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Jacobi module

Jacobi module

This module provides Jacobi and Givens rotations. More...

Data Structures

class  JacobiRotation< Scalar >


template<typename OtherScalar >
void applyOnTheRight (Index p, Index q, const JacobiRotation< OtherScalar > &j)
 Applies the rotation in the plane j to the columns p and q of *this, i.e., it computes B = B * J with $ B = \left ( \begin{array}{cc} \text{*this.col}(p) & \text{*this.col}(q) \end{array} \right ) $.

Detailed Description

This module provides Jacobi and Givens rotations.

 #include <Eigen/Jacobi>

In addition to listed classes, it defines the two following MatrixBase methods to apply a Jacobi or Givens rotation:

  • MatrixBase::applyOnTheLeft()
  • MatrixBase::applyOnTheRight().

Function Documentation

void applyOnTheRight ( Index  p,
Index  q,
const JacobiRotation< OtherScalar > &  j 
) [inherited]

Applies the rotation in the plane j to the columns p and q of *this, i.e., it computes B = B * J with $ B = \left ( \begin{array}{cc} \text{*this.col}(p) & \text{*this.col}(q) \end{array} \right ) $.

See also:
class JacobiRotation, MatrixBase::applyOnTheLeft(), internal::apply_rotation_in_the_plane()

Definition at line 292 of file src/Jacobi/Jacobi.h.