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GeneralProduct Class Reference

GeneralProduct Class Reference
[Core module]

Expression of the product of two general matrices or vectors. More...

#include <GeneralProduct.h>

Detailed Description

Expression of the product of two general matrices or vectors.

LhsNestedthe type used to store the left-hand side
RhsNestedthe type used to store the right-hand side
ProductModethe type of the product

This class represents an expression of the product of two general matrices. We call a general matrix, a dense matrix with full storage. For instance, This excludes triangular, selfadjoint, and sparse matrices. It is the return type of the operator* between general matrices. Its template arguments are determined automatically by ProductReturnType. Therefore, GeneralProduct should never be used direclty. To determine the result type of a function which involves a matrix product, use ProductReturnType::Type.

See also:
ProductReturnType, MatrixBase::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&)