Dependents of SDFileSystem
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.
Using DHT11 sensor, sdWrite, wdt. Need to sleep more then this.
Sensors: DHT11, TEMT600 Analog ambient light sensor This version uses the ARCH_GPRS_V2_HW library.
My fork of the blinky project to support ethernet and twitter
Crude navigation
MODEM SIM900 socket websocket and command sms
Game for Project 2
This is a demo to show how to use Arch Link and
ECE 2035 Summer 2015
MP3Player use 11U68 and VS1033
output only raw data (acceleration, anguler rate, geomagnetism, air pressure)
use VS1033(MP3 decoder) and UL024TF(TFTLCD)
use VS1033(MP3 decoder) and UL024TF(TFTLCD)
pocket tanks
For Nikhil
SD interfacing
This program is designed to run on a set of Xadow M0 modules to create a Hotshoe IMU which outputs GPS and Orientation data to Nikon cameras, as well as …
Karaoke Machine
This is a basic program that provides the necessary BLE service to allow communications with the UPAS
frogger game
frogger game revision
Program to control UPAS with MicroChip BLE chip + iPhone App
4180 IMU parts (I2C, uLCD, RS232, USB Serial, SD)
Log measurements on SD card added on DISCO-L476VG board acceleration, omega, compass & 5 Analog values
Threads work, speaker not tested.
working version of song control with initialization from sd card
Code supports writing to the SD card as well as working with the Volckens group smartphone apps for the mbed HRM1017
Mbed Galaga Game
Tested on Nucleo F411RE Based on OV7670 without FIFO, SCCB protocol rewritten. View on TFT ILI9341, possible capture picture on sd Around 3 frames per second Basic image treatment: zoom, …
Simple implementation of Guitar Hero with mbed.
Flappy Bird game on mbed with a micro LCD screen, class D amp, speaker, SD card reader/writer, 5-button navigation switch, and potentiometer speed control