Eigne Matrix Class Library

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Global matrix typedefs

Global matrix typedefs
[Core module]

Eigen defines several typedef shortcuts for most common matrix and vector types. More...

Eigen defines several typedef shortcuts for most common matrix and vector types.

The general patterns are the following:

MatrixSizeType where Size can be 2,3,4 for fixed size square matrices or X for dynamic size, and where Type can be i for integer, f for float, d for double, cf for complex float, cd for complex double.

For example, Matrix3d is a fixed-size 3x3 matrix type of doubles, and MatrixXf is a dynamic-size matrix of floats.

There are also VectorSizeType and RowVectorSizeType which are self-explanatory. For example, Vector4cf is a fixed-size vector of 4 complex floats.

See also:
class Matrix