Library for Maxim DS3232M super-accurate, I2C based Real Time Clock chip with 234 bytes of user RAM. Library includes user RAM read/write operations along with CRC routines for accessing the user RAM area.

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ds3232m::Time_rtc Struct Reference

ds3232m::Time_rtc Struct Reference

Structure which is used to exchange the time and date. More...

#include <ds3232m.h>

Data Fields

int sec
int min
int hour
int wday
int date
int mon
int year
uint16_t s_crc
uint16_t c_crc
char RTCbuffer [256]

Detailed Description

Structure which is used to exchange the time and date.

Definition at line 28 of file ds3232m.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t c_crc

calculated crc value

Definition at line 37 of file ds3232m.h.

int date

day of month [0..31]

Definition at line 33 of file ds3232m.h.

int hour

hours [0..23]

Definition at line 31 of file ds3232m.h.

int min

minutes {0..59]

Definition at line 30 of file ds3232m.h.

int mon

month of year [1..12]

Definition at line 34 of file ds3232m.h.

char RTCbuffer[256]

ds3232 ram buffer

Definition at line 38 of file ds3232m.h.

uint16_t s_crc

stored crc value in RTC RAM

Definition at line 36 of file ds3232m.h.

int sec

seconds [0..59]

Definition at line 29 of file ds3232m.h.

int wday

weekday [1..7, where 1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ...

Definition at line 32 of file ds3232m.h.

int year

year [2000..2255]

Definition at line 35 of file ds3232m.h.