mdot UDK & STMicro MEMS Shield Sensor packet example

Dependencies:   libmDot-mbed5 DOGS102 ISL29011 MMA845x MPL3115A2 NCP5623B X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 Senet_Packet

Fork of MTDOT-UDKDemo_Senet by canuck lehead


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
43:55e7bb4d9b60 2017-08-30 Shaun Nelson Simplified orientation change detection default tip
42:ebb58fea302b 2017-08-30 Shaun Nelson Fix toggleLED declaration
41:208af6be1869 2017-08-30 Shaun Nelson Added button press callback
40:29be8d072e98 2017-08-29 Shaun Nelson Merge with develop
39:022b327d6bf0 2017-08-29 Shaun Nelson - Add Set/Toggle LED to board API develop
38:1e6370074fdc 2017-08-29 Shaun Nelson - MTDOT EVB sensor libraries updated develop
37:528befd6bc31 2017-08-29 Shaun Nelson Merge with develop
36:cd1077f40dbf 2017-08-29 Shaun Nelson Do not require confirmation when orientation has not changed develop
35:ad7e8db2fab6 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Merge with default develop
34:cf1703982b5b 2017-08-25 shaunkrnelson Remove relocated libraries that were not deleted on the develop branch merge
33:78c712234ccd 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Added tag mbed5-udk-only for changeset 5873d0638277
32:5873d0638277 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Merge with develop mbed5-udk-only
31:a6728f2b7a56 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Merge changes made on mBed - namely switch from bzero to memset develop
30:8b5b201f01c3 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Add project file changes develop
29:055824db068a 2017-08-25 shaunkrnelson bzero not found, switched to memset; develop
28:4fd8a894a403 2017-08-25 Shaun Nelson Create board api class and implement for EVB and UDK mDot boards. develop
27:1753a44fa9ec 2017-08-24 Shaun Nelson Reimplement for mbed 5 develop
26:752359e19a97 2017-08-22 shaunkrnelson mDot v1.0.8; mbed v121; mbed rtos v116
25:a5860d250e79 2016-08-25 shaunkrnelson Configure 8-channel mode, DR2.
24:6f78c00a9e9c 2016-08-25 shaunkrnelson Default to UDK board type with fast reflect transmits
23:dd1685057812 2016-08-25 shaunkrnelson Merged with last published version to pick up reflected_value changes
22:d3a56f5a949c 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson Clear reflected_value on position change to stay in fast transmit mode if position changes back to last reflected
21:12d2527f0437 2016-08-25 shaunkrnelson Clear out application key
20:f639a6e4c290 2016-08-25 shaunkrnelson Update to libmdot 2.0.3
19:62f4a6bae943 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson LED D3 used for reflected position status: OFF=out-of-sync, ON=in-sync
18:856ebfac428b 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson Merge remote changes
17:162e42587b4d 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson Minor cleanup
16:7b3cc3221db1 2016-08-24 shaunkrnelson Compiles on MTDOT_EVB, but not tested
15:f165e104ec2e 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson Merging remote
14:07ff01da6bbf 2016-08-24 Shaun Nelson Sensor packet value 1 matches NoRam mote orientation
13:0ed4127ba30f 2016-08-24 shaunkrnelson Revert back to correct UDK sensor library
12:ad92bbb6312f 2016-08-23 Shaun Nelson Disabled UDK MEMS sensor shield free fall dection because the device appears to get interrupt bound
11:3be85ca325d1 2016-08-23 shaunkrnelson Adding back the sensor library (lost after forcing push of older revision)
10:658720d51610 2016-08-23 Shaun Nelson Initial commit of mdot UDK + MEMS shield
9:f83a685baca7 2016-08-23 shaunkrnelson Adding sensor shield and senet packet libraries
8:ed3587fdb2a7 2016-08-23 shaunkrnelson Multitech UDK + MEMS Shield
7:3ccfc47b8e0b 2016-08-04 dkjendal New mdot lib 1.0.11
6:b22dfacacae1 2016-07-05 dkjendal Update to latest mdot library.; Update program to use ADR and try all channels.; Update functional program to never exit, transmit 1/minute even with no state change and use PB2 (left Push button) to force an immediate transmit
5:a33dcda3507b 2015-12-02 dkjendal Senet's Demo Code
4:9ea6ae34157c 2015-09-23 dkjendal Dave's demo
3:68e974f5f532 2015-07-15 falingtrea Added threads for push button switch debounce.
2:75adc72aa6a0 2015-07-09 falingtrea Send logo to LCD before attempting connection to LoRa network. Added information on setting up for public LoRa network. Moved SW setup to beginning of main. Removed printf call from ISR functions. Added additional checks for exit_program.
1:ac9595d0f0e7 2015-07-06 falingtrea Ver 1.01 Removed "NULL" from instantiation of evbAmbientLight
0:bdd16076aaa5 2015-07-06 falingtrea Initial Release