Dependencies of MTDOT-UDKDemo

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

Stable version of the mDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is suitable for deployment scenarios. See lastest commit message for version of mbed-os library that has …
Class Module for EA DOGS102 Graphic LCD display SPI Interface MTDOT-EVB
Class module for ISL29011 Ambient Light Sensor MTDOT-EVB
Class Module for MMA845x I2C Accelerometer. MTDOT-EVB
Class module for MPL3115A2 I2C Barometric Sensor MTDOT-EVB
Class module for NCP5623B I2C LED driver MTDOT-EVB
pin assignments for mDot
Senet Packet API Lora, senet