XBee-mbed library http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/notebook/xbee-mbed/

Dependents:   device_server_udp led_sender_post XBee_API_ex1 XBee_API_ex2 ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for XBee


AtCommandRequest Represents an AT Command TX packet The command is used to configure the serially connected XBee radio
AtCommandResponse Represents an AT Command RX packet
FrameIdResponse This class is extended by all Responses that include a frame id
IPV4RxFrame Represents a Wi-Fi RX packet
IPv4TransmitRequest Represents a Wi-Fi TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: IPv4_TRANSMIT_REQUEST
ModemStatusResponse Represents a Modem Status RX packet
PayloadRequest All TX packets that support payloads extend this class
RemoteAtCommandRequest Represents an Remote AT Command TX packet The command is used to configure a remote XBee radio
RemoteAtCommandResponse Represents a Remote AT Command RX packet
Rx16Response Represents a Series 1 16-bit address RX packet
Rx64Response Represents a Series 1 64-bit address RX packet
RxDataResponse Common functionality for both Series 1 and 2 data RX data packets
RxIoSampleBaseResponse Represents a Series 1 RX I/O Sample packet
RxResponse Represents a Series 1 RX packet
Transmit_Status Represents a Wi-Fi TX status packet
Tx16Request Represents a Series 1 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: TX_16_REQUEST Be careful not to send a data array larger than the max packet size of your radio
Tx64Request Represents a Series 1 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: TX_64_REQUEST
TxStatusResponse Represents a Series 1 TX Status packet
XBee Primary interface for communicating with an XBee Radio
XBeeAddress64 Represents a 64-bit XBee Address
XBeeRequest Super class of all XBee requests (TX packets) Users should never create an instance of this class; instead use an subclass of this class It is recommended to reuse Subclasses of the class to conserve memory This class allocates a buffer to
XBeeResponse The super class of all XBee responses (RX packets) Users should never attempt to create an instance of this class; instead create an instance of a subclass It is recommend to reuse subclasses to conserve memory
XBeeWiFi Primary interface for communicating with an XBee Wi-Fi
ZBRxIoSampleResponse Represents a Series 2 RX I/O Sample packet
ZBRxResponse Represents a Series 2 RX packet
ZBTxRequest Represents a Series 2 TX packet that corresponds to Api Id: ZB_TX_REQUEST
ZBTxStatusResponse Represents a Series 2 TX status packet


dbg.h [code]
XBee.cpp [code] XBee-mbed library Modified for mbed, 2011 Suga
XBee.h [code] XBee-mbed library Modified for mbed, 2011 Suga
XBee_conf.h [code]
XBeeWiFi.cpp [code] XBee Wi-Fi library for mbed Copyright (c) 2011 Hiroshi Suga Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
XBeeWiFi.h [code] XBee Wi-Fi library for mbed Copyright (c) 2011 Hiroshi Suga Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit