Silica Sensor Node board sends custom ble advertising for the Gateway board

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2_SPI3W

Fork of sensor-node-ble by Roberto Spelta

Getting started with mbed SensorNode BLE


History project:

  • 26/01/2017 - First Release

This project uses the Bluetooth Low Energy in order to send advertaisments every second. These payloads are read by the Visible Things Gateway board, more about it here . Every advertaisments contains sensors data read form the SensorTile and the Silica Sensor Board. For details please read the document in the MAN folder,

The application:

  • reads sensors data (accelerometer, gyroscope, lux, pressure, temperature, proximity, magnetometer)
  • send these data by BLE

You can compile this project in three ways:

1. Using the Online compiler.


Learn how to use the Online compiler reading page.

2. Using the compiler on your PC


Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading page.
The name of the machine is SILICA_SENSOR_NODE.

3. Exporting to 3rd party tools (IDE)


Learn how to use the mbed-cli reading page. We have exported the project for you, please read here


This example requires a Visible Things Gateway board. If you don't have this board you can use RF Connect app from an Android phone just to see the raw data sent from the SensorNode.

diff -r 934cd97bfe1a -r 94aee6f716b7 VL6180x/VL6180x.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/VL6180x/VL6180x.cpp	Fri Jan 26 18:19:41 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ * SFE_VL6180x.cpp
+ * Library for VL6180x time of flight range finder.
+ * Casey Kuhns @ SparkFun Electronics
+ * 10/29/2014
+ *
+ * 
+ * The VL6180x by ST micro is a time of flight range finder that
+ * uses pulsed IR light to determine distances from object at close
+ * range.  The average range of a sensor is between 0-200mm
+ * 
+ * In this file are the functions in the VL6180x class
+ * 
+ * Resources:
+ * This library uses the Arduino Wire.h to complete I2C transactions.
+ * 
+ * Development environment specifics:
+ *  IDE: Arduino 1.0.5
+ *  Hardware Platform: Arduino Pro 3.3V/8MHz
+ *  VL6180x Breakout Version: 1.0
+ * 
+ * 
+ * This code is beerware. If you see me (or any other SparkFun employee) at the
+ * local pub, and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!
+ * 
+ * Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "VL6180x.h"
+//VL6180x::VL6180x(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t addr) : m_i2c(sda, scl), m_addr(addr) {}
+VL6180x::VL6180x(I2C *i2c, uint8_t addr) : m_i2c(i2c), m_addr(addr)
+  m_i2c->frequency(400000);
+  PE1801_setRegister( GPIO_SET_DIR_LOW, 0x40 ); // only IO6 setted as output
+  PE1801_setRegister( GPIO_SET_DIR_MID, 0 );  
+  PE1801_setRegister( GPIO_SET_DIR_HIGH, 0 );
+  PE1801_setRegister( GPIO_SET_LOW, 0x40 ); // set 1 DEV_RESN
+int VL6180x::VL6180xInit(void){
+  uint8_t data; //for temp data storage
+  data = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET);
+  wait_ms(50);
+  if(data != 1) {
+	  printf("error\n\r");
+	  return VL6180x_FAILURE_RESET;
+  }
+  //Required by datasheet
+  //
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0207, 0x01);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0208, 0x01);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0096, 0x00);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0097, 0xfd);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00e3, 0x00);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00e4, 0x04);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00e5, 0x02);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00e6, 0x01);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00e7, 0x03);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00f5, 0x02);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00d9, 0x05);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00db, 0xce);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00dc, 0x03);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00dd, 0xf8);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x009f, 0x00);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00a3, 0x3c);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00b7, 0x00);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00bb, 0x3c);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00b2, 0x09);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00ca, 0x09);  
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0198, 0x01);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x01b0, 0x17);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x01ad, 0x00);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x00ff, 0x05);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0100, 0x05);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0199, 0x05);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x01a6, 0x1b);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x01ac, 0x3e);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x01a7, 0x1f);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(0x0030, 0x00);
+  return 0;
+VL6180x::~VL6180x(void) {
+void VL6180x::VL6180xDefautSettings(void){
+  //Recommended settings from datasheet
+  //
+  //Enable Interrupts on Conversion Complete (any source)
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, (4 << 3)|(4) ); // Set GPIO1 high when sample complete
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_MODE_GPIO1, 0x10); // Set GPIO1 high when sample complete
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD, 0x30); //Set Avg sample period
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, 0x46); // Set the ALS gain
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_REPEAT_RATE, 0xFF); // Set auto calibration period (Max = 255)/(OFF = 0)
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 0x63); // Set ALS integration time to 100ms
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_VHV_RECALIBRATE, 0x01); // perform a single temperature calibration
+  //Optional settings from datasheet
+  //
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x09); // Set default ranging inter-measurement period to 100ms
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, 0x0A); // Set default ALS inter-measurement period to 100ms
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG_GPIO, 0x24); // Configures interrupt on ‘New Sample Ready threshold event’ 
+  //Additional settings defaults from community
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME, 0x32);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES, 0x10 | 0x01);
+  VL6180x_setRegister16bit(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_EARLY_CONVERGENCE_ESTIMATE, 0x7B );
+  VL6180x_setRegister16bit(VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD, 0x64);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_READOUT_AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD,0x30);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN,0x40);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_FIRMWARE_RESULT_SCALER,0x01);
+void VL6180x::getIdentification(struct VL6180xIdentification *temp){
+  temp->idModel =  VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID);
+  temp->idModelRevMajor = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_REV_MAJOR);
+  temp->idModelRevMinor = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_REV_MINOR);
+  temp->idModuleRevMajor = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODULE_REV_MAJOR);
+  temp->idModuleRevMinor = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_MODULE_REV_MINOR);
+  temp->idDate = VL6180x_getRegister16bit(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_DATE);
+  temp->idTime = VL6180x_getRegister16bit(VL6180X_IDENTIFICATION_TIME);
+uint8_t VL6180x::changeAddress(uint8_t old_address, uint8_t new_address){
+  if( old_address == new_address) return old_address;
+  if( new_address > 127) return old_address;
+   VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS, new_address);
+   return VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS); 
+uint8_t VL6180x::getDistance() {
+  uint8_t distance;
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSRANGE_START, 0x01); //Start Single shot mode
+  wait_ms(10);
+  distance = VL6180x_getRegister(VL6180X_RESULT_RANGE_VAL);
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR, 0x07);
+  return distance;
+float VL6180x::getAmbientLight(vl6180x_als_gain VL6180X_ALS_GAIN)
+  //First load in Gain we are using, do it everytime incase someone changes it on us.
+  //Note: Upper nibble shoudl be set to 0x4 i.e. for ALS gain of 1.0 write 0x46
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, (0x40 | VL6180X_ALS_GAIN)); // Set the ALS gain
+  //Start ALS Measurement 
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSALS_START, 0x01);
+    wait_ms(100); //give it time... 
+  VL6180x_setRegister(VL6180X_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR, 0x07);
+  //Retrieve the Raw ALS value from the sensoe
+  unsigned int alsRaw = VL6180x_getRegister16bit(VL6180X_RESULT_ALS_VAL);
+  //Get Integration Period for calculation, we do this everytime incase someone changes it on us.
+  unsigned int alsIntegrationPeriodRaw = VL6180x_getRegister16bit(VL6180X_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD);
+  float alsIntegrationPeriod = 100.0 / alsIntegrationPeriodRaw ;
+  //Calculate actual LUX from Appnotes
+  float alsGain = 0.0;
+  switch (VL6180X_ALS_GAIN){
+    case GAIN_20: alsGain = 20.0; break;
+    case GAIN_10: alsGain = 10.32; break;
+    case GAIN_5: alsGain = 5.21; break;
+    case GAIN_2_5: alsGain = 2.60; break;
+    case GAIN_1_67: alsGain = 1.72; break;
+    case GAIN_1_25: alsGain = 1.28; break;
+    case GAIN_1: alsGain = 1.01; break;
+    case GAIN_40: alsGain = 40.0; break;
+  }
+//Calculate LUX from formula in AppNotes
+  float alsCalculated = (float)0.32 * ((float)alsRaw / alsGain) * alsIntegrationPeriod;
+  return alsCalculated;
+// --- Private Functions --- //
+uint8_t VL6180x::VL6180x_getRegister(uint16_t registerAddr)
+  uint8_t data;
+  char data_write[2];
+  char data_read[1];
+  data_write[0] = (registerAddr >> 8) & 0xFF; //MSB of register address 
+  data_write[1] = registerAddr & 0xFF; //LSB of register address 
+  m_i2c->write(m_addr, data_write, 2,0); 
+  m_i2c->read(m_addr,data_read,1,1);
+  //Read Data from selected register
+  data=data_read[0];
+  return data;
+  /*
+  #if 1
+  char reg[] = { 0, 0 };
+  char ret[] = { 0, 0 };
+  m_i2c->write(m_addr, &reg[0], 2);
+  m_i2c->read(m_addr, ret, 1 );
+  printf("%02x, %02x, %02x\n\r", ret[0], ret[1], m_addr );
+  #else
+  char reg[] = { 0x0FU, 0 };
+  char ret[] = { 0, 0 };
+  m_i2c->frequency(400000);
+  m_i2c->write(0xBE, &reg[0], 1, 1);
+  m_i2c->read(0xBE, ret, 1 );
+  printf("%02x, %02x, %02x\n\r", ret[0], ret[1], m_addr );
+  #endif
+  return ret[0];*/
+uint16_t VL6180x::VL6180x_getRegister16bit(uint16_t registerAddr)
+  uint8_t data_low;
+  uint8_t data_high;
+  uint16_t data;
+  char data_write[2];
+  char data_read[2];
+  data_write[0] = (registerAddr >> 8) & 0xFF; //MSB of register address 
+  data_write[1] = registerAddr & 0xFF; //LSB of register address 
+  m_i2c->write(m_addr, data_write, 2,0); 
+  m_i2c->read(m_addr,data_read,2,1);
+  data_high = data_read[0]; //Read Data from selected register
+  data_low = data_read[1]; //Read Data from selected register
+  data = (data_high << 8)|data_low;
+  return data;
+void VL6180x::PE1801_setRegister(uint8_t registerAddr, uint8_t data)
+    char w2_data[2];
+    w2_data[0] = registerAddr;
+    w2_data[1] = data;
+    m_i2c->write( PE180_ADDRESS, w2_data, 2 );  
+void VL6180x::VL6180x_setRegister(uint16_t registerAddr, uint8_t data)
+    char data_write[3];
+    data_write[0] = (registerAddr >> 8) & 0xFF; //MSB of register address 
+    data_write[1] = registerAddr & 0xFF; //LSB of register address 
+    data_write[2] = data & 0xFF; 
+    m_i2c->write(m_addr, data_write, 3); 
+void VL6180x::VL6180x_setRegister16bit(uint16_t registerAddr, uint16_t data)
+    char data_write[4];
+    data_write[0] = (registerAddr >> 8) & 0xFF; //MSB of register address 
+    data_write[1] = registerAddr & 0xFF; //LSB of register address 
+    data_write[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+    data_write[3] = data & 0xFF; 
+    m_i2c->write(m_addr, data_write, 4); 