Hello World! - mbed Projects Roundup #1

We've seen a few interesting projects cropping up over the last week, so I thought it might be worth putting together an occasional blog to share things that are springing to life around mbed-land.

Here are some that caught our eye recently...

A Real-Time LED Matrix Display!

Mura bito has published a great notebook page documenting an mbed based Real-time 32x32 LED Display, which streams pixel data from the PC to an LED matrix. Checkout the video; YouTube on an LED matrix display!

A Guitar Echo Pedal!

Vsergeev has put together a guitar effects pedal usign mbed, which turned up on hackaday.com. Here is a video of it being shown off:

Seems like a great opportunity for building a generic guitar pedal platform, where everyone could share their latest effects!

OSC running on mbed!

Pehr Hovey has got the starting of an Open Sound Control (OSC) up and running on an mbed.

This could be a great starting point for remote control of a whole array of projects. Nice work!

  • btw. if you have built or find any projects you think we should post, make sure you tell us at support@mbed.org!

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