Unipolar stepper motor operation library

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Unipolar stepper motor library

This library generates pulses on 4 digital output pins of the mbed. The pulses are generated by mbed's ticker function.

The mbed pins cannot drive the stepper motor directly. So it requires driver stage for the motor. The circuit may be like following diagram.
The driver stage should be chosen by requirement for the stepper motor.


The mbed generates pulses on 4 output pins for external driver stage.
This library can generate 3 types of pulses.

1 phase drive (wave drive) /media/uploads/okano/1phase_drive.gif

2 phase drive /media/uploads/okano/2phase_drive.gif

1-2 phase (half step) drive /media/uploads/okano/halfstep_drive.gif

Components pages

Components pages are available for bipolar and unipolar motor libraries

A bipolar stepper motor driving pulse generator

A unipolar stepper motor driving pulse generator



File content as of revision 5:93f9ce526f38:

/** Stepper Motor (Unipolar) control library
 *  @class   StepperMotorUni
 *  @author  Tedd OKANO
 *  @version 1.1.2
 *  @date    27-Apr-2015
 *  Copyright: 2010, 2014, 2015 Tedd OKANO
 *  Released under the Apache 2 license License
 *  The library that controls stepper motor via motor driver chip
 *  This is a driver for a unipolar stepper motor.
 *  Example:
 *  @code
 *  #include "mbed.h"
 *  #include "StepperMotorUni.h"
 *  StepperMotorUni motor( p26, p25, p24, p23 );
 *  int main()
 *  {
 *      motor.set_pps( 50 );
 *      while ( 1 ) {
 *          motor.move_steps( 24 );
 *          wait( 1 );
 *          motor.move_steps( -24 );
 *          wait( 1 );
 *      }
 *  }
 *  @endcode
 *  version 0.51  (27-Nov-2010) //  initial version (un-published)
 *  version 0.6   (15-Jan-2014) //  compatible to LPC1768, LPC11U24 and LPC1114 targets
 *  version 1.0   (19-Jun-2014) //  version 1.0 release
 *  version 1.0.1 (14-Apr-2015) //  API document correction
 *  version 1.1   (21-Apr-2015) //  ramp control function enabled
 *  version 1.1.1 (22-Apr-2015) //  fixed: find_home_position compatibility with ramp control feature
 *  version 1.1.2 (27-Apr-2015) //  fixed: init_done behavior 


#include "mbed.h"

#define MAX_PPS   100   //  pulse per second

class StepperMotorUni

    /** Constants for motor rotate mode */
    typedef enum  {
        ONE_PHASE,                  /**< 1 phase operation (default)    */
        TWO_PHASE,                  /**< 2 phase operation              */
        HALFSTEP                    /**< halfstep operation             */
    } OperationPhaseMode;

    /** Constants for motor rotate mode */
    typedef enum  {
        SHORTEST,                   /**< turn by shortest direction (default)   */
        NO_WRAPAROUND,              /**< do not accross home position           */
        CLOCKWISE_ONLY,             /**< one-way: clockwise turn                */
        COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_ONLY      /**< one-way: counter clockwise turn        */
    } RotMode;
    /** Constants for syncronization mode */
    typedef enum  {
        ASYNCHRONOUS,               /**< program does wait motor turn completion (default)  */
        SYNCHRONOUS                 /**< program doesn't wait motor turn completion         */
    } SyncMode;

    /** Constants for position detection edge polarity */
    typedef enum  {
        RISING_EDGE,                /**< position detection done by rising  edge */
        FALLING_EDGE                /**< position detection done by falling edge */
    } PositionDetectPorarity;

    /** Constants for position detection edge polarity */
    typedef enum  {
        SOFT_BRAKE,                /**< brake with slowing down */
        HARD_BRAKE                 /**< for immedate stop */
    } BrakeMode;

    /** Create a stepper motor object connected to specified DigitalOut pins and a DigitalIn pin
     *  @param out_A DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-A
     *  @param out_B DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-B
     *  @param out_C DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-C
     *  @param out_D DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-D
     *  @param position_detect DigitalIn pin for home position detection (option). if not defined, "find_home_position()" function cannot be used
        PinName out_A,
        PinName out_B,
        PinName out_C,
        PinName out_D,
        PinName position_detect = NC
    ) ;

    /** Set the pulse width (i.e. motor turning speed)
     *  @param v pulse per second (pps) : lower number makes the turn slower (default = 100)
    float set_pps( float v );

    /** Set maximum PPS (= minimum pulse width) which will be used in finding home position
     *  @param v maximum pulse per second : lower number makes the turn slower (default = 100)
    void set_max_pps( float v );

    /** Find home position: rotate the motor until the detection edge comes.
     *  Turns the motor until the home position detected.
     *  The "home position" is a reference point for the step and angle. It will be step=0 and angle=0.
     *  The detection signal edge can be defined by an argument.
     *  It follows the rotate mode.
     *  When the edge is detected, the motor will be stopped and it will be the new home position.
     *  If no detection signal detected, no home position update done.
     *  @param edge defines detection edge rise or fall
    int find_home_position( PositionDetectPorarity edge );

    /** Update home position
     *  Set the home position as current motor position.
    void set_home_position( void );

    /** Turn the motor to defined position (by steps from home position)
     *  Make motor move to absolute position
     *  @param v the position defined by steps from home position
    int go_position( int v );

    /** Turn the motor to defined position (by angle (degree)) from home position)
     *  Make motor move to absolute position
     *  @param v the position defined by steps from home position
    void go_angle( float angle );

    /** Turn the motor to defined position (by steps from current position)
     *  Make motor move to defined position
     *  @param v the position defined by steps from current position
    int move_steps( int s );

    /** Turn the motor to defined rotation (from current position)
     *  Make motor rotate
     *  @param r number of rotation start from current position
    int move_rotates( float r );

    /** Interface for opertion phase mode setting
     *  @param v Driving phase mode change : ONE_PHASE (default), TWO_PHASE or HALFSTEP
    void set_operation_phase_mode( OperationPhaseMode v );

    /** Interface for motor rotate mode setting
     *  Example:
     *  @code
     *  StepperMotor    m( p21, p22, p23, p24 );
     *  int main() {
     *      m.set_rot_mode( StepperMotor::NO_WRAPAROUND );
     *      ...
     *  @endcode
     *  @param m motor rotate mode : SHORTEST (default), NO_WRAPAROUND, CLOCKWISE_ONLY or COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_ONLY

    void set_rot_mode( RotMode m );

    /** Interface for syncronization mode setting
     *  Example:
     *  @code
     *  StepperMotor    m( p21, p22, p23, p24 );
     *  int main() {
     *      m.set_sync_mode( StepperMotor::NO_WRAPAROUND );
     *      ...
     *  @endcode
     *  @param m motor rotate mode : ASYNCHRONOUS (default) or SYNCHRONOUS
    void set_sync_mode( SyncMode m );

    /** Check remaining distance that motor need to move
     *  software can check if the motor action completed in asynchronous mode
     *  @return remaining steps that motor need to go
    int distance( void );

    /** Pause/Resume the motor action
     *  @param sw use "true" for pause, "false" (default) for resume
    void set_pause( int sw );

    /** Pause/Resume the motor action
     *  @param sw use "true" for pause, "false" (default) for resume
    void brake( void );
    void brake( BrakeMode mode );

    /** Auto power control enable
     *  If the auto power control is enabled, the motor power will be turned-off when it stays same place
     *  @param sw use "true" for pause, "false" (default) for resume
    void set_power_ctrl( int sw );

    /** Setting for steps/rotate
     *  This parameter is required if program want to use the "go_angle()" interface.
     *  The angle will be calculated from this parameter.
     *  @param steps per rotate
    void set_steps_per_rotate( int steps );

    /** Setting for ramp control
     *  This function enables the ramp-up and ramp-down of the motor behavior
     *  @param initial_speed_rate speed rate. if the pps was set to 50pps and
     *    initial_speed_rate is given like 0.1, the ramp-up-start and ramp-dowm-end
     *    speed will be 5pps (= 0.1 * 50pps)
     *  @param ramp_steps the steps for ramp-up and ramp-down.
    void set_ramp_control( float initial_speed_rate, int ramp_steps );

    int         init_done;


    Ticker      t;
    BusOut      motor_out;
    DigitalIn   position_detect_pin;

    static unsigned char  pattern_one_phase[ 4 ];  //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
    static unsigned char  pattern_two_phase[ 4 ];  //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
    static unsigned char  pattern_halfstep[ 8 ];   //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
    unsigned char               *pattern;
    int                         pat_index_mask;
    OperationPhaseMode          phase_mode;
    RotMode     rot_mode;
    SyncMode    sync_mode;
    int         max_pos;
    int         current_pos;
    int         pos_offset;
    int         target_pos;
    float       pps;
    float       max_pps;
    int         pause;
    int         power_ctrl;
    float       ramp_init_speed_rate;
    int         ramp_control_steps;
    float       ramp_rate;

    void set_target_pos( int p );  //  target position setting interface
    void motor_maintain( void );   //  this function is called periodically by Ticker
