Embedded Artists

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LPC4088DM Using the App Framework

Table of Contents

  1. Examples

The DMBasicGUI library comes with, among other things, a framework for creating small "Apps".

Apps should inherit from the App.h interface:

Import library

Public Member Functions

virtual bool setup ()
Prepare the App before it is started.
virtual void runToCompletion ()=0
Runs the App to completion.
virtual bool teardown ()

The interface forces the application to implement the following three functions:

setup()Called before the App is started to allow it to preload all resources. It may not draw on the display yet
runToCompletion()Should not return until the App is finished. The App owns the touch events and the display while running and should restore the display before returning.
teardown()Called after the runToCompletion() function has returned to free up used resources

The DMBasicGUI includes one special App, the AppLauncher:

Import library

Public Member Functions

virtual bool setup ()
Prepare the App before it is started.
virtual void runToCompletion ()
Runs the App to completion.
virtual bool teardown ()

The launcher allows up to 10 programs to be shown with icons in a graphical menu. Clicking on an application launches it.

 * Includes
#include "mbed.h"
#include "mbed_interface.h"
#include "rtos.h"

#include "DMBoard.h"

#include "AppLauncher.h"
#include "AppTouchCalibration.h"

#include "AppTemplate.h"
#include "image_data.h"

 * Typedefs and defines

typedef enum {
    // Add an application ID here
    CalibrationApp =  AppLauncher::CalibrationApp,
} myapps_t;

 * Local functions

static App* launchApp(uint32_t id)
  App* a = NULL;
  switch ((myapps_t)id) {
      case CalibrationApp:
          a = new AppTouchCalibration();
      case MyFirstApp:
          a = new AppTemplate();
      // Create your application here
  return a;

void guiTask(void const* args)
  RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
  log->printf("guiTask started\n");
  AppLauncher launcher;
  if (launcher.setup()) {
    launcher.addImageButton(MyFirstApp, "Something", RED, img_empty, img_size_empty);
    // Add more buttons here
    log->printf("Starting menu system\n");
  } else {
    log->printf("Failed to prepare menu system\n");
  // Should never end up here  

 * Main function
int main()
  DMBoard::BoardError err;
  DMBoard* board = &DMBoard::instance();
  RtosLog* log = board->logger();
  err = board->init();
  if (err != DMBoard::Ok) {
    log->printf("Failed to initialize the board, got error %d\r\n", err);
    wait_ms(2000); // allow RtosLog to flush messages
  log->printf("\n\n---\nApplication Launcher Example\nBuilt: " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n\n");
  Thread tGui(guiTask, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 8192);
  while(1) { 
    // Wait forever (in 1h increments) to prevent the tGui
    // thread from being garbage collected.


Some examples using the App framework:

Import programlpc4088_displaymodule_everything

Example using the support package for LPC4088 DisplayModule

Import programlpc4088_displaymodule_ew2015

Demo for Embedded World 2015.

Import programlpc4088_displaymodule_empty_launcher

Example using the application launcher.

Import programlpc4088_displaymodule_shipped_demo

The out-of-the-box demo application flashed on all display modules before they are shipped.

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