Programming of the DDS-60 (AD9851) frequency synthesizer from AmQRP I had to use long, floating math in order to get accurate frequency output.

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AD9851 Class Reference

AD9851 Class Reference

A AD9851 driver interface to control the DDS-60 from AmQRP. More...

#include <AD9851.h>

Public Member Functions

 AD9851 (PinName SDO, PinName CLK, PinName LEN)
 Create a frequency selector object.

Detailed Description

A AD9851 driver interface to control the DDS-60 from AmQRP.

 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "AD9851.h"
 AD9851 freqSyn(p13, p14, p15);          //sdo, clk, len
 int main() {
     freqSyn.AD9851Enable();                  //turn on AD9851
     freqSyn.AD9851Disable();                 //turn off AD9851

     float Fdata;
     Fdata = freqSyn.GetBaseValue();          //get Base frequency
     Fdata = freqSyn.GetIfValue();            //get IF offset frequency

     freqSyn.SetBaseValue(7320000.0);         //set new Base frequency (0.0 - 179,999,999.999MHz)
     freqSyn.SetIfValue(1620000.0);           //set new IF frequency (0.0 - 179,999,999.999MHz)
     freqSyn.SetM6Value('A');                 //set multiplier value 0 = 30MHz max, 6 = 180MHz max, A = auto 

     //functions below are results from CalcNewValue()
     bool ErFlag;
     ErFlag = freqSyn.CalcNewValue();         //calculate new AD9851 value, based on Base, IF and M6 values
                                              //if ok, new value output to AD9851
                                              //note: reverts to old values if Base + IF * M6 is over limit, sets error flag
                                              //ERROR occured with new values used by CalcNewValue()

     ErFlag = freqSyn.GetErrFlagValue();      //get error value from last time CalsNewValue() was executed
     unsigned int UIdata; 
     UIdata = freqSyn.GetFD32Value();         //get 32 bit hex value of AD9851 data
     char Cdata;
     Cdata = freqSyn.GetFortyValue();         //get 8 bit hex value of AD9851 control register (enable & M6). Phase offset always 0

Definition at line 44 of file AD9851.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AD9851 ( PinName  SDO,
PinName  CLK,
PinName  LEN 

Create a frequency selector object.

SDOserial data out
CLKserial clock - data clocked on + edge
LENdata latch enable strobe - high pulse after all 40 bits of data clocked in

Definition at line 29 of file AD9851.cpp.