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How to use own ETHERNET PHY

How to use your own ETHERNET PHY init functions ?

Default ETHERNET PHY Init and DeInit functions are defined in:

  • from 5.9 OS5 release: features/netsocket/emac-drivers/TARGET_STM_EMAC/TARGET_STM32<xx>/TARGET_<xx>/stm32<xx>_eth_init.c
  • before: features/FEATURE_LWIP/lwip-interface/lwip-eth/arch/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32<xx>/TARGET_<xx>/stm32<xx>_eth_init.c

You can overwrite these functions thanks to USE_USER_DEFINED_HAL_ETH_MSPINIT macro. This macro must be defined inside a JSON file.

For example in the targets.json, you need to add this line in your target:

or for example in the mbed_app.json file by adding:

See the mbed-cli documentation for more information on the configuration system syntax:

You have then to implement completely the HAL_ETH_MspInit and HAL_ETH_MspDeInit functions in your application. You can take example of the default functions described in the stm32<xx>_eth_init.c file.

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