XBee-mbed library http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/notebook/xbee-mbed/
Dependents: device_server_udp led_sender_post XBee_API_ex1 XBee_API_ex2 ... more
Data Structures
AtCommandRequest | Represents an AT Command TX packet The command is used to configure the serially connected XBee radio |
AtCommandResponse | Represents an AT Command RX packet |
FrameIdResponse | This class is extended by all Responses that include a frame id |
IPV4RxFrame | Represents a Wi-Fi RX packet |
IPv4TransmitRequest | Represents a Wi-Fi TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: IPv4_TRANSMIT_REQUEST |
ModemStatusResponse | Represents a Modem Status RX packet |
PayloadRequest | All TX packets that support payloads extend this class |
RemoteAtCommandRequest | Represents an Remote AT Command TX packet The command is used to configure a remote XBee radio |
RemoteAtCommandResponse | Represents a Remote AT Command RX packet |
Rx16Response | Represents a Series 1 16-bit address RX packet |
Rx64Response | Represents a Series 1 64-bit address RX packet |
RxDataResponse | Common functionality for both Series 1 and 2 data RX data packets |
RxIoSampleBaseResponse | Represents a Series 1 RX I/O Sample packet |
RxResponse | Represents a Series 1 RX packet |
Transmit_Status | Represents a Wi-Fi TX status packet |
Tx16Request | Represents a Series 1 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: TX_16_REQUEST Be careful not to send a data array larger than the max packet size of your radio |
Tx64Request | Represents a Series 1 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: TX_64_REQUEST |
TxStatusResponse | Represents a Series 1 TX Status packet |
XBee | Primary interface for communicating with an XBee Radio |
XBeeAddress64 | Represents a 64-bit XBee Address |
XBeeRequest | Super class of all XBee requests (TX packets) Users should never create an instance of this class; instead use an subclass of this class It is recommended to reuse Subclasses of the class to conserve memory This class allocates a buffer to |
XBeeResponse | The super class of all XBee responses (RX packets) Users should never attempt to create an instance of this class; instead create an instance of a subclass It is recommend to reuse subclasses to conserve memory |
XBeeWiFi | Primary interface for communicating with an XBee Wi-Fi |
ZBRxIoSampleResponse | Represents a Series 2 RX I/O Sample packet |
ZBRxResponse | Represents a Series 2 RX packet |
ZBTxRequest | Represents a Series 2 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: ZB_TX_REQUEST |
ZBTxStatusResponse | Represents a Series 2 TX status packet |
Generated on Tue Jul 12 2022 18:07:39 by 1.7.2