mbed library sources

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Development branch of the mbed library sources. This library is kept in synch with the latest changes from the mbed SDK and it is not guaranteed to work.

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--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/startup_RZ1AH.s	Thu Feb 26 09:30:08 2015 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/startup_RZ1AH.s	Fri Feb 27 10:00:08 2015 +0000
@@ -16,67 +16,90 @@
     .syntax unified
+    .extern _start
 @ Standard definitions of mode bits and interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
-    .equ    USR_MODE,   0x10
-    .equ    FIQ_MODE,   0x11
-    .equ    IRQ_MODE,   0x12
-    .equ    SVC_MODE,   0x13
-    .equ    ABT_MODE,   0x17
-    .equ    UND_MODE,   0x1b
-    .equ    SYS_MODE,   0x1f
-    .equ    Thum_bit,   0x20            @ CPSR/SPSR Thumb bit
+    .equ    USR_MODE        ,   0x10
+    .equ    FIQ_MODE        ,   0x11
+    .equ    IRQ_MODE        ,   0x12
+    .equ    SVC_MODE        ,   0x13
+    .equ    ABT_MODE        ,   0x17
+    .equ    UND_MODE        ,   0x1b
+    .equ    SYS_MODE        ,   0x1f
+    .equ    Thum_bit        ,   0x20            @ CPSR/SPSR Thumb bit
+    .equ    GICI_BASE       ,   0xe8202000
+    .equ    ICCIAR_OFFSET   ,   0x0000000C
+    .equ    ICCEOIR_OFFSET  ,   0x00000010
+    .equ    ICCHPIR_OFFSET  ,   0x00000018
+    .equ    GICD_BASE       ,   0xe8201000
+    .equ    ICDISER0_OFFSET ,   0x00000100
+    .equ    ICDICER0_OFFSET ,   0x00000180
+    .equ    ICDISPR0_OFFSET ,   0x00000200
+    .equ    ICDABR0_OFFSET  ,   0x00000300
+    .equ    ICDIPR0_OFFSET  ,   0x00000400
+    .equ    Mode_USR        ,   0x10
+    .equ    Mode_FIQ        ,   0x11
+    .equ    Mode_IRQ        ,   0x12
+    .equ    Mode_SVC        ,   0x13
+    .equ    Mode_ABT        ,   0x17
+    .equ    Mode_UND        ,   0x1B
+    .equ    Mode_SYS        ,   0x1F
-/* Memory Model
-   The HEAP starts at the end of the DATA section and grows upward.
-   The STACK starts at the end of the RAM and grows downward.
-   The HEAP and stack STACK are only checked at compile time:
-   This is just a check for the bare minimum for the Heap+Stack area before
-   aborting compilation, it is not the run time limit:
-   Heap_Size + Stack_Size = 0x80 + 0x80 = 0x100
- */
+    .equ    I_Bit           ,   0x80            @ when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled 
+    .equ    F_Bit           ,   0x40            @ when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled 
+    .equ    T_Bit           ,   0x20            @ when T bit is set, core is in Thumb state 
+    .equ    GIC_ERRATA_CHECK_1, 0x000003FE 
+    .equ    GIC_ERRATA_CHECK_2, 0x000003FF 
+    .equ    Sect_Normal     , 0x00005c06        @ outer & inner wb/wa, non-shareable, executable, rw, domain 0, base addr 0 
+    .equ    Sect_Normal_Cod , 0x0000dc06        @ outer & inner wb/wa, non-shareable, executable, ro, domain 0, base addr 0 
+    .equ    Sect_Normal_RO  , 0x0000dc16        @ as Sect_Normal_Cod, but not executable 
+    .equ    Sect_Normal_RW  , 0x00005c16        @ as Sect_Normal_Cod, but writeable and not executable 
+    .equ    Sect_SO         , 0x00000c12        @ strongly-ordered (therefore shareable), not executable, rw, domain 0, base addr 0 
+    .equ    Sect_Device_RO  , 0x00008c12        @ device, non-shareable, non-executable, ro, domain 0, base addr 0 
+    .equ    Sect_Device_RW  , 0x00000c12        @ as Sect_Device_RO, but writeable 
+    .equ    Sect_Fault      , 0x00000000        @ this translation will fault (the bottom 2 bits are important, the rest are ignored) 
+    .equ    RAM_BASE        , 0x80000000
+    .equ    VRAM_BASE       , 0x18000000
+    .equ    SRAM_BASE       , 0x2e000000
+    .equ    ETHERNET        , 0x1a000000
+    .equ    CS3_PERIPHERAL_BASE, 0x1c000000
+@ Stack Configuration
+    .EQU    UND_Stack_Size  , 0x00000100
+    .EQU    SVC_Stack_Size  , 0x00008000
+    .EQU    ABT_Stack_Size  , 0x00000100
+    .EQU    FIQ_Stack_Size  , 0x00000100
+    .EQU    IRQ_Stack_Size  , 0x00008000
+    .EQU    USR_Stack_Size  , 0x00004000
+    .EQU    ISR_Stack_Size, (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)
     .section .stack
     .align 3
-#ifdef __STACK_SIZE
-    .equ    Stack_Size, __STACK_SIZE
-    .equ    Stack_Size, 0xc00
     .globl    __StackTop
     .globl    __StackLimit
-    .space    Stack_Size
+    .space    ISR_Stack_Size
+    .space    USR_Stack_Size
     .size __StackLimit, . - __StackLimit
     .size __StackTop, . - __StackTop
-    .space    Stack_Size
-    .size __AStackLimit, . - __AStackLimit
-    .size __AStackTop, . - __AStackTop
-    .space    Stack_Size
-    .size __BStackLimit, . - __StackLimit
-    .size __BStackTop, . - __BStackTop
-    .space    Stack_Size
-    .size __CStackLimit, . - __CStackLimit
-    .size __CStackTop, . - __CStackTop
+@ Heap Configuration
+    .EQU    Heap_Size       , 0x00080000
     .section .heap
     .align 3
-#ifdef __HEAP_SIZE
-    .equ    Heap_Size, __HEAP_SIZE
-    .equ    Heap_Size, 0x800
     .globl    __HeapBase
     .globl    __HeapLimit
@@ -84,164 +107,426 @@
     .size __HeapBase, . - __HeapBase
     .size __HeapLimit, . - __HeapLimit
     .section .isr_vector
     .align 2
     .globl __isr_vector
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x00
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x04
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x08
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x0c
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x10
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x14
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x18
-    .long    0xe59ff018 // 0x1c
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x00
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x04
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x08
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x0c
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x10
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x14
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x18
+    .long   0xe59ff018 // 0x1c
-    .long    Reset_Handler         /* 0x20 */
-    .long    undefinedInstruction  /* 0x24 */
-    .long    softwareInterrupt     /* 0x28 */
-    .long    prefetchAboart        /* 0x2c */
-    .long    dataAbort             /* 0x30 */
-    .long    0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long    irq_handler           /* IRQ */
-    .long    fiq_handler           /* FIQ */
+    .long   Reset_Handler         /* 0x20 */
+    .long   Undef_Handler         /* 0x24 */
+    .long   SVC_Handler           /* 0x28 */
+    .long   PAbt_Handler          /* 0x2c */
+    .long   DAbt_Handler          /* 0x30 */
+    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+    .long   IRQ_Handler           /* IRQ */
+    .long   FIQ_Handler           /* FIQ */
     .size    __isr_vector, . - __isr_vector
-//    .thumb
-//    .thumb_func
     .align 2
-    .globl    Reset_Handler
-    .type    Reset_Handler, %function
+    .globl          Reset_Handler
+    .type          Reset_Handler, %function
-/*     Loop to copy data from read only memory to RAM. The ranges
- *      of copy from/to are specified by following symbols evaluated in 
- *      linker script.
- *      _etext: End of code section, i.e., begin of data sections to copy from.
- *      __data_start__/__data_end__: RAM address range that data should be
- *      copied to. Both must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.  */
+    @ Put any cores other than 0 to sleep
+    mrc     p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5   @ Read MPIDR
+    ands    r0, r0, #3
+    wfine
+    bne     goToSleep
+@ Enable access to NEON/VFP by enabling access to Coprocessors 10 and 11. 
+@ Enables Full Access i.e. in both privileged and non privileged modes 
+    mrc     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 2       @ Read Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR) 
+    orr     r0, r0, #(0xF << 20)        @ Enable access to CP 10 & 11 
+    mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 2       @ Write Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR) 
+    isb
+@ Switch on the VFP and NEON hardware 
+    mov     r0, #0x40000000
+    vmsr    fpexc, r0                   @ Write FPEXC register, EN bit set 
+    mrc     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0       @ Read CP15 System Control register 
+    bic     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 12)        @ Clear I bit 12 to disable I Cache 
+    bic     r0, r0, #(0x1 <<  2)        @ Clear C bit  2 to disable D Cache 
+    bic     r0, r0, #0x1                @ Clear M bit  0 to disable MMU 
+    bic     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 11)        @ Clear Z bit 11 to disable branch prediction 
+    bic     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 13)        @ Clear V bit 13 to disable hivecs 
+    mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0       @ Write value back to CP15 System Control register 
+    isb
-    mrc  p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0      @;; Read CP15 System Control register (SCTLR)
-    bic  r0, r0, #(0x1 << 12)       @;; Clear I bit 12 to disable I Cache
-    bic  r0, r0, #(0x1 <<  2)       @;; Clear C bit  2 to disable D Cache
-    bic  r0, r0, #0x1               @;; Clear M bit  0 to disable MMU
-    mcr  p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0      @;; Write value back to CP15 System Control register
-                                    @;; SVC Mode(Default)
-    LDR  sp, =__AStackTop
+@ Set Vector Base Address Register (VBAR) to point to this application's vector table
+    ldr     r0, =__isr_vector
+    mcr     p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0
+@ Setup Stack for each exceptional mode 
+/*    ldr     r0, =__StackTop  */
+    ldr     r0, =__initial_sp
-    CPS  #IRQ_MODE                  @;; IRQ Mode
-    LDR  sp, =__BStackTop
+@ Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_UND | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0
+    sub     r0, r0, #UND_Stack_Size
+@ Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_ABT | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0 
+    sub     r0, r0, #ABT_Stack_Size
-    CPS  #FIQ_MODE                  @;; FIQ Mode
-    LDR  sp, =__CStackTop
-    @CPS  #ABT_MODE                  @;; ABT Mode
-    @LDR  sp, =__StackTop
+@ Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_FIQ | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0 
+    sub     r0, r0, #FIQ_Stack_Size
-    CPS  #SYS_MODE                  @;; SYS Mode
+@ Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_IRQ | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0 
+    sub     r0, r0, #IRQ_Stack_Size
-@; System mode Stack pointer is set up ARM_LIB_STACK in the __main()->__entry()
-    LDR  sp, =__StackTop
+@ Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_SVC | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0 
-    ldr    r1, =__etext
-    ldr    r2, =__data_start__
-    ldr    r3, =__data_end__
+@ Enter System Mode to complete initialization and enter kernel 
+    msr     cpsr_c, #(Mode_SYS | I_Bit | F_Bit)
+    mov     sp, r0 
-    cmp     r2, r3
-    ittt    lt
-    ldrlt   r0, [r1], #4
-    strlt   r0, [r2], #4
-    blt    .Lflash_to_ram_loop
+    isb
+    ldr     r0, =RZ_A1_SetSramWriteEnable
+    blx     r0
+    .extern  create_translation_table
+    bl      create_translation_table 
+@  USR/SYS stack pointer will be set during kernel init
+    ldr     r0, =SystemInit
+    blx     r0
+    ldr     r0, =InitMemorySubsystem
+    blx     r0
+@ fp_init
+    mov      r0, #0x3000000
+    vmsr     fpscr, r0
-    ldr    r0, =set_low_vector
-    blx    r0
-    ldr    r0, =enable_VFP
-    blx    r0
+@ data sections copy
+    ldr     r4, =__copy_table_start__
+    ldr     r5, =__copy_table_end__
-    ldr    r0, =SystemInit
-    blx    r0
-    ldr    r0, =_start
-    bx    r0
+    cmp     r4, r5
+    bge     .L_loop0_done
+    ldr     r1, [r4]
+    ldr     r2, [r4, #4]
+    ldr     r3, [r4, #8]
+    subs    r3, #4
+    ittt    ge
+    ldrge   r0, [r1, r3]
+    strge   r0, [r2, r3]
+    bge     .L_loop0_0
-    mrc    p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
-    mov    r1, #0xffffdfff
-    and    r0, r1
-    mcr    p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+    adds    r4, #12
+    b       .L_loop0
-    mrc    p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0  // vector set
-    mov    r0, #0x20000000
-    mcr    p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0  // vector set
-    bx     lr
+@ bss sections clear
+    ldr     r3, =__zero_table_start__
+    ldr     r4, =__zero_table_end__
+    cmp     r3, r4
+    bge     .L_loop2_done
+    ldr     r1, [r3]
+    ldr     r2, [r3, #4]
+    movs    r0, 0
-.equ    VFPEnable,  0x40000000
-    ;;
-    mrc     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 2   ;
-    orr     r0, r0, #(3 << 20)      ; 
-    orr     r0, r0, #(3 << 22)      ;
-    bic     r0, r0, #(3 << 30)      ;
-    mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 2   ;
-    isb                             ;
-    ;;
-    mov     r0, #VFPEnable
-    vmsr    fpexc, r0
-    bx      lr
-    ;;
+    subs    r2, #4
+    itt     ge
+    strge   r0, [r1, r2]
+    bge     .L_loop2_0
+    adds    r3, #8
+    b       .L_loop2
+    ldr     r0, =_start
+    bx      r0
+    ldr     r0, sf_boot     @ dummy to keep boot loader area
+    b       loop_here
+    .word   boot_loader
     .size Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler
+                .global Undef_Handler
+                .func   Undef_Handler
+                .extern CUndefHandler
+                SRSDB   SP!, #Mode_UND
+                PUSH    {R0-R4, R12}              /* Save APCS corruptible registers to UND mode stack */
+                MRS     R0, SPSR
+                TST     R0, #T_Bit                /* Check mode */
+                MOVEQ   R1, #4                    /* R1 = 4 ARM mode */
+                MOVNE   R1, #2                    /* R1 = 2 Thumb mode */
+                SUB     R0, LR, R1
+                LDREQ   R0, [R0]                  /* ARM mode - R0 points to offending instruction */
+                BEQ     undef_cont
+                /* Thumb instruction */
+                /* Determine if it is a 32-bit Thumb instruction */
+                LDRH    R0, [R0]
+                MOV     R2, #0x1c
+                CMP     R2, R0, LSR #11
+                BHS     undef_cont                /* 16-bit Thumb instruction */
+                /* 32-bit Thumb instruction. Unaligned - we need to reconstruct the offending instruction. */
+                LDRH    R2, [LR]
+                ORR     R0, R2, R0, LSL #16
+                MOV     R2, LR                    /* Set LR to third argument */
+/*              AND     R12, SP, #4 */            /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                MOV     R3, SP                    /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                AND     R12, R3, #4
+                SUB     SP, SP, R12               /* Adjust stack */
+                PUSH    {R12, LR}                 /* Store stack adjustment and dummy LR */
+                /* R0 Offending instruction */
+                /* R1 =2 (Thumb) or =4 (ARM) */
+                BL      CUndefHandler
+                POP     {R12, LR}                 /* Get stack adjustment & discard dummy LR */
+                ADD     SP, SP, R12               /* Unadjust stack */
+                LDR     LR, [SP, #24]             /* Restore stacked LR and possibly adjust for retry */
+                SUB     LR, LR, R0
+                LDR     R0, [SP, #28]             /* Restore stacked SPSR */
+                MSR     SPSR_cxsf, R0
+                POP     {R0-R4, R12}              /* Restore stacked APCS registers */
+                ADD     SP, SP, #8                /* Adjust SP for already-restored banked registers */
+                MOVS    PC, LR
+                .endfunc
+                .global PAbt_Handler
+                .func   PAbt_Handler
+                .extern CPAbtHandler
+                SUB     LR, LR, #4                /* Pre-adjust LR */
+                SRSDB   SP!, #Mode_ABT            /* Save LR and SPRS to ABT mode stack */
+                PUSH    {R0-R4, R12}              /* Save APCS corruptible registers to ABT mode stack */
+                MRC     p15, 0, R0, c5, c0, 1     /* IFSR */
+                MRC     p15, 0, R1, c6, c0, 2     /* IFAR */
+                MOV     R2, LR                    /* Set LR to third argument */
+/*              AND     R12, SP, #4 */            /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                MOV     R3, SP                    /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                AND     R12, R3, #4
+                SUB     SP, SP, R12               /* Adjust stack */
+                PUSH    {R12, LR}                 /* Store stack adjustment and dummy LR */
+                BL      CPAbtHandler
+                POP     {R12, LR}                 /* Get stack adjustment & discard dummy LR */
+                ADD     SP, SP, R12               /* Unadjust stack */
+                POP     {R0-R4, R12}              /* Restore stack APCS registers */
+                RFEFD   SP!                       /* Return from exception */
+                .endfunc
+                .global DAbt_Handler
+                .func   DAbt_Handler
+                .extern CDAbtHandler
+                SUB     LR, LR, #8                /* Pre-adjust LR */
+                SRSDB   SP!, #Mode_ABT            /* Save LR and SPRS to ABT mode stack */
+                PUSH    {R0-R4, R12}              /* Save APCS corruptible registers to ABT mode stack */
+                CLREX                             /* State of exclusive monitors unknown after taken data abort */
+                MRC     p15, 0, R0, c5, c0, 0     /* DFSR */
+                MRC     p15, 0, R1, c6, c0, 0     /* DFAR */
+                MOV     R2, LR                    /* Set LR to third argument */
+/*              AND     R12, SP, #4 */            /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                MOV     R3, SP                    /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                AND     R12, R3, #4
+                SUB     SP, SP, R12               /* Adjust stack */
+                PUSH    {R12, LR}                 /* Store stack adjustment and dummy LR */
+                BL      CDAbtHandler
+                POP     {R12, LR}                 /* Get stack adjustment & discard dummy LR */
+                ADD     SP, SP, R12               /* Unadjust stack */
+                POP     {R0-R4, R12}              /* Restore stacked APCS registers */
+                RFEFD   SP!                       /* Return from exception */
+                .endfunc
+                .global FIQ_Handler
+                .func   FIQ_Handler
+                /* An FIQ might occur between the dummy read and the real read of the GIC in IRQ_Handler,
+                 * so if a real FIQ Handler is implemented, this will be needed before returning:
+                 */
+                /* LDR     R1, =GICI_BASE
+                   LDR     R0, [R1, #ICCHPIR_OFFSET]   ; Dummy Read ICCHPIR (GIC CPU Interface register) to avoid GIC 390 errata 801120
+                 */
+                B       .
+                .endfunc
+                .extern SVC_Handler                 /* refer RTX function */
+                .global IRQ_Handler
+                .func   IRQ_Handler
+                .extern IRQCount
+                .extern IRQTable
+                .extern IRQNestLevel
+                /* prologue */
+                SUB     LR, LR, #4                  /* Pre-adjust LR */
+                SRSDB   SP!, #Mode_SVC              /* Save LR_IRQ and SPRS_IRQ to SVC mode stack */
+                CPS     #Mode_SVC                   /* Switch to SVC mode, to avoid a nested interrupt corrupting LR on a BL */
+                PUSH    {R0-R3, R12}                /* Save remaining APCS corruptible registers to SVC stack */
+/*              AND     R1, SP, #4 */               /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                MOV     R3, SP                      /* Ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+                AND     R1, R3, #4
+                SUB     SP, SP, R1                  /* Adjust stack */
+                PUSH    {R1, LR}                    /* Store stack adjustment and LR_SVC to SVC stack */
+                LDR     R0, =IRQNestLevel           /* Get address of nesting counter */
+                LDR     R1, [R0]
+                ADD     R1, R1, #1                  /* Increment nesting counter */
+                STR     R1, [R0]
+                /* identify and acknowledge interrupt */
+                LDR     R1, =GICI_BASE
+                LDR     R0, [R1, #ICCHPIR_OFFSET]   /* Dummy Read ICCHPIR (GIC CPU Interface register) to avoid GIC 390 errata 801120 */
+                LDR     R0, [R1, #ICCIAR_OFFSET]    /* Read ICCIAR (GIC CPU Interface register) */
+                DSB                                 /* Ensure that interrupt acknowledge completes before re-enabling interrupts */
+                /* Workaround GIC 390 errata 733075
+                 * If the ID is not 0, then service the interrupt as normal.
+                 * If the ID is 0 and active, then service interrupt ID 0 as normal.
+                 * If the ID is 0 but not active, then the GIC CPU interface may be locked-up, so unlock it
+                 *   with a dummy write to ICDIPR0.  This interrupt should be treated as spurious and not serviced.
+                 */
+                LDR     R2, =GICD_BASE
+                LDR     R3, =GIC_ERRATA_CHECK_1
+                CMP     R0, R3
+                BEQ     unlock_cpu
+                LDR     R3, =GIC_ERRATA_CHECK_2
+                CMP     R0, R3
+                BEQ     unlock_cpu
+                CMP     R0, #0
+                BNE     int_active                  /* If the ID is not 0, then service the interrupt */
+                LDR     R3, [R2, #ICDABR0_OFFSET]   /* Get the interrupt state */
+                TST     R3, #1
+                BNE     int_active                  /* If active, then service the interrupt */
+                LDR     R3, [R2, #ICDIPR0_OFFSET]   /* Not active, so unlock the CPU interface */
+                STR     R3, [R2, #ICDIPR0_OFFSET]   /*   with a dummy write */
+                DSB                                 /* Ensure the write completes before continuing */
+                B       ret_irq                     /* Do not service the spurious interrupt */
+                /* End workaround */
+                LDR     R2, =IRQCount               /* Read number of IRQs */
+                LDR     R2, [R2]
+                CMP     R0, R2                      /* Clean up and return if no handler */
+                BHS     ret_irq                     /* In a single-processor system, spurious interrupt ID 1023 does not need any special handling */
+                LDR     R2, =IRQTable               /* Get address of handler */
+                LDR     R2, [R2, R0, LSL #2]
+                CMP     R2, #0                      /* Clean up and return if handler address is 0 */
+                BEQ     ret_irq
+                PUSH    {R0,R1}
+                CPSIE   i                           /* Now safe to re-enable interrupts */
+                BLX     R2                          /* Call handler. R0 will be IRQ number */
+                CPSID   i                           /* Disable interrupts again */
+                /* write EOIR (GIC CPU Interface register) */
+                POP     {R0,R1}
+                DSB                                 /* Ensure that interrupt source is cleared before we write the EOIR */
+                /* epilogue */
+                STR     R0, [R1, #ICCEOIR_OFFSET]
+                LDR     R0, =IRQNestLevel           /* Get address of nesting counter */
+                LDR     R1, [R0]
+                SUB     R1, R1, #1                  /* Decrement nesting counter */
+                STR     R1, [R0]
+                POP     {R1, LR}                    /* Get stack adjustment and restore LR_SVC */
+                ADD     SP, SP, R1                  /* Unadjust stack */
+                POP     {R0-R3,R12}                 /* Restore stacked APCS registers */
+                RFEFD   SP!                         /* Return from exception */
+                .endfunc
 /*    Macro to define default handlers. Default handler
  *    will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be
  *    overwritten by other handlers */
-    .macro    def_default_handler    handler_name
-    .align 1
-    .thumb_func
-    .weak    \handler_name
-    .type    \handler_name, %function
+                .macro    def_default_handler    handler_name
+                .align 1
+                .thumb_func
+                .weak    \handler_name
+                .type    \handler_name, %function
 \handler_name :
-    b    .
-    .size    \handler_name, . - \handler_name
-    .endm
-    def_default_handler    undefinedInstruction  /* 0x24 */
-    def_default_handler    softwareInterrupt     /* 0x28 */
-    def_default_handler    prefetchAboart        /* 0x2c */
-    def_default_handler    dataAbort             /* 0x30 */
-    def_default_handler    Default_Handler       /* --- */
+                b    .
+                .size    \handler_name, . - \handler_name
+                .endm
-    .global __disable_irq
-    .global __enable_irq
-    .global __disable_fiq
-    .global __enable_fiq
-    mrs     r0,apsr             @ formerly cpsr
-    and     r0,r0,#0x80
-    cpsid   i
-    bx      lr
-    cpsie   i
-    bx      lr
+                def_default_handler    SVC_Handler
-    cpsid   f
-    bx      lr
+/* User Initial Stack & Heap */
+                .ifdef __MICROLIB
+                .global __initial_sp
+                .global __heap_base
+                .global __heap_limit
+                .else
-    cpsie   f
-    bx      lr
+                .extern __use_two_region_memory
+                .global __user_initial_stackheap
+                LDR     R0, =  __HeapBase
+                LDR     R1, =(__StackLimit + USR_Stack_Size)
+                LDR     R2, = (__HeapBase +  Heap_Size)
+                LDR     R3, = __StackLimit
+                BX      LR
+                .endif
-    .end
+                .END