
Dependents of NyFileSystems

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

A http client sample program. http, HTTPClient, libMiMic, tcpip
The program publishes files at local directory and SD filesystem. It is a full-fledged webServer somewhat. autoconf, DHCP, ethernet, HTTP server, HTTPServer, mdns, MiMic, SSDP, UPnP, webserver, webservice
MiMicSDK Tcp client socket sample program. libMiMic, MiMic, socket, tcp/ip
Udp socket sample program. This program will send back the received packet. libMiMic, MiMic, socket, UDP
Simplest UPnP basic device example. This program to run UPnP basic device on the mbed. HTTP server, SSDP, UPnP, webserver
MiMicSDK Websocket module sample program. HTTPServer, libMiMic, MiMic, webserver, WebSocket
Ryo Iizuka / mbedJS Featured
This is a Json-RPC/2.0 server with websocket and httpd. You can control mbed(s) by Javascript, processing, Java. LPCXpresso1769/LPC1768/FRDM-K64F/LPC4088 DHCP, ethernet, http, HTTPServer, Java, javascript, JSON, mdns, MiMic, processing, server, SSDP, UPnP, webserver
Udp socket sample program. This program will send back the received packet. libMiMic, MiMic, socket, UDP