactorD){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1458 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1459 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1460
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1461 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d %d", (int)FactorM, (int)FactorD );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1462 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1463 /* D cannot be 0 M must be <=D and >= 0 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1464 if( FactorM <= FactorD && FactorD> 0){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1465 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, EceFactorM, FactorM);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1466 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev, EceFactorD, FactorD);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1467 /* read and re-apply max conv time to get new ece factor set */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1468 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1469 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1470 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME rd fail ");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1471 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1472 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1473 status = VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(dev, u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1474 if( status <0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1475 VL6180x_ErrLog("fail to apply time after ece m/d change");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1476 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1477 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1478 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1479 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1480 VL6180x_ErrLog("invalid factor %d/%d", (int)FactorM, (int)FactorD );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1481 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1482 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1483 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1484 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1485 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1486 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1487 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1488
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1489 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetEceState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int enable ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1490 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1491 uint8_t or_mask;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1492
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1493 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)enable);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1494 if( enable )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1495 or_mask = RANGE_CHECK_ECE_ENABLE_MASK;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1496 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1497 or_mask = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1498
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1499 status =VL6180x_UpdateByte(dev, SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES, ~RANGE_CHECK_ECE_ENABLE_MASK, or_mask);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1500 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1501 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1502 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1503
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1504
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1505 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetMaxConvergenceTime(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t MaxConTime_msec)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1506 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1507 int status = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1508 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d",(int)MaxConTime_msec);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1509 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1510 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, MaxConTime_msec);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1511 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1512 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1513 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1514 status=VL6180x_RangeSetEarlyConvergenceEestimateThreshold(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1515 if( status){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1516 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1517 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1518 status = _DMax_InitData(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1519 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1520 while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1521 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1522 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1523 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1524
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1525 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetInterMeasPeriod(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint32_t InterMeasTime_msec){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1526 uint8_t SetTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1527 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1528
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1529 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d",(int)InterMeasTime_msec);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1530 do {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1531 if( InterMeasTime_msec > 2550 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1532 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1533 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1534 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1535 /* doc in not 100% clear and confusing about the limit practically all value are OK but 0
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1536 * that can hang device in continuous mode */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1537 if( InterMeasTime_msec < 10 ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1538 InterMeasTime_msec=10;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1539 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1540 SetTime=(uint8_t)(InterMeasTime_msec/10);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1541 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, SetTime);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1542 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1543 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1544 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1545 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1546 if( SetTime != InterMeasTime_msec /10 ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1547 status = MIN_CLIPED; /* on success change status to clip if it did */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1548 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1549 }while(0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1550 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1551 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1552 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1553
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1554
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1555 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeGetDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int * Ready){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1556 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1557 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1558 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%p", (int)Ready);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1559 status=VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_RANGE_STATUS, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1560 if( !status)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1561 *Ready = u8&RANGE_DEVICE_READY_MASK;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1562 LOG_FUNCTION_END_FMT(status,"%d", *Ready);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1563 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1564 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1565
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1566
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1567 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeWaitDeviceReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, int MaxLoop ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1568 int status; /* if user specify an invalid <=0 loop count we'll return error */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1569 int n;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1570 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1571 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)MaxLoop);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1572 if( MaxLoop<1){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1573 status=INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1574 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1575 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1576 for( n=0; n < MaxLoop ; n++){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1577 status=VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_RANGE_STATUS, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1578 if( status)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1579 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1580 u8 = u8 & RANGE_DEVICE_READY_MASK;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1581 if( u8 )
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1582 break;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1583
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1584 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1585 if( !status && !u8 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1586 status = TIME_OUT;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1587 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1588 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1589 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1590 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1591 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1592
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1593 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint8_t mode)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1594 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1595 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1596 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", (int)mode);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1597 /* FIXME we are not checking device is ready via @a VL6180x_RangeWaitDeviceReady
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1598 * so if called back to back real fast we are not checking
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1599 * if previous mode "set" got absorbed => bit 0 must be 0 so that it work
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1600 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1601 if( mode <= 3){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1602 status=VL6180x_WrByte(dev, SYSRANGE_START, mode);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1603 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1604 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_START wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1605 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1606 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1607 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1608 status = INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1609 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1610 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1611 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1612 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1613
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1614
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1615 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeStartContinuousMode(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1616 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1617 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1618 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1619 status= VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(dev, MODE_START_STOP | MODE_CONTINUOUS);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1620 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1621 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1622 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1623
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1624 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeStartSingleShot(VL6180xDev_t dev) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1625 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1626 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1627 status = VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(dev, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1628 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1629 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1630 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1631
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1632
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1633 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RangeSetEarlyConvergenceEestimateThreshold(VL6180xDev_t dev)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1634 {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1635 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1636
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1637 const uint32_t cMicroSecPerMilliSec = 1000;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1638 const uint32_t cEceSampleTime_us = 500;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1639 uint32_t ece_factor_m = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, EceFactorM);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1640 uint32_t ece_factor_d = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, EceFactorD);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1641 uint32_t convergTime_us;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1642 uint32_t fineThresh;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1643 uint32_t eceThresh;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1644 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1645 uint32_t maxConv_ms;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1646 int32_t AveTime;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1647
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1648 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1649
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1650 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1651 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1652 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1653 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1654 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1655 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1656 maxConv_ms = u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1657 AveTime = _GetAveTotalTime(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1658 if( AveTime <0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1659 status=-1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1660 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1661 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1662
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1663 convergTime_us = maxConv_ms * cMicroSecPerMilliSec - AveTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1664 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, 0xB8, &fineThresh);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1665 if( status ) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1666 VL6180x_ErrLog("reg 0xB8 rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1667 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1668 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1669 fineThresh*=256;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1670 eceThresh = ece_factor_m * cEceSampleTime_us * fineThresh/(convergTime_us * ece_factor_d);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1671
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1672 status=VL6180x_WrWord(dev, SYSRANGE_EARLY_CONVERGENCE_ESTIMATE, (uint16_t)eceThresh);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1673 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1674 while(0);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1675
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1676 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1677 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1678 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1679
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1680 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1681 * Return >0 = time
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1682 * <0 1 if fail to get read data from device to compute time
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1683 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1684 int32_t VL6180X::_GetAveTotalTime(VL6180xDev_t dev) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1685 uint32_t cFwOverhead_us = 24;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1686 uint32_t cVcpSetupTime_us = 70;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1687 uint32_t cPLL2_StartupDelay_us = 200;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1688 uint8_t cMeasMask = 0x07;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1689 uint32_t Samples;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1690 uint32_t SamplePeriod;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1691 uint32_t SingleTime_us;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1692 int32_t TotalAveTime_us;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1693 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1694 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1695
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1696 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1697
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1698 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, 0x109, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1699 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1700 VL6180x_ErrLog("rd 0x109 fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1701 return -1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1702 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1703 Samples = u8 & cMeasMask;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1704 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1705 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1706 VL6180x_ErrLog("i2c READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1707 return -1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1708 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1709 SamplePeriod = u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1710 SingleTime_us = cFwOverhead_us + cVcpSetupTime_us + (SamplePeriod * 10);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1711 TotalAveTime_us = (Samples + 1) * SingleTime_us + cPLL2_StartupDelay_us;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1712
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1713 LOG_FUNCTION_END(TotalAveTime_us);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1714 return TotalAveTime_us;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1715 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1716
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1717 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1718 #define _GetDMaxDataRetSignalAt400mm(dev) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, DMaxData.retSignalAt400mm)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1719 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1720 #define _GetDMaxDataRetSignalAt400mm(dev) 375 // Use a default high value
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1721 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1722
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1723
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1724 #if VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1725
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1726 #define FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES 6
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1727 #define MIN_FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES 3
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1728 #define MIN_FILTER_VALID_STDDEV_SAMPLES 3
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1729 #define FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE 65535
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1730
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1731 #define _FilterData(field) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, FilterData.field)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1732 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1733 * One time init
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1734 */
mapellil 38:18abb7f7dcb2 1735 static int _filter_Init( VL6180xDev_t dev) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1736 int i;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1737 _FilterData(MeasurementIndex) = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1738
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1739 _FilterData(Default_ZeroVal) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1740 _FilterData(Default_VAVGVal) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1741 _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1742 _FilterData(NoDelay_VAVGVal) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1743 _FilterData(Previous_VAVGDiff) = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1744
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1745 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1746
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1747 for (i = 0; i < FILTER_NBOF_SAMPLES; i++) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1748 _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] = FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1749 _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i] = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1750 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1751 return 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1752 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1753
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1754
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1755 static uint32_t _filter_StdDevDamper(uint32_t AmbientRate, uint32_t SignalRate, const uint32_t StdDevLimitLowLight, const uint32_t StdDevLimitLowLightSNR, const uint32_t StdDevLimitHighLight, const uint32_t StdDevLimitHighLightSNR) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1756 uint32_t newStdDev;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1757 uint16_t SNR;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1758
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1759 if (AmbientRate > 0)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1760 SNR = (uint16_t) ((100 * SignalRate) / AmbientRate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1761 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1762 SNR = 9999;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1763
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1764 if (SNR >= StdDevLimitLowLightSNR) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1765 newStdDev = StdDevLimitLowLight;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1766 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1767 if (SNR <= StdDevLimitHighLightSNR)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1768 newStdDev = StdDevLimitHighLight;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1769 else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1770 newStdDev = (uint32_t) (StdDevLimitHighLight + (SNR - StdDevLimitHighLightSNR) * (int) (StdDevLimitLowLight - StdDevLimitHighLight) / (StdDevLimitLowLightSNR - StdDevLimitHighLightSNR));
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1771 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1772 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1773
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1774 return newStdDev;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1775 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1776
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1777
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1778 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1779 * Return <0 on error
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1780 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1781 int32_t VL6180X::_filter_Start(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t m_trueRange_mm, uint16_t m_rawRange_mm, uint32_t m_rtnSignalRate, uint32_t m_rtnAmbientRate, uint16_t errorCode) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1782 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1783 uint16_t m_newTrueRange_mm = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1784
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1785 uint16_t i;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1786 uint16_t bypassFilter = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1787
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1788 uint16_t registerValue;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1789
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1790 uint32_t register32BitsValue1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1791 uint32_t register32BitsValue2;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1792
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1793 uint16_t ValidDistance = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1794
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1795 uint16_t WrapAroundFlag = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1796 uint16_t NoWrapAroundFlag = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1797 uint16_t NoWrapAroundHighConfidenceFlag = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1798
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1799 uint16_t FlushFilter = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1800 uint32_t RateChange = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1801
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1802 uint16_t StdDevSamples = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1803 uint32_t StdDevDistanceSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1804 uint32_t StdDevDistanceMean = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1805 uint32_t StdDevDistance = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1806 uint32_t StdDevRateSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1807 uint32_t StdDevRateMean = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1808 uint32_t StdDevRate = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1809 uint32_t StdDevLimitWithTargetMove = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1810
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1811 uint32_t VAVGDiff;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1812 uint32_t IdealVAVGDiff;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1813 uint32_t MinVAVGDiff;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1814 uint32_t MaxVAVGDiff;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1815
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1816 /* Filter Parameters */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1817 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundLowRawRangeLimit = 60;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1818 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit_ROM = 800; // Shall be adapted depending on crossTalk
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1819 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundLowRawRangeLimit2 = 165;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1820 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit2_ROM = 180; // Shall be adapted depending on crossTalk and device sensitivity
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1821
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1822 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundLowReturnRateFilterLimit_ROM = 850; // Shall be adapted depending on crossTalk and device sensitivity
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1823 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundHighRawRangeFilterLimit = 350;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1824 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundHighReturnRateFilterLimit_ROM = 1400; // Shall be adapted depending on crossTalk and device sensitivity
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1825
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1826 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundMaximumAmbientRateFilterLimit = 7500;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1827
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1828 /* Temporal filter data and flush values */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1829 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA MinReturnRateFilterFlush = 75;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1830 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA MaxReturnRateChangeFilterFlush = 50;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1831
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1832 /* STDDEV values and damper values */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1833
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1834 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevLimitLowLight = 300;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1835 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevLimitLowLightSNR = 30; /* 0.3 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1836 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevLimitHighLight = 2500;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1837 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevLimitHighLightSNR = 5; /* 0.05 */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1838
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1839 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevHighConfidenceSNRLimit = 8;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1840
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1841 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevMovingTargetStdDevLimit = 90000;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1842
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1843 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevMovingTargetReturnRateLimit = 3500;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1844 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA StdDevMovingTargetStdDevForReturnRateLimit = 5000;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1845
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1846 static const uint32_t ROMABLE_DATA MAX_VAVGDiff = 1800;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1847
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1848 /* WrapAroundDetection variables */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1849 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA WrapAroundNoDelayCheckPeriod = 2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1850 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA StdFilteredReadsIncrement = 2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1851 static const uint16_t ROMABLE_DATA StdMaxFilteredReads = 4;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1852
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1853 uint32_t SignalRateDMax;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1854 uint32_t WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1855 uint32_t WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1856 uint32_t WrapAroundLowReturnRateFilterLimit;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1857 uint32_t WrapAroundHighReturnRateFilterLimit;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1858
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1859 uint8_t u8, u8_2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1860 uint32_t XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1861 uint32_t StdDevLimit = 300;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1862 uint32_t MaxOrInvalidDistance = 255*_GetUpscale(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1863 /* #define MaxOrInvalidDistance (uint16_t) (255 * 3) */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1864
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1865 /* Check if distance is Valid or not */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1866 switch (errorCode) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1867 case 0x0C:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1868 m_trueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1869 ValidDistance = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1870 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1871 case 0x0D:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1872 m_trueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1873 ValidDistance = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1874 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1875 case 0x0F:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1876 m_trueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1877 ValidDistance = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1878 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1879 default:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1880 if (m_rawRange_mm >= MaxOrInvalidDistance) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1881 ValidDistance = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1882 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1883 ValidDistance = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1884 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1885 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1886 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1887 m_newTrueRange_mm = m_trueRange_mm;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1888
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1889 XTalkCompRate_KCps = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, XTalkCompRate_KCps );
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1890
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1891
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1892 //Update signal rate limits depending on crosstalk
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1893 SignalRateDMax = (uint32_t)_GetDMaxDataRetSignalAt400mm(dev) + XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1894 WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit = WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit_ROM + XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1895 WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit2 = ((WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit2_ROM * SignalRateDMax) / 312) + XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1896 WrapAroundLowReturnRateFilterLimit = ((WrapAroundLowReturnRateFilterLimit_ROM * SignalRateDMax) / 312) + XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1897 WrapAroundHighReturnRateFilterLimit = ((WrapAroundHighReturnRateFilterLimit_ROM * SignalRateDMax) / 312) + XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1898
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1899
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1900 /* Checks on low range data */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1901 if ((m_rawRange_mm < WrapAroundLowRawRangeLimit) && (m_rtnSignalRate < WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit)) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1902 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1903 bypassFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1904 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1905 if ((m_rawRange_mm < WrapAroundLowRawRangeLimit2) && (m_rtnSignalRate < WrapAroundLowReturnRateLimit2)) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1906 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1907 bypassFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1908 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1909
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1910 /* Checks on Ambient rate level */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1911 if (m_rtnAmbientRate > WrapAroundMaximumAmbientRateFilterLimit) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1912 /* Too high ambient rate */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1913 FlushFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1914 bypassFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1915 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1916 /* Checks on Filter flush */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1917 if (m_rtnSignalRate < MinReturnRateFilterFlush) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1918 /* Completely lost target, so flush the filter */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1919 FlushFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1920 bypassFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1921 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1922 if (_FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0] != 0) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1923 if (m_rtnSignalRate > _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0])
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1924 RateChange = (100 * (m_rtnSignalRate - _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0])) / _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1925 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1926 RateChange = (100 * (_FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0] - m_rtnSignalRate)) / _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1927 } else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1928 RateChange = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1929 if (RateChange > MaxReturnRateChangeFilterFlush) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1930 FlushFilter = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1931 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1932 /* TODO optimize filter using circular buffer */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1933 if (FlushFilter == 1) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1934 _FilterData(MeasurementIndex) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1935 for (i = 0; i < FILTER_NBOF_SAMPLES; i++) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1936 _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] = FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1937 _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i] = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1938 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1939 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1940 for (i = (uint16_t) (FILTER_NBOF_SAMPLES - 1); i > 0; i--) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1941 _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] = _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i - 1];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1942 _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i] = _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i - 1];
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1943 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1944 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1945 if (ValidDistance == 1)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1946 _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[0] = m_trueRange_mm;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1947 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1948 _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[0] = FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1949 _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[0] = m_rtnSignalRate;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1950
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1951 /* Check if we need to go through the filter or not */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1952 if (!(((m_rawRange_mm < WrapAroundHighRawRangeFilterLimit) && (m_rtnSignalRate < WrapAroundLowReturnRateFilterLimit)) || ((m_rawRange_mm >= WrapAroundHighRawRangeFilterLimit) && (m_rtnSignalRate < WrapAroundHighReturnRateFilterLimit))))
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1953 bypassFilter = 1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1954
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1955 /* Check which kind of measurement has been made */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1956 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, 0x01AC, &u8 );
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1957 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1958 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x01AC rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1959 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1960 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1961 registerValue =u8;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1962
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1963 /* Read data for filtering */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1964 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, 0x10C, &u8 ); /* read only 8 lsb bits */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1965 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1966 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x010C rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1967 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1968 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1969 register32BitsValue1=u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1970 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, 0x0110, &u8); /* read only 8 lsb bits */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1971 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1972 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x0110 rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1973 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1974 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1975 register32BitsValue2 = u8;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1976
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1977 if (registerValue == 0x3E) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1978 _FilterData(Default_ZeroVal) = register32BitsValue1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1979 _FilterData(Default_VAVGVal) = register32BitsValue2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1980 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1981 _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal) = register32BitsValue1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1982 _FilterData(NoDelay_VAVGVal) = register32BitsValue2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1983 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 1984
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1985 if (bypassFilter == 1) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1986 /* Do not go through the filter */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1987 if (registerValue != 0x3E) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1988 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, 0x1AC, 0x3E);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1989 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1990 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x01AC bypass wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1991 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1992 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1993 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, 0x0F2, 0x01);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1994 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1995 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x0F2 bypass wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1996 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1997 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1998 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 1999 /* Set both Default and NoDelay To same value */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2000 _FilterData(Default_ZeroVal) = register32BitsValue1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2001 _FilterData(Default_VAVGVal) = register32BitsValue2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2002 _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal) = register32BitsValue1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2003 _FilterData(NoDelay_VAVGVal) = register32BitsValue2;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2004 _FilterData(MeasurementIndex) = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2005
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2006 return m_newTrueRange_mm;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2007 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2008
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2009 if (_FilterData(MeasurementIndex) % WrapAroundNoDelayCheckPeriod == 0) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2010 u8=0x3C;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2011 u8_2 = 0x05;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2012 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2013 u8=0x3E;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2014 u8_2 = 0x01;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2015 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2016 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, 0x01AC, u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2017 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2018 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x01AC wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2019 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2020 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2021 status = VL6180x_WrByte(dev, 0x0F2, u8_2);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2022 if( status ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2023 VL6180x_ErrLog("0x0F2 wr fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2024 goto done_err;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2025 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2026
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2027
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2028 _FilterData(MeasurementIndex)++;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2029
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2030 /* Computes current VAVGDiff */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2031 if (_FilterData(Default_VAVGVal) > _FilterData(NoDelay_VAVGVal))
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2032 VAVGDiff = _FilterData(Default_VAVGVal) - _FilterData(NoDelay_VAVGVal);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2033 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2034 VAVGDiff = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2035 _FilterData(Previous_VAVGDiff) = VAVGDiff;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2036
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2037 /* Check the VAVGDiff */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2038 if (_FilterData(Default_ZeroVal) > _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal))
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2039 IdealVAVGDiff = _FilterData(Default_ZeroVal) - _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2040 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2041 IdealVAVGDiff = _FilterData(NoDelay_ZeroVal) - _FilterData(Default_ZeroVal);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2042 if (IdealVAVGDiff > MAX_VAVGDiff)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2043 MinVAVGDiff = IdealVAVGDiff - MAX_VAVGDiff;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2044 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2045 MinVAVGDiff = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2046 MaxVAVGDiff = IdealVAVGDiff + MAX_VAVGDiff;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2047 if (VAVGDiff < MinVAVGDiff || VAVGDiff > MaxVAVGDiff) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2048 WrapAroundFlag = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2049 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2050 /* Go through filtering check */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2051
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2052 /* StdDevLimit Damper on SNR */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2053 StdDevLimit = _filter_StdDevDamper(m_rtnAmbientRate, m_rtnSignalRate, StdDevLimitLowLight, StdDevLimitLowLightSNR, StdDevLimitHighLight, StdDevLimitHighLightSNR);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2054
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2055 /* Standard deviations computations */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2056 StdDevSamples = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2057 StdDevDistanceSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2058 StdDevDistanceMean = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2059 StdDevDistance = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2060 StdDevRateSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2061 StdDevRateMean = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2062 StdDevRate = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2063 for (i = 0; (i < FILTER_NBOF_SAMPLES) && (StdDevSamples < FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES); i++) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2064 if (_FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] != FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2065 StdDevSamples = (uint16_t) (StdDevSamples + 1);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2066 StdDevDistanceSum = (uint32_t) (StdDevDistanceSum + _FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i]);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2067 StdDevRateSum = (uint32_t) (StdDevRateSum + _FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i]);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2068 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2069 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2070 if (StdDevSamples > 0) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2071 StdDevDistanceMean = (uint32_t) (StdDevDistanceSum / StdDevSamples);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2072 StdDevRateMean = (uint32_t) (StdDevRateSum / StdDevSamples);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2073 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2074 /* TODO optimize shorten Std dev in aisngle loop computation using sum of x2 - (sum of x)2 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2075 StdDevSamples = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2076 StdDevDistanceSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2077 StdDevRateSum = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2078 for (i = 0; (i < FILTER_NBOF_SAMPLES) && (StdDevSamples < FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES); i++) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2079 if (_FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] != FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2080 StdDevSamples = (uint16_t) (StdDevSamples + 1);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2081 StdDevDistanceSum = (uint32_t) (StdDevDistanceSum + (int) (_FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] - StdDevDistanceMean) * (int) (_FilterData(LastTrueRange)[i] - StdDevDistanceMean));
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2082 StdDevRateSum = (uint32_t) (StdDevRateSum + (int) (_FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i] - StdDevRateMean) * (int) (_FilterData(LastReturnRates)[i] - StdDevRateMean));
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2083 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2084 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2085 if (StdDevSamples >= MIN_FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2086 StdDevDistance = (uint16_t) (StdDevDistanceSum / StdDevSamples);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2087 StdDevRate = (uint16_t) (StdDevRateSum / StdDevSamples);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2088 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2089 StdDevDistance = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2090 StdDevRate = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2091 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2092
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2093 /* Check Return rate standard deviation */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2094 if (StdDevRate < StdDevMovingTargetStdDevLimit) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2095 if (StdDevSamples < MIN_FILTER_VALID_STDDEV_SAMPLES) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2096 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2097 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2098 /* Check distance standard deviation */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2099 if (StdDevRate < StdDevMovingTargetReturnRateLimit)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2100 StdDevLimitWithTargetMove = StdDevLimit + (((StdDevMovingTargetStdDevForReturnRateLimit - StdDevLimit) * StdDevRate) / StdDevMovingTargetReturnRateLimit);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2101 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2102 StdDevLimitWithTargetMove = StdDevMovingTargetStdDevForReturnRateLimit;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2103
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2104 if ((StdDevDistance * StdDevHighConfidenceSNRLimit) < StdDevLimitWithTargetMove) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2105 NoWrapAroundHighConfidenceFlag = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2106 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2107 if (StdDevDistance < StdDevLimitWithTargetMove) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2108 if (StdDevSamples >= MIN_FILTER_VALID_STDDEV_SAMPLES) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2109 NoWrapAroundFlag = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2110 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2111 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2112 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2113 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2114 WrapAroundFlag = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2115 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2116 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2117 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2118 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2119 WrapAroundFlag = 1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2120 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2121 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2122
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2123 if (m_newTrueRange_mm == MaxOrInvalidDistance) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2124 if (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) > 0)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2125 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = (uint16_t) (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) - 1);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2126 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2127 if (WrapAroundFlag == 1) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2128 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2129 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = (uint16_t) (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) + StdFilteredReadsIncrement);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2130 if (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) > StdMaxFilteredReads)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2131 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = StdMaxFilteredReads;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2132 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2133 if (NoWrapAroundFlag == 1) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2134 if (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) > 0) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2135 m_newTrueRange_mm = MaxOrInvalidDistance;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2136 if (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) > StdFilteredReadsIncrement)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2137 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = (uint16_t) (_FilterData(StdFilteredReads) - StdFilteredReadsIncrement);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2138 else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2139 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2140 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2141 } else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2142 if (NoWrapAroundHighConfidenceFlag == 1) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2143 _FilterData(StdFilteredReads) = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2144 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2145 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2146 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2147 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2148
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2149 return m_newTrueRange_mm;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2150 done_err:
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2151 return -1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2152
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2153 #undef MaxOrInvalidDistance
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2154 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2155
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2156
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2157 int VL6180X::_filter_GetResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2158 uint32_t m_rawRange_mm = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2159 int32_t FilteredRange;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2160 const uint8_t scaler = _GetUpscale(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2161 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2162 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2163
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2164 do {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2165 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, RESULT_RANGE_RAW, &u8);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2166 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2167 VL6180x_ErrLog("RESULT_RANGE_RAW rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2168 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2169 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2170 m_rawRange_mm = u8;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2171
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2172 FilteredRange = _filter_Start(dev, pRangeData->range_mm, (m_rawRange_mm * scaler), pRangeData->rtnRate, pRangeData->rtnAmbRate, pRangeData->errorStatus);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2173 if( FilteredRange<0 ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2174 status = -1;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2175 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2176 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2177 pRangeData->FilteredData.range_mm= FilteredRange;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2178 pRangeData->FilteredData.rawRange_mm = m_rawRange_mm * scaler;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2179 } while (0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2180 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2181 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2182
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2183 #undef _FilterData
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2184 #undef FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2185 #undef MIN_FILTER_STDDEV_SAMPLES
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2186 #undef MIN_FILTER_VALID_STDDEV_SAMPLES
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2187 #undef FILTER_INVALID_DISTANCE
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2188
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2189 #endif /* VL6180x_WRAP_AROUND_FILTER_SUPPORT */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2190
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2191 #ifdef VL6180x_HAVE_RATE_DATA
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2192
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2193 int VL6180X::_GetRateResult(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRangeData) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2194 uint32_t m_rtnConvTime = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2195 uint32_t m_rtnSignalRate = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2196 uint32_t m_rtnAmbientRate = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2197 uint32_t m_rtnSignalCount = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2198 uint32_t m_rtnAmbientCount = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2199 uint32_t m_refConvTime = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2200 uint32_t cRtnSignalCountMax = 0x7FFFFFFF;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2201 uint32_t cDllPeriods = 6;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2202 uint32_t calcConvTime = 0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2203
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2204 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2205
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2206 do {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2207
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2208 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_SIGNAL_COUNT, &m_rtnSignalCount);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2209 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2210 VL6180x_ErrLog("RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_SIGNAL_COUNT rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2211 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2212 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2213 if (m_rtnSignalCount > cRtnSignalCountMax) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2214 m_rtnSignalCount = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2215 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2216
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2217 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_AMB_COUNT, &m_rtnAmbientCount);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2218 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2219 VL6180x_ErrLog("RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_AMB_COUNTrd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2220 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2221 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2222
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2223
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2224 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_CONV_TIME, &m_rtnConvTime);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2225 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2226 VL6180x_ErrLog("RESULT_RANGE_RETURN_CONV_TIME rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2227 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2228 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2229
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2230 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, RESULT_RANGE_REFERENCE_CONV_TIME, &m_refConvTime);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2231 if (status) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2232 VL6180x_ErrLog("RESULT_RANGE_REFERENCE_CONV_TIME rd fail");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2233 break;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2234 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2235
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2236 pRangeData->rtnConvTime = m_rtnConvTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2237 pRangeData->refConvTime = m_refConvTime;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2238
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2239 calcConvTime = m_refConvTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2240 if (m_rtnConvTime > m_refConvTime) {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2241 calcConvTime = m_rtnConvTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2242 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2243 if (calcConvTime == 0)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2244 calcConvTime = 63000;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2245
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2246 m_rtnSignalRate = (m_rtnSignalCount * 1000) / calcConvTime;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2247 m_rtnAmbientRate = (m_rtnAmbientCount * cDllPeriods * 1000) / calcConvTime;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2248
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2249 pRangeData->rtnRate = m_rtnSignalRate;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2250 pRangeData->rtnAmbRate = m_rtnAmbientRate;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2251
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2252
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2253 } while (0);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2254 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2255 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2256 #endif /* VL6180x_HAVE_RATE_DATA */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2257
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2258
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2259 int VL6180X::VL6180x_DMaxSetState(VL6180xDev_t dev, int state){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2260 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2261 LOG_FUNCTION_START("%d", state);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2262 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2263 VL6180xDevDataSet(dev,DMaxEnable, state);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2264 if( state ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2265 status = _DMax_InitData(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2266 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2267 else {
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2268 status = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2269 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2270 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2271 status = NOT_SUPPORTED;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2272 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2273 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2274 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2275 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2276
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2277 int VL6180X::VL6180x_DMaxGetState(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2278 int status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2279 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2280 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2281 status = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev,DMaxEnable);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2282 #else
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2283 status = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2284 #endif
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2285 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2286 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2287 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2288
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2289
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2290 #if VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2291
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2292 #define _DMaxData(field) VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, DMaxData.field)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2293 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2294 * Convert fix point x.7 to KCpount per sec
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2295 */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2296
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2297 #ifndef VL6180x_PLATFORM_PROVIDE_SQRT
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2298
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2299 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2300 * 32 bit integer square root with not so bad precision (integer result) and is quite fast
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2301 * see
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2302 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2303 uint32_t VL6180x_SqrtUint32(uint32_t num) {
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2304 uint32_t res = 0;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2305 uint32_t bit = 1 << 30; /* The second-to-top bit is set: 1 << 30 for 32 bits */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2306
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2307 /* "bit" starts at the highest power of four <= the argument. */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2308 while (bit > num)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2309 bit >>= 2;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2310
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2311 while (bit != 0) {
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2312 if (num >= res + bit) {
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2313 num -= res + bit;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2314 res = (res >> 1) + bit;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2315 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2316 else
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2317 res >>= 1;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2318 bit >>= 2;
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 2319 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2320 return res;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2321 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2322 #endif
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2323
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2324
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2325 /* DMax one time init */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2326 void _DMax_OneTimeInit(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2327 _DMaxData(ambTuningWindowFactor_K)=DEF_AMBIENT_TUNING;
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 2328 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2329
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2330
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2331 static uint32_t _DMax_RawValueAtRateKCps(VL6180xDev_t dev, int32_t rate){
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2332 uint32_t snrLimit_K;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2333 int32_t DMaxSq;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2334 uint32_t RawDMax;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2335 DMaxFix_t retSignalAt400mm;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2336 uint32_t ambTuningWindowFactor_K;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2337
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2338
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2339 ambTuningWindowFactor_K = _DMaxData(ambTuningWindowFactor_K);
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2340 snrLimit_K = _DMaxData(snrLimit_K);
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2341 retSignalAt400mm = _DMaxData(retSignalAt400mm); /* 12 to 18 bits Kcps */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2342 if( rate > 0 ){
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2343 DMaxSq = 400*400*1000 / rate -(400*400/330); /* K of (1/RtnAmb -1/330 )=> 30bit- (12-18)bit => 12-18 bits*/
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2344 if( DMaxSq<= 0){
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2345 RawDMax = 0;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2346 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2347 else{
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2348 /* value can be more 32 bit so base on raneg apply *retSignalAt400mm before or after division to presevr accuracy */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2349 if( DMaxSq< (2<<12) ){
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2350 DMaxSq = DMaxSq*retSignalAt400mm/(snrLimit_K+ambTuningWindowFactor_K); /* max 12 + 12 to 18 -10 => 12-26 bit */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2351 }else{
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2352 DMaxSq = DMaxSq/(snrLimit_K+ambTuningWindowFactor_K)*retSignalAt400mm; /* 12 to 18 -10 + 12 to 18 *=> 12-26 bit */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2353 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2354 RawDMax=VL6180x_SqrtUint32(DMaxSq);
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2355 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2356 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2357 else{
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2358 RawDMax = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* bigest possibmle 32bit signed value */
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2359 }
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2360 return RawDMax;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2361 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2362
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2363 /*
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2364 * fetch static data from register to avoid re-read
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2365 * precompute all intermediate constant and cliipings
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2366 *
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2367 * to be re-used/call on changes of :
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2368 * 0x2A
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2369 * SYSRANGE_MAX_AMBIENT_LEVEL_MULT
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2370 * Dev Data XtalkComRate_KCPs
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2371 * SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2373 * range 0xb8-0xbb (0xbb)
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2374 */
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2375 int VL6180X::_DMax_InitData(VL6180xDev_t dev){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2376 int status, warning;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2377 uint8_t u8;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2378 uint16_t u16;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2379 uint32_t u32;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2380 uint32_t Reg2A_KCps;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2381 uint32_t RegB8;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2382 uint8_t MaxConvTime;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2383 uint32_t XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2384 uint32_t RangeIgnoreThreshold;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2385 int32_t minSignalNeeded;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2386 uint8_t SysRangeCheckEn;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2387 uint8_t snrLimit;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2388 warning=0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2389
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2390 static const int ROMABLE_DATA MaxConvTimeAdjust=-4;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2391
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2392 LOG_FUNCTION_START("");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2393 do{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2394 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, 0x02A ,&u8);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2395 if( status ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2396 VL6180x_ErrLog("Reg 0x02A rd fail");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2397 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2398 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2399
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2400 if( u8 == 0 ) {
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2401 warning = CALIBRATION_WARNING;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2402 u8 = 40; /* use a default average value */
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2403 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2404 Reg2A_KCps = Fix7_2_KCPs(u8); /* convert to KCPs */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2405
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2406 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES, &SysRangeCheckEn);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2407 if (status) {
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2408 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2409 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2410 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2411
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2412 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, &MaxConvTime);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2413 if( status){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2414 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2415 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2416 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2417
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2418 status = VL6180x_RdDWord(dev, 0x0B8, &RegB8);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2419 if( status ){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2420 VL6180x_ErrLog("reg 0x0B8 rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2421 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2422 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2423
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2424 status = VL6180x_RdByte(dev, SYSRANGE_MAX_AMBIENT_LEVEL_MULT, &snrLimit);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2425 if( status){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2426 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_MAX_AMBIENT_LEVEL_MULT rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2427 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2428 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2429 _DMaxData(snrLimit_K) = (int32_t)16*1000/snrLimit;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2430 XTalkCompRate_KCps = VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, XTalkCompRate_KCps );
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2431
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2432 if( Reg2A_KCps >= XTalkCompRate_KCps){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2433 _DMaxData(retSignalAt400mm)=( Reg2A_KCps - XTalkCompRate_KCps);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2434 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2435 else{
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2436 _DMaxData(retSignalAt400mm)=0; /* Reg2A_K - XTalkCompRate_KCp <0 is invalid */
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2437 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2438
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2439 /* if xtalk range check is off omit it in snr clipping */
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2440 if( SysRangeCheckEn&RANGE_CHECK_RANGE_ENABLE_MASK ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2441 status = VL6180x_RdWord(dev, SYSRANGE_RANGE_IGNORE_THRESHOLD, &u16);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2442 if( status){
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2443 VL6180x_ErrLog("SYSRANGE_RANGE_IGNORE_THRESHOLD rd fail ");
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2444 break;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2445 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2446 RangeIgnoreThreshold = Fix7_2_KCPs(u16);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2447 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2448 else{
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2449 RangeIgnoreThreshold = 0;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2450 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2451
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2452 minSignalNeeded = (RegB8*256)/((int32_t)MaxConvTime+(int32_t)MaxConvTimeAdjust); /* KCps 8+8 bit -(1 to 6 bit) => 15-10 bit */
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2453 /* minSignalNeeded = max ( minSignalNeeded, RangeIgnoreThreshold - XTalkCompRate_KCps) */
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2454 if( minSignalNeeded <= RangeIgnoreThreshold - XTalkCompRate_KCps )
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2455 minSignalNeeded = RangeIgnoreThreshold - XTalkCompRate_KCps;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2456
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2457 u32 = (minSignalNeeded*(uint32_t)snrLimit)/16;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2458 _DMaxData(ClipSnrLimit ) = _DMax_RawValueAtRateKCps(dev, u32 ); /* clip to dmax to min signal snr limit rate*/
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2459 }
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2460 while(0);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2461 if( !status )
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2462 status = warning;
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2463 LOG_FUNCTION_END(status);
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2464 return status;
gallonm 1:1de1ea2994d9 2465 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2466
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2467 static int _DMax_Compute(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_RangeData_t *pRange){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2468 uint32_t rtnAmbRate;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2469 int32_t DMax;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2470 int scaling;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2471 uint16_t HwLimitAtScale;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2472 static const int ROMABLE_DATA rtnAmbLowLimit_KCps=330*1000;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2473
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2474 rtnAmbRate = pRange->rtnAmbRate;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2475 if( rtnAmbRate < rtnAmbLowLimit_KCps ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2476 DMax = _DMax_RawValueAtRateKCps( dev, rtnAmbRate);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2477 scaling = _GetUpscale(dev);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2478 HwLimitAtScale=UpperLimitLookUP[scaling - 1];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2479
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2480 if( DMax > _DMaxData(ClipSnrLimit) ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2481 DMax=_DMaxData(ClipSnrLimit);
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2482 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2483 if( DMax > HwLimitAtScale ){
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2484 DMax=HwLimitAtScale;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2485 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2486 pRange->DMax=DMax;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2487 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2488 else{
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2489 pRange->DMax = 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2490 }
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2491 return 0;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2492 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2493
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2494 #undef _DMaxData
gallonm 3:454541a079f4 2495 #undef Fix7_2_KCPs
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2496
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2497 #endif /* VL6180x_HAVE_DMAX_RANGING */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2498
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2499
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2500 /******************************************************************************/
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2501 /******************************************************************************/
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2502
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2503
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2504
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2505 /****************** Write and read functions from I2C *************************/
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2506
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2507 int VL6180X::VL6180x_WrByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2508 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2509 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2510
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2511 status=VL6180x_I2CWrite(dev->I2cAddr, index, &data,(uint8_t)1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2512 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2513 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2514
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2515 int VL6180X::VL6180x_WrWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2516 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2517 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2518
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2519 status=VL6180x_I2CWrite(dev->I2cAddr, index, (uint8_t *)&data,(uint8_t)2);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2520 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2521 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2522
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2523 int VL6180X::VL6180x_WrDWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2524 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2525 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2526
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2527 status=VL6180x_I2CWrite(dev->I2cAddr, index, (uint8_t *)&data,(uint8_t)4);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2528 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2529 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2530
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2531 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RdByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2532 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2533 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2534 48:e799ad44dab7 2535 uint8_t buffer=0;
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2536 status=VL6180x_I2CRead(dev->I2cAddr, index, &buffer,1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2537 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2538 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2539 *data=buffer;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2540 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2541 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2542 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2543
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2544 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RdWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint16_t *data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2545 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2546 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2547
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2548 uint8_t buffer[2]; 48:e799ad44dab7 2549 buffer[0]=buffer[1]=0;
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2550 status=VL6180x_I2CRead(dev->I2cAddr, index, buffer, 2);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2551 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2552 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2553 memcpy(data, buffer, 2);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2554 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2555 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2556 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2557
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2558 int VL6180X::VL6180x_RdDWord(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint32_t *data)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2559 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2560 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2561 uint8_t buffer[4]; 48:e799ad44dab7 2562 buffer[0]=buffer[1]=buffer[2]=buffer[3]=0;
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2563 status=VL6180x_I2CRead(dev->I2cAddr, index, buffer,4);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2564 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2565 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2566 memcpy(data, buffer, 4);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2567 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2568 return status;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2569 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2570 8:f943a1fca15f 2571 int VL6180X::VL6180x_UpdateByte(VL6180xDev_t dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t AndData, uint8_t OrData) 8:f943a1fca15f 2572 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2573 int status; 48:e799ad44dab7 2574 uint8_t buffer=0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2575
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2576 status=VL6180x_I2CWrite(dev->I2cAddr, index, (uint8_t *)&buffer,(uint8_t)0);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2577 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2578 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2579 /* read data direct onto buffer */
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2580 status=VL6180x_I2CRead(dev->I2cAddr, index, &buffer,1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2581 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2582 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2583 buffer=(buffer & AndData)|OrData;
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2584 status=VL6180x_I2CWrite(dev->I2cAddr, index, &buffer, (uint8_t)1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2585 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2586 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2587 return status;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2588 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2589
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2590 int VL6180X::VL6180x_I2CWrite(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToWrite)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2591 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2592 int ret;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2593 int i;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2594 uint8_t tmp[TEMP_BUF_SIZE];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2595 uint16_t myRegisterAddr = RegisterAddr;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2596 uint16_t WriteDeviceAddr=0;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2597
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2598 /* First, prepare 8 bits device address in 7bits i2ci format */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2599 WriteDeviceAddr=DeviceAddr*2;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2600 if(NumByteToWrite >= TEMP_BUF_SIZE) return -2;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2601
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2602 /* then prepare 16 bits register address in BE format. Then, send data and STOP condition */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2603 tmp[0] = *(((uint8_t*)&myRegisterAddr)+1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2604 tmp[1] = (uint8_t)RegisterAddr;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2605
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2606 if(NumByteToWrite>1) /* swap data endianess */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2607 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2608 for(i=0;i<NumByteToWrite;i++)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2609 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2610 tmp[NumByteToWrite+sizeof(RegisterAddr)-1-i]=pBuffer[i];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2611 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2612 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2613 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2614 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2615 memcpy(tmp+sizeof(RegisterAddr), pBuffer, NumByteToWrite);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2616 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2617 ret = dev_i2c.write(WriteDeviceAddr, (const char*)tmp, NumByteToWrite+sizeof(RegisterAddr), false);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2618
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2619 if(ret)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2620 return -1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2621 return 0;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2622 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2623
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2624 int VL6180X::VL6180x_I2CRead(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead)
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2625 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2626 int ret,i;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2627 uint8_t tmp[TEMP_BUF_SIZE];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2628 uint16_t myRegisterAddr = RegisterAddr;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2629 uint16_t myRegisterAddrBE;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2630 uint16_t ReadDeviceAddr=DeviceAddr;
gallonm 7:2dc81120c917 2631
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2632 ReadDeviceAddr=DeviceAddr*2;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2633 myRegisterAddrBE = *(((uint8_t*)&myRegisterAddr)+1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2634 *(((uint8_t*)&myRegisterAddrBE)+1) = (uint8_t)myRegisterAddr;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2635
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2636 /* Send 8 bits device address and 16 bits register address in BE format, with no STOP condition */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2637 ret = dev_i2c.write(ReadDeviceAddr, (const char*)&myRegisterAddrBE, sizeof(RegisterAddr), true);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2638 if(!ret)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2639 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2640 ReadDeviceAddr|=0x001;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2641 /* Read data, with STOP condition */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2642 ret =, (char*)tmp, NumByteToRead, false);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2643 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2644 if(ret)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2645 return -1;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2646
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2647 if(NumByteToRead>1) /* swap data endianess */
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2648 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2649 for(i=0;i<NumByteToRead;i++)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2650 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2651 pBuffer[i] = tmp[NumByteToRead-1-i];
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2652 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2653 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2654 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2655 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2656 memcpy(pBuffer, tmp, NumByteToRead);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2657 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2658 return 0;
gallonm 4:a5abf7757947 2659 }
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2660
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2661 /******************************************************************************/
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2662
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2663 int VL6180X::AlsSetThresholds(uint16_t lux_threshold_low, uint16_t lux_threshold_high)
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2664 {
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2665 uint32_t AlsAnGain, IntPeriod, AlsScaler, GainFix, RawAlsHigh, RawAlsLow;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2666 uint16_t RawThreshLow, RawThreshHigh;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2667 const uint32_t LuxResxIntIme =(uint32_t)(0.56f* DEF_INT_PEFRIOD *(1<<LUXRES_FIX_PREC));
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2668 void *p_low;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2669 void *p_high;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2670
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2671 AlsAnGain=VL6180xDevDataGet(Device, AlsGainCode);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2672 IntPeriod=VL6180xDevDataGet(Device, IntegrationPeriod);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2673 AlsScaler=VL6180xDevDataGet(Device, AlsScaler);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2674 GainFix=AlsGainLookUp[AlsAnGain];
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2675 IntPeriod++;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2676 RawAlsLow=lux_threshold_low*AlsScaler*GainFix;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2677 RawAlsLow=RawAlsLow*IntPeriod;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2678 RawAlsLow=RawAlsLow/LuxResxIntIme;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2679 RawAlsHigh=lux_threshold_high*(AlsScaler*GainFix);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2680 RawAlsHigh=RawAlsHigh*IntPeriod;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2681 RawAlsHigh=RawAlsHigh/LuxResxIntIme;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2682 p_low=&RawAlsLow;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2683 RawThreshLow=*(uint16_t*)p_low;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2684 p_high=&RawAlsHigh;
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2685 RawThreshHigh=*(uint16_t*)p_high;
gallonm 29:6d6b67e2e212 2686 return VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device, RawThreshLow, RawThreshHigh);
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2687 }
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2688
gallonm 28:7c9031e96c22 2689
mapellil 46:116dadbc80f1 2690 int VL6180X::ReadID(uint8_t *id)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2691 {
mapellil 46:116dadbc80f1 2692 return VL6180x_RdByte(Device, IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID, id);
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2693 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2694
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2695
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2696 int VL6180X::StartMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode, void (*fptr)(void), uint16_t low, uint16_t high)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2697 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2698 int status, r_status, l_status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2699
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2700 switch(operating_mode)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2701 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2702 case(range_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2703 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2704 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2705 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2706 return RangeMeasPollSingleShot();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2707 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2708 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2709
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2710 case(als_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2711 r_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2712 l_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2713 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2714 return AlsMeasPollSingleShot();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2715 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2716 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2717
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2718 case(range_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2719 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2720 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2721 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2722 return RangeMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2723 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2724 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2725
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2726 case(als_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2727 r_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2728 l_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2729 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2730 return AlsMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2731 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2732 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2733
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2734 case(range_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2735 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2736 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2737 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2738 return RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2739 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2740 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2741
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2742 case(als_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2743 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2744 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2745 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2746 return AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2747 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2748 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2749
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2750 case(interleaved_mode_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2751 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_NEW_SAMPLE_READY);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2752 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2753 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2754 return InterleavedMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2755 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2756 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2757
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2758 case(range_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2759 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_LOW);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2760 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2761 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2762 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2763 status=RangeSetLowThreshold(low);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2764 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2765 return RangeMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2766 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2767 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2768 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2769 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2770 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2771
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2772 case(range_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2773 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_HIGH);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2774 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2775 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2776 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2777 status=RangeSetHighThreshold(high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2778 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2779 return RangeMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2780 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2781 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2782 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2783 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2784 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2785
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2786 case(range_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2787 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUT_OF_WINDOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2788 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2789 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2790 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2791 status=VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(Device,low,high,1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2792 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2793 return RangeMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2794 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2795 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2796 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2797 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2798 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2799
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2800 case(als_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2801 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_LOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2802 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2803 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2804 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2805 status=AlsSetLowThreshold(low);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2806 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2807 return AlsMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2808 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2809 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2810 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2811 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2812 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2813
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2814 case(als_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2815 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_HIGH);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2816 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2817 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2818 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2819 status=AlsSetHighThreshold(high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2820 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2821 return AlsMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2822 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2823 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2824 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2825 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2826 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2827
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2828 case(als_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2829 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUT_OF_WINDOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2830 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2831 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2832 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2833 status=VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device,low,high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2834 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2835 return AlsMeasPollContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2836 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2837 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2838 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2839 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2840 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2841
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2842 case(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2843 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_LOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2844 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2845 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2846 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2847 status=RangeSetLowThreshold(low);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2848 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2849 return RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2850 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2851 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2852 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2853 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2854 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2855
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 2856 case(range_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2857 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_HIGH);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2858 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2859 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2860 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2861 status=RangeSetHighThreshold(high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2862 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2863 return RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2864 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2865 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2866 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2867 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2868 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2869
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2870 case(range_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2871 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUT_OF_WINDOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2872 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2873 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2874 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2875 status=VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(Device,low,high,1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2876 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2877 return RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2878 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2879 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2880 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2881 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2882 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2883
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2884 case(als_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2885 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_LOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2886 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2887 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2888 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2889 status=AlsSetLowThreshold(low);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2890 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2891 return AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2892 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2893 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2894 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2895 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2896 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2897
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2898 case(als_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2899 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_HIGH);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2900 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2901 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2902 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2903 status=AlsSetHighThreshold(high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2904 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2905 return AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2906 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2907 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2908 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2909 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2910 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2911
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2912 case(als_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2913 l_status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUT_OF_WINDOW);
mapellil 45:70e4abd970a9 2914 r_status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2915 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2916 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2917 status=VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device,low,high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2918 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2919 return AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2920 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2921 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2922 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2923 else
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2924 return (r_status|l_status);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2925
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2926 default:
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2927 return INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2928 }
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2929 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2930
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2931
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2932 int VL6180X::GetRangeError(MeasureData_t *Data, VL6180x_RangeData_t RangeData)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2933 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2934 Data->range_error=RangeData.errorStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2935 if(Data->range_error!=0)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2936 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2937 VL6180x_ErrLog("Range error %d",Data->range_error);
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2938 return RANGE_ERROR;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2939 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2940 return NoError_;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2941 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2942
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2943
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2944 int VL6180X::GetAlsError(MeasureData_t *Data, VL6180x_AlsData_t AlsData)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2945 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2946 Data->als_error=AlsData.errorStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2947 if(Data->als_error!=0)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2948 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2949 VL6180x_ErrLog("Light error %d",Data->light_error);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2950 return API_ERROR;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2951 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2952 return NoError_;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2953 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2954
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2955
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2956 int VL6180X::RangeMeasPollSingleShot()
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2957 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2958 int status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2959
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2960 status=VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2961 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2962 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2963 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2964 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2965 }
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2966 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2967 if(status)
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2968 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2969 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2970 return status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2971 }
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2972 return RangeStartSingleShot();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2973 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2974
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2975
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2976 int VL6180X::AlsMeasPollSingleShot()
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2977 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2978 int status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2979
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2980 status=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2981 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2982 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2983 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2984 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2985 }
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2986 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2987 if(status)
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2988 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2989 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2990 return status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2991 }
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 2992 return AlsStartSingleShot();
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2993 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2994
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2995
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 2996 int VL6180X::RangeMeasPollContinuousMode()
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2997 {
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 2998 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 2999
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3000 status=VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3001 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3002 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3003 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3004 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3005 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3006 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3007 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3008 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3009 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3010 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3011 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3012 return RangeStartContinuousMode();
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3013 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3014
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3015
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3016 int VL6180X::AlsMeasPollContinuousMode()
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3017 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3018 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3019
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3020 status=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3021 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3022 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3023 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3024 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3025 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3026 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3027 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3028 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3029 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3030 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3031 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3032 return AlsStartContinuousMode();
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3033 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3034
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3035
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3036 int VL6180X::AlsGetMeasurementIfReady(VL6180xDev_t dev, VL6180x_AlsData_t *pAlsData)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3037 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3038 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3039 uint8_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3040
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3041 status=VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(dev, &IntStatus);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3042 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3043 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3044 if(IntStatus==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3045 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3046 status = VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(dev, pAlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3047 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3048 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3049 status=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3050 if(status)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3051 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3052 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3053 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3054 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3055 status=NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3056 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3057 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3058 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to get interrupt status");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3059 return status;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3060 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3061
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3062
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3063 int VL6180X::RangeMeasIntContinuousMode(void (*fptr)(void))
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3064 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3065 int status, ClrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3066
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3067 EnableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3068 AttachInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3069 status=SetupGPIO1(GPIOx_SELECT_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT, 1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3070 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3071 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3072 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3073 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3074 status=RangeStartContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3075 return status;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3076 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3077
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3078
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3079 int VL6180X::AlsMeasIntContinuousMode(void (*fptr)(void))
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3080 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3081 int status, ClrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3082
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3083 EnableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3084 AttachInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(fptr);
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3085 status=SetupGPIO1(GPIOx_SELECT_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT, 1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3086 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3087 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3088 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3089 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3090 status=AlsStartContinuousMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3091 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3092 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3093
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3094
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3095 int VL6180X::StartInterleavedMode()
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3096 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3097 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3098 uint16_t integration_period, intermeasurement_period_ms;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3099 uint8_t max_convergence_time;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3100 uint8_t buf;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3101
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3102 status=VL6180x_WrByte(Device, 0x2A3, 1);
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3103 if(status)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3104 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3105 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to write INTERLEAVED_MODE_ENABLE!\n\r");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3106 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3107 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3108 status=VL6180x_RdByte(Device, SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, &max_convergence_time);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3109 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3110 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3111 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME!\n\r");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3112 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3113 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3114 status=VL6180x_RdWord(Device, SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, &integration_period);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3115 if(status)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3116 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3117 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD!\n\r");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3118 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3119 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3120 max_convergence_time&=0x3F;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3121 integration_period&=0x01FF;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3122 intermeasurement_period_ms=((max_convergence_time+5)+(integration_period*1.1));
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3123 intermeasurement_period_ms=(intermeasurement_period_ms/0.9)+10;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3124 intermeasurement_period_ms=200;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3125 status=VL6180x_AlsSetInterMeasurementPeriod(Device, intermeasurement_period_ms);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3126 VL6180x_RdByte(Device, 0x03E, &buf);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3127 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3128 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3129 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to write SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD!\n\r");
gallonm 20:dd8390d615bf 3130 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3131 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3132 return AlsStartContinuousMode();
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3133 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3134
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3135
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3136 int VL6180X::InterleavedMode(void (*fptr)(void))
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3137 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3138 int status, ClrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3139
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3140 EnableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3141 AttachInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ(fptr);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3142 status=SetupGPIO1(GPIOx_SELECT_GPIO_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT, 1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3143 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3144 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3145 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3146 if(!status)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3147 status=StartInterleavedMode();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3148 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3149 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3150
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3151
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3152 int VL6180X::HandleIRQ(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3153 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3154 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3155
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3156 EnableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3157 status=GetMeasurement(operating_mode, Data);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3158 return status;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3159 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3160
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3161
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3162 int VL6180X::RangeSetLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3163 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3164 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3165 uint16_t low, high;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3166
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3167 status=VL6180x_RangeGetThresholds(Device, &low, &high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3168 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3169 status=VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(Device, threshold, high, 1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3170 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3171 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3172
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3173
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3174 int VL6180X::RangeSetHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3175 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3176 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3177 uint16_t low, high;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3178
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3179 status=VL6180x_RangeGetThresholds(Device, &low, &high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3180 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3181 status=VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds(Device, low, threshold, 1);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3182 return status;
gallonm 12:71d589e6fd2c 3183 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3184
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3185
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3186 int VL6180X::AlsSetLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3187 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3188 int status;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3189 lux_t low, high;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3190
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3191 status=AlsGetThresholds(Device, &low, &high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3192 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3193 status=VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device, threshold, high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3194 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3195 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3196
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3197
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3198 int VL6180X::AlsSetHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3199 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3200 int status;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3201 lux_t low, high;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3202
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3203 status=AlsGetThresholds(Device, &low, &high);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3204 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3205 status=VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device, low, threshold);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3206 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3207 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3208
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3209
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3210 int VL6180X::AlsGetThresholds(VL6180xDev_t dev, lux_t *low, lux_t *high)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3211 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3212 int status;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3213 uint16_t RawAlsLow, RawAlsHigh;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3214 uint32_t luxLowValue, luxHighValue, IntPeriod, AlsAnGain, GainFix, AlsScaler;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3215 const uint32_t LuxResxIntIme =(uint32_t)(0.56f* DEF_INT_PEFRIOD *(1<<LUXRES_FIX_PREC));
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3216
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3217 status=VL6180x_RdWord(dev, SYSALS_THRESH_LOW, &RawAlsLow);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3218 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3219 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3220 VL6180x_ErrLog("rd SYSALS_THRESH_LOW fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3221 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3222 }
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3223 status=VL6180x_RdWord(dev, SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH, &RawAlsHigh);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3224 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3225 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3226 VL6180x_ErrLog("rd SYSALS_THRESH_HIGH fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3227 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3228 }
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3229 AlsAnGain=VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, AlsGainCode);
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3230 IntPeriod=VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, IntegrationPeriod);
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3231 AlsScaler=VL6180xDevDataGet(dev, AlsScaler);
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3232 GainFix=AlsGainLookUp[AlsAnGain];
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3233 IntPeriod++;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3234 luxLowValue=(uint32_t)RawAlsLow*LuxResxIntIme;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3235 luxLowValue=luxLowValue/IntPeriod;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3236 luxLowValue=luxLowValue/(AlsScaler*GainFix);
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3237 luxHighValue=(uint32_t)RawAlsHigh*LuxResxIntIme;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3238 luxHighValue=luxHighValue/IntPeriod;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3239 luxHighValue=luxHighValue/(AlsScaler*GainFix);
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3240 *low=luxLowValue;
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3241 *high=luxHighValue;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3242 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3243 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3244
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3245
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3246 int VL6180X::GetMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3247 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3248 switch(operating_mode)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3249 {
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 3250 case(range_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3251 case(range_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3252 case(range_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3253 case(range_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3254 case(range_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3255 case(range_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3256 case(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3257 case(range_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3258 case(range_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3259 return GetRangeMeas(operating_mode, Data);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3260
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 3261 case(als_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3262 case(als_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3263 case(als_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3264 case(als_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3265 case(als_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3266 case(als_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3267 case(als_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3268 case(als_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3269 case(als_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3270 return GetAlsMeas(operating_mode, Data);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3271
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3272 case(interleaved_mode_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3273 return GetRangeAlsMeas(Data);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3274
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3275 default:
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3276 return INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3277 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3278 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3279
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3280
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3281 int VL6180X::GetRangeMeas(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3282 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3283 VL6180x_RangeData_t RangeData;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3284 int status, ClrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3285 IntrStatus_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3286
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3287 status=VL6180x_RangeGetInterruptStatus(Device, &IntStatus.val);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3288 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3289 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3290 Data->int_error=IntStatus.status.Error;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3291 if(IntStatus.status.Error!=0)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3292 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3293 VL6180x_ErrLog("GPIO int Error report %d",(int)IntStatus.val);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3294 status=RANGE_ERROR;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3295 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3296 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3297 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3298 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3299 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3300 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3301 ClrStatus=VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3302 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3303 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3304 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3305 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3306 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3307 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3308 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3309 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3310 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3311 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3312 return status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 3313 if((operating_mode==range_single_shot_polling)||(operating_mode==range_continuous_polling)||(operating_mode==range_continuous_interrupt))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3314 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3315 if(IntStatus.status.Range==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3316 status=VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, &RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3317 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3318 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3319 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3320 else if((operating_mode==range_continuous_polling_low_threshold)||(operating_mode==range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3321 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3322 if(IntStatus.status.Range==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_LOW_LEVEL_THRESHOLD)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3323 status=VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, &RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3324 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3325 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3326 }
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3327 else if((operating_mode==range_continuous_polling_high_threshold)||(operating_mode==range_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3328 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3329 if(IntStatus.status.Range==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL_THRESHOLD)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3330 status=VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, &RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3331 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3332 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3333 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3334 else if((operating_mode==range_continuous_polling_out_of_window)||(operating_mode==range_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3335 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3336 if(IntStatus.status.Range==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_OUT_OF_WINDOW)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3337 status=VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, &RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3338 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3339 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3340 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3341 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3342 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3343 status=GetRangeError(Data, RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3344 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3345 Data->range_mm=RangeData.range_mm;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3346 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3347 Data->range_mm=0xFFFFFFFF;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3348 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3349 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3350 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3351
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3352
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3353 int VL6180X::GetAlsMeas(OperatingMode operating_mode, MeasureData_t *Data)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3354 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3355 VL6180x_AlsData_t AlsData;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3356 int status, ClrStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3357 uint8_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3358
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3359 status=VL6180x_AlsGetInterruptStatus(Device, &IntStatus);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3360 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3361 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3362 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3363 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3364 ClrStatus=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3365 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3366 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3367 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3368 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3369 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3370 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3371 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3372 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3373 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3374 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3375 return status;
gallonm 24:025afc3fe30f 3376 if((operating_mode==als_single_shot_polling)||(operating_mode==als_continuous_polling)||(operating_mode==als_continuous_interrupt))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3377 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3378 if(IntStatus==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3379 status=VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, &AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3380 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3381 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3382 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3383 else if((operating_mode==als_continuous_polling_low_threshold)||(operating_mode==als_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3384 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3385 if(IntStatus==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_LOW_LEVEL_THRESHOLD)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3386 status=VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, &AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3387 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3388 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3389 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3390 else if((operating_mode==als_continuous_polling_high_threshold)||(operating_mode==als_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3391 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3392 if(IntStatus==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL_THRESHOLD)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3393 status=VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, &AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3394 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3395 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3396 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3397 else if((operating_mode==als_continuous_polling_out_of_window)||(operating_mode==als_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3398 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3399 if(IntStatus==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_OUT_OF_WINDOW)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3400 status=VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, &AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3401 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3402 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3403 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3404 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3405 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3406 status=GetAlsError(Data, AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3407 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3408 Data->lux=AlsData.lux;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3409 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3410 Data->lux=0xFFFFFFFF;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3411 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3412 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3413 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3414
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3415
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3416 int VL6180X::GetRangeAlsMeas(MeasureData_t *Data)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3417 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3418 int status, ClrStatus, r_status, l_status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3419 IntrStatus_t IntStatus;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3420 VL6180x_RangeData_t RangeData;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3421 VL6180x_AlsData_t AlsData;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3422
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3423 status=VL6180x_RdByte(Device, RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO, &IntStatus.val);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3424 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3425 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3426 Data->int_error=IntStatus.status.Error;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3427 if(IntStatus.status.Error!=0)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3428 {
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3429 VL6180x_ErrLog("GPIO int Error report %d",(int)IntStatus.val);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3430 status=RANGE_ERROR;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3431 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3432 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3433 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3434 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3435 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3436 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3437 ClrStatus=VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3438 if(ClrStatus)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3439 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearAllInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3440 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3441 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3442
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3443 if(IntStatus.status.Als==RES_INT_STAT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3444 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3445 r_status=VL6180x_RangeGetMeasurement(Device, &RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3446 l_status=VL6180x_AlsGetMeasurement(Device, &AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3447 if((!r_status)&&(!l_status))
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3448 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3449 r_status=GetRangeError(Data, RangeData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3450 l_status=GetAlsError(Data, AlsData);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3451 if(!r_status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3452 Data->range_mm=RangeData.range_mm;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3453 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3454 Data->range_mm=0xFFFFFFFF;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3455 if(!l_status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3456 Data->lux=AlsData.lux;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3457 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3458 Data->lux=0xFFFFFFFF;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3459 status=r_status|l_status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3460 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3461 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3462 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3463 status=r_status|l_status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3464 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3465 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3466 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3467 return NOT_READY;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3468 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3469 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3470
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3471
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3472 int VL6180X::StopMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3473 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3474 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3475
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3476 switch(operating_mode)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3477 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3478 case(range_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3479 case(range_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3480 case(range_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3481 case(range_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3482 case(range_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3483 case(range_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3484 case(range_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3485 case(range_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3486 case(range_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3487 return StopRangeMeasurement(operating_mode);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3488
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3489 case(als_single_shot_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3490 case(als_continuous_polling):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3491 case(als_continuous_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3492 case(als_continuous_polling_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3493 case(als_continuous_polling_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3494 case(als_continuous_polling_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3495 case(als_continuous_interrupt_low_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3496 case(als_continuous_interrupt_high_threshold):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3497 case(als_continuous_interrupt_out_of_window):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3498 return StopAlsMeasurement(operating_mode);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3499
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3500 case(interleaved_mode_interrupt):
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3501 status=StopRangeMeasurement(range_continuous_interrupt);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3502 if(!status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3503 return StopAlsMeasurement(als_continuous_interrupt);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3504 else return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3505
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3506 default:
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3507 return INVALID_PARAMS;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3508 }
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3509 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3510
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3511 48:e799ad44dab7 3512 int VL6180X::IsPresent() 48:e799ad44dab7 3513 { 48:e799ad44dab7 3514 int status; uint8_t id; 48:e799ad44dab7 3515 48:e799ad44dab7 3516 status=ReadID(&id); 48:e799ad44dab7 3517 if(status) 48:e799ad44dab7 3518 VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to read ID device. Device not present!\n\r"); 48:e799ad44dab7 3519 return status; 48:e799ad44dab7 3520 } 48:e799ad44dab7 3521 48:e799ad44dab7 3522
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3523 int VL6180X::StopRangeMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3524 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3525 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3526
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3527 if(operating_mode==range_single_shot_polling)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3528 status=VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3529 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3530 status=VL6180x_RangeSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3531 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3532 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3533 status=VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3534 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3535 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3536 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeConfigInterrupt fail"\n\r);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3537 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3538 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3539 status=VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3540 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3541 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3542 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3543 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3544 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3545 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3546 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3547 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3548 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3549 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3550 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3551 status=VL6180x_RangeSetRawThresholds(Device, 10, 200);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3552 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3553 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_RangeSetThresholds fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3554 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3555 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3556
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3557
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3558 int VL6180X::StopAlsMeasurement(OperatingMode operating_mode)
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3559 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3560 int status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3561
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3562 if(operating_mode==als_single_shot_polling)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3563 status=VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3564 else
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3565 status=VL6180x_AlsSetSystemMode(Device, MODE_START_STOP|MODE_SINGLESHOT);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3566 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3567 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3568 status=VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt(Device, CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_DISABLED);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3569 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3570 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3571 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsConfigInterrupt fail"\n\r);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3572 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3573 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3574 status=VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3575 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3576 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3577 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsClearInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3578 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3579 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3580 status=VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt(Device);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3581 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3582 {
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3583 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_ClearErrorInterrupt fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3584 return status;
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3585 }
gallonm 26:db0cdc5ecc0a 3586 status=VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds(Device, 0x0, 1800);
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3587 if(status)
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3588 VL6180x_ErrLog("VL6180x_AlsSetThresholds fail");
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3589 return status;
gallonm 14:0effa0bbf192 3590 }
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3591
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3592
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3593
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3594
gallonm 16:0d4776564733 3595 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/