A feature complete driver for the LM75B temperature sensor from NXP.

Dependents:   app-board-TempAlarm LM75B IoTWorkshopSensors EduRobot ... more

This pull request has been rejected by Neil Thiessen

modify read16 function

If you use update temperature, you modify the repeat condition when write function use - read16() -> m_I2C.write(m_Addr, &reg, 1); stop condition - read16() -> m_I2C.write(m_Addr, &reg, 1,1);

modify the write function for temperature update If you use update temperature, you modify the repeat condition when write function use - read16() -> m_I2C.write(m_Addr, &reg, 1); //stop condition - …

1 comment:

21 Jul 2015

Sorry, but this is a mess. For starters this is an old version of my library, and besides that I'm not sure what you've changed here since my library is already using repeated starts in read8() and read16().