Kalman filter for Eurobot

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Kalman.cpp [code]
Kalman.h [code]
Log.c [code]Keep track of changes since version 1.6 e-mail: mecatronica.mid@gmail.com
Matrix.cpp [code]Source Code for the Matrix Class
Matrix.h [code]API for Matrix Library
MatrixMath.cpp [code]Still under work version 0.2
MatrixMath.h [code]
Operators.cpp [code]Source Code for the Operator of Matrix Class
RF12B.cpp [code]
RF12B.h [code]
RF_defs.h [code]
RFSerial.cpp [code]
RFSerial.h [code]
RFSRF05.cpp [code]
RFSRF05.h [code]