mdot UDK & STMicro MEMS Shield Sensor packet example

Dependencies:   libmDot-mbed5 DOGS102 ISL29011 MMA845x MPL3115A2 NCP5623B X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 Senet_Packet

Fork of MTDOT-UDKDemo_Senet by canuck lehead

Shaun Nelson
Wed Aug 30 12:35:33 2017 -0400
Simplified orientation change detection
Implement button press events
EVB Button1(left) for backend enabled state status (2 sblink = disabled, 3 = enabled)
EVB Button2(right) toggle bacend enabled status

LED Behavior
- LED solid when backend out of sync
- LED blinks on downlink

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 1 /***
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 2 * _____ _
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 3 * / ____| | |
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 4 * | (___ ___ _ __ ___ | |_
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 5 * \___ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | __|
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 6 * ____) | | __/ | | | | | __/ | |_
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 7 * |_____/ \___| |_| |_| \___| \__|
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 8 * (C) 2016 Senet, Inc
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 9 *
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 10 */
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 11
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 12 #ifdef MTDOT_EVB
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 13 #include "board_evb.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 14 #include "MMA845x.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 15 #include "MPL3115A2.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 16 #include "ISL29011.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 17 #include "NCP5623B.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 18 #include "DOGS102.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 19 #include "font_6x8.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 20 #include "MultiTech_Logo.h"
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 21
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 22 Serial debugUART(PA_9, PA_10); // mDot debug UART
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 23
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 24 static InterruptIn mDot08(PA_12); // GPIO/USB PB S1 on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 25 static InterruptIn mDot09(PA_11); // GPIO/USB PB S2 on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 26 static InterruptIn mDot12(PA_0); // GPIO/UART_CTS PRESSURE_INT2 on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 27 static DigitalOut mDot13(PC_13,1); // GPIO LCD_C/D
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 28 static InterruptIn mDot15(PC_1); // GPIO LIGHT_PROX_INT on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 29 static InterruptIn mDot16(PA_1); // GPIO/UART_RTS ACCEL_INT2 on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 30 static DigitalOut mDot17(PA_4,1); // GPIO/SPI_NCS LCD_CS on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 31 static AnalogIn mDot20(PB_1); // GPIO Current Sense Analog in on EVB
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 32 static I2C mDoti2c(PC_9,PA_8); // mDot External I2C mDot6 and mDot7
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 33 static SPI mDotspi(PA_7,PA_6,PA_5); // mDot external SPI mDot11, mDot4, and mDot18
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 34 static MMA845x_DATA accel_data = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 35 static MPL3115A2_DATA baro_data = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 36 static MMA845x* evbAccel = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 37 static MPL3115A2* evbBaro = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 38 static ISL29011* evbAmbLight = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 39 static NCP5623B* evbBackLight = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 40 static DOGS102* evbLCD = 0;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 41 static Thread thread_1;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 42 static Thread thread_2;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 43 static char txtstr[17];
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 44 // flags for pushbutton debounce code
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 45 static bool pb1_low = false;
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 46 static bool pb2_low = false;
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 47 static bool evbLedState = false;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 48
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 49 CBoardEVB::CBoardEVB()
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 50 {
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 51 boardPtr = this;
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 52 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 53
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 54
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 55 EBoardStatus CBoardEVB::init()
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 56 {
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 57 CBoard::init();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 58
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 59 // Setting up LED1 as activity LED
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 60 mDotPtr->setActivityLedPin(PB_0);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 61 mDotPtr->setActivityLedEnable(true);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 62
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 63 // threads for de-bouncing pushbutton switches
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 64 thread_1.start(callback(this, &CBoardEVB::pb1_debounce));
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 65 thread_2.start(callback(this, &CBoardEVB::pb2_debounce));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 66
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 67 evbAccel = new MMA845x(mDoti2c,MMA845x::SA0_VSS); // setup Accelerometer
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 68 evbBaro = new MPL3115A2(mDoti2c); // setup Barometric sensor
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 69 evbAmbLight = new ISL29011(mDoti2c); // Setup Ambient Light Sensor
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 70 evbBackLight = new NCP5623B(mDoti2c); // setup backlight and LED 2 driver chip
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 71 evbLCD = new DOGS102(mDotspi, mDot17, mDot13); // setup LCD
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 72
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 73 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 74 * Setup SW1 as program stop function
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 75 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 76 mDot08.disable_irq();
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 77 mDot08.fall(callback(this, &CBoardEVB::pb1ISR));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 78
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 79 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 80 * need to call this function after rise or fall because rise/fall sets
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 81 * mode to PullNone
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 82 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 83 mDot08.mode(PullUp);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 84
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 85 mDot08.enable_irq();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 86
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 87 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 88 * Setup SW2 as packet time change
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 89 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 90 mDot09.disable_irq();
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 91 mDot09.fall(callback(this, &CBoardEVB::pb2ISR));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 92
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 93 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 94 * need to call this function after rise or fall because rise/fall sets
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 95 * mode to PullNone
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 96 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 97 mDot09.mode(PullUp);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 98
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 99 mDot09.enable_irq();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 100
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 101 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 102 * Setting other InterruptIn pins with Pull Ups
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 103 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 104 mDot12.mode(PullUp);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 105 mDot15.mode(PullUp);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 106 mDot16.mode(PullUp);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 107
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 108 printf("font table address %p\n\r",&font_6x8);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 109 printf("bitmap address %p\n\r",&MultiTech_Logo);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 110
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 111 // Setup and display logo on LCD
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 112 evbLCD->startUpdate();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 113
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 114 evbLCD->writeBitmap(0,0,MultiTech_Logo);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 115
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 116 sprintf(txtstr,"MTDOT");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 117 evbLCD->writeText(24,3,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 118 sprintf(txtstr,"Evaluation");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 119 evbLCD->writeText(24,4,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 120 sprintf(txtstr,"Board");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 121 evbLCD->writeText(24,5,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 122
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 123 evbLCD->endUpdate();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 124
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 125 return Board_Ok;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 126 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 127
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 128 EBoardStatus CBoardEVB::start()
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 129 {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 130 osDelay(200);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 131 evbBackLight->setPWM(NCP5623B::LED_3,16); // enable LED2 on EVB and set to 50% PWM
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 132
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 133 // sets LED2 to 50% max current
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 134 evbBackLight->setLEDCurrent(16);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 135
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 136 printf("Start of Test\n\r");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 137
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 138 osDelay (500); // allows other threads to process
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 139 printf("shutdown LED:\n\r");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 140 evbBackLight->shutdown();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 141
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 142 osDelay (500); // allows other threads to process
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 143 printf("Turn on LED2\n\r");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 144 evbBackLight->setLEDCurrent(16);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 145
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 146 char data = evbAccel->getWhoAmI();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 147 printf("Accelerometer who_am_i value = %x \n\r", data);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 148
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 149 uint8_t result = evbAccel->getStatus();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 150 printf("status byte = %x \n\r", result);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 151
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 152 printf("Barometer who_am_i check = %s \n\r", evbBaro->testWhoAmI() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 153
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 154 result = evbBaro->getStatus();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 155 printf("status byte = %x \n\r", result);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 156
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 157 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 158 * Setup the Accelerometer for 8g range, 14 bit resolution, Noise reduction off, sample rate 1.56 Hz
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 159 * normal oversample mode, High pass filter off
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 160 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 161 evbAccel->setCommonParameters(MMA845x::RANGE_8g,MMA845x::RES_MAX,MMA845x::LN_OFF,
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 162 MMA845x::DR_1_56,MMA845x::OS_NORMAL,MMA845x::HPF_OFF );
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 163
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 164 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 165 * Setup the Barometric sensor for post processed Ambient pressure, 4 samples per data acquisition.
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 166 * and a sample taken every second when in active mode
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 167 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 168 evbBaro->setParameters(MPL3115A2::DATA_NORMAL, MPL3115A2::DM_BAROMETER, MPL3115A2::OR_16, MPL3115A2::AT_1);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 169
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 170 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 171 * Setup the Ambient Light Sensor for continuous Ambient Light Sensing, 16 bit resolution,
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 172 * and 16000 lux range
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 173 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 174 evbAmbLight->setMode(ISL29011::ALS_CONT);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 175 evbAmbLight->setResolution(ISL29011::ADC_16BIT);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 176 evbAmbLight->setRange(ISL29011::RNG_16000);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 177
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 178 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 179 * Set the accelerometer for active mode
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 180 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 181 evbAccel->activeMode();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 182
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 183 /*
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 184 * Clear the min-max registers in the Barometric Sensor
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 185 */
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 186 evbBaro->clearMinMaxRegs();
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 187
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 188 evbBackLight->setLEDCurrent(0);
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 189
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 190 return Board_Ok;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 191 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 192
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 193 EBoardStatus CBoardEVB::readSensors ( BoardSensorData &sensorData )
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 194 {
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 195 MMA845x_DATA accel_data;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 196 uint8_t result;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 197 int32_t num_whole;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 198 uint32_t pressure;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 199 int16_t num_frac;
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 200
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 201 sensorData.init();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 202
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 203 // Update accelerometer state
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 204 evbLCD->startUpdate();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 205 evbLCD->clearBuffer();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 206
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 207 /*
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 208 * Retrieve and print out accelerometer data
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 209 */
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 210 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 211 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 212 osDelay(100); // allows other threads to process
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 213
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 214 result = evbAccel->getStatus();
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 215
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 216 if( result & MMA845x::XYZDR )
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 217 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 218 accel_data = evbAccel->getXYZ();
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 219
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 220 sprintf(txtstr,"Accelerometer");
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 221 evbLCD->writeText(0,0,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 222 sprintf(txtstr, "x = %d", accel_data._x);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 223 evbLCD->writeText(20,1,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 224 sprintf(txtstr, "y = %d", accel_data._y);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 225 evbLCD->writeText(20,2,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 226 sprintf(txtstr, "z = %d", accel_data._z );
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 227 evbLCD->writeText(20,3,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 228
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 229 sensorData.accel_x = accel_data._x;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 230 sensorData.accel_y = accel_data._y;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 231 sensorData.accel_z = accel_data._z;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 232
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 233 sensorData.orientation.vertical = abs(accel_data._x > 600);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 234
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 235 break;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 236 }
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 237 }
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 238
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 239 /*
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 240 * Trigger a Pressure reading
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 241 */
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 242 evbBaro->setParameters(MPL3115A2::DATA_NORMAL, MPL3115A2::DM_BAROMETER, MPL3115A2::OR_16,
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 243 MPL3115A2::AT_1);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 244
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 245 evbBaro->triggerOneShot();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 246
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 247 /*
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 248 * Retrieve and print out barometric pressure
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 249 */
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 250 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 251 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 252 osDelay(100); // allows other threads to process
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 253 result = evbBaro->getStatus();
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 254 if( result & MPL3115A2::PTDR)
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 255 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 256 pressure = evbBaro->getBaroData() >> 12; // convert 32 bit signed to 20 bit unsigned value
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 257 num_whole = pressure >> 2; // 18 bit integer significant
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 258 num_frac = (pressure & 0x3) * 25; // 2 bit fractional 0.25 per bit
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 259 sensorData.pressure = pressure + (.25 * num_frac);
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 260
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 261 sprintf(txtstr,"Press=%ld.%02d Pa", num_whole, num_frac);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 262 evbLCD->writeText(0,4,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 263
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 264 break;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 265 }
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 266 }
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 267
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 268
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 269 /*
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 270 * Trigger a Altitude reading
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 271 */
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 272 evbBaro->setParameters(MPL3115A2::DATA_NORMAL, MPL3115A2::DM_ALTIMETER, MPL3115A2::OR_16,
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 273 MPL3115A2::AT_1);
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 274 evbBaro->triggerOneShot();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 275
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 276
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 277 /*
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 278 * Retrieve and print out altitude and temperature
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 279 */
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 280 for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 281 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 282 osDelay(100); // allows other threads to process
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 283 result = evbBaro->getStatus();
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 284 if( result & MPL3115A2::PTDR)
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 285 {
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 286 baro_data = evbBaro->getAllData(false);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 287 baro_data._baro /= 4096; // convert 32 bit signed to 20 bit signed value
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 288 num_whole = baro_data._baro / 16; // 18 bit signed significant integer
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 289 num_frac = (baro_data._baro & 0xF) * 625 / 100; // 4 bit fractional .0625 per bit
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 290 sprintf(txtstr,"Alti=%ld.%03d m", num_whole, num_frac);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 291 evbLCD->writeText(0,5,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 292 num_whole = baro_data._temp / 16; // 8 bit signed significant integer
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 293 num_frac = (baro_data._temp & 0x0F) * 625 / 100; // 4 bit fractional .0625 per bit
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 294 sensorData.temperature = num_whole + ((float)num_frac / 100);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 295 sprintf(txtstr,"Temp=%ld.%03d C", num_whole, num_frac);
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 296 evbLCD->writeText(0,6,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 297
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 298 break;
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 299 }
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 300 }
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 301
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 302
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 303 /*
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 304 * retrieve and print out Ambient Light level
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 305 */
Shaun Nelson 38:1e6370074fdc 306 uint16_t lux_data = evbAmbLight->getData();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 307 num_whole = lux_data * 24 / 100; // 16000 lux full scale .24 lux per bit
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 308 num_frac = lux_data * 24 % 100;
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 309 sprintf(txtstr, "Light=%ld.%02d lux", num_whole, num_frac );
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 310 evbLCD->writeText(0,7,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 311
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 312 evbLCD->endUpdate();
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 313
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 314 return Board_Ok;
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 315 }
Shaun Nelson 28:4fd8a894a403 316
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 317 EBoardStatus CBoardEVB::setLED(uint8_t ledNum, bool on)
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 318 {
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 319 if(ledNum != 1)
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 320 return Board_Invalid;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 321
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 322 evbBackLight->setLEDCurrent(on ? 16 : 0);
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 323 evbLedState = on;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 324 return Board_Ok;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 325 }
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 326
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 327 EBoardStatus CBoardEVB::toggleLED(uint8_t ledNum)
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 328 {
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 329 if(ledNum != 1)
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 330 return Board_Invalid;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 331
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 332 evbLedState = !evbLedState;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 333 evbBackLight->setLEDCurrent(evbLedState ? 16 : 0);
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 334 return Board_Ok;
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 335 }
Shaun Nelson 39:022b327d6bf0 336
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 337 void CBoardEVB::pb1ISR(void)
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 338 {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 339 if (!pb1_low)
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 340 pb1_low = true;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 341 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 342
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 343 void CBoardEVB::pb1_debounce()
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 344 {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 345 static uint8_t count = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 346
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 347 while (true) {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 348 if (pb1_low && (mDot08 == 0))
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 349 count++;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 350 else {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 351 count = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 352 pb1_low = false;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 353 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 354
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 355 if (count == 5){
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 356 if(buttonCallback != 0)
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 357 buttonCallback(1);
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 358 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 359
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 360 Thread::wait(5);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 361 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 362 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 363
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 364 void CBoardEVB::pb2ISR(void)
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 365 {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 366 if (!pb2_low)
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 367 pb2_low = true;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 368 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 369
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 370 void CBoardEVB::pb2_debounce()
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 371 {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 372 static uint8_t count = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 373
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 374 while (true) {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 375
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 376 if (pb2_low && (mDot09 == 0))
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 377 count++;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 378 else {
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 379 count = 0;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 380 pb2_low = false;
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 381 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 382
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 383 if (count == 5){
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 384
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 385 if(buttonCallback != 0)
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 386 buttonCallback(2);
Shaun Nelson 41:208af6be1869 387
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 388 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 389 Thread::wait(5);
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 390 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 391 }
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 392
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 393
Shaun Nelson 27:1753a44fa9ec 394 #endif