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GattReadCallbackParams Struct Reference

GattReadCallbackParams Struct Reference

GATT Read event definition. More...

#include <GattCallbackParamTypes.h>

Data Fields

Gap::Handle_t connHandle
 Handle of the connection that triggered the event.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
 Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.
uint16_t offset
 Offset within the attribute value read.
const uint8_t * data
 Pointer to the data read.
ble_error_t status
 Status of the GattClient Read operation.
uint16_t len
 Length in bytes of the data read.
uint8_t error_code
 Error code of the GattClient read operation.

Detailed Description

GATT Read event definition.

Instances of this type are created and passed to user registered callbacks whether the GattServer has received a read request or a GattClient has received a read response.

The GattClient only populates the fields status and error_code when it has received a read response. Callbacks attached to the GattServer do not use those fields.

Definition at line 151 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

Field Documentation

Handle of the connection that triggered the event.

Definition at line 155 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

const uint8_t* data

Pointer to the data read.

Data may not persist beyond the callback scope.

Definition at line 189 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint8_t error_code

Error code of the GattClient read operation.

Reserved for GattClient registered callbacks.

set if status is not equal to BLE_ERROR_NONE; otherwise, this field is interpreted as len.

Definition at line 181 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.

Definition at line 160 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint16_t len

Length in bytes of the data read.

Definition at line 171 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint16_t offset

Offset within the attribute value read.

Definition at line 165 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

Status of the GattClient Read operation.

Reserved for GattClient registered callbacks.

Definition at line 196 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.