Code for autonomous ground vehicle, Data Bus, 3rd place winner in 2012 Sparkfun AVC.

Dependencies:   Watchdog mbed Schedule SimpleFilter LSM303DLM PinDetect DebounceIn Servo

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00001 #ifndef __CONFIG_H
00002 #define __CONFIG_H
00004 #include "GeoPosition.h"
00005 #include "CartPosition.h"
00007 /** Text-based configuration; reads config file and stores in fields
00008  */
00009 class Config {
00010     public:
00011         Config();
00013         bool load();
00015         float interceptDist;    // used for course correction steering calculation
00016         float waypointDist;     // distance threshold to waypoint
00017         float brakeDist;        // braking distance
00018         float declination;
00019         float compassGain;      // probably don't need this anymore
00020         float yawGain;          // probably don't need this anymore
00021         GeoPosition wpt[10];    // Waypoints, lat/lon coords
00022         CartPosition cwpt[10];  // Waypoints, cartesian coords
00023         unsigned int wptCount;  // number of active waypoints
00024         int escMin;             // minimum ESC value; brake
00025         int escZero;            // zero throttle
00026         int escMax;             // max throttle
00027         float topSpeed;         // top speed to achieve on the straights
00028         float turnSpeed;        // speed for turns
00029         float startSpeed;       // speed for start 
00030         float minRadius;        // minimum turning radius (calculated)
00031         float speedKp;          // Speed PID proportional gain
00032         float speedKi;          // Speed PID integral gain
00033         float speedKd;          // Speed PID derivative gain
00034         float steerZero;        // zero steering aka center point
00035         float steerGain;        // gain factor for steering algorithm
00036         float steerGainAngle;   // angle below which steering gain takes effect
00037         float cteKi;            // cross track error integral gain
00038         bool usePP;             // use pure pursuit algorithm? 
00039         float curbThreshold;    // distance at which curb avoid takes place
00040         float curbGain;         // gain of curb avoid steering
00041         // acceleration profile?
00042         // braking profile?
00043         float gyroBias;     // this needs to be 3d
00044         // float gyroScale[3];
00045         float magOffset[3];
00046         float magScale[3];
00047         // float accelOffset[3];
00048         // float accelScale[3];
00049         int gpsType;
00050         int gpsBaud;
00052 };
00054 #endif