うおーるぼっと版 豊四季タイニーBASIC

Dependencies:   BufferSerial Servo TB6612FNG2 mbed


Components / Wallbot
This robot has switch, line sensors and motors. It controls by mbed.

豊四季タイニーBASICの詳細はこちらをどうぞ。 https://vintagechips.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/%E8%B1%8A%E5%9B%9B%E5%AD%A3%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%8B%E3%83%BCbasic%E3%83%AA%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E5%85%AC%E9%96%8B/

mbedドライブに"AUTO.BAS"というファイル名でプログラムを保存しておくと電源投入時に自動実行します。 自動実行したくない時は、SW2を押したまま電源投入して下さい。


MOVE 左車輪速度 , 右車輪速度 , WAITタイマ(ms)

速度の値 : -100 〜 100


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

BufferSerial.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TB6612FNG2.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ttbasic.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ttbasic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f BufferSerial.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BufferSerial.lib	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f Servo.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Servo.lib	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f TB6612FNG2.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TB6612FNG2.lib	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    Filename: TinyBASIC/main.c
+    Language: MPLAB C30(XC16)
+//#include <p24FJ64GA002.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ttbasic.h"
+    GCP_OFF &
+    GWRP_OFF &
+    BKBUG_OFF &
+    COE_OFF &
+    ICS_PGx1 &
+    IESO_OFF &
+    IOL1WAY_OFF &
+    I2C1SEL_PRI &
+int main(){
+//    CLKDIV = 0;
+    while(1)
+        basic();
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f ttbasic.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ttbasic.cpp	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1545 @@
+    Reference source
+    (C)2012 Tetsuya Suzuki, All rights reserved.
+// Compiler requires description
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include "sci.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "BufferSerial.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "TB6612.h"
+LocalFileSystem local("local");               // Create the local filesystem under the name "local"
+BufferSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 2000);
+//BufferSerial pc(p9, p10, 2000);
+Servo servo0(p25);
+Servo servo1(p26);
+TB6612 left(p21,p12,p11);
+TB6612 right(p22,p14,p13);
+DigitalOut out0(LED1);
+DigitalOut out1(LED2);
+DigitalOut out2(LED3);
+DigitalOut out3(LED4);
+DigitalIn in0(p29);         //SW2
+DigitalIn in1(p30);         //SW3
+AnalogIn ain0(p15);         //Photo0
+AnalogIn ain1(p16);         //Photo1
+AnalogIn ain2(p17);         //Photo2
+AnalogIn ain3(p18);         //Photo3
+void io_init()
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    in0.mode(PullUp);
+    in1.mode(PullUp);
+    out0 = 0;    out1 = 0;    out2 = 0;    out3 = 0;
+    servo0.calibrate(0.0009,180.0);
+    servo1.calibrate(0.0009,180.0);
+//  servo0.calibrate(0.0006,180.0);    //RS306MD
+//  servo1.calibrate(0.0006,180.0);    //RS306MD
+    servo0 = 0.5;    servo1 = 0.5;
+    left = 0;
+    right = 0;
+// Depending on device functions
+// TO-DO Rewrite these functions to fit your machine
+// And see 'getrnd()'
+//void c_putch(char c){putch2(c);}
+//char c_getch(){return getch2();}
+//char c_kbhit(){return(kbhit2());}
+void c_putch(char c){pc.putc(c);}
+char c_getch(){return pc.getc();}
+char c_kbhit(){return(pc.readable());}
+void newline(void){
+    c_putch(13); //CR
+    c_putch(10); //LF
+// TOYOSHIKI TinyBASIC symbols
+// TO-DO Rewrite defined values to fit your machine as needed
+#define SIZE_LINE 64 //Command line buffer length + NULL
+#define SIZE_IBUF 64 //i-code conversion buffer size
+#define SIZE_LIST 1024 //List buffer size
+#define SIZE_ARRY 32 //Array area size
+#define SIZE_GSTK 6 //GOSUB stack size(2/nest)
+#define SIZE_LSTK 15 //FOR stack size(5/nest)
+// RAM mapping
+char lbuf[SIZE_LINE]; //Command line buffer
+unsigned char ibuf[SIZE_IBUF]; //i-code conversion buffer
+short var[26]; //Variable area
+short arr[SIZE_ARRY]; //Array area
+unsigned char listbuf[SIZE_LIST]; //List area
+unsigned char* clp; //Pointer current line
+unsigned char* cip; //Pointer current Intermediate code
+unsigned char* gstk[SIZE_GSTK]; //GOSUB stack
+unsigned char gstki; //GOSUB stack index
+unsigned char* lstk[SIZE_LSTK]; //FOR stack
+unsigned char lstki; //FOR stack index
+// Prototypes (necessity minimum)
+short iexp(void);
+// Keyword table
+const char* kwtbl[] = {
+    "GOTO", "GOSUB", "RETURN",
+    "FOR", "TO", "STEP", "NEXT",
+    "IF", "REM", "STOP",
+//  "INPUT", "PRINT", "LET",
+    "INPUT", "PRINT", "OUT", "SERVO", "WAIT", "MOVE", "LET",
+    ",", ";",
+    "-", "+", "*", "/", "(", ")",
+    ">=", "#", ">", "=", "<=", "<",
+//  "@", "RND", "ABS", "SIZE",
+    "@", "RND", "ABS", "INP", "AIN", "SIZE",
+//  "LIST", "RUN", "NEW"
+    "LIST", "RUN", "LOAD", "NEW"
+// Keyword count
+#define SIZE_KWTBL (sizeof(kwtbl) / sizeof(const char*))
+// i-code(Intermediate code) assignment
+    I_IF, I_REM, I_STOP,
+//  I_LIST, I_RUN, I_NEW,
+    I_NUM, I_VAR, I_STR,
+    I_EOL
+// List formatting condition
+#define IS_OP(p) (p >= I_MINUS && p <= I_LT) // Operator style
+#define IS_SEP(p) (p == I_COMMA || p == I_SEMI) // Separator style
+#define IS_TOKSP(p) (/*p >= I_GOTO && */p <= I_LET && p != I_RETURN) // Token style
+// Error messages
+unsigned char err;// Error message index
+const char* errmsg[] ={
+    "OK",
+    "Devision by zero",
+    "Overflow",
+    "Subscript out of range",
+    "Icode buffer full",
+    "List full",
+    "GOSUB too many nested",
+    "RETURN stack underflow",
+    "FOR too many nested",
+    "NEXT without FOR",
+    "NEXT without counter",
+    "NEXT mismatch FOR",
+    "FOR without variable",
+    "FOR without TO",
+    "LET without variable",
+    "IF without condition",
+    "Undefined line number",
+    "\'(\' or \')\' expected",
+    "\'=\' expected",
+    "Illegal command",
+    "Syntax error",
+    "Internal error",
+    "Abort by [ESC]"
+// Error code assignment
+    ERR_OK,
+    ERR_DIVBY0,
+    ERR_VOF,
+    ERR_SOL,
+    ERR_ULN,
+    ERR_COM,
+    ERR_SYS,
+    ERR_ESC
+// Standard C libraly (about same) functions
+char c_toupper(char c) {return(c <= 'z' && c >= 'a' ? c - 32 : c);}
+char c_isprint(char c) {return(c >= 32  && c <= 126);}
+char c_isspace(char c) {return(c <= ' ' &&(c == ' ' || (c <= 13 && c >= 9)));}
+char c_isdigit(char c) {return(c <= '9' && c >= '0');}
+char c_isalpha(char c) {return ((c <= 'z' && c >= 'a') || (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A'));}
+char* c_strchr(char *s, char c){
+    while(*s) {
+        if(*s == c) return (s);
+    ++s;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+void c_puts(const char *s) {while(*s) c_putch(*s++);}
+void c_gets(){
+    char c;
+    unsigned char len;
+    len = 0;
+    while((c = c_getch()) != 13){
+        if( c == 9) c = ' '; // TAB exchange Space
+        if((c == 8) && (len > 0)){ // Backspace manipulation
+            len--;
+            c_putch(8); c_putch(' '); c_putch(8);
+        } else
+        if(c_isprint(c) && (len < (SIZE_LINE - 1))){
+            lbuf[len++] = c;
+            c_putch(c);
+        }
+    }
+    newline();
+    lbuf[len] = 0; // Put NULL
+    if(len > 0){
+        while(c_isspace(lbuf[--len])); // Skip space
+        lbuf[++len] = 0; // Put NULL
+    }
+// GOSUB-RETURN stack
+void gpush(unsigned char* pd){
+    if(gstki < SIZE_GSTK){
+        gstk[gstki++] = pd;
+        return;
+    }
+    err = ERR_GSTKOF;
+unsigned char* gpop(){
+    if(gstki > 0){
+        return gstk[--gstki];
+    }
+    err = ERR_GSTKUF;
+    return NULL;
+// FOR-NEXT stack
+void lpush(unsigned char* pd){
+    if(lstki < SIZE_LSTK){
+        lstk[lstki++] = pd;
+        return;
+    }
+    err = ERR_LSTKOF;
+unsigned char* lpop(){
+    if(lstki > 0){
+        return lstk[--lstki];
+    }
+    err = ERR_LSTKUF;
+    return NULL;
+// Print OK or error message
+void error()
+    newline();
+    c_puts(errmsg[err]);
+    newline();
+    err = 0;
+// Print numeric specified columns
+void putnum(short value, short d){
+    unsigned char i;
+    unsigned char sign;
+    if(value < 0){
+        sign = 1;
+        value = -value;
+    } else {
+        sign = 0;
+    }
+    lbuf[6] = 0;
+    i = 6;
+    do {
+        lbuf[--i] = (value % 10) + '0';
+        value /= 10;
+    } while(value > 0);
+    if(sign)
+        lbuf[--i] = '-';
+    //String length = 6 - i
+    while(6 - i < d){ // If short
+        c_putch(' '); // Fill space
+        d--;
+    }
+    c_puts(&lbuf[i]);
+// Input numeric and return value
+// Called by only INPUT statement
+short getnum(){
+    short value, tmp;
+    char c;
+    unsigned char len;
+    unsigned char sign;
+    len = 0;
+    while((c = c_getch()) != 13){
+        if((c == 8) && (len > 0)){ // Backspace manipulation
+            len--;
+            c_putch(8); c_putch(' '); c_putch(8);
+        } else
+        if( (len == 0 && (c == '+' || c == '-')) ||
+            (len < 6 && c_isdigit(c))){ // Numeric or sign only
+            lbuf[len++] = c;
+            c_putch(c);
+        }
+    }
+    newline();
+    lbuf[len] = 0;
+    switch(lbuf[0]){
+    case '-':
+        sign = 1;
+        len = 1;
+        break;
+    case '+':
+        sign = 0;
+        len = 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        sign = 0;
+        len = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+    value = 0; // Initialize value
+    tmp = 0; // Temp value
+    while(lbuf[len]){
+        tmp = 10 * value + lbuf[len++] - '0';
+        if(value > tmp){ // It means overflow
+            err = ERR_VOF;
+        }
+        value = tmp;
+    }
+    if(sign)
+        return -value;
+    return value;
+// Byte X,L,H -> Short HL
+// Used to get line number or I_NUM value
+short getvalue(unsigned char* ip){
+    if(*ip == 0)
+        return 32767; // Case X = 0
+    return((short)*(ip + 1) + ((short)*(ip + 2) << 8));
+// Get argument in parenthesis
+short getparam(){
+    short value;
+    if(*cip != I_OPEN){
+        err = ERR_PAREN;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    value = iexp();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    if(*cip != I_CLOSE){
+        err = ERR_PAREN;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    return value;
+// Search line by line number
+unsigned char* getlp(short lineno){
+    unsigned char *lp;
+    lp = listbuf;
+    while(*lp){
+        if(getvalue(lp) >= lineno)
+            break;
+        lp += *lp;
+    }
+    return lp;
+// Convert token to i-code
+// Return byte length or 0
+unsigned char toktoi(){
+    unsigned char i; // Loop counter(i-code sometime)
+    unsigned char len; //byte counter
+    short value;
+    short tmp;
+    char* pkw; // Temporary keyword pointer
+    char* ptok; // Temporary token pointer
+    char c; // Surround the string character, " or '
+    char* s; // Pointer to charactor at line buffer
+    s = lbuf;
+    len = 0; // Clear byte length
+    while(*s){
+        while(c_isspace(*s)) s++; // Skip space
+        //Try keyword conversion
+        for(i = 0; i < SIZE_KWTBL; i++){
+            pkw = (char *)kwtbl[i]; // Point keyword
+            ptok = s; // Point top of command line
+            // Compare
+            while((*pkw != 0) && (*pkw == c_toupper(*ptok))){
+                pkw++;
+                ptok++;
+            }
+            if(*pkw == 0){// Case success
+                // i have i-code
+                if(len >= SIZE_IBUF - 1){// List area full
+                    err = ERR_IBUFOF;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                ibuf[len++] = i;
+                s = ptok;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // Case statement needs an argument except numeric, valiable, or strings
+        switch(i){
+        case I_REM:
+            while(c_isspace(*s)) s++; // Skip space
+            ptok = s;
+            for(i = 0; *ptok++; i++); // Get length
+            if(len >= SIZE_IBUF - 2 - i){
+                err = ERR_IBUFOF;
+                return 0;
+            }
+            ibuf[len++] = i; // Put length
+            while(i--){ // Copy strings
+                ibuf[len++] = *s++;
+            }
+            return len;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        if(*pkw != 0){ // Case not keyword
+            ptok = s; // Point top of command line
+            // Try numeric conversion
+            if(c_isdigit(*ptok)){
+                value = 0;
+                tmp = 0;
+                do{
+                    tmp = 10 * value + *ptok++ - '0';
+                    if(value > tmp){
+                        err = ERR_VOF;
+                        return 0;
+                    }
+                    value = tmp;
+                } while(c_isdigit(*ptok));
+                if(len >= SIZE_IBUF - 3){
+                    err = ERR_IBUFOF;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                s = ptok;
+                ibuf[len++] = I_NUM;
+                ibuf[len++] = value & 255;
+                ibuf[len++] = value >> 8;
+            } else
+            // Try valiable conversion
+            if(c_isalpha(*ptok)){
+                if(len >= SIZE_IBUF - 2){
+                    err = ERR_IBUFOF;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                if(len >= 2 && ibuf[len -2] == I_VAR){ // Case series of variables
+                     err = ERR_SYNTAX; // Syntax error
+                     return 0;
+                }
+                ibuf[len++] = I_VAR; // Put i-code
+                ibuf[len++] = c_toupper(*ptok) - 'A'; // Put index of valiable area
+                s++;
+            } else
+            // Try string conversion
+            if(*s == '\"' || *s == '\''){// If start of string
+                c = *s;
+                s++; // Skip " or '
+                ptok = s;
+                for(i = 0; (*ptok != c) && c_isprint(*ptok); i++) // Get length
+                    ptok++;
+                if(len >= SIZE_IBUF - 1 - i){ // List area full
+                    err = ERR_IBUFOF;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                ibuf[len++] = I_STR; // Put i-code
+                ibuf[len++] = i; // Put length
+                while(i--){ // Put string
+                    ibuf[len++] = *s++;
+                }
+                if(*s == c) s++; // Skip " or '
+            // Nothing mutch
+            } else {
+                err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ibuf[len++] = I_EOL; // Put end of line
+    return len; // Return byte length
+//Listing 1 line of i-code
+void putlist(unsigned char* ip){
+    unsigned char i;
+    short value;
+    while(*ip != I_EOL){
+        // Case keyword
+        if(*ip < SIZE_KWTBL){
+            c_puts(kwtbl[*ip]);
+            if(IS_TOKSP(*ip) || *ip == I_SEMI)c_putch(' ');
+            if(*ip == I_REM){
+                ip++;
+                i = *ip++;
+                while(i--){
+                    c_putch(*ip++);
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+            ip++;
+        } else
+        // Case numeric
+        if(*ip == I_NUM){
+            putnum(getvalue(ip), 0);
+            ip += 3;
+            if(!IS_OP(*ip) && !IS_SEP(*ip)) c_putch(' ');
+        } else
+        // Case valiable
+        if(*ip == I_VAR){
+            ip++;
+            c_putch(*ip++ + 'A');
+            if(!IS_OP(*ip) && !IS_SEP(*ip)) c_putch(' ');
+        } else
+        // Case string
+        if(*ip == I_STR){
+            ip++;
+            value = 0;
+            i = *ip;
+            while(i--){
+                if(*(ip + i + 1) == '\"')
+                    value = 1;
+            }
+            if(value) c_putch('\''); else c_putch('\"');
+            i = *ip++;
+            while(i--){
+                c_putch(*ip++);
+            }
+            if(value) c_putch('\''); else c_putch('\"');
+        // Nothing match, I think, such case is impossible
+        } else {
+            err = ERR_SYS;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+// Insert i-code to the list
+void inslist(){
+    unsigned char len;
+    unsigned char *lp1, *lp2;
+    cip = ibuf;
+    clp = getlp(getvalue(cip));
+    lp1 = clp;
+    if(getvalue(lp1) == getvalue(cip)){
+        // Temporary measures of the case that
+        // same line numbere exists and list area full,
+        // existing line is deleted and new line is not inserted in.
+        // if((getsize() - *lp1) < *cip){
+        //  err = ERR_LBUFOF;
+        //  return;
+        // }
+        lp2 = lp1 + *lp1;
+        while((len = *lp2) != 0){
+            while(len--){
+                *lp1++ = *lp2++;
+            }
+        }
+        *lp1 = 0;
+    }
+    // Case line number only
+    if(*cip == 4)
+            return;
+    // Check insertable
+    while(*lp1){
+        lp1 += *lp1;
+    }
+    if(*cip > (listbuf + SIZE_LIST - lp1 - 1)){
+        err = ERR_LBUFOF;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Make space
+    len = lp1 - clp + 1;
+    lp2 = lp1 + *cip;
+    while(len--){
+        *lp2-- = *lp1--;
+    }
+    // Insert
+    len = *cip;
+    while(len--){
+        *clp++ = *cip++;
+    }
+short getinp(){
+    short value1;
+    short value2;
+    value1 = getparam();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    if(value1 < 0) {
+         err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    switch(value1){
+    case 0:
+        value2 = in0;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        value2 = in1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return value2;
+short getain(){
+    short value1;
+    short value2;
+    value1 = getparam();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    if(value1 < 0) {
+         err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    switch(value1){
+    case 0:
+        value2 = ain0.read_u16();
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        value2 = ain1.read_u16();
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        value2 = ain2.read_u16();
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        value2 = ain3.read_u16();
+        break;
+    default:
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return value2;
+void iout(){
+    short value1, value2;
+    value1 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(*cip != I_COMMA){
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    value2 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(value1 < 0) {
+         err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    switch(value1){
+    case 0:
+        out0 = value2 & 0x01;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        out1 = value2 & 0x01;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        out2 = value2 & 0x01;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        out3 = value2 & 0x01;
+        break;
+    default:
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return ;
+    }
+void iservo(){
+    short value1, value2;
+    value1 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(*cip != I_COMMA){
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    value2 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(value1 < 0) {
+         err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    if(value2 < 0) value2 = 0;
+    if(value2 > 180) value2 = 180;
+    switch(value1){
+    case 0:
+        servo0 = value2 / 180;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        servo1 = value2 / 180;
+        break;
+    default:
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return ;
+    }
+void imove(){
+    short value1, value2, value3;
+    value1 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(*cip != I_COMMA){
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    value2 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(*cip != I_COMMA){
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        return;
+    }
+    cip++;
+    value3 = iexp();
+    if(err) return ;
+    if(value1 < -100) value1 = -100;
+    if(value1 >  100) value1 =  100;
+    if(value2 < -100) value2 = -100;
+    if(value2 >  100) value2 =  100;
+    if(value3 < 0) value3 = 0;
+    left    = value1;
+    right = value2;
+    if(value3 > 0) wait_ms(value3);
+int iload(char *filename) {
+    FILE * fp;
+    unsigned char len;
+    fp = fopen( filename , "r" );
+    if( fp == NULL ) {
+        err = ERR_SYS;
+        error();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    while( fgets( lbuf , sizeof( lbuf ) , fp ) != NULL ) {
+//      puts(lbuf);
+        int i = 0;
+        while(*(lbuf + i)!=0x00)    //remove CR LF
+        {
+            if((*(lbuf + i) == 0x0a) || (*(lbuf + i) == 0x0d))
+            {
+                *(lbuf + i) = 0x00;
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+        len = toktoi(); // Convert token to i-code
+        if(err){ // Error
+            newline(); 
+            c_puts("YOU TYPE:");
+            c_puts(lbuf);
+            error();
+            fclose( fp );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if(*ibuf == I_NUM){ // Case the top includes line number
+            *ibuf = len; // Change I_NUM to byte length
+            inslist(); // Insert list
+            if(err){
+                fclose( fp );
+                error(); // List buffer overflow
+                return -1;
+            }
+        } 
+        else {
+            fclose( fp );
+            err = ERR_SYS;
+            error(); // Print OK, and Clear error flag
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    fclose( fp );
+    return 0;
+// Return free memory
+short getsize(){
+    short value;
+    unsigned char* lp;
+    lp = listbuf;
+    while(*lp){
+        lp += *lp;
+    }
+    value = listbuf + SIZE_LIST - lp - 1;
+    return value;
+// Return Absolute value
+short getabs(){
+    short value;
+    value = getparam();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    if(value < 0) value *= -1;
+    return value;
+// Return random number
+// TO-DO Rewrite this function to fit your machine
+short getrnd(void){
+    short value;
+    value = getparam();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    return(rand() % value);
+short getarray()
+    short index;
+    index = getparam();
+    if(err) return 0;
+    if(index < SIZE_ARRY){
+        return arr[index];
+    } else {
+        err = ERR_SOL;
+        return 0;
+    }
+short ivalue(){
+    short value;
+    switch(*cip){
+     case I_PLUS:
+         cip++;
+         value = ivalue();
+         break;
+     case I_MINUS:
+         cip++;
+         value = 0 - ivalue();
+         break;
+     case I_VAR:
+         cip++;
+         value = var[*cip++];
+         break;
+     case I_NUM:
+         value = getvalue(cip);
+         cip += 3;
+         break;
+     case I_ARRAY:
+         cip++;
+        value = getarray();
+        break;
+     case I_OPEN:
+         value = getparam();
+        break;
+     case I_RND:
+        cip++;
+        value = getrnd();
+        break;
+     case I_ABS:
+        cip++;
+        value = getabs();
+        break;
+    case I_INP:
+        cip++;
+        value = getinp();
+        break;
+    case I_AIN:
+        cip++;
+        value = getain();
+        break;
+     case I_SIZE:
+        cip++;
+        if(*cip == I_OPEN){
+            cip++;
+            if(*cip == I_CLOSE)
+                cip++;
+            else{
+                err = ERR_PAREN;
+            }
+        }
+        value = getsize();
+        break;
+     default:
+        value = 0;
+        err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        break;
+    }
+    return value;
+short icalc()
+    short value1, value2;
+    value1 = ivalue();
+    while(1){
+        if(*cip == I_DIV){
+            cip++;
+            value2 = ivalue();
+            if(value2 == 0){
+                err = ERR_DIVBY0;
+                break;
+            }
+            value1 /= value2;
+        } else
+        if(*cip == I_MUL){
+            cip++;
+            value2 = ivalue();
+            value1 *= value2;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return value1;
+short iexp()
+    short value1, value2;
+    value1 = icalc();
+    while(*cip == I_PLUS || *cip == I_MINUS){
+        value2 = icalc();
+        value1 += value2;
+    }
+    return value1;
+void iprint(){
+    short value;
+    short len;
+    unsigned char i;
+    len = 0;
+    while(1){
+        switch(*cip){
+        case I_SEMI:
+        case I_EOL:
+            break;
+        case I_STR:
+            cip++;
+            i = *cip++;
+            while(i--){
+                c_putch(*cip++);
+            }
+            break;
+        case I_SHARP:
+            cip++;
+            len = iexp();
+            if(err) return;
+            break;
+        default:
+            value = iexp();
+            if(err) return;
+            putnum(value, len);
+            break;
+        }
+        if(*cip == I_COMMA){
+            cip++;
+        }else{
+            break;
+        }
+    };
+    newline();
+void iinput(){
+    unsigned char i;
+    short value;
+    short index;
+    while(1){
+        switch(*cip){
+        case I_STR:
+            cip++;
+            i = *cip++;
+            while(i--){
+                c_putch(*cip++);
+            }
+            if(*cip == I_VAR){
+                cip++;
+                value = getnum();
+                var[*cip++] = value;
+            } else
+            if(*cip == I_ARRAY){
+                cip++;
+                index = getparam();
+                if(err) return;
+                if(index >= SIZE_ARRY){
+                    err = ERR_SOL;
+                    return;
+                }
+                value = getnum();
+                arr[index] = value;
+            }
+            break;
+        case I_VAR:
+            cip++;
+            c_putch(*cip + 'A');
+            c_putch(':');
+            value = getnum();
+            var[*cip++] = value;
+            break;
+        case I_ARRAY:
+            cip++;
+            index = getparam();
+            if(err)
+                return;
+            if(index >= SIZE_ARRY){
+                err = ERR_SOL;
+                return;
+            }
+            c_putch('@');c_putch('(');
+            putnum(index,0);
+            c_putch(')');c_putch(':');
+            value = getnum();
+            arr[index] = value;
+            break;
+        }
+        switch(*cip){
+        case I_COMMA:
+            cip++;
+            break;
+        case I_SEMI:
+        case I_EOL:
+            return;
+        default:
+            err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+//char iif(){
+signed char iif(){
+    short value1, value2;
+    unsigned char i;
+    value1 = iexp();
+    if(err) return -1;
+    i = *cip++;
+    value2 = iexp();
+    if(err) return -1;
+    switch(i){
+    case I_EQ:
+        return value1 == value2;
+    case I_SHARP:
+        return value1 != value2;
+    case I_LT:
+        return value1 <  value2;
+    case I_LTE:
+        return value1 <= value2;
+    case I_GT:
+        return value1 >  value2;
+    case I_GTE:
+        return value1 >= value2;
+    default:
+         err = ERR_IFWOC;
+         return -1;
+    }
+void ivar(){
+    short value;
+    short index;
+    index = *cip++;
+    if(*cip == I_EQ){
+        cip++;
+        value = iexp();
+        if(err) return;
+    } else {
+        err = ERR_VWOEQ;
+        return;
+    }
+    if(index < 26){
+        var[index] = value;
+    } else {
+        err = ERR_SOL;
+    }
+void iarray(){
+    short value;
+    short index;
+    index = getparam();
+    if(err) return;
+    if(*cip == I_EQ){
+        cip++;
+        value = iexp();
+        if(err) return;
+    } else {
+        err = ERR_VWOEQ;
+        return;
+    }
+    if(index < SIZE_ARRY){
+        arr[index] = value;
+    } else {
+        err = ERR_SOL;
+    }
+void ilet(){
+    switch(*cip){
+     case I_VAR:
+        cip++;
+        ivar();
+        break;
+    case I_ARRAY:
+        cip++;
+        iarray();
+        break;
+     default:
+        err = ERR_LETWOV;
+        break;
+    }
+void ilist(){
+    short lineno;
+    if(*cip == I_NUM){
+        lineno = getvalue(cip);
+        cip += 3;
+    } else {
+        lineno = 0;
+    }
+    for(    clp = listbuf;
+            *clp && (getvalue(clp) < lineno);
+            clp += *clp);
+    while(*clp){
+        putnum(getvalue(clp), 0);
+        c_putch(' ');
+        putlist(clp + 3);
+        if(err){
+            break;
+        }
+        newline();
+        clp += *clp;
+    }
+void inew(void){
+    unsigned char i;
+    for(i = 0; i < 26; i++)
+        var[i] = 0;
+    gstki = 0;
+    lstki = 0;
+    *listbuf = 0;
+    clp = listbuf;
+unsigned char* iexe(){
+    short lineno;
+    unsigned char cd;
+    unsigned char* lp;
+    short vto, vstep;
+    short index;
+    while(1){
+        if(c_kbhit()){
+            if(c_getch() == 27){
+                while(*clp){
+                    clp += *clp;
+                }
+                err = ERR_ESC;
+                return clp;
+            }
+        }
+        switch(*cip){
+        case I_GOTO:
+            cip++;
+            lineno = iexp();
+            clp = getlp(lineno);
+            if(lineno != getvalue(clp)){
+                err = ERR_ULN;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            cip = clp + 3;
+            continue;
+        case I_GOSUB:
+            cip++;
+            lineno = iexp();
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            lp = getlp(lineno);
+            if(lineno != getvalue(lp)){
+                err = ERR_ULN;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            gpush(clp);
+            gpush(cip);
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            clp = lp;
+            cip = clp + 3;
+            continue;
+        case I_RETURN:
+            cip = gpop();
+            lp = gpop();
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            clp = lp;
+            break;
+        case I_FOR:
+            cip++;
+            if(*cip++ != I_VAR){
+                err = ERR_FORWOV;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            index = *cip;
+            ivar();
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            if(*cip == I_TO){
+                cip++;
+                vto = iexp();
+            } else {
+                err = ERR_FORWOTO;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if(*cip == I_STEP){
+                cip++;
+                vstep = iexp();
+            } else {
+                vstep = 1;
+            }
+            lpush(clp);
+            lpush(cip);
+            lpush((unsigned char*)vto);
+            lpush((unsigned char*)vstep);
+            lpush((unsigned char*)index);
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            break;
+        case I_NEXT:
+            cip++;
+            if(*cip++ !=I_VAR){
+                err = ERR_NEXTWOV;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if(lstki < 5){
+                err = ERR_LSTKUF;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            index = (short)lstk[lstki - 1];
+            if(index != *cip){
+                err = ERR_NEXTUM;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            cip++;
+            vstep = (short)lstk[lstki - 2];
+            var[index] += vstep;
+            vto = (short)lstk[lstki - 3];
+            if( ((vstep < 0) && (var[index] < vto)) ||
+                ((vstep > 0) && (var[index] > vto))){
+                lstki -= 5;
+                break;
+            }
+            cip = lstk[lstki - 4];
+            clp = lstk[lstki - 5];
+            continue;
+        case I_IF:
+            cip++;
+            cd = iif();
+            if(err){
+                err = ERR_IFWOC;
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            if(cd)
+                continue;
+            // If false, same as REM
+        case I_REM:
+            // Seek pointer to I_EOL
+            // No problem even if it points not realy end of line
+            while(*cip != I_EOL) cip++;
+            break;
+        case I_STOP:
+            while(*clp){
+                clp += *clp;
+            }
+            return clp;
+        case I_INPUT:
+            cip++;
+            iinput();
+            break;
+        case I_PRINT:
+            cip++;
+            iprint();
+            break;
+        case I_LET:
+            cip++;
+            ilet();
+            break;
+        case I_OUT:
+            cip++;
+            iout();
+            break;
+        case I_SERVO:
+            cip++;
+            iservo();
+            break;
+        case I_MOVE:
+            cip++;
+            imove();
+            break;
+        case I_WAIT:
+            cip++;
+            int t = iexp();
+            if(err) return NULL;
+            if(t < 0) t = 0;
+            wait_ms(t);
+            break;
+        case I_VAR:
+            cip++;
+            ivar();
+            break;
+        case I_ARRAY:
+            cip++;
+            iarray();
+            break;
+        case I_LIST:
+        case I_NEW:
+        case I_RUN:
+            err = ERR_COM;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        switch(*cip){
+        case I_SEMI:
+            cip++;
+            break;
+        case I_EOL:
+            return clp + *clp;
+        default:
+            err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+void irun(){
+    unsigned char* lp;
+    gstki = 0;
+    lstki = 0;
+    clp = listbuf;
+    while(*clp){
+        cip = clp + 3;
+        lp = iexe();
+        if(err)
+            return;
+        clp = lp;
+    }
+void icom(){
+    cip = ibuf;
+    switch(*cip){
+    case I_LIST:
+        cip++;
+        if(*cip == I_EOL || *(cip + 3) == I_EOL)
+            ilist();
+        else
+            err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        break;
+    case I_NEW:
+        cip++;
+        if(*cip == I_EOL)
+            inew();
+        else
+            err = ERR_SYNTAX;
+        break;
+      case I_LOAD:
+        cip++;
+        iload("/local/AUTO.BAS");
+        break;
+    case I_RUN:
+        cip++;
+        irun();
+        break;
+    default:
+        iexe();
+        break;
+    }
+    if(err && err != ERR_ESC){
+        if(cip >= listbuf && cip < listbuf + SIZE_LIST && *clp)
+        {
+            newline(); c_puts("ERR LINE:");
+            putnum(getvalue(clp), 0);
+            c_putch(' ');
+            putlist(clp + 3);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            newline(); c_puts("YOU TYPE: ");
+            putlist(ibuf);
+        }
+    }
+void basic(){
+    unsigned char len;
+//  sci2_init();
+    io_init();
+    inew();
+    c_puts("TOYOSHIKI TINY BASIC"); newline();
+//    c_puts("PIC24F EDITION"); newline();
+    c_puts("Wallbot EDITION"); newline();
+    error(); // Print OK, and Clear error flag
+    if(in0 == 0)    //Auto Load & Run
+    {
+        c_puts("Auto Load & Run");    
+        newline();
+        if(iload("/local/AUTO.BAS") == 0)
+        {
+            error(); // Print OK, and Clear error flag
+            irun();
+        }
+        error(); // Print OK, and Clear error flag
+    }
+    // Input 1 line and execute
+    while(1){
+        c_putch('>');// Prompt
+        c_gets(); // Input 1 line
+        len = toktoi(); // Convert token to i-code
+        if(err){ // Error
+            newline(); c_puts("YOU TYPE:");
+            c_puts(lbuf);
+            error();
+            continue; // Do nothing
+        }
+        if(*ibuf == I_NUM){ // Case the top includes line number
+            *ibuf = len; // Change I_NUM to byte length
+            inslist(); // Insert list
+            if(err){
+                error(); // List buffer overflow
+            }
+        } else {
+            icom(); // Execute direct
+            error(); // Print OK, and Clear error flag
+        }
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 2206b894635f ttbasic.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ttbasic.h	Sat Sep 05 00:29:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+    Reference source
+    (C)2012 Tetsuya Suzuki, All rights reserved.
+void basic(void);