130901現在開発中 BD6211 motor driver Library FIN,RIN にPWM信号を入れて速度制御する

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Motor Class Reference

Motor Class Reference

Interface to control a standard DC motor with an H-bridge using a PwmOut and 2 DigitalOuts. More...

#include <BD6211_motordriver.h>

Public Member Functions

 Motor (PinName fwd, PinName rev, int breakeable)
 Create a motor control interface.
float speed (float speed)
 Set the speed of the motor.
void coast (void)
 Set the the motor to coast.
float stop (float duty)
 Set the motor to dynamicaly brake.
float state (void)
 return the current state of the motor

Detailed Description

Interface to control a standard DC motor with an H-bridge using a PwmOut and 2 DigitalOuts.

Definition at line 37 of file BD6211_motordriver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Motor ( PinName  fwd,
PinName  rev,
int  breakeable 

Create a motor control interface.

pwmA PwmOut pin, driving the H-bridge enable line to control the speed
fwdA DigitalOut, set high when the motor should go forward
revA DigitalOut, set high when the motor should go backwards
setif the motor driver is able to do braking 0 false 1 true.

Definition at line 35 of file BD6211_motordriver.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void coast ( void   )

Set the the motor to coast.

motor coasts until another instruction is recived.

Definition at line 138 of file BD6211_motordriver.cpp.

float speed ( float  speed )

Set the speed of the motor.

speedThe speed of the motor as a normalised value between -1.0 and 1.0.
the applied speed to the motor after checking to ensure motor doesn't switch from forward to reverse without stopping.

Definition at line 57 of file BD6211_motordriver.cpp.

float state ( void   )

return the current state of the motor

state of motor, -1 to 1 is speed, -2 is braking, 2 is coasting. -3 is error.

Definition at line 166 of file BD6211_motordriver.cpp.

float stop ( float  duty )

Set the motor to dynamicaly brake.

float0 - 1.0 provides some control over how hard the motor brakes.
duty applied to motor driver. -1 is error, motor driver can't brake.

Definition at line 149 of file BD6211_motordriver.cpp.