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Convert 32-bit floating point value

Convert 32-bit floating point value
[Support Functions]


void arm_float_to_q15 (float32_t *pSrc, q15_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q15 vector.
void arm_float_to_q31 (float32_t *pSrc, q31_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q31 vector.
void arm_float_to_q7 (float32_t *pSrc, q7_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q7 vector.

Function Documentation

void arm_float_to_q15 ( float32_t *  pSrc,
q15_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q15 vector.

[in]*pSrcpoints to the floating-point input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the Q15 output vector
[in]blockSizelength of the input vector
The equation used for the conversion process is:
 	pDst[n] = (q15_t)(pSrc[n] * 32768);   0 <= n < blockSize.    
Scaling and Overflow Behavior:
The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q15 range [0x8000 0x7FFF] will be saturated.
In order to apply rounding, the library should be rebuilt with the ROUNDING macro defined in the preprocessor section of project options.

Definition at line 76 of file arm_float_to_q15.c.

void arm_float_to_q31 ( float32_t *  pSrc,
q31_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q31 vector.

[in]*pSrcpoints to the floating-point input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the Q31 output vector
[in]blockSizelength of the input vector
The equation used for the conversion process is:
 	pDst[n] = (q31_t)(pSrc[n] * 2147483648);   0 <= n < blockSize.    

Scaling and Overflow Behavior:

The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q31 range[0x80000000 0x7FFFFFFF] will be saturated.
In order to apply rounding, the library should be rebuilt with the ROUNDING macro defined in the preprocessor section of project options.

Definition at line 80 of file arm_float_to_q31.c.

void arm_float_to_q7 ( float32_t *  pSrc,
q7_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Converts the elements of the floating-point vector to Q7 vector.

[in]*pSrcpoints to the floating-point input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the Q7 output vector
[in]blockSizelength of the input vector
The equation used for the conversion process is:
 	pDst[n] = (q7_t)(pSrc[n] * 128);   0 <= n < blockSize.    
Scaling and Overflow Behavior:
The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q7 range [0x80 0x7F] will be saturated.
In order to apply rounding, the library should be rebuilt with the ROUNDING macro defined in the preprocessor section of project options.

Definition at line 75 of file arm_float_to_q7.c.