added gy80 dcm

Dependencies:   mbed DCM_AHRS_GY80 PID MMA8451Q

Fork of quadCommand by Greg Abdo

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
Commit message:
working state;

Changed in this revision

quadCommand/DCM_AHRS_GY80.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/com/com.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/com/com.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/com/queue/queue.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/com/queue/queue.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/motor/motor.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/motor/motor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/sensors/MMA8451Q.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/sensors/sensors.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
quadCommand/sensors/sensors.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/DCM_AHRS_GY80.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/DCM_AHRS_GY80.lib	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/PID.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/PID.lib	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/com/com.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/com/com.cpp	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/****************************** com.cpp **********************************/
+/* Version: 1.0                                                          */
+/* Last Updated: June 1, 2013                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* The com class implements reliable data transfer between two nodes     */
+/*using a checksum and a sequence number for guaranteed message delivery */
+/*over an xbee modem connected to the passed in tx and rx pins. Messages */
+/*are received and placed in the rxBuffer to be read when convenient.    */
+/*Messages are encoded by sending a byte with the value of the command   */
+/*then and int of the command.                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* Commands:    0 -> Ack, does not get placed in rxQueue.                */
+/*              1 -> Throttle                                            */
+/*              2 -> Pitch                                               */
+/*              3 -> Roll                                                */
+/*              4 -> Yaw                                                 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "com.h"
+/*********************** com( PinName, PinName ) *************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+com::com( PinName tx, PinName rx ) : xbee( tx, rx)
+    bLength = 0;                            // How many bytes are in the buffer.
+    xbee.attach( this, &com::callback );    // Set callback as the interrupt handler. 
+    xbee.baud(BAUDRATE);                    // Setup the serial baud rate.
+    rxBuffer = new queue();                 // Point to the rxQueue.
+/************************* bool isData()  ********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+bool com::isData()
+    if( rxBuffer->isEmpty() )
+        return false;
+    return true;
+/************************ void write( char ) *****************************/
+/* Write a packet out the xbee com port.                                 */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* Data format byte[]                                                    */
+/*                byte[0] = command.                                     */
+/*                byte[1] = upper 8 bits of value.                       */
+/*                byte[2] = lower 8 bits of value.                       */
+/*                byte[3] = Checksum byte[0] + byte[2].                  */
+/*                byte[4] = Sequence Number.                             */
+/*                byte[5] = 255 End of message.                          */
+void com::write( short command, short value  )
+    xbee.putc( (char)command );     // Command
+    xbee.putc( 0 );                 // First 8 bits in array. 
+    xbee.putc( (char)value );       // Second 8 bits in array.
+    xbee.putc( command + value );   // Checksum array[0] + array[1].
+    xbee.putc( 0 );                 // Sequence number.
+    xbee.putc( 255 );               // End of message.
+/*************************** char read()  ********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+short * com::read()
+    if( !rxBuffer->isEmpty())
+        return rxBuffer->pop();
+    return NULL;
+/************************ void callback() ********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+void com::callback()
+    while( xbee.readable() )
+    {
+        char data = xbee.getc(); 
+//        xbee.printf("data: %d\n\r", data);
+        if( bLength++ < BUFFERSIZE )
+            buffer[bLength] = data;      
+        if( data == 255 )
+            packetBuilder();
+    }
+/********************** void packetBuilder() *****************************/
+/* Creates a packet from the buffered data and places it in the rxBuffer */
+/*queue to be read whenever convenient. Max value of +/- 8063.           */
+void com::packetBuilder()
+    char * commandData = new char[bLength];
+    commandData[4] = buffer[--bLength];     // Sequence Number.
+    commandData[3] = buffer[--bLength];     // CheckSum value.
+    commandData[2] = buffer[--bLength];     // Second 7 bits.
+    commandData[1] = buffer[--bLength];     // Fisrt 7 bits.
+    commandData[0] = buffer[--bLength];     // Command.
+    if( commandData[0] + commandData[2] == commandData[3] ) // Validate checksum.
+    {
+        short * array = new short[2];
+        array[0] = (short)commandData[0];
+        short value = (short)(commandData[1] * 128 + commandData[2]);
+        if( value > 8062 )
+            value = (short)value + 57344;
+        array[1] = value;
+//        xbee.printf("Cmd: %d,\tVal: %d\n\r,",array[0],array[1]);
+        rxBuffer->add( array );   // Add to read buffer.
+        write( 0, (short)commandData[4]); // Ack the packet with sequence nuber.
+    } 
+    delete[] commandData;
+    bLength = 0;    // Reset the buffer length.                                           
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/com/com.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/com/com.h	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/******************************* com.h ***********************************/
+/* Version: 1.0                                                          */
+/* Last Updated: June 1, 2013                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* The com class implements reliable data transfer between two nodes     */
+/*using a checksum and a sequence number for guaranteed message delivery */
+/*over an xbee modem connected to the passed in tx and rx pins. Messages */
+/*are received and placed in the rxBuffer to be read when convenient.    */
+/*Messages are encoded by sending a byte with the value of the command   */
+/*then and int of the command.                                           */
+/* Alternative Pins  RX = PTA1,  TX PTA2                                 */
+#ifndef COM_H
+#define COM_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+const int BAUDRATE      = 38400;
+const int BUFFERSIZE    = 10;
+class com
+    public:
+        com( PinName, PinName  );   // Setup the com serial port. (tx, rx)
+        bool isData();              // Is there data to be read?
+        void write( short, short ); // Write to the port.
+        short * read();             // Read from the queue.
+    private:   
+        void callback();            // Handle the interrupts.
+        void packetBuilder();       // Called by callback to place commandes into the queue.
+        char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];    // Buffer for holding serial data.
+        int bLength;                // Location in the buffer to place next data.
+        Serial xbee;                // tx - DIN, rx - DOUT
+        queue *rxBuffer;            // queue of commands ready to be read.
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/com/queue/queue.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/com/queue/queue.cpp	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+/*************************** queue.cpp ***************************************/
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  Authers: Oanh Tran, Ling Lei, Sihao Xie, Greg Abdo.                      */
+/*  Date:    February 23, 2013                                               */
+/*  Version: 1.0                                                             */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* The queue is used to stack StructureItem in order with a FILO             */
+/*arrangement.                                                               */
+#include "queue.h"
+/***************************** constructor ***********************************/
+/* Description:                                                              */
+    front = NULL;   // Set front to NULL at the start.
+/******************************* distructor **********************************/
+/* Description:                                                              */
+    clear();        // Clear the entire queue.
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+bool queue::isEmpty()
+    // Is the queue empty?
+    if( front == NULL ) // Check the front pointer.
+        return true;    // Queue is empty, return true.
+    return false;       // There is atleast one item, not empty.
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+void queue::clear()
+    // Is the list already empty?
+    if( isEmpty() )     // Check for an empty list.
+        return;         // List is empty, don't need to do anything.
+    queueNode * current = front;    // Create node to help step through list.
+    queueNode * placeHold = front;  // Create node to keep place of delete.
+    // As long as were not at the end, keep stepping to the next node.
+    while( current != NULL)
+    {
+        placeHold = current->next;  // Hold where we have to go.
+        delete current;             // Delete the node.
+        current = placeHold;        // Set current to the next node.
+    }
+    front = NULL;   // Reset the front to NULL;
+    length = 0;
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+void queue::add( short * item )
+    // Were we passed an invalid object somehow?
+    if( item == NULL )  // Check for NULL
+        return;         // If so, return.
+    if( queueLength() > MAXQUEUELENGTH )
+        clear();
+    queueNode * newNode = new queueNode( item );    // Create the new node.
+    if( isEmpty() )
+        front = newNode;        // Set front to the new node.
+    else    
+    {
+        queueNode *temp = front;
+        while( temp->next != NULL )
+            temp = temp->next;
+        temp->next = newNode;
+    }   
+    length++;
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+short * queue::pop()
+    // Is the list already empty?
+    if( isEmpty() )     // Check for an empty list.
+        return NULL;    // List is empty, don't need to do anything.
+    short* dataHold = front->data;  // Keep track of what were returning. 
+    queueNode * oldNode = front;    // Save the old node to be deleted
+    front = front->next;            // Set front to next object.
+    delete oldNode;                 // Delete the front node.                     
+    length--;                       // Remove one from the length.
+    return dataHold;                // return the stuctureItem.
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+short * queue::peek()
+    if( front != NULL )
+        return front->data;
+    return NULL;
+/* Description:                                                              */
+/* Accepts:                                                                  */
+/* Returns:                                                                  */
+short queue::queueLength()
+    return length;
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/com/queue/queue.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/com/queue/queue.h	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/**************************** queue.h ****************************************/
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  Authers: Greg Abdo.                                                      */
+/*  Date:    February 23, 2013                                               */
+/*  Version: 1.0                                                             */
+/*                                                                           */
+/* The queue is used to stack StructureItem in order with a FILO arrangement.*/
+#ifndef QUEUE_H
+#define QUEUE_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+using namespace std;
+const int MAXQUEUELENGTH = 5;
+class queue
+    queue();                        // Queue constructor
+    ~queue();                       // Queue destructor
+    bool isEmpty();                 // Check for an empty queue.
+    void clear();                   // Clears the entire queue.
+    void add( short* );              // Push commandData into the queue.
+    short* peek();                   // Look at the last item in the queue.
+    short* pop();                    // Pop the top item off the queue.
+    short queueLength();              // Return how many objects are in the queue.
+    int length;
+    struct queueNode                // Node object for the queue.
+    {
+        queueNode( short* array )
+        {
+            data = array;
+            next = NULL;
+        }
+        ~queueNode()
+        {}
+        short* data;                 // Pointer to the StructureItem object.
+        queueNode * next;           // Next node in the queue.
+    };  
+    queueNode * front;              // Root of the queue.
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/motor/motor.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/motor/motor.cpp	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/****************************** motor.cpp ********************************/
+/* Version: 1.0                                                          */
+/* Last Updated: June 1, 2013                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* The motor class is used for motor control using a PWM ECS. When a     */
+/*a motor object is created you must pass the PWM pin as the only        */
+/*argument.                                                              */
+#include "motor.h"
+/************************** motor( PinName ) *****************************/
+/* The motor constructor takes the pin to be used as for PWM and sets it */
+/*to default safe valuse.                                                */
+motor::motor( PinName pin ) 
+    pwmPin = new PwmOut( pin );
+    pwmPin->period( 0.020 );    // Set the period to 20ms.
+    setPulseMin( 0.001000 );    // Set default min pulse.
+    setPulseMax( 0.002 );       // Set default max pulse.
+    setSpeed( 0 );              // Set motor to stopped.
+/************************** setSpeed( int ) ******************************/
+/* Set speed takes an int value between 0 and 100 and sets the speed of  */
+/*the motor based on passed in percent value of speed.                   */
+void motor::setSpeed( int value )
+    // Is the value to small?
+    if( value  < 0 )             // Yup, just set to 0.
+        currentSpeed = 0;
+    // Is the value to large?
+    else if( value > 500 )      // Yup, just set to 100. Changed to 500 to increase
+        currentSpeed = 500;     // motor control resolution
+    // Value must be in the correct range.    
+    else    
+        currentSpeed = value;   // Set the new value.
+    // Calculate the value based on pulseMin, pulseMax and currentSpeed.
+    pulse = ((pulseMax - pulseMin) / 500 * currentSpeed) + pulseMin;
+    pwmPin->pulsewidth( pulse );   // Write the pulse to the pin.
+/************************** setPulseMin( float ) *************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+void motor::setPulseMin( float value )
+    pulseMin = value;
+/************************** setPulseMax( float ) *************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+void motor::setPulseMax( float value )
+    pulseMax = value;
+/*************************** float getSpeed( ) ***************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+int motor::getSpeed()
+    return currentSpeed;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/motor/motor.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/motor/motor.h	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/******************************* motor.h *********************************/
+/* Version: 1.0                                                          */
+/* Last Updated: June 1, 2013                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* The motor class is used for motor control using a PWM ECS. When a     */
+/*a motor object is created you must pass the PWM pin as the only        */
+/*argument.                                                              */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*  Wiring diagrams                                                      */
+/*                 _______                     _______                   */
+/*       CW   ----|       |     CCW   ---\/ --|       |                  */
+/*            ----| Motor |           ---/\---| Motor |                  */
+/*            ----|_______|           --/  \--|_______|                  */
+/*            Straight through       Switch wire 1 and 3                 */
+/*                                                                       */
+#ifndef MOTOR_H
+#define MOTOR_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+class motor
+    public:
+        motor( PinName );           // motor object constructor.
+        void setSpeed( int );       // Set the speed for the motor 0-100
+        void setPulseMin( float );  // Set smallest pulse.
+        void setPulseMax( float );  // Set largest pulse.
+        int getSpeed();
+    private:   
+        PwmOut *pwmPin;             // Pin used for PWM.
+        int currentSpeed;           // Speed of the motor.
+        float pulse;                // Current pulse of the motor.
+        float pulseMin;             // Shortest value for the pulse
+        float pulseMax;             // Largest value for the pulse.
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/sensors/MMA8451Q.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/sensors/MMA8451Q.lib	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/sensors/sensors.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/sensors/sensors.cpp	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/************************ quadCommand.cpp ********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+#include "sensors.h"
+/***************************** sensors() *********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+    acc = new MMA8451Q( ACCSDA, ACCSCL, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
+/************************** getAbsoluteX() *******************************/
+/* Returns a float from -1 to 1 for the value off level in the x         */
+/*directoin. 0 = level.                                                  */
+float sensors::getAbsoluteX()
+    return acc->getAccX();
+/************************** getAbsoluteY() *******************************/
+/* Returns a float from -1 to 1 for the value off level in the Y         */
+/*directoin. 0 = level.                                                  */
+float sensors::getAbsoluteY()
+    return acc->getAccY();
diff -r f4cb482ac5d4 -r 2b6399fe00f6 quadCommand/sensors/sensors.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/quadCommand/sensors/sensors.h	Sun Jul 28 21:46:54 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/************************* quadCommand.h *********************************/
+/*                                                                       */
+#include "quadCommand.h"
+#include "MMA8451Q.h"
+#ifndef SENSORS_H
+#define SENSORS_H
+class sensors
+    public:
+        sensors();
+        void sendData();
+        float getAbsoluteX();   // Get the value off level in the X directoin.
+        float getAbsoluteY();   // Get the value off level in the Y directoin.
+    private:
+        MMA8451Q *acc;          // Pointer to the acceleromi
\ No newline at end of file