working version with calibration done

Fork of Eurobot2013 by Oskar Weigl

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AliasProxy.h [code]
BinaryFunctionals.h [code]
BinOperator.h [code]
CommaInitializer.h [code]
CompileTimeError.h [code]
config-gcc.h [code]
config-icc.h [code]
config-kcc.h [code]
config-pgi.h [code]
config-vc71.h [code]
config.h [code]
Eval.h [code]
Extremum.h [code]
Functional.h [code]
loop/Gemm.h [code]
meta/Gemm.h [code]
loop/Gemmt.h [code]
meta/Gemmt.h [code]
loop/Gemtm.h [code]
meta/Gemtm.h [code]
loop/Gemtv.h [code]
meta/Gemtv.h [code]
loop/Gemv.h [code]
meta/Gemv.h [code]
General.h [code]
geometryfuncs.h [code]
globals.h [code]
Identity.h [code]
Incrementor.h [code]
Io.h [code]
IR_Turret.cpp [code]
IR_Turret.h [code]
Literal.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
loop/Matrix.h [code]
Matrix.h [code]
meta/Matrix.h [code]
xpr/Matrix.h [code]
MatrixBinaryFunctions.h [code]
xpr/MatrixBinaryFunctions.h [code]
MatrixCol.h [code]
MatrixDiag.h [code]
MatrixEval.h [code]
MatrixFunctions.h [code]
xpr/MatrixFunctions.h [code]
MatrixImpl.h [code]
MatrixOperators.h [code]
xpr/MatrixOperators.h [code]
MatrixRow.h [code]
MatrixTranspose.h [code]
MatrixUnaryFunctions.h [code]
xpr/MatrixUnaryFunctions.h [code]
MMProduct.h [code]
MMProductTransposed.h [code]
MMtProduct.h [code]
MtMProduct.h [code]
MtVProduct.h [code]
MVProduct.h [code]
Null.h [code]
NumericTraits.h [code]
PwmIn.cpp [code]
PwmIn.h [code]
Random.h [code]
RF12B.cpp [code]
RF12B.h [code]
RF_defs.h [code]
RFSRF05.cpp [code]
RFSRF05.h [code]
RunTimeError.h [code]
system.cpp [code]
system.h [code]
Timer.h [code]
tvmet.h [code]
TvmetBase.h [code]
TypePromotion.h [code]
UnaryFunctionals.h [code]
UnOperator.h [code]
loop/Vector.h [code]
meta/Vector.h [code]
Vector.h [code]
xpr/Vector.h [code]
VectorBinaryFunctions.h [code]
xpr/VectorBinaryFunctions.h [code]
VectorEval.h [code]
VectorFunctions.h [code]
xpr/VectorFunctions.h [code]
VectorImpl.h [code]
VectorOperators.h [code]
xpr/VectorOperators.h [code]
VectorUnaryFunctions.h [code]
xpr/VectorUnaryFunctions.h [code]