output only raw data (acceleration, anguler rate, geomagnetism, air pressure)

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem ConfigFile


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
34:4bda9af9a0cd 2015-08-06 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.9.0; ; + add RULE3_1; + add "volatile" to some variables like "flag" default tip
33:56163d4e2c53 2015-07-19 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.8.0; ; + drive servo motors with a certain speed
32:b35efe3d1091 2015-07-12 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.7.0; ; + reverse the Parafoil's direction
31:2f88240999fe 2015-07-12 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.6.2
30:fb310564097b 2015-07-05 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.6.1
29:59f4808e2eb6 2015-07-02 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.6.0; ; + add RULE4 (combination of 2 & 3); + add SPIRAL_DEBUG mode; + change the number of data in LPS25H's moving average filter (16 -> 8)
28:d993f3bbe302 2015-07-01 onaka xbee communication fix
27:a26ff85bba23 2015-06-28 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.5.2
26:6e09df57ee91 2015-06-28 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.5.1
25:4c72d7420d8a 2015-06-26 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.5; ; + some refactoring; + fix calculation of roll angle and pitch angle; + add scripts for complement to GPS position
24:8838be99cec3 2015-06-25 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.4; ; + add two DEBUG mode; SERVO_DEBUG mode: control servo motor from PC; DIRECTION_DEBUG mode: head for a certain direction
23:79cdc1432160 2015-06-24 ojan bug in SD and xbee
22:3caa2983bf1d 2015-06-23 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.3.1
21:d417708e84a8 2015-06-23 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.3; ; + fix PWM pulse width to control Servo Motor; + fix config file load function & SD initialize function
20:00afba164688 2015-06-22 ojan LAURUS_Program_v2.2(beta); + some refactoring; + fix GPS bug
19:ad8ff2de68f5 2015-06-22 ojan LAURUS_Program_v.2.1; ; + some refactoring; + GPS bug fixed (by Onaka
18:9dd72e417c60 2015-06-22 ojan LAURUS_program_v2.1; ; + some refactoring; + GPS bug fixed (by Onaka
17:03b45055ca05 2015-06-21 ojan LAURUS_program_v2.1; ; + some refactorings
16:174daf81eea0 2015-06-21 onaka bug fix
15:d14d385d37e2 2015-06-20 ojan LAURUS_program_v2.0; ; + some refactoring; + add scripts of rule2 & rule3
14:f85cb5340cb8 2015-06-19 ojan LAURUS_controller_scripts_v1.0
13:df1e8a650185 2015-06-19 ojan add scripts to avoid Spiral.; modify Kalman filter model.
12:0d978eb4d639 2015-06-16 ojan add angle estimation with Kalman filter (unsuccessful)
11:083c8c9a5b84 2015-06-16 ojan add Gravity vector estimation with Kalman filter (unsuccessful)
10:8ee11e412ad7 2015-06-15 ojan merge iori's program and onaka's program.; add config file loader and calculation of Euler angles.
9:6d4578dcc1ed 2015-06-15 ojan add code to calculate Euler angle
8:602865d8fca3 2015-06-12 ojan move servo
7:0ec343d29641 2015-06-15 onaka add config loader
6:2b68f85a984a 2015-06-12 onaka logger update
5:182f6356bce1 2015-06-11 ojan add Battery meter
4:45dc5590abc0 2015-06-11 ojan add flow control
3:5358a691a100 2015-05-30 ojan estimate geomagnetism vector with Kalman Filter
2:d2b60a1d0cd9 2015-05-24 ojan Send all sensor's data to PC
1:6cd6d2760856 2015-05-24 ojan Send all sensor's data to PC
0:bc6f14fc60c7 2015-05-15 ojan Laurus integrated program (ver.0.0)